Circulating From WP - Republican Wave Fails To Materialize

The Democrats can, and maybe will, be using the Minimum Wage increase movements as their basis of compare and contrast with GOP. It is widely unknown that Quantitative Easing mainly created wealth for the weatlhy. A low upper income tax policy didn't hurt. Reagan had sent his federal deficit dollars to the already prosperous defense contractors. Obama sent his federal deficit dollars to the already prosperous, bureaucrats and public school teachers instead. That was called, "Priming the Pump," probably near a convenience store, anywhere nationwide. Anyone normal, or poor, was left out. Bush II, Term I, at least explained that in his Ivy League, that is what he had been taught. . . .If not in those kinds of words. . . .or maybe even sober.

After The Reagan Trajectory--Later, The Obama Plan--came the Bush I recession. After the GOP, TARP bailout--from all the high-tech based war spending(?)--then the Stimulus Bailout from both of those tends to support a geometric-level increase of fiscal and monetary policy--Problem Making. In Matthew 25:14-30, the lower income usury earnings are shown worthless. It is like burying the money in the ground. The gap between the rich and the poor dramatically increases, even in the little story. In 2008 the low-income mortgages had become worthless. There was weeping and gnashing of teeth! The original story, likely Adam Smith had overlooked: As the basis problem of the capitalist market place. A regulated usury was proposed in "Wealth of Nations."

In Matthew 20:1-16, The Equal Amount increase of the denarius--to the workers of the one hour, like for the workers for all the day--tends to draw all income recipients into the marketplace. The Increase of Minium Wage tends to draw more purchasing power into the workplace. The current levels are like dumping the Servant's Talent into the ground. It is worthless. Then ignoring that, Even The Obama-Biden Make-Work-Pay-Refundable-Income-Tax-Credit was taken way by the Republicans. They proceeded to run their Mormon version for President instead. The Republicans were calling the Matthew 20:1-16, plan, "Socialism." As for Obama and Biden. . .you could even throw in Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi as being "Socialists." RNC had the word for them. They could claim their usual belief in an "O'Christ," several times per day. That would easily be said Irish, and very white.

A prosperous free-market has been nowhere on radar at GOP from the Start. Lincoln even started killing off all the White Males in the United States--in rebellion or not--from the very start. Grannie plowing the fields became a fixture icon of what the rural economies were thought to be, GOP created. Grandpa was either dead or disabled. There were 700,000 dead. Mostly everyone else was disabled. There were military doctors, back then. GOP had horror on the brain. "Minimum Wage Increase" is not even in any of their blood.

In contrast, Seattle recently raised the Minimum Wage. The Mayor of Los Angeles created a Minimum Wage proposal on Labor Day. Living Wage movments are dozens of states. On "CanNeverBeCapable" of market-friendly business, NBC--just today--there is screaming about robots going to work at McDonald's. That is being blamed even on discussion of an increase of Minimum Wage. . .or something.

There is not concept of working people doing an even higher-priced lunch, at all.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes know lunch. . .and even cocktails. . .now on Lands of Many Nations!)

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