Christian help.


Jan 23, 2011
I am very knowledgable of the bible. but if you were to ask me if I believe, I want to say yes but I do not 100% feel it.

I have done all the right steps of asking good to come into my heart, batism, etc. and sometimes it feels like it is my heart. but in the back of my head, I still feel lost.

I want to be christian, I feel it is the right way. and I feel the only way to get into heaven is to believe and then follow his steps.

can anyone give me any advice on how to get faith? and sorry I do not like to read, except for the bible.

Thank you
I am very knowledgable of the bible. but if you were to ask me if I believe, I want to say yes but I do not 100% feel it.

I have done all the right steps of asking good to come into my heart, batism, etc. and sometimes it feels like it is my heart. but in the back of my head, I still feel lost.

I want to be christian, I feel it is the right way. and I feel the only way to get into heaven is to believe and then follow his steps.

can anyone give me any advice on how to get faith? and sorry I do not like to read, except for the bible.

Thank you

I believe from this small sample of your ability to reason that you should go ahead and commit to being a Christian. You do not appear to be curious enough about the world around you to be of any use as a free thinking human being.
I am very knowledgable of the bible. but if you were to ask me if I believe, I want to say yes but I do not 100% feel it.

I have done all the right steps of asking good to come into my heart, batism, etc. and sometimes it feels like it is my heart. but in the back of my head, I still feel lost.

I want to be christian, I feel it is the right way. and I feel the only way to get into heaven is to believe and then follow his steps.

can anyone give me any advice on how to get faith? and sorry I do not like to read, except for the bible.

Thank you

I believe from this small sample of your ability to reason that you should go ahead and commit to being a Christian. You do not appear to be curious enough about the world around you to be of any use as a free thinking human being.
I do consider myself to be christian. I tell everyone about him and the trinity. I pray daily, I attend church sometimes (not as much as I would like).

but it is scary when you read the scripture "Matthew Chapter 7

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

I want to know GOD, I want to know I am safe and going to heaven.

I have been wistlening a tune for far to long, and I am ired of it. that tune is saying I am and talking like I am. I covinced my wife, mother, family, friends where I will be going; but I need to convience myself.
I have really tried to obey everything I could think of in the bible under old and new testament (except for sacraficing). it states to obey evn the laws of men. I did the stupid speed limit of 30 MPH, and made so many people mad. I obeyed his laws and really started to show my love for everything even of the cat that bit the crap out of me and sent me to the hospital. and yes at times I felt like GOD was not only with me, but in me.
I did finally stop after months of being perfect. (I hate to say I was, but trust me I was mad crazy with making sure I was doing no wrong, or at least not doing anything wrong that I or anyone around knew of. and I have a lot of family who are pastures) the reason I stopped is I actually started feeling sick, and then one day it was like GOD just got up and left. so I started to study and talk to others more (I thought it was my fault); but the sickness only got worse. and the day I went to doing a regular speed and stop from making all the cars behind me mad, was the day I started to feel better and slightly feel GOD.
all that, that is underlined makes me feel so SAD. I really feel like I could cry my eyes like jesus did.

and no matter how far or close I get to GOD; I will every second say I will take all the suffering and pain Jesus went threw. and I mean that.

I actually have prayed when I was little I could take anothers kid (someone I never knew) diease or defect into my body whos family had no money, because I knew that I had my family who was rich, and I read the bible and felt that GOD would take care of me. well ten years after I prayed that nightly I had a brain tumor. if it was not for all the money my dad had, I would have been dead within weeks. my tumor had a strand coming off of it that was cutting off my brain steam.
I know its crazy mad to pray for something like that. but that was how much I love GOD's creation of man. I would take a tumor of my worse enemy any day. at least to give him a chance to live another day to get to know GOD.
I am very knowledgable of the bible. but if you were to ask me if I believe, I want to say yes but I do not 100% feel it.

I have done all the right steps of asking good to come into my heart, batism, etc. and sometimes it feels like it is my heart. but in the back of my head, I still feel lost.

I want to be christian, I feel it is the right way. and I feel the only way to get into heaven is to believe and then follow his steps.

can anyone give me any advice on how to get faith? and sorry I do not like to read, except for the bible.

Thank you

I believe from this small sample of your ability to reason that you should go ahead and commit to being a Christian. You do not appear to be curious enough about the world around you to be of any use as a free thinking human being.
I do consider myself to be christian. I tell everyone about him and the trinity. I pray daily, I attend church sometimes (not as much as I would like).

but it is scary when you read the scripture "Matthew Chapter 7

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

I want to know GOD, I want to know I am safe and going to heaven.

I have been wistlening a tune for far to long, and I am ired of it. that tune is saying I am and talking like I am. I covinced my wife, mother, family, friends where I will be going; but I need to convience myself.

That's a tuffy! Seeing as how there is no devil or "devils"...
I am very knowledgable of the bible. but if you were to ask me if I believe, I want to say yes but I do not 100% feel it.

I have done all the right steps of asking good to come into my heart, batism, etc. and sometimes it feels like it is my heart. but in the back of my head, I still feel lost.

I want to be christian, I feel it is the right way. and I feel the only way to get into heaven is to believe and then follow his steps.

can anyone give me any advice on how to get faith? and sorry I do not like to read, except for the bible.

Thank you

Try this tact. ;) See what jumps out at you.

John Locke: A Letter Concerning Toleration
I am very knowledgable of the bible. but if you were to ask me if I believe, I want to say yes but I do not 100% feel it.

I have done all the right steps of asking good to come into my heart, batism, etc. and sometimes it feels like it is my heart. but in the back of my head, I still feel lost.

I want to be christian, I feel it is the right way. and I feel the only way to get into heaven is to believe and then follow his steps.

can anyone give me any advice on how to get faith? and sorry I do not like to read, except for the bible.

Thank you
It is not what you do, that is works. It is a relationship with Christ. Sounds like you are doing just fine. Keep reading the Bible and growing in Christ and you will be fine. Ignore the satan worshipers on here that make stupid comments.
Just don't read the old testament, if you try to follow God's commands as he demanded in that part of the Bible all of us non-believers better start arming up.
I am very knowledgable of the bible. but if you were to ask me if I believe, I want to say yes but I do not 100% feel it.

I have done all the right steps of asking good to come into my heart, batism, etc. and sometimes it feels like it is my heart. but in the back of my head, I still feel lost.

I want to be christian, I feel it is the right way. and I feel the only way to get into heaven is to believe and then follow his steps.

can anyone give me any advice on how to get faith? and sorry I do not like to read, except for the bible.

Thank you

Hear in your heart. Trust, Love and research for God and Love. Find yourself and let God help you. Start by yourself before you critisize others. Understand the correlation between the Orders from God and Jesus. Love yourself, Love your next, Love God. Keep your Heart free of Hate. Let God surprise you. Trust. Anything else is your personal way.
I am very knowledgable of the bible. but if you were to ask me if I believe, I want to say yes but I do not 100% feel it.

I have done all the right steps of asking good to come into my heart, batism, etc. and sometimes it feels like it is my heart. but in the back of my head, I still feel lost.

I want to be christian, I feel it is the right way. and I feel the only way to get into heaven is to believe and then follow his steps.

can anyone give me any advice on how to get faith? and sorry I do not like to read, except for the bible.

Thank you

Either you believe it or you don't.

Only you know the answer to that.
It's not called FAITH for nothing, ya know.

You cannot get it though any intellectual path.

You have doubts?

Well of course you do. You believe in something that has no sustaining evidence to support your belief.

That's pretty much the definition of faith, after all.

Without doubt there can be no faith.

And the funny thing is doesn't much matter what you have faith in, either.

Faith will get you through times of no hope better than hope will get you through times of no faith.
Just don't read the old testament, if you try to follow God's commands as he demanded in that part of the Bible all of us non-believers better start arming up.

That is a very naughty thought. There is little in the New Testament, not found in the Old. You should pray on that, and not lead others when your own footing is unsure.
It's not called FAITH for nothing, ya know.

You cannot get it though any intellectual path.

You have doubts?

Well of course you do. You believe in something that has no sustaining evidence to support your belief.

That's pretty much the definition of faith, after all.

Without doubt there can be no faith.

And the funny thing is doesn't much matter what you have faith in, either.

Faith will get you through times of no hope better than hope will get you through times of no faith.

Without Hope there can be no Faith. Come into the Light Editec. Let your Conscience be your guide.
I am very knowledgable of the bible. but if you were to ask me if I believe, I want to say yes but I do not 100% feel it.

I have done all the right steps of asking good to come into my heart, batism, etc. and sometimes it feels like it is my heart. but in the back of my head, I still feel lost.

I want to be christian, I feel it is the right way. and I feel the only way to get into heaven is to believe and then follow his steps.

can anyone give me any advice on how to get faith? and sorry I do not like to read, except for the bible.

Thank you

Pray and continue to read the bible. The Holy Spirit is actually in the Bible, and that combined with continued prayer will open you up to receive...

And everybody at some point struggles with faith issues. The test of a true Christian is how they tackle it; those who have been around a little longer just keep praying and waiting on God, and eventually it turns around.

Just be aware, this is a common occurrence and God will not abandon you if you don't abandon Him. Keep reading your bible. It will continue to feed your spirit, even if you've read it all before.
Just don't read the old testament, if you try to follow God's commands as he demanded in that part of the Bible all of us non-believers better start arming up.

That is a very naughty thought. There is little in the New Testament, not found in the Old. You should pray on that, and not lead others when your own footing is unsure.

It is a naughty thought? If Christians took the old testament seriously they'd be out killing non-believers, it directly says to in the old testament more than once. It even says kill them if they're a member of your family.

I wouldn't care if the Bible were found to be 100% scientifically accurate, I'm not worshipping a God who isn't even worthy of carrying my moral jockstrap.

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