Christian Bigots shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally

I like that. The narrative of the thread. What the hell is that? I am just here because I get fined. I feel like Lenard on the big bang theory. What about all those Muslim terrorists crashing planes into Manhattan? Boko haram kidnaping children and Carlie hebdo, Isis strapping bombs on little girls. It's not me wanting to hate on poor wittiobity muslims, it's breaking BAD in real time.
I agree

And when we scream at poor little Muslim children nervously singing the national anthem, we need to explain that Jesus wants us to punish them because of what some Muslim did 6000 miles away
Still running with the false narrative that it was the children being screamed at, I see. You Leftwats truly believe your own delusions.

When our national anthem is being sung....shut the fuck up

Even if is being sung by a religion other than your own
Agreed. I would have stood silent with my hand on my heart and even sang along. So would you. I'm not saying the protesters weren't misbehaving.

They did nothing to enhance the appreciation of their own religion and only made the Muslims more sympathetic

Yes, they did. I agree. They come across as completely nuts. Religious fanatics. I've met a few of them, but this place seems to be LOADED with them. :lol:
Obviously there were Christians among the protesters exhibiting their ignorance of Islam and unwarranted fear and hate of Muslims.

Of course the ignorance and hate exhibited by these Christians is in no way representative of all Christians, and to judge all Christians by the actions of the non-representative few would be wrong – just as it's wrong to judge all Muslims by the actions of the non-representative few.
Obviously there were Christians among the protesters exhibiting their ignorance of Islam and unwarranted fear and hate of Muslims.

Of course the ignorance and hate exhibited by these Christians is in no way representative of all Christians, and to judge all Christians by the actions of the non-representative few would be wrong – just as it's wrong to judge all Muslims by the actions of the non-representative few.

It's terrible. Some of them have totally twisted their peaceful religion, IMO. It's sad.
Here is a chart that correlates violence with Muslim population. Instead of screeching politically incorrect, go to the bottom of the chart, see if it's accurate and work your way up. Ignorance, hate, and Christianity have nothing to do with it. Patriotism does. Would you rather live in the United States or Yemen?

As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:

United States -- Muslim 0.6%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1.8%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

This is happening in:

Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for

Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:

France -- Muslim 8%
Philippines -- 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris , we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam , with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:

Guyana -- Muslim 10%
India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 15%

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:

Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and ***ya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:

Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:

Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Iran -- Muslim 98%
Iraq -- Muslim 97%
Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90%
Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace. Here there's supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:

Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 100
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Because if we were savvy like you then Sh'ria wouldn't exist?

In a country with a cant
So it gets pushed underground. Thinking that all Muslims here will just roll over and give up on Sh'ria is absurd.
Pushed underground?

It has been standing tall for 200 years. Our tiny Muslim population is no threat to our constitution
If Europe is any example they won't stay small, especially because of our suicidal abortion laws that keep us from replacing our numbers. Tolerance and abortion will bring this nation to its knees.
Sharia linked to abortion?

Now you are really getting batshit crazy

I didn't link Sh'ria to abortion. You did.

How ignorant. The world is much smaller than you realize and a major war in the Middle East will affect every country. We are all connected and can't ignore each other's plights.
I disagree, my nation, Austria and Europe is not the world police and shouldn't be. We certainly shouldn't shed blood or provide our nation's treasure in conflicts that don't serve our interest. There is no viable geo-political interest in the Israel-Palestine issue, only net negatives come from intervention.

Our only connection to the conflict is really due to muslim immigration. However, if we stopped islamic immigration, we wouldn't have to deal with the radicalism that is inspired by Israeli expansion into Palestine.
Oh that explains it. Austria is a nation of pussies whose only contribution to the world is Arnold Swartzneggar. Why are we listening to the first country Hitler rolled over? A major war in the Middle East hurts everyone whether you're intelligent enough to see that or not. That's a geopolitical reality the Vontrapp Family can't sing away.
Hey, me and my country aren't stopping you from taking part in your autistic holy war between zionists and islamists, so go ahead. Just leave me out of it.

I would just say, bomb with care, because everytime you guys in US make some middle eastern country into a parking lot, our liberal governments take in these stinking third world muslims as "refugees". So I guess I could say thanks for that you dumb neo-conservative faggot.
Someday soon a terrorist attack will be pulled off in your country and you will come to understand that being pussies and pacifists won't save you from the sword of Islam.
This dumb idea that we, "have to bomb them over there to protect us here" is childish logic. That is something a five year old would say. But then again the average american mentality is very childish. The way your stop islamist terror is by denying them entry to our countries by banning islamic immigration, and having a strong intelligence/security service to prevent infiltration.

And no one is a pacifist you dumb faggot. We just don't go into war carelessly. We were fighting islamic invasions before you guys were even a country. See the Battle of Vienna.

We're on the same page when it comes to immigration. The Left thinks America has a moral obligation to let anyone into the country that wants to come, which is nonsense. We can no only deny immigration, but we can specifically exclude Muslim countries for immigration. I wrote a thread about that and set the Leftwats howling.

And I also often reference the gates of Vienna as the turning point when Western Civilization was almost extinguished by Islam, which anyone educated in history knows, would mean the entire world would suck today, being shackled into the stone age and the oppression of religious law. The world owes a debt of gratitude to all Europeans who repelled that invasion and then sent Crusades down to crush them at Jerusalem so they could never regain the zenith of power they once had....

Which also validates my point about taking the fight to the enemy. Thank you for your help in that.
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Ignorance, hate, and Christianity have nothing to do with it. Patriotism does.
How can you be a patriot when Jesus is the only thing that matters?

How could Jesus fulfill the law when He was the only thing that mattered? Don't try to put words in my mouth. Jesus comes first. That doesn't mean there is nothing else. Just as one puts God first in a marriage. That God comes first does not mean there is no marriage. Grow up.
Ignorance, hate, and Christianity have nothing to do with it. Patriotism does.
How can you be a patriot when Jesus is the only thing that matters?

How could Jesus fulfill the law when He was the only thing that mattered? Don't try to put words in my mouth. Jesus comes first. That doesn't mean there is nothing else. Just as one puts God first in a marriage. That God comes first does not mean there is no marriage.
It's God or Country, not both, so pick one? Since we both know your answer in all honesty you can't be a patriot, it's not possible. When forced to choose, you will pick God over Country, something a true patriot would never do. When required to either renounce your God or press the button that destroys the US, you can make only one choice.
Ignorance, hate, and Christianity have nothing to do with it. Patriotism does.
How can you be a patriot when Jesus is the only thing that matters?

Odd that is the only thing you seemed to notice in that post. Any comment on the population of Muslims and what it means to society?
Because it is nothing more than Islamophobia, no.

I can tell you this however. When the Muslims care as little about being faithful to their Holy Book as the Christians do, we'll all get along just fine.
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In a country with a cant
So it gets pushed underground. Thinking that all Muslims here will just roll over and give up on Sh'ria is absurd.
Pushed underground?

It has been standing tall for 200 years. Our tiny Muslim population is no threat to our constitution
If Europe is any example they won't stay small, especially because of our suicidal abortion laws that keep us from replacing our numbers. Tolerance and abortion will bring this nation to its knees.
Sharia linked to abortion?

Now you are really getting batshit crazy

I didn't link Sh'ria to abortion. You did.

Idiot. did
So it gets pushed underground. Thinking that all Muslims here will just roll over and give up on Sh'ria is absurd.
Pushed underground?

It has been standing tall for 200 years. Our tiny Muslim population is no threat to our constitution
If Europe is any example they won't stay small, especially because of our suicidal abortion laws that keep us from replacing our numbers. Tolerance and abortion will bring this nation to its knees.
Sharia linked to abortion?

Now you are really getting batshit crazy

I didn't link Sh'ria to abortion. You did.

Idiot. did

No, I didn't, moron.
Christian protesters shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally: ‘Islam is a lie!’

So much for love and tolerance. When Jesus finds out about this... Well, hell hath no fury.

Angry conservative protesters disrupted the Texas Muslim Capitol Day celebration in Austin on Thursday, repeatedly shouting “No Sharia” and “Muhammad is dead.”

The celebration was organized by the Texas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and according to their website, the event was “an opportunity for community members to learn about the democratic political process and how to be an advocate for important issues.” The group largely consisted of Muslim students and children, along with faith leaders.

The event was protested by a group calling itself the Patriot Defense Foundation Inc., who claimed that CAIR sought to create a climate in which it would be able to “take over” America, destroying it for “Americans [who] believe in the Constitution and what this country was founded on.”

Texas is one fucked up state. Did you hear they found a poop on the gym floor at some school in Texas and they made each of the kids pull down their pants and show them their butts to see if they had shit stains.

First of all, did they ask the teachers, lunch lady and janitor to pull their pants down?

2nd of all, what were they going to do after they found the poor kid who did it? How embarrassing.

Students forced to expose underwear for inspection
I disagree, my nation, Austria and Europe is not the world police and shouldn't be. We certainly shouldn't shed blood or provide our nation's treasure in conflicts that don't serve our interest. There is no viable geo-political interest in the Israel-Palestine issue, only net negatives come from intervention.

Our only connection to the conflict is really due to muslim immigration. However, if we stopped islamic immigration, we wouldn't have to deal with the radicalism that is inspired by Israeli expansion into Palestine.
Oh that explains it. Austria is a nation of pussies whose only contribution to the world is Arnold Swartzneggar. Why are we listening to the first country Hitler rolled over? A major war in the Middle East hurts everyone whether you're intelligent enough to see that or not. That's a geopolitical reality the Vontrapp Family can't sing away.
Hey, me and my country aren't stopping you from taking part in your autistic holy war between zionists and islamists, so go ahead. Just leave me out of it.

I would just say, bomb with care, because everytime you guys in US make some middle eastern country into a parking lot, our liberal governments take in these stinking third world muslims as "refugees". So I guess I could say thanks for that you dumb neo-conservative faggot.
Someday soon a terrorist attack will be pulled off in your country and you will come to understand that being pussies and pacifists won't save you from the sword of Islam.
This dumb idea that we, "have to bomb them over there to protect us here" is childish logic. That is something a five year old would say. But then again the average american mentality is very childish. The way your stop islamist terror is by denying them entry to our countries by banning islamic immigration, and having a strong intelligence/security service to prevent infiltration.

And no one is a pacifist you dumb faggot. We just don't go into war carelessly. We were fighting islamic invasions before you guys were even a country. See the Battle of Vienna.

We're on the same page when it comes to immigration. The Left thinks America has a moral obligation to let anyone into the country that wants to come, which is nonsense. We can no only deny immigration, but we can specifically exclude Muslim countries for immigration. I wrote a thread about that and set the Leftwats howling.

And I also often reference the gates of Vienna as the turning point when Western Civilization was almost extinguished by Islam, which anyone educated in history knows, would mean the entire world would suck today, being shackled into the stone age and the oppression of religious law. The world owes a debt of gratitude to all Europeans who repelled that invasion and then sent Crusades down to crush them at Jerusalem so they could never regain the zenith of power they once had....

Which also validates my point about taking the fight to the enemy. Thank you for your help in that.
Vienna is an example of defense not invasion. If anything American invasions and interventions put us at more risk of the islamist threat. US wars create Muslim refugees to Europe. Whose radicalism and barbarity threaten our societies. The US invasion of Iraq and their support for Islamist Syrian rebels create more Muslim immigration due to conflict. They also create a power vacuum where isis now exists. Now these Muslim so called refugees are going to train with isis in syria/iraq and come back to unleash terror on us in Europe like in Paris.
Oh that explains it. Austria is a nation of pussies whose only contribution to the world is Arnold Swartzneggar. Why are we listening to the first country Hitler rolled over? A major war in the Middle East hurts everyone whether you're intelligent enough to see that or not. That's a geopolitical reality the Vontrapp Family can't sing away.
Hey, me and my country aren't stopping you from taking part in your autistic holy war between zionists and islamists, so go ahead. Just leave me out of it.

I would just say, bomb with care, because everytime you guys in US make some middle eastern country into a parking lot, our liberal governments take in these stinking third world muslims as "refugees". So I guess I could say thanks for that you dumb neo-conservative faggot.
Someday soon a terrorist attack will be pulled off in your country and you will come to understand that being pussies and pacifists won't save you from the sword of Islam.
This dumb idea that we, "have to bomb them over there to protect us here" is childish logic. That is something a five year old would say. But then again the average american mentality is very childish. The way your stop islamist terror is by denying them entry to our countries by banning islamic immigration, and having a strong intelligence/security service to prevent infiltration.

And no one is a pacifist you dumb faggot. We just don't go into war carelessly. We were fighting islamic invasions before you guys were even a country. See the Battle of Vienna.

We're on the same page when it comes to immigration. The Left thinks America has a moral obligation to let anyone into the country that wants to come, which is nonsense. We can no only deny immigration, but we can specifically exclude Muslim countries for immigration. I wrote a thread about that and set the Leftwats howling.

And I also often reference the gates of Vienna as the turning point when Western Civilization was almost extinguished by Islam, which anyone educated in history knows, would mean the entire world would suck today, being shackled into the stone age and the oppression of religious law. The world owes a debt of gratitude to all Europeans who repelled that invasion and then sent Crusades down to crush them at Jerusalem so they could never regain the zenith of power they once had....

Which also validates my point about taking the fight to the enemy. Thank you for your help in that.
Vienna is an example of defense not invasion. If anything American invasions and interventions put us at more risk of the islamist threat. US wars create Muslim refugees to Europe. Whose radicalism and barbarity threaten our societies. The US invasion of Iraq and their support for Islamist Syrian rebels create more Muslim immigration due to conflict. They also create a power vacuum where isis now exists. Now these Muslim so called refugees are going to train with isis in syria/iraq and come back to unleash terror on us in Europe like in Paris.

Vienna is an example of what happens when we don't recognize the threat that faces us.

By the way, it must be said, the Battle of Vienna happened before you were a country too.
Pushed underground?

It has been standing tall for 200 years. Our tiny Muslim population is no threat to our constitution
If Europe is any example they won't stay small, especially because of our suicidal abortion laws that keep us from replacing our numbers. Tolerance and abortion will bring this nation to its knees.
Sharia linked to abortion?
Pushed underground?

It has been standing tall for 200 years. Our tiny Muslim population is no threat to our constitution
If Europe is any example they won't stay small, especially because of our suicidal abortion laws that keep us from replacing our numbers. Tolerance and abortion will bring this nation to its knees.
Sharia linked to abortion?

Now you are really getting batshit crazy

I didn't link Sh'ria to abortion. You did.

Idiot. did

No, I didn't, moron.

As an American, I find your signature to be grossly offensive

I refuse to respond to your posts

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