Civil Discourse

Don't believe a word my dad tells you, j/k he's a sweetie pie and the best dad in the world.


Welcome LeahKat!

You are lucky to have such a great dad, and he such a great daughter!

Now go save the world! :D
There are exceptions of course, but for the most part, people come here to call each other names in a safe environment. They say things that they would not have the balls to say in a face to face situation.

There has been no truer statement ever uttered on this board, period. What's frustrating is you can't do anything about it. You really need to just get past the little twits that love to talk tough if you're ever going to enjoy your time here.

Thank you Darkwind.
awww thankies Echo, I do good just to keep my room clean, but hopefully if I'm lucky will be able to do something one of these days, once Im done curing the common cold LOL j/k
For the most part, I tend to stick to the topic at hand and usually resort to incivility when it is aimed at Me. The past 90 days have been rough for Me and I'm dealing with some personal issues so the control I usually exercise over My temper has not been stellar, to be sure.

I do have to wonder though at EZ's belief that people come here to change someones mind. I have not found these kinds of formats and those who frequent them to be here for anything other then to try and prove how much better they are then everyone else. There are exceptions of course, but for the most part, people come here to call each other names in a safe environment. They say things that they would not have the balls to say in a face to face situation.
In a lot of ways, the internet has been the major reason for the decline in civility in our nation. There is no immediate consequence for bad behavior. Even being banned is no real punishment as there are dozens of other forums in which to get attention.

Anyway. Those are My two coppers on the subject.

Now ain't that the truth. They know we can't see that yellow belly they sport in real life!
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For the most part, I tend to stick to the topic at hand and usually resort to incivility when it is aimed at Me. The past 90 days have been rough for Me and I'm dealing with some personal issues so the control I usually exercise over My temper has not been stellar, to be sure.

I do have to wonder though at EZ's belief that people come here to change someones mind. I have not found these kinds of formats and those who frequent them to be here for anything other then to try and prove how much better they are then everyone else. There are exceptions of course, but for the most part, people come here to call each other names in a safe environment. They say things that they would not have the balls to say in a face to face situation.

In a lot of ways, the internet has been the major reason for the decline in civility in our nation. There is no immediate consequence for bad behavior. Even being banned is no real punishment as there are dozens of other forums in which to get attention.

Anyway. Those are My two coppers on the subject.

The next time you think that, remember that at the time of this writing, there are 98 members and 266 guests hanging out somewhere in this bar.

At any given moment, there are usually 2 to 5 times the number of guests reading your clap-trap as there are people signed up to respond to it.

You are not just a bunch of hard-headed posters who will NEVER win an argument with another hard-headed poster on a semi-popular political message board, you are writers... writers who are documenting the thoughts, passions, triumphs, goals and fears of the average American at the dawn of the second decade of the 21st century on planet Earth.

Please watch your sentence structure and use your spell checks, 'k?

How much do you think the archives of The U S Message Board will be worth to the historians of tomorrow? :eek:
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Free speech comes with the good as well as the bad.

If you are passionless about politics why discuss them.

If i wanted to play nice all the time I'd leave the net and take up knitting.

In short, civility this.
That was civil, Xenophon. Anyone can speak with passion and power without crudity or rudity (did I just make that up "rudity"?).
Don't believe a word my dad tells you, j/k he's a sweetie pie and the best dad in the world.

Hey! Now hang on a minute Leah. My daughter told me I was the best dad in the world! :confused:

Well Colin cause to her you are :) and here I'm right it's not like Paula on American Idol lol we have winners all the time yanno depends on who the judge is!!! :D
For leahKat, Mini EZ, Shannon, Dani, Sherri, Brooke, Chris, Cathy, AVG-Margo & Mom

How much do you think the archives of The U S Message Board will be worth to the historians of tomorrow? :eek:

Interesting thought A-J. But I'd say whatever the worth is, it won't be any more or any less than any other political message board.
Wouldn't one think that the way to get other's to think about "your point of view" would be by civil discourse? Do you who post your political agendas (on both sides of the spectrum) really think that by calling others names and using foul language that you will sway someone to see your point of view? you think that maybe, just maybe, if you post more like Navy1960 or Toro, to name a few off the top of my head, you may just get someone to take what you say seriously?

Think about that the next time you make a thread that you want to be taken seriously on current issues in politics, the environment, etc.

Civil Discourse.


We're supposed to be serious, sober and make sense?!
(It's so damn hard to please women or was that, it's so damn hard too please women).
How much do you think the archives of The U S Message Board will be worth to the historians of tomorrow? :eek:

Interesting thought A-J. But I'd say whatever the worth is, it won't be any more or any less than any other political message board.

Personally? I think USMB will be kind of special to future historians because there is very little in the way of restrictions on free speech, including the idiotic and vulgar, on this board.

(Insert your preferred Deity here) bless Gunny and the Mod Squad.
You know Joe, when I went to OCS in the Navy I had my first experience with a Marine Gunny and the correct usage of motivational speaking. Perhaps a 1000 years from now, some historian will look at all this, and "scratch thier heads", but somehow , I think that they will be able too see that at the very least some of were not doubt motivated to be sure.
Wouldn't one think that the way to get other's to think about "your point of view" would be by civil discourse? Do you who post your political agendas (on both sides of the spectrum) really think that by calling others names and using foul language that you will sway someone to see your point of view? you think that maybe, just maybe, if you post more like Navy1960 or Toro, to name a few off the top of my head, you may just get someone to take what you say seriously?

Think about that the next time you make a thread that you want to be taken seriously on current issues in politics, the environment, etc.

Civil Discourse.


That presumes that people want to sway people to their point of view.

I suspect a lot of people posting here are simply posting to insult people because it makes them feel better about their own sorry asses.
That makes sense, editec, and plenty of evidence abounds on the forum.
Wouldn't one think that the way to get other's to think about "your point of view" would be by civil discourse? Do you who post your political agendas (on both sides of the spectrum) really think that by calling others names and using foul language that you will sway someone to see your point of view? you think that maybe, just maybe, if you post more like Navy1960 or Toro, to name a few off the top of my head, you may just get someone to take what you say seriously?

Think about that the next time you make a thread that you want to be taken seriously on current issues in politics, the environment, etc.

Civil Discourse.


That presumes that people want to sway people to their point of view.

I suspect a lot of people posting here are simply posting to insult people because it makes them feel better about their own sorry asses.
Fuck off.

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