Choosing your side and differentiating between the Right and Left


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I have a 14 year old whom is very curious about politics, political parties, the Right and Left....etc. She's always asking questions about the ideologies of each "side".
This really got me thinking about who or what is considered a model citizen by the Left and Right ...I've determined the following based on who and what "the sides" champion for:

A model citizen for the Right would be one who gets up at 5:30am rolling over to give his WIFE a good morning kiss, he goes to work, is self funded, he takes great pride in never imposing himself on others. He exhausts all effort leading his family and raising his children. He teaches morality, family values and the paramount importance of responsibility and accountability. He goes to Church on Sundays and spends his life becoming and doing better. He expects and appreciates law and order, he's patriotic and respects American heritage. He prefers a likeminded society where normalcy and conformity isn't demonized.

A model citizen for the Left would be an illegal or barely legal Mexican who gets up at noon rolling over to give his boyfriend a good morning kiss, he would put on his dress and lipstick and rush off by 1:30pm to make his appointment at the welfare office where he would take his 'morning' dump next to a 14 year old girl in the ladies room. He's shameless and brags about the EBT card that taxpayers send him every month. He takes great pride in counting on others to survive. He fathers many children with multiple baby mamas. He would never be around to teach his children anything as he's way too busy smoking weed and drinking 40's. He would have an arrest record and this guy feels he's way too smart to believe in God or go to Church.

Folks, I am not making this up...sift through the forums'll quickly find out who and what are championed by the Left and Right.
Teach her critical thinking. It will not only serve her well in politics but in life as well. Too few young people have that skill.

Teach her to question, challenge and never assume what she is being told is factual.
I have a 14 year old whom is very curious about politics, political parties, the Right and Left....etc. She's always asking questions about the ideologies of each "side".

It's supremely sleazy to use your kid as an excuse to whine about your moral and intellectual betters.

But then, if you had guts and ethics, you wouldn't be a Trumpflake. At this stage, only the most morally depraved will still admit to membership in the Trump cult.

Folks, I am not making this up...sift through the forums'll quickly find out who and what are championed by the Left and Right.

If you're not lying, post examples. After all, you said the examples were all over.

This is where you run now, pajama boy. Don't worry, nobody expects anything else from you. After all, the two qualities that define Trumpflakes are cowardice and dishonesty.
As a good parent, I taught my children that there are values, there are ideals, and there are political ideologies, but the notion that there are just these two immense warring tribes is for those much less intelligent than themselves.
I have a 14 year old whom is very curious about politics, political parties, the Right and Left....etc. She's always asking questions about the ideologies of each "side".

It's supremely sleazy to use your kid as an excuse to whine about your moral and intellectual betters.

But then, if you had guts and ethics, you wouldn't be a Trumpflake. At this stage, only the most morally depraved will still admit to membership in the Trump cult.

Folks, I am not making this up...sift through the forums'll quickly find out who and what are championed by the Left and Right.

If you're not lying, post examples. After all, you said the examples were all over.

He could start with your posts.
He could start with your posts.

I note your lack of examples. When my point is that Trumpflakes are cowardly liars, you probably shouldn't have jumped in to prove it like that.

So, let's continue with the topic that Trumpflakes want to avoid.

Do you approve of the OP's use of his kid to launch cheap partisan attacks?

I know, I know, you're not allowed to answer. You know it was supremely sleazy, but your cult says it's forbidden to criticize another cultist for any reason.
He could start with your posts.

I note your lack of examples.

You have a number of posts here. Those were referenced as a beginning.

Do you approve of the OP's use of his kid to launch cheap partisan attacks?

Yes. Actually, I thought it was humorously dead-on.

I often posted my son's comments concerning Democrats, Nazis, Bill Clinton, gun control and bad guys on another board when he was elementary school aged. Generally, they were bullseyes. Such a bright young lad he was.

I know, I know, you're not allowed to answer.

You know not shit from shineola, funny person.
You have a number of posts here. Those were referenced as a beginning.

Wow. The magnitude of that lie is pretty staggering. None of my posts are referenced here, and everyone can see that. You're just flat out lying, and you don't care who knows.

The point you've so helpfully made for me is how the two sides are radically different on the honesty question. Conservatives condone lying for TheCause, while liberals condemn it.

So, do you think it's good to teach kids that lying even bigger to cover up for a previous lie is okay? Remember, even if you don't teach that deliberately, kids will learn from your example.
You have a number of posts here. Those were referenced as a beginning.

Wow. The magnitude of that lie is pretty staggering. None of my posts are referenced here, and everyone can see that. You're just flat out lying, and you don't care who knows.

See # 7.

So, do you think it's good to teach kids that lying even bigger to cover up for a previous lie is okay?

No, I believe that it's good to teach kids that Joseph McCarthy was correct, though a tad indelicate. After all, results tell.
I have a 14 year old whom is very curious about politics, political parties, the Right and Left....etc. She's always asking questions about the ideologies of each "side".
This really got me thinking about who or what is considered a model citizen by the Left and Right ...I've determined the following based on who and what "the sides" champion for:

A model citizen for the Right would be one who gets up at 5:30am rolling over to give his WIFE a good morning kiss, he goes to work, is self funded, he takes great pride in never imposing himself on others. He exhausts all effort leading his family and raising his children. He teaches morality, family values and the paramount importance of responsibility and accountability. He goes to Church on Sundays and spends his life becoming and doing better. He expects and appreciates law and order, he's patriotic and respects American heritage. He prefers a likeminded society where normalcy and conformity isn't demonized.

A model citizen for the Left would be an illegal or barely legal Mexican who gets up at noon rolling over to give his boyfriend a good morning kiss, he would put on his dress and lipstick and rush off by 1:30pm to make his appointment at the welfare office where he would take his 'morning' dump next to a 14 year old girl in the ladies room. He's shameless and brags about the EBT card that taxpayers send him every month. He takes great pride in counting on others to survive. He fathers many children with multiple baby mamas. He would never be around to teach his children anything as he's way too busy smoking weed and drinking 40's. He would have an arrest record and this guy feels he's way too smart to believe in God or go to Church.

Folks, I am not making this up...sift through the forums'll quickly find out who and what are championed by the Left and Right.

Unfortunately, this seems to be the case.
I reminded my daughter several times, that I did everything I could to teach her right from wrong, good and bad, how to be respectful, caring, courteous, grateful and kind. I showed her and taught her about comittments, a hard work ethic and how to look for dangers at all times.

I also told her that she is free to choose any path in life she wants to. . . BUT! If she makes any choices that run counter to the way she was raised, she will NOT be a reflection on me. Those choices will be on her and I will not be rewarding or supporting bad choices.
Typical RWNJ logic. Completely unfounded in reality and based on a skewed perception of the conservative/liberal dichotomy.
I have a 14 year old whom is very curious about politics, political parties, the Right and Left....etc. She's always asking questions about the ideologies of each "side".
This really got me thinking about who or what is considered a model citizen by the Left and Right ...I've determined the following based on who and what "the sides" champion for:

A model citizen for the Right would be one who gets up at 5:30am rolling over to give his WIFE a good morning kiss, he goes to work, is self funded, he takes great pride in never imposing himself on others. He exhausts all effort leading his family and raising his children. He teaches morality, family values and the paramount importance of responsibility and accountability. He goes to Church on Sundays and spends his life becoming and doing better. He expects and appreciates law and order, he's patriotic and respects American heritage. He prefers a likeminded society where normalcy and conformity isn't demonized.

A model citizen for the Left would be an illegal or barely legal Mexican who gets up at noon rolling over to give his boyfriend a good morning kiss, he would put on his dress and lipstick and rush off by 1:30pm to make his appointment at the welfare office where he would take his 'morning' dump next to a 14 year old girl in the ladies room. He's shameless and brags about the EBT card that taxpayers send him every month. He takes great pride in counting on others to survive. He fathers many children with multiple baby mamas. He would never be around to teach his children anything as he's way too busy smoking weed and drinking 40's. He would have an arrest record and this guy feels he's way too smart to believe in God or go to Church.

Folks, I am not making this up...sift through the forums'll quickly find out who and what are championed by the Left and Right.
By Christ I hate those Mex's. Supin about em. Cant' quite put mah finger on it...
I have a 14 year old whom is very curious about politics, political parties, the Right and Left....etc. She's always asking questions about the ideologies of each "side".

It's supremely sleazy to use your kid as an excuse to whine about your moral and intellectual betters.

But then, if you had guts and ethics, you wouldn't be a Trumpflake. At this stage, only the most morally depraved will still admit to membership in the Trump cult.

Folks, I am not making this up...sift through the forums'll quickly find out who and what are championed by the Left and Right.

If you're not lying, post examples. After all, you said the examples were all over.

This is where you run now, pajama boy. Don't worry, nobody expects anything else from you. After all, the two qualities that define Trumpflakes are cowardice and dishonesty.

Typical RWNJ logic. Completely unfounded in reality and based on a skewed perception of the conservative/liberal dichotomy.

I can't hold your hand and lead you around...Read through the'll see who and what the Left stands for...all I did was display it with absolute clarity.
The whacks can't stand it when all semantics are removed and they're described so clearly without the blur...haha
I have a 14 year old whom is very curious about politics, political parties, the Right and Left....etc. She's always asking questions about the ideologies of each "side".

It's supremely sleazy to use your kid as an excuse to whine about your moral and intellectual betters.

But then, if you had guts and ethics, you wouldn't be a Trumpflake. At this stage, only the most morally depraved will still admit to membership in the Trump cult.

Folks, I am not making this up...sift through the forums'll quickly find out who and what are championed by the Left and Right.

If you're not lying, post examples. After all, you said the examples were all over.

This is where you run now, pajama boy. Don't worry, nobody expects anything else from you. After all, the two qualities that define Trumpflakes are cowardice and dishonesty.

Typical RWNJ logic. Completely unfounded in reality and based on a skewed perception of the conservative/liberal dichotomy.

I can't hold your hand and lead you around...Read through the'll see who and what the Left stands for...all I did was display it with absolute clarity.
The whacks can't stand it when all semantics are removed and they're described so clearly without the blur...haha

Your depiction of the Conservative/Liberal differences is a textbook example of extreme hyper-partisanship.

It did make me laugh. So thanks for that.
Teach her critical thinking. It will not only serve her well in politics but in life as well. Too few young people have that skill.

Teach her to question, challenge and never assume what she is being told is factual.

She has two big sisters...both in college, they often describe their looney Liberal professors to her and how they push their programmed personal agendas. At 14 she's got a firm grasp on just how whacked out the Left really is.
Teach her critical thinking. It will not only serve her well in politics but in life as well. Too few young people have that skill.

Teach her to question, challenge and never assume what she is being told is factual.

She has two big sisters...both in college, they often describe their looney Liberal professors to her and how they push their programmed personal agendas. At 14 she's got a firm grasp on just how whacked out the Left really is.

Bringing a kid up to hate is akin to child abuse.

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