Christian and Palestinian Muslims stand together against Israeli occupation- And the fake Christian Zionist “Rapture”


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Some of our fellow Christians may have heard of the end times prophecy. The so-called “rapture” idea often brought to us by multimillionaire evangelical preachers with mega churches. A part of “dispensationalism” the idea that God chose Jewish Israel as some sort of a prelude to some kind of Apocalypse. Well It’s fake it’s based on a Christian Zionist pastor who was a convicted criminal fraud. He put forward a Zionist Bible iow The Schofield Bible that has been preached by a number of evangelicals to this today. It’s all fake total propaganda.

The Scofield Zionist Bible propaganda is meant to enlarge part tear down this unity between Jews, Muslims and Christians all over the world and get people to support Israel at all costs, even if it goes against their religion. The truth is that Jews, Muslims, and Christians prospered and lived together under Catholic rule and under Muslim rule for centuries. And today, the Palestinian Christians and Muslims oppose Israeli occupation.

This Will Put You Into Shock Muslims stand with Palestinian Christians under Israeli occupation​

The Israeli authorities have effectively closed down a number of Christian churches in the holy land, because they are heavily taxing These churches millions upon millions of dollars that the churches can not come up with. ….talk about unfair taxation look at that.

The Catholic Church, Lutherans, Baptists, and even some evangelicals preach the proper word. The word of the New Testament, not this Christian Zionist Bible.

Hopefully today more evangelical Christians will stop allowing themselves to be brainwashed now that they know the facts. Stop believing in Christian Zionism it was propped up by radical atheists.
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View attachment 862486

Some of our fellow Christians may have heard of the end times prophecy. The so-called “rapture” idea often brought to us by multimillionaire evangelical preachers with mega churches. A part of “dispensationalism” the idea that God chose Jewish Israel as some sort of a prelude to some kind of Apocalypse. Well It’s fake it’s based on a Christian Zionist pastor who was a convicted criminal fraud. He put forward a Zionist Bible iow The Schofield Bible that has been preached by a number of evangelicals to this today. It’s all fake total propaganda.

The Scofield Zionist Bible propaganda is meant to enlarge part tear down this unity between Jews, Muslims and Christians all over the world and get people to support Israel at all costs, even if it goes against their religion. The truth is that Jews, Muslims, and Christians prospered and lived together under Catholic rule and under Muslim rule for centuries. And today, the Palestinian Christians and Muslims oppose Israeli occupation.

This Will Put You Into Shock Muslims stand with Palestinian Christians under Israeli occupation​

The Israeli authorities have effectively closed down a number of Christian churches in the holy land, because they are heavily taxing These churches millions upon millions of dollars that the churches can not come up with. ….talk about unfair taxation look at that.

The Catholic Church, Lutherans, Baptists, and even some evangelicals preach the proper word. The word of the New Testament, not this Christian Zionist Bible.

Hopefully today more evangelical Christians will stop allowing themselves to be brainwashed now that they know the facts. Stop believing in Christian Zionism it was propped up by radical atheists.

Cyrus Schofield was hired to write his Bible by Samuel Untermyer to promote Christian Zionism. Untermyer was the same guy who declared war on Germany from Madison Square Garden in 1933.
Old Testament Mass Killings
A number of cases of mass killings of people, apparently at God’s behest, are recorded in the Old Testament:

1. The Flood (Genesis 6-8)
2. The cities of the plain, including Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18-19)
3. The Egyptian firstborn sons during the Passover (Exodus 11-12)
4. The Canaanites under Moses and Joshua (Numbers 21:2-3; Deuteronomy 20:17; Joshua 6:17, 21)
5. The Amalekites annihilated by Saul (1 Samuel 15)

Christian Zionism was promoted by Samuel Untermyer. He was a Zionist and a huge fundraiser for feeding the "six million" starving Jews in Europe.

He paid for the publishing of the Scofield Bible and declared war on Germany from Madison Square Garden in 1933.

Christian Zionism was promoted by Samuel Untermyer. He was a Zionist and a huge fundraiser for feeding the "six million" starving Jews in Europe.

He paid for the publishing of the Scofield Bible and declared war on Germany from Madison Square Garden in 1933.
this "information" is very prominent in the islamo nazi literature along with extensive
explanations of the islamic fact that THE JEWS CAUSED WORLD WAR II---and Adolf
was "really a jew" and the story about jews being killed is a gross lie ------I read it as a child in the 1950s. It is taught in muslim grammar schools. Today--muslimah sluts in NYC are tearing down pictures of children held by Hamas---some things never change.
ALSO----since it wasn't happening no one KNEW about jews being killed in Germany
in the 1940s. Since my mother was around then I asked her "WHEN DID YOU KNOW
ABOUT JEWS BEING KILLED IN GERMANY"? She referenced 1936--when she was 16.
The islamo nazi hero, ADOLF PUBLISHED in 1929. Lots of Jews could read German---
as could lots of christians----but even in the 1950s they were saying "WHO KNEW"?
Thus it is LOGICAL to blame World War II on a NY jew named SAMUEL UNTERMYER
for issuing a public warning about the islamo-nazi HERO-MUJAHAD Adolf Hitler
View attachment 862486

Some of our fellow Christians may have heard of the end times prophecy. The so-called “rapture” idea often brought to us by multimillionaire evangelical preachers with mega churches. A part of “dispensationalism” the idea that God chose Jewish Israel as some sort of a prelude to some kind of Apocalypse. Well It’s fake it’s based on a Christian Zionist pastor who was a convicted criminal fraud. He put forward a Zionist Bible iow The Schofield Bible that has been preached by a number of evangelicals to this today. It’s all fake total propaganda.

The Scofield Zionist Bible propaganda is meant to enlarge part tear down this unity between Jews, Muslims and Christians all over the world and get people to support Israel at all costs, even if it goes against their religion. The truth is that Jews, Muslims, and Christians prospered and lived together under Catholic rule and under Muslim rule for centuries. And today, the Palestinian Christians and Muslims oppose Israeli occupation.

This Will Put You Into Shock Muslims stand with Palestinian Christians under Israeli occupation​

The Israeli authorities have effectively closed down a number of Christian churches in the holy land, because they are heavily taxing These churches millions upon millions of dollars that the churches can not come up with. ….talk about unfair taxation look at that.

The Catholic Church, Lutherans, Baptists, and even some evangelicals preach the proper word. The word of the New Testament, not this Christian Zionist Bible.

Hopefully today more evangelical Christians will stop allowing themselves to be brainwashed now that they know the facts. Stop believing in Christian Zionism it was propped up by radical atheists.

Good grief
this "information" is very prominent in the islamo nazi literature along with extensive
explanations of the islamic fact that THE JEWS CAUSED WORLD WAR II---and Adolf
was "really a jew" and the story about jews being killed is a gross lie ------I read it as a child in the 1950s. It is taught in muslim grammar schools. Today--muslimah sluts in NYC are tearing down pictures of children held by Hamas---some things never change.
ALSO----since it wasn't happening no one KNEW about jews being killed in Germany
in the 1940s. Since my mother was around then I asked her "WHEN DID YOU KNOW
ABOUT JEWS BEING KILLED IN GERMANY"? She referenced 1936--when she was 16.
The islamo nazi hero, ADOLF PUBLISHED in 1929. Lots of Jews could read German---
as could lots of christians----but even in the 1950s they were saying "WHO KNEW"?
Thus it is LOGICAL to blame World War II on a NY jew named SAMUEL UNTERMYER
for issuing a public warning about the islamo-nazi HERO-MUJAHAD Adolf Hitler

They knew in 1933. No one blames Samuel Untermyer for WW2. He declared economic war on Germany in 1933. That didn't start WW2.
View attachment 862486

Some of our fellow Christians may have heard of the end times prophecy. The so-called “rapture” idea often brought to us by multimillionaire evangelical preachers with mega churches. A part of “dispensationalism” the idea that God chose Jewish Israel as some sort of a prelude to some kind of Apocalypse. Well It’s fake it’s based on a Christian Zionist pastor who was a convicted criminal fraud. He put forward a Zionist Bible iow The Schofield Bible that has been preached by a number of evangelicals to this today. It’s all fake total propaganda.

The Scofield Zionist Bible propaganda is meant to enlarge part tear down this unity between Jews, Muslims and Christians all over the world and get people to support Israel at all costs, even if it goes against their religion. The truth is that Jews, Muslims, and Christians prospered and lived together under Catholic rule and under Muslim rule for centuries. And today, the Palestinian Christians and Muslims oppose Israeli occupation.

This Will Put You Into Shock Muslims stand with Palestinian Christians under Israeli occupation​

The Israeli authorities have effectively closed down a number of Christian churches in the holy land, because they are heavily taxing These churches millions upon millions of dollars that the churches can not come up with. ….talk about unfair taxation look at that.

The Catholic Church, Lutherans, Baptists, and even some evangelicals preach the proper word. The word of the New Testament, not this Christian Zionist Bible.

Hopefully today more evangelical Christians will stop allowing themselves to be brainwashed now that they know the facts. Stop believing in Christian Zionism it was propped up by radical atheists.

Rapture doctrine is one of the most recent "new doctrines" in the history of the Church. The only doctrine more recent is the invention of the sinner's prayer for salvation by Billy Sunday in 1930, which was made popular by Billy Graham in 1935.

2. The fact that John Nelson Darby invented the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine around 1830 AD is unquestionably true. All attempts to find evidence of this wild doctrine before 1830 have failed, with a single exception: Morgan Edwards wrote a short essay as a college paper for Bristol Baptist College in Bristol England in 1744 where he confused the second coming with the first resurrection of Revelation 20 and described a "pre-tribulation" rapture. However Edwards ideas, which he admitted were brand new and never before taught, had no influence in the modern population of the false doctrine. That prize to goes to Darby.

Give it a break already. We all know you hate the Jews.

The Rapture should be considered unbiblical, not just because the word ‘rapture’ does not appear in the Bible, nor because the concept does not actually appear, but because it was a nineteenth-century invention.

True, the Bible does talk of a ‘Second Coming’, but the Rapture has its origins in Port Glasgow, Scotland, when fifteen-year-old Margaret MacDonald attended a healing service and, according to one critic, was said to have seen a vision of a two-stage return of Jesus Christ. The story of her vision was adopted and developed by John Nelson Darby, an evangelical preacher and founder of the Plymouth Brethren.

Barbara R. Rossing, author of The Rapture Exposed, says:

Instead of predicting a specific date for Christ's return, Darby invented "dispensations" – that is, intervals of time ordering God's grand timetable for world events. From this expression came "dispensationalism," a particular system or school of thinking about the end-times reflecting Darby's premise.

Scofield, Lindsey, LaHaye, and many fundamentalists have added to Darby’s original proposal, sometimes claiming obscure biblical support for their claims.

However, finding passages that, with the right interpretation in mind, could be seen as referring the the ‘Rapture’ is not the same as saying it is biblically based.
They knew in 1933. No one blames Samuel Untermyer for WW2. He declared economic war on Germany in 1933. That didn't start WW2.
who is "they" ? I don't believe that you never read the islamo nazi generated propaganda that even PAKISTANIS can quote chapter and verse----unless you don't read or hear. Your
declaration "that did not start world war II" is, of course, true---but it is so presented
in the islamo nazi propaganda of which you are REMARKABLY.. utterly. ignorant Today Imam pigs in the USA are making the claim that it was the IDF that killed "some people" in "some villages" in Israel.----Even the vocabulary of your shit never changes. That mindless
memorization of the "HOLY' kharah-an works for you '
who is "they" ? I don't believe that you never read the islamo nazi generated propaganda that even PAKISTANIS can quote chapter and verse----unless you don't read or hear. Your
declaration "that did not start world war II" is, of course, true---but it is so presented
in the islamo nazi propaganda of which you are REMARKABLY.. utterly. ignorant Today Imam pigs in the USA are making the claim that it was the IDF that killed "some people" in "some villages" in Israel.----Even the vocabulary of your shit never changes. That mindless
memorization of the "HOLY' kharah-an works for you '

You invent antisemitism where none exists. No one has ever said Samuel Untermyer started WW2.
You invent antisemitism where none exists. No one has ever said Samuel Untermyer started WW2.
you have claimed that you are UNAWARE of the fact that holocaust denial is taught
in muslim schools---TOO. You claimed that you NEVER HEARD anything about
DA JOOOOS KILLING JESUS. You claimed that you have read extensively in English
literature and never came across anything REMOTELY negative about JOOOS----you
are a gross liar------or the victim of a severe cognitive deficit
you have claimed that you are UNAWARE of the fact that holocaust denial is taught
in muslim schools---TOO. You claimed that you NEVER HEARD anything about
DA JOOOOS KILLING JESUS. You claimed that you have read extensively in English
literature and never came across anything REMOTELY negative about JOOOS----you
are a gross liar------or the victim of a severe cognitive deficit

The crucifixion was a long time ago. Are you still reacting?
are you playing village idiot again?

I have never in my life heard a Christian attack or criticize Jews for the crucifixion... and I've logged thousands of hours in church, Sunday school and vacation Bible school.. not to forget Wednesday night Bible study.

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