China's Economy is in Bad Shape

Go find a quote where I said that, or go fuck yourself.
So you do know what the phrase “china Miracle” means after all

Do you also know that for your beloved communist china that the party is over?
So you do know what the phrase “china Miracle” means after all

Do you also know that for your beloved communist china that the party is over?
I have stood up in communist China in front of hundreds of people - including CCP officials - and explained why capitalism and democracy are superior to the idiocy of communism. Have you, fucking big mouth? Speak up, big mouth.
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I have stood up in communist China in front of hundreds of people - including CCP officials - and explained why capitalism and democracy are superior to the idiocy of communism. Have you, fucking big mouth? Speak up, big mouth.
You did not sound very informed about china in post 40
If not ignorance what was the purpose of your question?
There is no "miracle" in realizing that capitalist policies generate economic growth and prosperity. Was this a novel concept for you?
China brokering a peace deal between the Saudis and Iran while the US is fueling a proxy war with Russia by pouring weapons into Ukraine may go down as the moment China officially became the new world leader.

The world runs according to a "rules-based order" that the United States created. China is trying to change what "rules-based order" means. China is not the only powerful country that wants the US to have a lot less influence.

I said this a long time ago on other forums, but in my mind, China's biggest problem/challenge is growing wealth while not completely destroying its environment. The drought that hit last summer was a warning. China may not be so lucky in the future.

Then again, most of the Northern Hemisphere were similarly warned.
There is no "miracle" in realizing that capitalist policies generate economic growth and prosperity. Was this a novel concept for you?
In fact many people in the west had china stars in their eyes over china’s spectacular growth during the 2000’s

Many people, including the CCP dictators, were convinced that china was going to swamp America

I bet you even thought so

Do you still think chinese communism is the inevitable future?

And dont say chinese capitalism because china is turning mercantilist-fascist at a brisk pace

Many people, including the CCP dictators, were convinced that china was going to swamp America

I bet you even thought so
Fuck you, ignorant fool. I never thought so because I saw the sausage being made first hand, you stupid shit.
Thank you, Joseph Biden. His shift to American Made and Buy American
Sounds just like he is now vindicating everything about Trump's MAGA policies that when Trump was doing it, all you did was bitch!

- his Executive Orders from Day One, are hurting China's manufacturing.
You mean like switching to all EV's needing extensive mining and importation of materials from China?

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