Circumcision ruling condemned by Germany's Muslim and Jewish leaders

Circumcision ruling condemned by Germany's Muslim and Jewish leaders | World news |

Jewish and Muslim leaders were united on Wednesday in their condemnation of a German court's decision to in effect outlaw the circumcision of boys after a judge deemed that the religious practice amounted to bodily harm.

Representatives of the two religious communities called the ruling insensitive and discriminatory, saying it was an attack on centuries of religious tradition.

A judge at a Cologne court said that the circumcision of minors went against a child's interests because it led to a physical alteration of the body, and because people other than the child were determining its religious affiliation.

Legislating against religion. Nice, huh?

Against the barbaric mutilation of infants.

So are you going to tell us that abortion is wrong but mutilating an infant is perfectly fine?
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Circumcision is rare in Europe, but their HIV rate is lower than the US.

talk about totally unrelated things....

that's just ...


There are people out there that are trying to say that circusion helps to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.

I find the entire idea laughable especially in light of the data we have on the gene that decided if the plague was going to kill us or not, which just so happens gives the decendents of plague survivors an increased resistance to HIV.

In other words, if the plague had not run through Europe, both Europe and the United States would have the same rampant HIV/AIDs problems as Africa is having right now.
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What a pussified society we have become.

We should just stop cutting umbilical cords...who knows what psychological scars are inflicted by that mutilation. :rolleyes:
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Circumcision ruling condemned by Germany's Muslim and Jewish leaders | World news |

Jewish and Muslim leaders were united on Wednesday in their condemnation of a German court's decision to in effect outlaw the circumcision of boys after a judge deemed that the religious practice amounted to bodily harm.

Representatives of the two religious communities called the ruling insensitive and discriminatory, saying it was an attack on centuries of religious tradition.

A judge at a Cologne court said that the circumcision of minors went against a child's interests because it led to a physical alteration of the body, and because people other than the child were determining its religious affiliation.

Legislating against religion. Nice, huh?

Against the barbaric mutilation of infants.

So are you going to tell us that abortion is wrong but mutilating an infant is perfectly fine?

So your saying that people who are circumcised automatically die? Wow, i most be one of the lucky ones or atleast me and 100 million other americans still living.
Legislating against religion. Nice, huh?

Against the barbaric mutilation of infants.

So are you going to tell us that abortion is wrong but mutilating an infant is perfectly fine?

So your saying that people who are circumcised automatically die? Wow, i most be one of the lucky ones or atleast me and 100 million other americans still living.

No. I'm saying that if you're against the inhumane treatment of children, then you're against circumcision.

We find chopping off the female clitorus to be barbaric, but accept the removal of the male foreskin.

It's hypocrisy.
Circumcision ruling condemned by Germany's Muslim and Jewish leaders | World news |

Jewish and Muslim leaders were united on Wednesday in their condemnation of a German court's decision to in effect outlaw the circumcision of boys after a judge deemed that the religious practice amounted to bodily harm.

Representatives of the two religious communities called the ruling insensitive and discriminatory, saying it was an attack on centuries of religious tradition.

A judge at a Cologne court said that the circumcision of minors went against a child's interests because it led to a physical alteration of the body, and because people other than the child were determining its religious affiliation.
I guess the medical benefit of it all down the road, was not considered in the ruling by this idiotic judge, where as this judge undoubtedly has a problem with religion so badly, that he is ready to ignore the medical found aspects or benefits of the procedure, in which are highly credible as well as an important way to keep desease or infection from starting due to an uncircumsized foreskin that has the ability to promote infection or desease if a person is loose with their hygene habbits later on in life or not related to hygene at all sometimes. Circumsisions have been proven a medical benefit to those who have had the procedure in life as opposed to those who have not.

I have a worker who began bleeding and having problems with his uncircumsized junk, in which he had to ask for time off to get taken care of. He was in his thirties at the time, and so now he had to get circumsized in his thirties, because he began having big time problems with his junk until the procedure had been ordered by a doctor as a result of such problems. He was glad to have gotten it done, and has had no further problems with his junk ever since, in which he now tells me as his employer who did worry about the employee when this happened to him. Political activism is on the rise in the world, and it is turning everything upside down by saying evil is good and good is now evil.... B(

My latest grandson I am proud to say, didnot leave the hospital until this was done for him, in which there was no question in our minds it needed to be done and it got done.. People can follow all these fools who are turning everything upside down if they want to in life, but we are not followers here, we are leaders where I come from.
Hmmmm I will say this though, with the growing epedimic of teen parents, who will more than likely not, do what is right or know what is right, and this all due to their young age and inexperience, to "properly" care for the infant once the procedure is done (thus mutiplying the task of getting the child beyond these fraggil stages in life), it may be that it might be postponed due to that reason, but for that reason only, but who can determin whether a new parent is a goofball or a responsible parent in life (regardless of their younger age), in which might would allow the child to become infected by the procedure afterwards ?? A womans instinct is counted upon to do right by her child once born, but when the parent begins to get to young as we are seeing more and more of these days, who knows what comes of these situations if a child is left to tend to a child/infant, and especially with an infant.. Most of the time the grandparents have been kicking in and doing the care that is needed in these situations, but in a lot of cases even that is very iffy these days... The main thing is doing what is right for the child now and for that childs future, and I think circumsision is part of that right for the childs future, but only if properly cared for when the procedure is done.
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Circumcision ruling condemned by Germany's Muslim and Jewish leaders | World news |

Jewish and Muslim leaders were united on Wednesday in their condemnation of a German court's decision to in effect outlaw the circumcision of boys after a judge deemed that the religious practice amounted to bodily harm.

Representatives of the two religious communities called the ruling insensitive and discriminatory, saying it was an attack on centuries of religious tradition.

A judge at a Cologne court said that the circumcision of minors went against a child's interests because it led to a physical alteration of the body, and because people other than the child were determining its religious affiliation.
I guess the medical benefit of it all down the road, was not considered in the ruling by this idiotic judge, where as this judge undoubtedly has a problem with religion so badly, that he is ready to ignore the medical found aspects or benefits of the procedure, in which are highly credible as well as an important way to keep desease or infection from starting due to an uncircumsized foreskin that has the ability to promote infection or desease if a person is loose with their hygene habbits later on in life or not related to hygene at all sometimes. Circumsisions have been proven a medical benefit to those who have had the procedure in life as opposed to those who have not.

I have a worker who began bleeding and having problems with his uncircumsized junk, in which he had to ask for time off to get taken care of. He was in his thirties at the time, and so now he had to get circumsized in his thirties, because he began having big time problems with his junk until the procedure had been ordered by a doctor as a result of such problems. He was glad to have gotten it done, and has had no further problems with his junk ever since, in which he now tells me as his employer who did worry about the employee when this happened to him. Political activism is on the rise in the world, and it is turning everything upside down by saying evil is good and good is now evil.... B(

My latest grandson I am proud to say, didnot leave the hospital until this was done for him, in which there was no question in our minds it needed to be done and it got done.. People can follow all these fools who are turning everything upside down if they want to in life, but we are not followers here, we are leaders where I come from.

There is no reliable evidence that circumcision has ANY medical benefits.

So called reduced risk of prostate cancer was less than 1%.

No link between HPV and circumcision.

So called reduced risk of penile cancer is .06 %

So why do we mutilate our babies?

Cosmetics: Foreskins are used to make high-end skin creams. The skin products contain fibroblasts grown on the foreskin and harvested from it. One foreskin can be used for decades to produce fancy face cream like the SkinMedica products hawked on Oprah.

Skin grafts: In addition to making products for skin, a baby’s foreskin can be turned into a skin graft for a burn victim. Because the cells are extremely flexible, they’re less likely to be rejected. Currently, this technology can be lifesaving in providing a real skin “band aid” to cover an open wound while a burn victim heals. Researchers at Harvard and Tufts are working on advanced skin replacements that use human foreskins.
Cosmetic testing: All those cruelty-free cosmetics you buy? Some of them are tested on foreskins. This yields better results, since they’re human skin. And it saves the lives of the rodents your shampoo would otherwise be tested on.

3 Surprising Uses For Circumcised Foreskins | Strollerderby

One word:

Circumcision ruling condemned by Germany's Muslim and Jewish leaders | World news |

Jewish and Muslim leaders were united on Wednesday in their condemnation of a German court's decision to in effect outlaw the circumcision of boys after a judge deemed that the religious practice amounted to bodily harm.

Representatives of the two religious communities called the ruling insensitive and discriminatory, saying it was an attack on centuries of religious tradition.

A judge at a Cologne court said that the circumcision of minors went against a child's interests because it led to a physical alteration of the body, and because people other than the child were determining its religious affiliation.
I guess the medical benefit of it all down the road, was not considered in the ruling by this idiotic judge, where as this judge undoubtedly has a problem with religion so badly, that he is ready to ignore the medical found aspects or benefits of the procedure, in which are highly credible as well as an important way to keep desease or infection from starting due to an uncircumsized foreskin that has the ability to promote infection or desease if a person is loose with their hygene habbits later on in life or not related to hygene at all sometimes. Circumsisions have been proven a medical benefit to those who have had the procedure in life as opposed to those who have not.

I have a worker who began bleeding and having problems with his uncircumsized junk, in which he had to ask for time off to get taken care of. He was in his thirties at the time, and so now he had to get circumsized in his thirties, because he began having big time problems with his junk until the procedure had been ordered by a doctor as a result of such problems. He was glad to have gotten it done, and has had no further problems with his junk ever since, in which he now tells me as his employer who did worry about the employee when this happened to him. Political activism is on the rise in the world, and it is turning everything upside down by saying evil is good and good is now evil.... B(

My latest grandson I am proud to say, didnot leave the hospital until this was done for him, in which there was no question in our minds it needed to be done and it got done.. People can follow all these fools who are turning everything upside down if they want to in life, but we are not followers here, we are leaders where I come from.

There is no reliable evidence that circumcision has ANY medical benefits.

So called reduced risk of prostate cancer was less than 1%.

No link between HPV and circumcision.

So called reduced risk of penile cancer is .06 %

So why do we mutilate our babies?

Cosmetics: Foreskins are used to make high-end skin creams. The skin products contain fibroblasts grown on the foreskin and harvested from it. One foreskin can be used for decades to produce fancy face cream like the SkinMedica products hawked on Oprah.

Skin grafts: In addition to making products for skin, a baby&#8217;s foreskin can be turned into a skin graft for a burn victim. Because the cells are extremely flexible, they&#8217;re less likely to be rejected. Currently, this technology can be lifesaving in providing a real skin &#8220;band aid&#8221; to cover an open wound while a burn victim heals. Researchers at Harvard and Tufts are working on advanced skin replacements that use human foreskins.
Cosmetic testing: All those cruelty-free cosmetics you buy? Some of them are tested on foreskins. This yields better results, since they&#8217;re human skin. And it saves the lives of the rodents your shampoo would otherwise be tested on.

3 Surprising Uses For Circumcised Foreskins | Strollerderby

One word:

I just gave you one great realtime realistic example, but you choose to ignore it.. WHY?

Oh and by the way my grandson is doing just fine with his circumsision, and is on the way to a healthy life with all the benefits in which that gave him for his future.. Why take the chance when this has been proven a medical benefit down the road for boys and men in their lives ?

The reason it is proably trying to be stopped in the country mentioned, is because it is a socialist country right? So yes "money" is a major factor for the government there when it comes to healthcare, because it pays for it's citizens healthcare right? So is this just an example of socailized medicine, where as rationing care is a big thing in such countries, so if it starts getting into the pockets of government (or) government is going through a bad ressesion there, does it begin looking for places to cut (healthcare being one major target looked at) ? So it's not about profits in a country like this, but more about savings for the government in a socialist country like this...
I guess the medical benefit of it all down the road, was not considered in the ruling by this idiotic judge, where as this judge undoubtedly has a problem with religion so badly, that he is ready to ignore the medical found aspects or benefits of the procedure, in which are highly credible as well as an important way to keep desease or infection from starting due to an uncircumsized foreskin that has the ability to promote infection or desease if a person is loose with their hygene habbits later on in life or not related to hygene at all sometimes. Circumsisions have been proven a medical benefit to those who have had the procedure in life as opposed to those who have not.

I have a worker who began bleeding and having problems with his uncircumsized junk, in which he had to ask for time off to get taken care of. He was in his thirties at the time, and so now he had to get circumsized in his thirties, because he began having big time problems with his junk until the procedure had been ordered by a doctor as a result of such problems. He was glad to have gotten it done, and has had no further problems with his junk ever since, in which he now tells me as his employer who did worry about the employee when this happened to him. Political activism is on the rise in the world, and it is turning everything upside down by saying evil is good and good is now evil.... B(

My latest grandson I am proud to say, didnot leave the hospital until this was done for him, in which there was no question in our minds it needed to be done and it got done.. People can follow all these fools who are turning everything upside down if they want to in life, but we are not followers here, we are leaders where I come from.

There is no reliable evidence that circumcision has ANY medical benefits.

So called reduced risk of prostate cancer was less than 1%.

No link between HPV and circumcision.

So called reduced risk of penile cancer is .06 %

So why do we mutilate our babies?

Cosmetics: Foreskins are used to make high-end skin creams. The skin products contain fibroblasts grown on the foreskin and harvested from it. One foreskin can be used for decades to produce fancy face cream like the SkinMedica products hawked on Oprah.

Skin grafts: In addition to making products for skin, a baby&#8217;s foreskin can be turned into a skin graft for a burn victim. Because the cells are extremely flexible, they&#8217;re less likely to be rejected. Currently, this technology can be lifesaving in providing a real skin &#8220;band aid&#8221; to cover an open wound while a burn victim heals. Researchers at Harvard and Tufts are working on advanced skin replacements that use human foreskins.
Cosmetic testing: All those cruelty-free cosmetics you buy? Some of them are tested on foreskins. This yields better results, since they&#8217;re human skin. And it saves the lives of the rodents your shampoo would otherwise be tested on.

3 Surprising Uses For Circumcised Foreskins | Strollerderby

One word:

I just gave you one great realtime realistic example, but you choose to ignore it.. WHY?

Oh and by the way my grandson is doing just fine with his circumsision, and is on the way to a healthy life with all the benefits in which that gave him for his future.. Why take the chance when this has been proven a medical benefit down the road for boys and men in their lives ?

The reason it is proably trying to be stopped in the country mentioned, is because it is a socialist country right? So yes "money" is a major factor for the government there when it comes to healthcare, because it pays for it's citizens healthcare right? So is this just an example of socailized medicine, where as rationing care is a big thing in such countries, so if it starts getting into the pockets of government (or) government is going through a bad ressesion there, does it begin looking for places to cut (healthcare being one major target looked at) ? So it's not about profits in a country like this, but more about savings for the government in a socialist country like this...

Anecdotal evidence is not evidence. It doesnt adhere to the scientific method.

For example, why did your friend have problems with his junk? Did he get it caught in his zipper? Did he fail to properly wash himself? Was it another unrelated skin condition? Did he have sex with a woman ( or a man for that matter ) without proper lubrication? Was he especially rough during masturbation?

These are all causes of penile bleeding and can occur regardless of if someone is circumsized or not.

All you said was it started bleeding...but you did not say WHY?

As to your grandson, Im sorry to say again," There is NO reliable evidence that circumcision provides any medical benefits at all." However, there is credible evidence that it does provide negative effects later on in life.

Examine the evidence for yourself. Notice that ALL evidence pointing to benefits falls well within the accepted margins of error, which in normal science says there is no evidence at all. Yet, evidence of negative effects fall outside the accepted margins for error.

lastly, dont politicized the mutilation of infants!

Listen to this child scream. Listen at 1:20 when the distress turns to the silent cant get enough breath wail of pain. Tied down and mutilated. Do you hear the childs gurgling panic? Listen to the gurgling cough at 1:49 as the actual cutting begins. The doctor left the clamp on to help ease the pain, released the boys arms so he'd feel "less" of the cutting. Now listen at 2;0 when the doctor is trying to clean up the wound a bit in prep for more cutting. Hear that childs high pitch wail in pain? Do you hear it?

And at 2:45, the fucking doctor has the GALL to say the BABY got himself upset, while hes hacking a piece of the child away from his body!!! hes got HIMSELF upset!

By 3:30 the child is choking. You hear it? Hes been crying so long, been short of breath for so long, he has entered an state of shock.

At 4:02, you can hear the stuttering exhausted cry. Thats a fairly normal response once someone has entered a state of shock. Hear the childs response at 4:20? The faded breathing the panting? Thats relief...when the child thinks its over...but guess what? The doctor now removes his "device" and the blood comes rushing back into the penis and the pain starts all over again. As evidenced by the return to the screaming at 4:50.

And congrats! You've successfully mutilated an infant. That'll be $500 dollars.

Routine Infant Circumcision

For what?


Listen to that child wail in pain and tell me again how this is about some fucking socialized medicine and not about stopping the mutilation of children.

If a person can watch that video and hear that childs screams and still say this is about politics then in my opinion that person has no soul.


Its done for "religious reasons" left over from a time when we didn't have proper SOAP.

So and I mean this...for bringing socialism into this to ease your conscience for not protecting your grandson from being mutilated so the hospital could charge your child for the privilege to sell off your grandchilds foreskin to a cosmetics company, your ignorance is pathetic.
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There is no reliable evidence that circumcision has ANY medical benefits.

So called reduced risk of prostate cancer was less than 1%.

No link between HPV and circumcision.

So called reduced risk of penile cancer is .06 %

So why do we mutilate our babies?

One word:

I just gave you one great realtime realistic example, but you choose to ignore it.. WHY?

Oh and by the way my grandson is doing just fine with his circumsision, and is on the way to a healthy life with all the benefits in which that gave him for his future.. Why take the chance when this has been proven a medical benefit down the road for boys and men in their lives ?

The reason it is proably trying to be stopped in the country mentioned, is because it is a socialist country right? So yes "money" is a major factor for the government there when it comes to healthcare, because it pays for it's citizens healthcare right? So is this just an example of socailized medicine, where as rationing care is a big thing in such countries, so if it starts getting into the pockets of government (or) government is going through a bad ressesion there, does it begin looking for places to cut (healthcare being one major target looked at) ? So it's not about profits in a country like this, but more about savings for the government in a socialist country like this...

Anecdotal evidence is not evidence. It doesnt adhere to the scientific method.

For example, why did your friend have problems with his junk? Did he get it caught in his zipper? Did he fail to properly wash himself? Was it another unrelated skin condition? Did he have sex with a woman ( or a man for that matter ) without proper lubrication? Was he especially rough during masturbation?

These are all causes of penile bleeding and can occur regardless of if someone is circumsized or not.

All you said was it started bleeding...but you did not say WHY?

As to your grandson, Im sorry to say again," There is NO reliable evidence that circumcision provides any medical benefits at all." However, there is credible evidence that it does provide negative effects later on in life.

Examine the evidence for yourself. Notice that ALL evidence pointing to benefits falls well within the accepted margins of error, which in normal science says there is no evidence at all. Yet, evidence of negative effects fall outside the accepted margins for error.

lastly, dont politicized the mutilation of infants!

Listen to this child scream. Listen at 1:20 when the distress turns to the silent cant get enough breath wail of pain. Tied down and mutilated. Do you hear the childs gurgling panic? Listen to the gurgling cough at 1:49 as the actual cutting begins. The doctor left the clamp on to help ease the pain, released the boys arms so he'd feel "less" of the cutting. Now listen at 2;0 when the doctor is trying to clean up the wound a bit in prep for more cutting. Hear that childs high pitch wail in pain? Do you hear it?

And at 2:45, the fucking doctor has the GALL to say the BABY got himself upset, while hes hacking a piece of the child away from his body!!! hes got HIMSELF upset!

By 3:30 the child is choking. You hear it? Hes been crying so long, been short of breath for so long, he has entered an state of shock.

At 4:02, you can hear the stuttering exhausted cry. Thats a fairly normal response once someone has entered a state of shock. Hear the childs response at 4:20? The faded breathing the panting? Thats relief...when the child thinks its over...but guess what? The doctor now removes his "device" and the blood comes rushing back into the penis and the pain starts all over again. As evidenced by the return to the screaming at 4:50.

And congrats! You've successfully mutilated an infant. That'll be $500 dollars.

Routine Infant Circumcision

For what?


Listen to that child wail in pain and tell me again how this is about some fucking socialized medicine and not about stopping the mutilation of children.

If a person can watch that video and hear that childs screams and still say this is about politics then in my opinion that person has no soul.


Its done for "religious reasons" left over from a time when we didn't have proper SOAP.

So and I mean this...for bringing socialism into this to ease your conscience for not protecting your grandson from being mutilated so the hospital could charge your child for the privilege to sell off your grandchilds foreskin to a cosmetics company, your ignorance is pathetic.
Sounds like it could have been a bad doctor or procedure done in this case, so what, you will base all procedures done as bad now, because of this single thread of evidence your using in opposition to ? As a liberal trying to make a point I bet you are trying to use what is your single entry here as the reasoning to halt all procedures around the world now, in which you think is bad in your own opinion of, and this all due to what maybe one event you use here? This is an event in which is not based upon a long drawn out study that would of course send the red flags to flying if such a study was done, so what is your reasoning or better proof for such a blown up opinion ? You know, I can't seem to remember my circumsision, and this no matter how hard I try to, and guess what I am not mental or scarred or looked upon as a freak by my wife because of my circumsision, infact I wear it proud actually... Oh and I didn't need to get into what caused the man's junk to begin giving him problems, only that it did was enough for me, and now he is circumsized according to him when came back to work, and his doctor said it would have been best for that to have taken place when he was born. I know you have your hands over your ears now, because you have taken this issue up and decided upon it in your mind, so no matter what is said, your mind is made up right?
There is no reliable evidence that circumcision has ANY medical benefits.

Many links to reliable sources have been provided on this thread. Don't pretend you are unaware of them. That kind of dishonesty suggests you are not really comfortable in your position.
There is no reliable evidence that circumcision has ANY medical benefits.

Many links to reliable sources have been provided on this thread. Don't pretend you are unaware of them. That kind of dishonesty suggests you are not really comfortable in your position.
Obviously you only read the arguments that support your view.

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