Christine Blasey Ford Report Is Released And It Spells Trouble For Her

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The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Unlike Anita Hill I suspect the liars in the Kavanaugh case will be paying for their duplicity.....ESPECIALLY if the Republicans can hold the House and the Senate....Goodbye Jeff, it was nice knowing you!

This is not good news for Christine Blasey Ford.

After raking in a million dollars in donations from a GoFundMe campaign, and as she shops offers for a book detailing allegations of an assault she can not remember, things just got worse for her.

On Saturday Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley released the committee’s 414 page report on her allegations and what did it find?

There is “no evidence to support the allegations.”


And then we have this little GEM.....

The Senate Judiciary Committee has released a lengthy report (full pdf below) containing the investigative material from the senate investigation of the Kavanaugh accusations. On page #27 of the report the senate committee notes their intent to continue investigating the role of retired FBI Agent Monica Lee McLean, who appears to have been ‘handling‘ accuser and best friend, Christine Blasey-Ford!

Please, if their is a GOD let the Republicks keep the House, just for the pure ENTERTAINMENT VALUE, of watching the scumbag DemonRATS twist and turn as this whole episode gets deeper and deeper into truth territory....just ONE of these douchebags needs to CUT A DEAL to prevent a drawn out court case and potential incarceration!!!
Ballsy Ford and her creepy legal advisors need to at least be sued for the costs associated with her and the democrats attack on our democratic process in regards to appointing Supreme Court justices.
This is not good news for Christine Blasey Ford.

Anyone who watched the long and igneous hearing between Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford would know, she lied the entire time in front of the Senate. She even had moments when she couldn't even remember where she was, and so much more...

In fact, according to news reports, she was even "coaching" the women to lie and say things that would pass the lie detector - sources were saying that her boyfriend was the one that stated that.

But that wouldn't bother Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris or even Cory "Farcticus" Booker to the least. They had it in the bag - so they thought.
It's Feinkenstein that should go on trial.
Fully agree. She held the letter from Ford and made the decision to embark on the character assassination plan on Kavanaugh. She is another disgusting example of what Democrats have become along with Hillary, Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, Waters, and the rest of the anti-American Party.
Unlike Anita Hill I suspect the liars in the Kavanaugh case will be paying for their duplicity.....ESPECIALLY if the Republicans can hold the House and the Senate....Goodbye Jeff, it was nice knowing you!

This is not good news for Christine Blasey Ford.

After raking in a million dollars in donations from a GoFundMe campaign, and as she shops offers for a book detailing allegations of an assault she can not remember, things just got worse for her.

On Saturday Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley released the committee’s 414 page report on her allegations and what did it find?

There is “no evidence to support the allegations.”


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