Christian help.

perhaps the op is having trouble with the concept that 'god touches your heart' he clearly feels he has not been touched.....sounds to he is doubting his salvation more than this not what is called a crisis of faith? i have seen this before where someone is told...pray harder...she prayed all her waking hours...on her knees...and never got the answer she was seeking...does this mean her prayers were wrong or she was not worthy.....i dont think so....but i saw the conflict in the wanting of this peace that salvation was to bring and not having it...perhaps one can expect too much of a god...

i hope you find the peace you are searching for....

I don't think you can ask too much from God, but you can ask the wrong question or not like the answer. Sometimes, the answer comes, but you ignore it. When I had just become a teenager, I stole jewelry and makeup from a store. I didn't feel guilty about it at all.

It bothered me so much that I didn't feel guilty, that it plagued me for weeks. So, I prayed about it and asked God why I didn't have a conscience? Am I that bad?I asked Him. I was reading a book one day, when oput of the blue, came the answer.

I do have a conscience or I wouldn't have prayed and cried about not having one! He has never failed to answer my prayers but once.

And after years of wondering why, I found out the answer. What an awesome God HE is! And for those who wonder, he still does miracles everyday. You just have to pray and ask for help.

So, Mashburn, begin your relationship with Him. Talk to God. He's waiting to hear from you!
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"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and upbraideth not. And it shall be given unto him." (James 1:5)

You shouldnt be relying on us for your relationship with God. Speak with Him. He will guide you.

And seek knowledge from the best books. Dont limit your knowledge. Because the glory of God is intelligence.
Relax. God doesn't expect you to be perfect. He knows our faults and our hearts. If you try to hard, or get so upset with this, you may miss the Blessings He has already given you!

I will be praying for you and you can do the same for me. Best wishes, my friend!
Prayer and reading the word is now how I am seeing to have faith. Talking with others and worshipping seem to help as well, I'll find out sunday.

I thought wrong about faith. It's not of believing And hope in nothing, but believing the word, trusting in jesus name. It is hard to do for me, but no one said it was easy. Didn't the word say the closer you get to the word the more the devil shows himself to try to turn you away? It makes since for the devil to try to turn "Job" then it would for the devil to try on charles manson.

Thank you all who have helped and pray. Please continue. And I will continue also.
perhaps the op is having trouble with the concept that 'god touches your heart' he clearly feels he has not been touched.....sounds to he is doubting his salvation more than this not what is called a crisis of faith? i have seen this before where someone is told...pray harder...she prayed all her waking hours...on her knees...and never got the answer she was seeking...does this mean her prayers were wrong or she was not worthy.....i dont think so....but i saw the conflict in the wanting of this peace that salvation was to bring and not having it...perhaps one can expect too much of a god...

i hope you find the peace you are searching for....

Pretty close. But I'm not looking for god to do a miracle. I'm looking for him. I would say I am in a crisis of faith. I want to have a relationship with the lord. To see or hear his voice. Blind faith is so hard.

For instance I an like a doubting thomas.
Sorry bout that,

1. Trust me the closer you actually are to God, the more Satan wants to sift you as sand.
2. You are correct, Job was indeed sifted as sand, and suffered of Satan, and it happens today as well, those whom get to know God the best, and live acordingly, always have to suffer, and get tested, so there's nothing new under the sun, if you stride to stay up with God, you will always be followed closely by Satan, who would prefer that you stumbled.
3. So take cheer, be happy, if you feel you have been abandoned, take strenght, if you feel God has left you, trust God even more, hold on to your integrity, for thats apart of why you feel like you're alone.
4. Though you are in a darkened cistern full of mud and coldness, even still Gods with you there.
5. So trust in God, who is our salvation, and know that there really is a darkness out there, and lurking in the shadows, waiting for his opening to tempt you away from Jesus Christ.
6. Though we live to a hundred years, though we live to two hundred years, though we live to three hundred years, no one escapes the temptations of this world, the evil lurking within the boundries of life and death, for long life blooms from a straight path with God.
7. For the love of God sustains us.
7. (a) I am a *Knight in Shinning Armor* and there are *knights in black armor* amongst us, its very well known, to some of us, and its not hard to discern which armor one wears.
8. Stay thirsty my friends.

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Personally, I don't think I've ever read a page from the Bible. Catholic grade school/Catholic upbringing, sacraments, Church, etc.

In my later years I've just boiled it down to having faith in myself, trying my best to abide by the 10 Commandments, and keeping my nose clean with the law.

I've got a clear conscience and a happy heart. I hope you find both. :thup:
I do consider myself to be christian. I tell everyone about him and the trinity. I pray daily, I attend church sometimes (not as much as I would like).

I think that one of the ways to overcome your status is to give out love. Love and faith are of the same importance, actually Paul said that love is more important. We you think that you lack faith, you may try to give out love, love to those brothers and sisters in church. You don't just attend church, you might need to be more involved and be part of the church.

Matthew 25:40
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Moreover, I think that you'd better ask questions in the Christian forums instead of here.
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You've read the bible a lot.

Relax a little now. The Bible is still there for you as a guide, a reference, a blanket of comfort.

But now it is time to go out into the world and listen to God himself.

You will find him when you're not even thinking about him.

God is inside you, but he is also everywhere else.

Just go out and live a little. Live as the Book has told you. Do what is right, and have fun doing it. God will find you when you need to be found, and you'll know it when he does.

I have met people who can quote the Bible word for word, who have never met God.

And I have met people who have never even seen a Bible, much less read it, who know God far better than any preacher, brother, sister, or even myself.

You won't find God by simply studying the Bible, but the Bible will lead you to him. It gives you all the tools you need to find him, to know him, to understand him. You have those tools.

Go find him now.
perhaps the op is having trouble with the concept that 'god touches your heart' he clearly feels he has not been touched.....sounds to he is doubting his salvation more than this not what is called a crisis of faith? i have seen this before where someone is told...pray harder...she prayed all her waking hours...on her knees...and never got the answer she was seeking...does this mean her prayers were wrong or she was not worthy.....i dont think so....but i saw the conflict in the wanting of this peace that salvation was to bring and not having it...perhaps one can expect too much of a god...

i hope you find the peace you are searching for....

Pretty close. But I'm not looking for god to do a miracle. I'm looking for him. I would say I am in a crisis of faith. I want to have a relationship with the lord. To see or hear his voice. Blind faith is so hard.

For instance I an like a doubting thomas.

nothing wrong with am i...that is why i left the church never to return...

perhaps you should look at other faiths.....
You've read the bible a lot.

Relax a little now. The Bible is still there for you as a guide, a reference, a blanket of comfort.

But now it is time to go out into the world and listen to God himself.

You will find him when you're not even thinking about him.

God is inside you, but he is also everywhere else.

Just go out and live a little. Live as the Book has told you. Do what is right, and have fun doing it. God will find you when you need to be found, and you'll know it when he does.

I have met people who can quote the Bible word for word, who have never met God.

And I have met people who have never even seen a Bible, much less read it, who know God far better than any preacher, brother, sister, or even myself.

You won't find God by simply studying the Bible, but the Bible will lead you to him. It gives you all the tools you need to find him, to know him, to understand him. You have those tools.

Go find him now.

sorry mini but this is the stuff i am talking about....go find him now?

when did your god get lost?

the bible does not give you the tools to understand much...with all the conflict can defend about anything using the bible
Just don't read the old testament, if you try to follow God's commands as he demanded in that part of the Bible all of us non-believers better start arming up.

That is a very naughty thought. There is little in the New Testament, not found in the Old. You should pray on that, and not lead others when your own footing is unsure.

You clearly haven't read those two books if you imagine that

There is little in the New Testament, not found in the Old.
perhaps the op is having trouble with the concept that 'god touches your heart' he clearly feels he has not been touched.....sounds to he is doubting his salvation more than this not what is called a crisis of faith? i have seen this before where someone is told...pray harder...she prayed all her waking hours...on her knees...and never got the answer she was seeking...does this mean her prayers were wrong or she was not worthy.....i dont think so....but i saw the conflict in the wanting of this peace that salvation was to bring and not having it...perhaps one can expect too much of a god...

i hope you find the peace you are searching for....

Pretty close. But I'm not looking for god to do a miracle. I'm looking for him. I would say I am in a crisis of faith. I want to have a relationship with the lord. To see or hear his voice. Blind faith is so hard.

For instance I an like a doubting thomas.

nothing wrong with am i...that is why i left the church never to return...

perhaps you should look at other faiths.....

I have to agree with bones (again). I grew up in the typical Christian family, attending a Methodist Church, Sunday schools, reading and studying the Bible. When I left college and started to work, I didn't have the time to attend all the Church services, study groups, etc.....I "wandered."

Which was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.

I'll never forget the instant I truly found God. Powerful, undeniable, an immediate explanation for every unanswered question I ever had.

Now I find him mostly in people. I talk to someone, and I see and hear him.

And nature is too easy. EVERYTHING in nature is God. EVERYTHING, even the damned, worthless coyote :)

I now occasionally go back to the Bible for inspiration.

But I find God every day, in almost everything I see, and in almost every person I interact with.

Even the agnostics and atheists.

Even people like Huggy.

And especially people like bones. (I really hope that doesn't offend her, because I am sincere in saying it). She and I may not share the same religion, but I find her honest, realistic, and kind. To me, kindness IS the greatest sign of God's presence.

Like I said, the Bible will lead you to God (other books can as well), but God doesn't live inside the Bible. He lives out here in the real world, with the rest of us, and he jumps inside the Bible when you're looking for him there. (Huggy and others will take that literally. A person of faith, Christian or not, will understand what it means).

Put the Bible down for a while, and go look for God elsewhere. He'll be there too. It may be a different faith that leads you to him. It may be a stranger, a friend, a job. It literally could be anything, and likely will be something you would never have expected. For me, it was a car ride, actually, a couple of car rides (weird, I know, but as you know "he works in mysterious ways").

Put the Bible down for a while, Mashburn. Go find God. Peace be with you, my friend.
You've read the bible a lot.

Relax a little now. The Bible is still there for you as a guide, a reference, a blanket of comfort.

But now it is time to go out into the world and listen to God himself.

You will find him when you're not even thinking about him.

God is inside you, but he is also everywhere else.

Just go out and live a little. Live as the Book has told you. Do what is right, and have fun doing it. God will find you when you need to be found, and you'll know it when he does.

I have met people who can quote the Bible word for word, who have never met God.

And I have met people who have never even seen a Bible, much less read it, who know God far better than any preacher, brother, sister, or even myself.

You won't find God by simply studying the Bible, but the Bible will lead you to him. It gives you all the tools you need to find him, to know him, to understand him. You have those tools.

Go find him now.

sorry mini but this is the stuff i am talking about....go find him now?

when did your god get lost?

the bible does not give you the tools to understand much...with all the conflict can defend about anything using the bible should have waited....just a second longer :)

God isn't lost....Mashburn is just looking for him in the wrong place, or can't see him right in front of himself.
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One other side note, for clarification:

When I say "God" don't assume I'm automatically inferring Christianity.

I'm not.

I believe there is only one God. How you find him isn't important. But finding him is.

And by "finding him," I mean recognizing him. He isn't the one who is lost. It is you. He's been right there all along.

And "He" could easily be a "She" but isn't either :)

Jesus lead me to God, and I'll forever be thankful. That said, I'm cool with people who find God through vehicles other than Jesus.

I see no path to God through Islam (at the same time, I do not consider it a religion, but a practice, similar to Masonry). That is as honest an observation as I can make, and I could easily be wrong. But without kindness, I do not believe you can ever know God, and there isn't a lot of kindness in the muslim faith. It seems all about winning something.
o mini ...lets not bring up masons....please....just dont go there...

that...god touched what the op cant find....that is what is troubling him...he finds no peace....

sadly that is the state of many....if people truly found peace in religion much could be accomplished...
o mini ...lets not bring up masons....please....just dont go there...

that...god touched what the op cant find....that is what is troubling him...he finds no peace....

sadly that is the state of many....if people truly found peace in religion much could be accomplished...

I'm cool with the Masons (I actually applaud them, they accept all faiths).

And my advice for the OP is that the reason he is struggling is that he is looking for the answer in the Bible, apparently ONLY in the Bible.

Some find it there, some don't.

I may not have said it well, but I'm saying basically the same thing I think you're saying:

Look somewhere else.....if you find it, maybe the Bible will make sense and maybe it won't. It didn't for you, it does for me.

Like I said, I'm a Christian, with all my heart.

At the same time, I believe the Jews and Buddhists are worshiping the same God that I am, even though they don't recognize Christ as I do.

Indians didn't know about Christ.

But they knew of a God.

Its the same God I know, even though they weren't Christians and I am.

That's what works for me. NONE of us will know the answer until we no longer have the ability to beat everyone else over the head with it :)

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