CIA Joins FBI In 'Proven Traitor / Threat To US Democracy Status', Involved In JFK Assassination

Bullshit. If he missed by inches the shot would have hit SOMETHING in the car.

He was above and behind when he shot

Simply physics it would have hit the car if it missed low. It missed high and to Kennedy;s left which means it missed his head by inches and struck the curb across the street.

These are three dimensional objects not two dimensional
Who would those people be?

Arlen Specter and Gerald Ford.

I think you’d find your time more productively if you looked at New Orleans Don Marcelo or Sam Giancana

Meh... they've been exhaustively scrutinized.

The man you want to look at is Nelson Rockefeller.

Who, curiously enough, became vice president under...
Yes, he did. In two different places. At the same time.
He never went to high school dumbass

He dropped out after the eighth grade

Hoover pulled no records which is a claimj you pulled out of your obese ass

There was none to pull
All you guys replying to the nazi trollboy are being played by him looking foolish,he is Allen Dulles grandson who has no life and seeks attention,the more and more you feed him the more you make him happy.:trolls:

:thankusmile: Indeed.
It was Hunter Biden...

Whistleblowers and evidence has already proven the FBI to be criminals and traitors, and, again, the CIA was busted running weapons to terrorists out of Benghazi, and the former CIA Director was already caught and exposed by Feinstein for illegally spying on Congress.

You are trying hard to defend proven criminals and traitors. Why is that?
What else you expect from a paid shill from Langley. :laughing0301:
All you guys replying to the nazi trollboy are being played by him looking foolish,he is Allen Dulles grandson who has no life and seeks attention,the more and more you feed him the more you make him happy.:trolls:
So the zit faced idiot who runs like a bitch from every argument finally decided to fart in this thread
In fact far more than you

That is why I do not have to dream up crap about Hoover pulling records as you did so you can pretend to be smart

You are out of your league with me boy
I don't generally grovel in the gutter with your kind.

But for now I'll just note you're FUCKING IGNORANT

I'll bet you don't know the first fucking thing about the projects in NY, do you?

Well, I do. I'm not supposed to, but I do anyway. That's why I know people like you are completely full of shit. You think you can stop people from being curious, but you can't.
Everybody knew LBJ was a Klan member, thats NO SECRET.
Shit, I remember hearing adults talk about that when I was little. I didn't know what it meant, but apparently it was a "thing" back then.

JFK was murdered by the Communist government. The Communist Democrat side of the DNC, NOT the Democrats that JFK was or promoted.
JFK was a REAL, TRUE American. He wanted what was best for the PEOPLE and for the COUNTRY. He was NOT interested in power or wealth.
He saw where government was going, and had to interviene. Sure he was a notorious "ladies man", but that was his personal life, not his professional life.
Even though MM got "suicided" for just knowing JFK.

The Communist Democrats created a way to get rid of like Trump is.........he was a huge roadblock in their way of corrupting the entire politicial system in this country to THEIR advantage. So they had to get rid of him, and the Democrats have done with Trump...........created a scenario to get him out of the way.

Luckily for Trump, we live in a instant technological society.......and they couldn't do to Trump, with what they did to Kennedy, without being seen or caught on camera.
So they had to contrive, concoct, and conceive other ways, such as fake and phony lawsuits, slanderous accusations, and fake impeachments. Which all failed, because none of them were true.

Every single person in and affilliated with the FBI, DOJ, and CIA need to be exterminated........along with thier puppetmasters, the DNC.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: You nailed it.

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