'Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’

Many of the KKK were Christians and considered what they were doing the work of Christianity, keeping the races apart. A few of the old (and I mean old) reprobates whom I have talked to in the last few years about it believe that modern Christianity is heretical because of race mixing.

They would have made good Hebrews of the old days, but are lousy Christians by the above.
Yes, that somehow extremism by one religion is inherently different by another.
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So...are you saying that the KKK is an example of Christian extremism?

Are they the most visible and dangerous group?

How many people have they killed this decade? And what does the church say about it?

I hate the KKK but whens the last time they did anything big? have they attacked an embassies or stormed any hotels guns blazing lately?
You are describing yourself, AllieBaba. We are in little danger of Muslim extremism bringing down our country because we know who they are and we are able to fight them and do well.

That America will ever fall, of course, will come from forces inside our country, from wacked Americans themselves, such as militias or Christian militant extremists.

You sound like Jim Jones. You waving a weapon around, podjo?
What the hell are you nattering about?

I notice you aren't answering my questions. Telling.
All your questions are answered succinctly and to the point. I will leave you to your ranting for awhile, silly one. While I am gone, try coming up with something that makes sense.
:lol:Timothy McVeigh was an agnostic. Taking the sacrament before execution doesn't make one a Christian. It merely means he didn't like to take chances.

And Jared Loughner is a schizophrenic.

On forums I often ask for Christian persecution which has occurred in the current day. Usually, these are all I get. Generally, the Crusades - which occurred before America did, and the witch trials of Salem which occurred in the 1600s are cited the most.

Face it. Christians like their money and their lifestyles way to much to do stupid shit like suicide bombing.

:eek:l: McVeigh agnostic? He got all "agnostic" when he figured his goose was cooked and didn't want to spotlight the National Alliance.

The expression "his goose was cooked" came from an appropos source to our conversation... It was from the burning of Christian Reformer, John Hus in July of 1415. He was the Reformer of Bohemia (Prague). All he wanted was to teach and preach more in line with what the Bible said and in their own language - ooo, how irreverant...

Hus was burned at the stake in 1415, with Wycliffe’s manuscript Bibles used as kindling for the fire. The last words of John Hus were that, “in 100 years, God will raise up a man whose calls for reform cannot be suppressed.” Almost exactly 100 years later, in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his famous 95 Theses of Contention (a list of 95 issues of heretical theology and crimes of the Roman Catholic Church) into the church door at Wittenberg.

"Hus" in Czech means "goose," therein lies the etiology. ;)
I hope you all realize I posted this article in order to show how ridiculous, and potentially dangerous, people like Sheila Jackson Lee and her ilk are when they poo-poo the real threat of the Islamization of America and the insidious nature of Shariah law, and turn instead to fake "terror suspects" like our returning military or so-called Christian militants.

For more info on the islamization in our country, see JihadWatch.org, Stop Islamization of America at sioaononline.com, and my site for several articles of information about how strict adherence to Islam cannot coincide with the American Constitution. Extrapolate this out, folks. Don't buy the regurgitated sputum of the progressives that there is no danger, or that religious Muslims can pose no threat.

I am not a racist, nor do I believe that all Muslims are bad. I do realize, however, that if someone adheres to a code that tells one that infidels (non-Muslims) are to be killed if they don't convert, or kept in servitude (dimmitude) if they are "people of the book" (Jews & Christians), then I want nothing to do with that and I don't want them to have any political power in my nation (so that they cannot subvert it). In America, everyone is (or should be) considered equal, as in the Judeo-Christian Bible as God-given rights.

I know this might inflame some, but that's my opinion, based on facts. You don't have to agree, but you do have to defend my right to have it, because this is America. I'm always open to more information, so inform away, but please do so in a polite manner if you wish to discuss, thanks.

getdclu.com (slash) real-history
getdclu.com (slash) archives (slash) 2456, 2339, 2314, 2221, 1869 :eek:
I hope you all realize I posted this article in order to show how ridiculous, and potentially dangerous, people like Sheila Jackson Lee and her ilk are when they poo-poo the real threat of the Islamization of America and the insidious nature of Shariah law, and turn instead to fake "terror suspects" like our returning military or so-called Christian militants.

For more info on the islamization in our country, see JihadWatch.org, Stop Islamization of America at sioaononline.com, and my site for several articles of information about how strict adherence to Islam cannot coincide with the American Constitution. Extrapolate this out, folks. Don't buy the regurgitated sputum of the progressives that there is no danger, or that religious Muslims can pose no threat.

I am not a racist, nor do I believe that all Muslims are bad. I do realize, however, that if someone adheres to a code that tells one that infidels (non-Muslims) are to be killed if they don't convert, or kept in servitude (dimmitude) if they are "people of the book" (Jews & Christians), then I want nothing to do with that and I don't want them to have any political power in my nation (so that they cannot subvert it). In America, everyone is (or should be) considered equal, as in the Judeo-Christian Bible as God-given rights.

I know this might inflame some, but that's my opinion, based on facts. You don't have to agree, but you do have to defend my right to have it, because this is America. I'm always open to more information, so inform away, but please do so in a polite manner if you wish to discuss, thanks.

getdclu.com (slash) real-history
getdclu.com (slash) archives (slash) 2456, 2339, 2314, 2221, 1869 :eek:

Yes, it is good to be aware that the Shi'ites would like to take us over, but they won't because all of us are aware that radical Shia'ism and sharia are not appropriate for American legal systems.

It is also good to be aware that, yes, indeed, there are radical militias, and some of them so-called Christian, that would turn us into a theocracy if they could.

All Americans who love America are aware of these dangers.
All Americans who love America are aware of these dangers.

That's the problem, Jake, the uber-libs and university elites seem to be asleep at the wheel when it comes to this situation. Even worse, they whitewash and even facilitate by erroneous news programing the continuation of the lies. Thus they allow themselves to believe there's no problem and work with these "peaceful Imams" for their political gain in the liberal community. These chickens are blinded to the fact that they have just given the fox the keys to the hen house.
Your libs and elites are aware the Constitution trumps sharia or Jewish contract law or whatever. No fox has no key to no hen house. Sharia banking law is subordinate to the Constitution, and do you really think the true ubers there, Scalia and Alito and Thomas, are going to back sharia over American law? Come now.
All Americans who love America are aware of these dangers.

That's the problem, Jake, the uber-libs and university elites seem to be asleep at the wheel when it comes to this situation. Even worse, they whitewash and even facilitate by erroneous news programing the continuation of the lies. Thus they allow themselves to believe there's no problem and work with these "peaceful Imams" for their political gain in the liberal community. These chickens are blinded to the fact that they have just given the fox the keys to the hen house.

Maybe it is because it is not a threat, or ever could be, unless they got voted in by... us.
All Americans who love America are aware of these dangers.

That's the problem, Jake, the uber-libs and university elites seem to be asleep at the wheel when it comes to this situation. Even worse, they whitewash and even facilitate by erroneous news programing the continuation of the lies. Thus they allow themselves to believe there's no problem and work with these "peaceful Imams" for their political gain in the liberal community. These chickens are blinded to the fact that they have just given the fox the keys to the hen house.

Maybe it is because it is not a threat, or ever could be, unless they got voted in by... us.

That's idiotic. We don't vote on the liberal yahoos in the universities, and we don't vote for the imams they bring in, either. Threats exist whether we vote for them or not, tard.
Can we all agree that Shelia Jackson Lee is an idiot, always has been an idiot and will most likely be an idiot forever?
I am open minded but convincing me any different is going to take a heap of evidence.
As I said, ridiculous comparison.

How would you know? Did you grow up in the late 50s and 60s in Georgia and the deep south?
I did and he is right on it 100%.
I saw it first hand and it was pathetic. When MLK was killed my best friend was being dropped off at my house by his father, a powerful deacon in the local Baptist church.
He was cheering and so happy to hear that King had been gunned down. Saw his hood and robes at his house many times.
Just a fact. Get your head out of the sand.

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