Ching Chong


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Black democrats say racist stuff...naaaaaaaaah

but it's true......caught red handed.
I guess we would have to consult the leftwing heiarchy of oppression to see how bad it is.

no we don't, racist is racist according to the left (if you're white) but now we have a black attacking an Asian...hmmmmmmmm

Can't blame whitey for this one.

Michigan Representative Bettie Scott Apologizes for Calling Asian Candidate 'Ching Chong' (But is it Enough?)
I heard about that this morning. Absolutely disgusting. I hope the voters there do the right thing and reject Scott.
Black democrats say racist stuff...naaaaaaaaah

but it's true......caught red handed.
I guess we would have to consult the leftwing heiarchy of oppression to see how bad it is.

no we don't, racist is racist according to the left (if you're white) but now we have a black attacking an Asian...hmmmmmmmm

Can't blame whitey for this one.

Michigan Representative Bettie Scott Apologizes for Calling Asian Candidate 'Ching Chong' (But is it Enough?)
I heard about that this morning. Absolutely disgusting. I hope the voters there do the right thing and reject Scott.
It was pretty awful. While I don't like gotcha statements and looking into people's past, this was now during a we definitely agree. I can't imagine what she was thinking other than I'm black and can't possibly get into trouble over this...
.....I am still SHOCKED this was headlines Yahoo News--and they had the black's picture up there
...this is a first---or very, very rare by Yahoo
imagine that!! a black CAN be human/racist/bigot/etc
o-yeah--we've been saying this the whole time
Freedom of Speech . She might not get elected but she knows how to exersize her RIGHTS . Then again , its 'Detroooooit ' who wouldn't vote for her .
Who knows? She just might get elected because she said what so many people in her area would say.
Who knows? She just might get elected because she said what so many people in her area would say.
---------------------------------------------------- having a hard time deciding if i should award your post number 7 the WINNER Award or Funny and Agree Award but i did decide Longknife .
.....I am still SHOCKED this was headlines Yahoo News--and they had the black's picture up there
...this is a first---or very, very rare by Yahoo
imagine that!! a black CAN be human/racist/bigot/etc
o-yeah--we've been saying this the whole time
it's funny because they always blame anything against us is ok to them (they are wrong)
but when it's black vs Asian.....they are's hilarious.

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