Chris Matthews is a Birther!


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
We live in strange times.

Chris Matthews has outed himself as a birther.

On Monday night's edition of "Hardball," host Chris Matthews talked about putting the birth certificate controversy surrounding President Obama to rest.

"Why has the president himself not demanded they put out the original documents?" Matthews wonders.

"If it exists, why not put it out?" Chris Matthews asks.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth Certificate?
Mathews is an idiot.

He isw a terrible interviewer and will ask a 5 minute question and only allow his guest 10 seconds of answer before his mouth is flapping yet AGAIN.

I cant stand the guy.

He used to talk about how hot GWB looked in jeans and was a Iraq war supporter for quite a while.

Hes an idiot
We live in strange times.

Chris Matthews has outed himself as a birther.

On Monday night's edition of "Hardball," host Chris Matthews talked about putting the birth certificate controversy surrounding President Obama to rest.

"Why has the president himself not demanded they put out the original documents?" Matthews wonders.

"If it exists, why not put it out?" Chris Matthews asks.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth Certificate?

And think of the ramifications *IF* it were true of the Bamster NOT being a citizen?

It would be the ultimate usurpation of the United States Constitution...the populace would lose total FAITH in government.

Just a thought... ;)
You know that it's against the law to release someone's long form birth certificate? It's called an "invasion of privacy", right?

And looking at it from Obama's perspective. Why should he have to "prove" something the right wing never, in the history of the US, asked a "white" president to "prove"?

Is it because the Republican Party is 90% white?

Besides, we all know it wouldn't make a bit of difference. They will never accept a "black" guy in the "WHITE" House. It just ain't gonna happen.
We live in strange times.

Chris Matthews has outed himself as a birther.

On Monday night's edition of "Hardball," host Chris Matthews talked about putting the birth certificate controversy surrounding President Obama to rest.

"Why has the president himself not demanded they put out the original documents?" Matthews wonders.

"If it exists, why not put it out?" Chris Matthews asks.

I don't think that necessarily makes him a birther; I think he is just asking a legitimate question and one I've had myself. Having the certificate sealed is suspicious, but I don't believe he was born in Kenya. Maybe there is something else on it he doesn't want people to see. Who knows.
Mathews is an idiot.

He isw a terrible interviewer and will ask a 5 minute question and only allow his guest 10 seconds of answer before his mouth is flapping yet AGAIN.

I cant stand the guy.

He used to talk about how hot GWB looked in jeans and was a Iraq war supporter for quite a while.

Hes an idiot

This post makes the Baby Apostrophe cry.
You know that it's against the law to release someone's long form birth certificate? It's called an "invasion of privacy", right?

And looking at it from Obama's perspective. Why should he have to "prove" something the right wing never, in the history of the US, asked a "white" president to "prove"?

Is it because the Republican Party is 90% white?

Besides, we all know it wouldn't make a bit of difference. They will never accept a "black" guy in the "WHITE" House. It just ain't gonna happen.

You really are a moron. There was a great deal in the news about John McCain's eligibility just two years ago.

In the most detailed examination yet of Senator John McCain’s eligibility to be president, a law professor at the University of Arizona has concluded that neither Mr. McCain’s birth in 1936 in the Panama Canal Zone nor the fact that his parents were American citizens is enough to satisfy the constitutional requirement that the president must be a “natural-born citizen.”

The analysis, by Prof. Gabriel J. Chin, focused on a 1937 law that has been largely overlooked in the debate over Mr. McCain’s eligibility to be president. The law conferred citizenship on children of American parents born in the Canal Zone after 1904, and it made John McCain a citizen just before his first birthday. But the law came too late, Professor Chin argued, to make Mr. McCain a natural-born citizen...
actually, chris matthews makes fun of birther idiots all the time.

if i had to guess, he was talking about ways of shutting them up.

Perhaps he's protesting to much. hmm? Think about. How many ubber anti-gay guys have been caught?

Perhaps he's been a closet birther all this time and this was his "coming out" moment.

Or maybe that dumbass wandered off script and winging aint his fortay (-1sp)
he's not a birther. he just thinks the original birth certificate should be released so the issue can be put to rest.
actually, chris matthews makes fun of birther idiots all the time.

if i had to guess, he was talking about ways of shutting them up.

Perhaps he's protesting to much. hmm? Think about. How many ubber anti-gay guys have been caught?

Perhaps he's been a closet birther all this time and this was his "coming out" moment.

Or maybe that dumbass wandered off script and winging aint his fortay (-1sp)

or maybe he isn't. how many birthers do you know who say "I think he was born in Hawaii"?
You know that it's against the law to release someone's long form birth certificate? It's called an "invasion of privacy", right?

And looking at it from Obama's perspective. Why should he have to "prove" something the right wing never, in the history of the US, asked a "white" president to "prove"?

Is it because the Republican Party is 90% white?

Besides, we all know it wouldn't make a bit of difference. They will never accept a "black" guy in the "WHITE" House. It just ain't gonna happen.

I'm fairly certain McCain has to break his out on a fairly regular basis.

Since he wasn't born on the mainland but on an American base.

Not that your blather has anything to do with Matthews's gaff.

Unless your calling him a racist.
actually, chris matthews makes fun of birther idiots all the time.

if i had to guess, he was talking about ways of shutting them up.

Perhaps he's protesting to much. hmm? Think about. How many ubber anti-gay guys have been caught?

Perhaps he's been a closet birther all this time and this was his "coming out" moment.

Or maybe that dumbass wandered off script and winging aint his fortay (-1sp)

or maybe he isn't. how many birthers do you know who say "I think he was born in Hawaii"?

Stop trying to confuse me with facts! I don't care what he said last week, that's not funny.

His gaff last night needs to be twisted and turned untill he has to confess he's been a closet birther all this time.

so please keep your facts to yourself.
Perhaps he's protesting to much. hmm? Think about. How many ubber anti-gay guys have been caught?

Perhaps he's been a closet birther all this time and this was his "coming out" moment.

Or maybe that dumbass wandered off script and winging aint his fortay (-1sp)

or maybe he isn't. how many birthers do you know who say "I think he was born in Hawaii"?

Stop trying to confuse me with facts! I don't care what he said last week, that's not funny.

His gaff last night needs to be twisted and turned untill he has to confess he's been a closet birther all this time.

so please keep your facts to yourself.

I'll try.
Mathews is an idiot.

He isw a terrible interviewer and will ask a 5 minute question and only allow his guest 10 seconds of answer before his mouth is flapping yet AGAIN.

I cant stand the guy.

He used to talk about how hot GWB looked in jeans and was a Iraq war supporter for quite a while.

Hes an idiot
Mathews is an idiot.

He isw a terrible interviewer and will ask a 5 minute question and only allow his guest 10 seconds of answer before his mouth is flapping yet AGAIN.

I cant stand the guy.

He used to talk about how hot GWB looked in jeans and was a Iraq war supporter for quite a while.

Hes an idiot

And more recently, Matthews talked about Obama giving him leg tingles.

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