CIA Joins FBI In 'Proven Traitor / Threat To US Democracy Status', Involved In JFK Assassination

It probably belongs in the history forum but it should be noted that JFK was responsible for empowering the CIA to such a degree that the Agency reserved the option to raise an army to invade a sovereign country (Cuba). Oswald was a criminal traitor who abandoned his military post and his citizenship and chose Russia. Why the hell he was welcomed back into the U.S. with his KGB bride in the coldest part of the Cold War was never addressed while the Warren Commission focused on the phantoms of the "Grassy Knoll".
Indeed, perhaps you should read some history books.
It was Dulles(CIA) under president Eisenhower that created te scheme, Eisenhower okayed te plan, but te D-Day was postponed. JFK also okayed the invasion, but reneged on the day of te invasion thus cutting off support and creatin the debacle.


Eisenhower authorized the CIA to conduct a covert operation to rid the island of its self-appointed leader. The CIA formulated a plan to recruit Cuban exiles living in the Miami area. It would train and equip the exiles to infiltrate Cuba and start a revolution to ignite an uprising across the island and overthrow Castro.
At least that was the intended outcome.
Top US Government officials watched as their decisions led to an entirely different outcome: one that would leave a covert operation exposed, embarrass the new Kennedy administration, end the career of the longest serving Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles, and, ultimately, leave Fidel Castro in power for decades to come.
According to Soup, all this is irrelevant...

Most of the information out in public about the JFK assassination, is irrelevant. Deliberately so, I'm sure. There are people out there deliberately pushing narratives, like McAdams who's on the FBI payroll (and it isn't even his real name), he has a whole story about the missing exit wound in the throat, which is a total distraction and completely irrelevant. I personally spoke firsthand to an eyewitness who was standing in the room when Kennedy's cerebellum started oozing out of his skull. There's only one way that happens, ask any trauma surgeon, any army medic, anyone who deals with gunshots. If you work your way backwards from this single fact you'll realize quickly that just about 100% of the narrative is an impossible lie.
Most of the information out in public about the JFK assassination, is irrelevant. Deliberately so, I'm sure. There are people out there deliberately pushing narratives, like McAdams who's on the FBI payroll (and it isn't even his real name), he has a whole story about the missing exit wound in the throat, which is a total distraction and completely irrelevant. I personally spoke firsthand to an eyewitness who was standing in the room when Kennedy's cerebellum started oozing out of his skull. There's only one way that happens, ask any trauma surgeon, any army medic, anyone who deals with gunshots. If you work your way backwards from this single fact you'll realize quickly that just about 100% of the narrative is an impossible lie.

A hole in the back of the skull does not disprove the evidence based conclusion of the Warren Coommission report

Your personal claim is a lie
And the people who were actually there.

I know one of them. An EEG tech that was working at Parkland on the day. A nobody. No one even talked to her, no one knows her name.

But she corroborates a vital piece of evidence: she was standing in the room when Kennedy's cerebellum started oozing out the back of his brain. Every trauma surgeon knows exactly what that means.

You know no one and there is no one with evidence to support a conspiracy theory

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