Chris Matthews is a Birther!

he's not a birther. he just thinks the original birth certificate should be released so the issue can be put to rest.
Obama doesnt want it put to rest
look at how he can marginalize anyone that opposes his policies just by calling them a birfer
he loves this stuff being on the forefront

No other reason for this.

It's a great way to demonise the incoming gop before they even sit in the big boy chairs.
I don't think that necessarily makes him a birther; I think he is just asking a legitimate question and one I've had myself. Having the certificate sealed is suspicious, but I don't believe he was born in Kenya. Maybe there is something else on it he doesn't want people to see. Who knows.

Ok. Here we go again.

Obama did NOT "seal" his birth certificate. Birth certificates by definition are "sealed" - they're not public information. And, once again, Obama did release a certificate of live birth, which is LEGAL PROOF of citizenship, and THE ONLY TYPE OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE THAT HAWAII RELEASES.

Right. The only person would can request it is Obama himself, which he refuses to do.

A certificate of live birth and the long form birth certificate have different information on them. The LFBC has more information on it.

I'm with Don'tTazMe . . . .what other information is on there that he doesn't want made public?

No, the State of Hawaii does NOT ISSUE a "long form" birth certificate.

ALL they will release (which is what Obama "must request himself"), is what Obama did release. (The COLB).
he's not a birther. he just thinks the original birth certificate should be released so the issue can be put to rest.
Obama doesnt want it put to rest
look at how he can marginalize anyone that opposes his policies just by calling them a birfer
he loves this stuff being on the forefront

No, he can't. Obama himself (or the White House) can't comment on it AT ALL. To comment on it would legitimize it.

I think Obama thinks of it as a nuisance more than anything else. As does the gov't of Hawaii, apparently.

If I'm remembering right and not just talking about of my ass, Hawai'i passed some legislation that specifically prevents the birfers from asking to see the same documents again and again.

I'm sure the Supreme Court is tired of telling these monkeys that they're not going to hear any cases on this either. :lol:
Ok. Here we go again.

Obama did NOT "seal" his birth certificate. Birth certificates by definition are "sealed" - they're not public information. And, once again, Obama did release a certificate of live birth, which is LEGAL PROOF of citizenship, and THE ONLY TYPE OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE THAT HAWAII RELEASES.

Right. The only person would can request it is Obama himself, which he refuses to do.

A certificate of live birth and the long form birth certificate have different information on them. The LFBC has more information on it.

I'm with Don'tTazMe . . . .what other information is on there that he doesn't want made public?

No, the State of Hawaii does NOT ISSUE a "long form" birth certificate.

ALL they will release (which is what Obama "must request himself"), is what Obama did release. (The COLB).

So no LFBC exists?
actually, chris matthews makes fun of birther idiots all the time.

if i had to guess, he was talking about ways of shutting them up.

That was my first thought too.

But nothing would be enough to shut the birfers up. They'd cry "fake!" at any further document. Conspiracy theory and confimation bias go hand in hand.

Why do you guys always want to shut people up? Seems to be your first response to every instance of dissent... MUST SHUT THEM UP.

You're all soooooooooooooooooooo full-of-shit.
he's not a birther. he just thinks the original birth certificate should be released so the issue can be put to rest.
Obama doesnt want it put to rest
look at how he can marginalize anyone that opposes his policies just by calling them a birfer
he loves this stuff being on the forefront

No other reason for this.

It's a great way to demonise the incoming gop before they even sit in the big boy chairs.

He won't use this, it's already worn and tired. Repubs give the president more and better material everyday.
actually, chris matthews makes fun of birther idiots all the time.

if i had to guess, he was talking about ways of shutting them up.

That was my first thought too.

But nothing would be enough to shut the birfers up. They'd cry "fake!" at any further document. Conspiracy theory and confimation bias go hand in hand.
isnt that what the nutters on the left did with Bush's military records
didnt matter how much Bush released they still didnt believe them
i take it that Obama learned from that and releasing all you can wont change it, and it is better to just ignore them
too bad Bush wasnt smart enough to have learned that sooner
actually, chris matthews makes fun of birther idiots all the time.

if i had to guess, he was talking about ways of shutting them up.

That was my first thought too.

But nothing would be enough to shut the birfers up. They'd cry "fake!" at any further document. Conspiracy theory and confimation bias go hand in hand.

Why do you guys always want to shut people up? Seems to be your first response to every instance of dissent... MUST SHUT THEM UP.

You're all soooooooooooooooooooo full-of-shit.

It's why they are in favor of Net Neutrality by the FCC. That's a big way to get people they don't like to Shut Up.

Right. The only person would can request it is Obama himself, which he refuses to do.

A certificate of live birth and the long form birth certificate have different information on them. The LFBC has more information on it.

I'm with Don'tTazMe . . . .what other information is on there that he doesn't want made public?

No, the State of Hawaii does NOT ISSUE a "long form" birth certificate.

ALL they will release (which is what Obama "must request himself"), is what Obama did release. (The COLB).

So no LFBC exists?

Probably somewhere in a records vault somewhere, sure.

But the State does NOT release those records. It is State policy to only release the COLB, which, for all legal purposes is PROOF OF BIRTH and of CITIZENSHIP.
I saw that show, he was simply musing, he does it all the time. The best way to deal with birthers is to ignore their hateful rants and idiocy.

Nobody with any sense would believe them anyway.
Nope. Matthews just showed the world that the Nordyke Twins born hours apart from Obama in Hawaii has what Obama has on file and wont release.......a long form vital record of birth. He now has people wanting for Obama to release what the twins forms looks like and the media is now asking questions and bringing this to attention because of the Hawaii governor.

and if you look at the "issue date" on that, you will see it is 1966
things have changed since them and they send out different records now
Look. It is a Certificate with 1961 vital statistics. Obamas would have the same information. He said he found his long form back in the 90s in his book. That's long before Hawaii stated issuing 'Certifications of Live Births' and not 'Certificates of Live Birth' like the Nordyke twins born hours apart from Obama.
That was my first thought too.

But nothing would be enough to shut the birfers up. They'd cry "fake!" at any further document. Conspiracy theory and confimation bias go hand in hand.

Why do you guys always want to shut people up? Seems to be your first response to every instance of dissent... MUST SHUT THEM UP.

You're all soooooooooooooooooooo full-of-shit.

It's why they are in favor of Net Neutrality by the FCC. That's a big way to get people they don't like to Shut Up.

Predictable little totalitarians.... shut this one up, regulate that, take him off the air, silence her, have the FCC do this and that.
Nope. Matthews just showed the world that the Nordyke Twins born hours apart from Obama in Hawaii has what Obama has on file and wont release.......a long form vital record of birth. He now has people wanting for Obama to release what the twins forms looks like and the media is now asking questions and bringing this to attention because of the Hawaii governor.

and if you look at the "issue date" on that, you will see it is 1966
things have changed since them and they send out different records now
Look. It is a Certificate with 1961 vital statistics. Obamas would have the same information. He said he found his long form back in the 90s in his book. That's long before Hawaii stated issuing 'Certifications of Live Births' and not 'Certificates of Live Birth' like the Nordyke twins born hours apart from Obama.
i said look at the ISSUE DATE
things have changed in what the State releases since then
things have changed
No, the State of Hawaii does NOT ISSUE a "long form" birth certificate.

ALL they will release (which is what Obama "must request himself"), is what Obama did release. (The COLB).

So no LFBC exists?

Probably somewhere in a records vault somewhere, sure.

But the State does NOT release those records. It is State policy to only release the COLB, which, for all legal purposes is PROOF OF BIRTH and of CITIZENSHIP.

But the LFBC is somewhere and that form contains more information than what is on the COLB and of course they would release the long form if Obama requested it.

To me it just seems like he's trying to hide something, and not necessarily where he was born.
So no LFBC exists?

Probably somewhere in a records vault somewhere, sure.

But the State does NOT release those records. It is State policy to only release the COLB, which, for all legal purposes is PROOF OF BIRTH and of CITIZENSHIP.

But the LFBC is somewhere and that form contains more information than what is on the COLB and of course they would release the long form if Obama requested it.

To me it just seems like he's trying to hide something, and not necessarily where he was born.

Hmmmm...he wears Mom Jeans and throws a baseball like a girl.

Maybe Obama was BORN A FEMALE?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!
We live in strange times.

Chris Matthews has outed himself as a birther.

On Monday night's edition of "Hardball," host Chris Matthews talked about putting the birth certificate controversy surrounding President Obama to rest.

"Why has the president himself not demanded they put out the original documents?" Matthews wonders.

"If it exists, why not put it out?" Chris Matthews asks.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth Certificate?

And think of the ramifications *IF* it were true of the Bamster NOT being a citizen?

It would be the ultimate usurpation of the United States Constitution...the populace would lose total FAITH in government.

Just a thought... ;)

This is ridiculous. This Beck meme that liberals want the collapse of government is retarded. Just as retarded as the idea that conservative militia libertarians want the end of the government en masse.

Quit spreading such drivel.
So no LFBC exists?

Probably somewhere in a records vault somewhere, sure.

But the State does NOT release those records. It is State policy to only release the COLB, which, for all legal purposes is PROOF OF BIRTH and of CITIZENSHIP.

But the LFBC is somewhere and that form contains more information than what is on the COLB and of course they would release the long form if Obama requested it.
Since he's the President, probably.

But they wouldn't for you or me.

To me it just seems like he's trying to hide something, and not necessarily where he was born.
Like what?

Why is it so hard to understand that Obama isn't going to ask Hawaii to break their own laws simply to placate a tiny, fanatical group of people that 1.) won't believe him anyway, even if each and every one of them got a copy of their own, and 2.) wouldn't support him anyway?
Probably somewhere in a records vault somewhere, sure.

But the State does NOT release those records. It is State policy to only release the COLB, which, for all legal purposes is PROOF OF BIRTH and of CITIZENSHIP.

But the LFBC is somewhere and that form contains more information than what is on the COLB and of course they would release the long form if Obama requested it.
Since he's the President, probably.

But they wouldn't for you or me. Nor should they for anyone but him.

To me it just seems like he's trying to hide something, and not necessarily where he was born.
Like what? Don't know. That's what hiding something is all about, isn't it?

Why is it so hard to understand that Obama isn't going to ask Hawaii to break their own laws simply to placate a tiny, fanatical group of people that 1.) won't believe him anyway, even if each and every one of them got a copy of their own, and 2.) wouldn't support him anyway?
Why go to any extra trouble for people who wont believe a) the jpg already posted or b) the 2 advertisements in the local papers.

If those aren't enough...nothing will stop these idiots.
But the LFBC is somewhere and that form contains more information than what is on the COLB and of course they would release the long form if Obama requested it.
Since he's the President, probably.

But they wouldn't for you or me. Nor should they for anyone but him.
You misunderstood what I was saying.

If you or I were from Hawaii, and we requested our own "long form birth certificate", they would politely tell us NO.
To me it just seems like he's trying to hide something, and not necessarily where he was born.
Like what? Don't know. That's what hiding something is all about, isn't it?
Well, there's only so much information included in a Birth Certificate.

Try your best to come up with a new conspiracy theory.

Why is it so hard to understand that Obama isn't going to ask Hawaii to break their own laws simply to placate a tiny, fanatical group of people that 1.) won't believe him anyway, even if each and every one of them got a copy of their own, and 2.) wouldn't support him anyway?
Why didn't you address the last part of my post?

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