Chris Columbus statue next on the chopping block...

Columbus may have re-discovered American "Islands" for Europe, after some other Europeans did, apparently there's big evidence that Leif Erikson discovered America first, as well as some other legends which may or may not be true, then Rosslyn Chapel seems to suggest earlier American exploration, or possible Richard Amerike, or Jan of Kolno, seem to also be potential possibilities.

The bottom-line is Columbus had little to do with the brutality of later Colonists.

The bottom line is the Left hates Western Culture and wants to destroy or marginalize it.
Columbus may have re-discovered American "Islands" for Europe, after some other Europeans did, apparently there's big evidence that Leif Erikson discovered America first, as well as some other legends which may or may not be true, then Rosslyn Chapel seems to suggest earlier American exploration, or possible Richard Amerike, or Jan of Kolno, seem to also be potential possibilities.

The bottom-line is Columbus had little to do with the brutality of later Colonists.

The bottom line is the Left hates Western Culture and wants to destroy or marginalize it.

The World has been brutal, no use in saying it wasn't.

But, at least Europeans including Colombus, Leif Erikson, Vaspucci, Benedict of Poland, Marco Polo, Lewis, and Clark, Henry Hudson, or Michal Boym have been adventurous explorers, with a long line of scientists that match the same spirit, like Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Maxwell, Neils Bohr etc.
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized

Calm yourself.

A) Columbus NEVER discovered America and he treated the natives like total shit at the places he did go. The man was a dick.

B) they are just statues...hunks of rock, plaster or whatever. They mean nothing.

Passionately worshipping, innanimate objects is typical of lower IQ/educational behavior, BTW. You might want to remember that while you are freaking out over hunks of 'rock' or pieces of cloth (flags).

If they mean nothing...why are they sending you snowflakes into hysterics?
You tagged crocket pretty good. Probably a little Blood coming out of his nose
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized

Calm yourself.

A) Columbus NEVER discovered America and he treated the natives like total shit at the places he did go. The man was a dick.

B) they are just statues...hunks of rock, plaster or whatever. They mean nothing.

Passionately worshipping, innanimate objects is typical of lower IQ/educational behavior, BTW. You might want to remember that while you are freaking out over hunks of 'rock' or pieces of cloth (flags).

If they mean nothing...why are they sending you snowflakes into hysterics?
You tagged crocket pretty good. Probably a little Blood coming out of his nose

Typical left loon...they never think things through. Like shooting fish in a barrel
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized

Calm yourself.

A) Columbus NEVER discovered America and he treated the natives like total shit at the places he did go. The man was a dick.

B) they are just statues...hunks of rock, plaster or whatever. They mean nothing.

Passionately worshipping, innanimate objects is typical of lower IQ/educational behavior, BTW. You might want to remember that while you are freaking out over hunks of 'rock' or pieces of cloth (flags).

If they mean nothing...why are they sending you snowflakes into hysterics?
You tagged crocket pretty good. Probably a little Blood coming out of his nose

For the record, IMO you are a racist idiot. I neither read nor reply to your replies to me.

Have a wonderful day.
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized

Calm yourself.

A) Columbus NEVER discovered America and he treated the natives like total shit at the places he did go. The man was a dick.

B) they are just statues...hunks of rock, plaster or whatever. They mean nothing.

Passionately worshipping, innanimate objects is typical of lower IQ/educational behavior, BTW. You might want to remember that while you are freaking out over hunks of 'rock' or pieces of cloth (flags).

If they mean nothing...why are they sending you snowflakes into hysterics?
You tagged crocket pretty good. Probably a little Blood coming out of his nose

For the record, IMO you are a racist idiot. I neither read nor reply to your replies to me.

Have a wonderful day.

That's the ticket!!! (and typical of a leftist) scream you're a racist and run away LOL
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized

Calm yourself.

A) Columbus NEVER discovered America and he treated the natives like total shit at the places he did go. The man was a dick.

B) they are just statues...hunks of rock, plaster or whatever. They mean nothing.

Passionately worshipping, innanimate objects is typical of lower IQ/educational behavior, BTW. You might want to remember that while you are freaking out over hunks of 'rock' or pieces of cloth (flags).

If they mean nothing...why are they sending you snowflakes into hysterics?
You tagged crocket pretty good. Probably a little Blood coming out of his nose

For the record, IMO you are a racist idiot. I neither read nor reply to your replies to me.

Have a wonderful day.

Dude. You got creamed today. Denying it, just reveals you to be dishonest.

Answer the question. IF they mean nothing, why is it so important they come down?
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized
. No so-called "native" was harmed by Columbus in America.
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized

Calm yourself.

A) Columbus NEVER discovered America and he treated the natives like total shit at the places he did go. The man was a dick.

B) they are just statues...hunks of rock, plaster or whatever. They mean nothing.

Passionately worshipping, innanimate objects is typical of lower IQ/educational behavior, BTW. You might want to remember that while you are freaking out over hunks of 'rock' or pieces of cloth (flags).

If they mean nothing...why are they sending you snowflakes into hysterics?
You tagged crocket pretty good. Probably a little Blood coming out of his nose

For the record, IMO you are a racist idiot. I neither read nor reply to your replies to me.

Have a wonderful day.
Thank you for showing your ignorance by calling someone you don’t know, haven’t conversed with a racist. You clowns are truly hilarious. By the way you just read and replied to me. The stupid is very strong in you. about a big fat political gift from the left!!! Please....PLEASE push this narrative, go!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

After 2 years, the left still doesnt get that America doesnt think like Rachel Maddow and Bill Maher!:cul2:
Last edited:
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized
. No so-called "native" was harmed by Columbus in America.
Read up on that. He immediately enslaved a bunch of them, took some back to Europe as oddities to display. Of course, he wasn't the only one with that attitude back then. It was all grab what you can as fast as you're able, and fuck any natives standing in the way.
I still think it's kinda nuts to say celebrating Columbus is anti-Native American, though. He was the first European to stumble on the fact that North and South America existed (if you leave out the Vikings--but they didn't stay and colonize). But it wasn't Columbus, himself, who brought on the European onslaught. He was a curious explorer.

Columbus was determined to get to China although there was no evidence whatsoever that it could be done. It took him years to get that funded and half his uneducated sailors thought they were going to sail off the edge of the world. Columbus had cajones.
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized

Columbus is synonymous with GENOCIDE and didn't even go to where the present day USA is, as far as I know.

Only in addled prog minds.

What happened during colonization was conquest, not genocide, something the natives were doing to each other for millennia before Europeans got here (and what Europeans were doing to each other for Millennia as well)
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized
. No so-called "native" was harmed by Columbus in America.
Read up on that. He immediately enslaved a bunch of them, took some back to Europe as oddities to display. Of course, he wasn't the only one with that attitude back then. It was all grab what you can as fast as you're able, and fuck any natives standing in the way.

So the Aztecs were cuddly teddy bears?

Conquest is conquest, war is war, and the fact the Europeans had better weapons doesn't make what they did genocide.
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized
. No so-called "native" was harmed by Columbus in America.
Read up on that. He immediately enslaved a bunch of them, took some back to Europe as oddities to display. Of course, he wasn't the only one with that attitude back then. It was all grab what you can as fast as you're able, and fuck any natives standing in the way.

So the Aztecs were cuddly teddy bears?

Conquest is conquest, war is war, and the fact the Europeans had better weapons doesn't make what they did genocide.
I don't think I called it genocide anywhere, did I?
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized

Columbus is synonymous with GENOCIDE and didn't even go to where the present day USA is, as far as I know.
The Aztecs are synonymous with human sacrifices. Should we tear down their pyramids?
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized

Calm yourself.

A) Columbus NEVER discovered America and he treated the natives like total shit at the places he did go. The man was a dick.

B) they are just statues...hunks of rock, plaster or whatever. They mean nothing.

Passionately worshipping, innanimate objects is typical of lower IQ/educational behavior, BTW. You might want to remember that while you are freaking out over hunks of 'rock' or pieces of cloth (flags).
So? What does that have to do with its historical siginificance? If we start destroying all the bad stuff in history, we wont have an history left. EVERYONE was bad before our time. When our time is past, we will also look bad to people in the future and I don't want them to tear our shit down either.
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized

Columbus is synonymous with GENOCIDE and didn't even go to where the present day USA is, as far as I know.
The Aztecs are synonymous with human sacrifices. Should we tear down their pyramids?

Now that would be up to the government that presides over those monuments, wouldn't it?

Not to mention that those were built during their time, not erected decades after the fact...
Will it never end?

Washington and Jefferson will be next. You give these troglodytes an inch, they'll take a hundred miles...

ST. LOUIS -- A Christopher Columbus statue in a St. Louis park is being called into question about a year after a Confederate monument was removed from another park in the city.

A commission is being formed to review whether the 130-year-old statue belongs in Tower Grove Park, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. The panel will include historians, art experts, and representatives of Italian-Americans and Native Americans in St. Louis, said David Lauber, the park's director of development.

"We've been aware in recent years that this is an issue," Lauber said. "We know that it's time to have a discussion."

The commission will eventually make long-term recommendations regarding the statue's future to the park's Board of Commissioners.

The statue has been repeatedly covered with graffiti over the last two years, with words including "murderer" and "Black Lives Matter" being painted onto the base.

Columbus statue in St. Louis park is being scrutinized

Calm yourself.

A) Columbus NEVER discovered America and he treated the natives like total shit at the places he did go. The man was a dick.

B) they are just statues...hunks of rock, plaster or whatever. They mean nothing.

Passionately worshipping, innanimate objects is typical of lower IQ/educational behavior, BTW. You might want to remember that while you are freaking out over hunks of 'rock' or pieces of cloth (flags).
So? What does that have to do with its historical siginificance?

Everything. Why don't you do a little research in to the reasons Columbus is "celebrated" in the U.S., that's not a question, it's a suggestion.