China warns North Korea: You’re on your own if you go after the United States


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
China basically suggesting if America attacks first they will come to N Koreas defence (they have a treaty with N Korea since 1961), but if N Korea sends a missile near Guam and the like, they are on their own.

The irony of all of this is of course, China has been expanding into the Southern China Sea and been doing so with little attention paid to them. There is now a president and administration that sees what is going on in Asia and is far more overt and confrontational about these abuses than former administrations. Now, N Korea starts this up and makes life much more difficult for China.

North Korea has violated their own promises not to pursue nukes. They have been given far too much room to grow and exploit, all while being given funds from America in the past to appease, and now China in the form of trade. They are the ultimate closed society with little to lose. They simply cannot have nukes.

I say, China better stop chirping and start taking serious action. Find a replacement government and work with the world to replace this nut. For a man concerned only with his own survival, he has recklessly pursued a great deal of power. Certainly this would have been encouraged by China in the past as a means to extract concessions from America, especially in regards to trade as they are stealing jobs from America like noone else. Now it has backfired tremendously. The cost of playing this political game of deception.

China warns North Korea: You’re on your own if you go after the United States

BEIJING — China won’t come to North Korea’s help if it launches missiles threatening U.S. soil and there is retaliation, a state-owned newspaper warned on Friday, but it would intervene if Washington strikes first.

The Global Times newspaper is not an official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, but in this case its editorial probably does reflect government policy and can be considered “semiofficial,” experts said.

China has repeatedly warned both Washington and Pyongyang not to do anything that raises tensions or causes instability on the Korean Peninsula, and strongly reiterated that suggestion Friday.

“The current situation on the Korean Peninsula is complicated and sensitive,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said in a statement.

“China hopes that all relevant parties will be cautious on their words and actions, and do things that help to alleviate tensions and enhance mutual trust, rather than walk on the old pathway of taking turns in shows of strength, and upgrading the tensions.”
China basically suggesting if America attacks first they will come to N Koreas defence (they have a treaty with N Korea since 1961), but if N Korea sends a missile near Guam and the like, they are on their own.

The irony of all of this is of course, China has been expanding into the Southern China Sea and been doing so with little attention paid to them. There is now a president and administration that sees what is going on in Asia and is far more overt and confrontational about these abuses than former administrations. Now, N Korea starts this up and makes life much more difficult for China.

North Korea has violated their own promises not to pursue nukes. They have been given far too much room to grow and exploit, all while being given funds from America in the past to appease, and now China in the form of trade. They are the ultimate closed society with little to lose. They simply cannot have nukes.

I say, China better stop chirping and start taking serious action. Find a replacement government and work with the world to replace this nut. For a man concerned only with his own survival, he has recklessly pursued a great deal of power. Certainly this would have been encouraged by China in the past as a means to extract concessions from America, especially in regards to trade as they are stealing jobs from America like noone else. Now it has backfired tremendously. The cost of playing this political game of deception.

China warns North Korea: You’re on your own if you go after the United States

BEIJING — China won’t come to North Korea’s help if it launches missiles threatening U.S. soil and there is retaliation, a state-owned newspaper warned on Friday, but it would intervene if Washington strikes first.

The Global Times newspaper is not an official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, but in this case its editorial probably does reflect government policy and can be considered “semiofficial,” experts said.

China has repeatedly warned both Washington and Pyongyang not to do anything that raises tensions or causes instability on the Korean Peninsula, and strongly reiterated that suggestion Friday.

“The current situation on the Korean Peninsula is complicated and sensitive,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said in a statement.

“China hopes that all relevant parties will be cautious on their words and actions, and do things that help to alleviate tensions and enhance mutual trust, rather than walk on the old pathway of taking turns in shows of strength, and upgrading the tensions.”

Well of course, they have a defense pact, not an attack pact. China doesn't want this war.
China basically suggesting if America attacks first they will come to N Koreas defence (they have a treaty with N Korea since 1961), but if N Korea sends a missile near Guam and the like, they are on their own.

The irony of all of this is of course, China has been expanding into the Southern China Sea and been doing so with little attention paid to them. There is now a president and administration that sees what is going on in Asia and is far more overt and confrontational about these abuses than former administrations. Now, N Korea starts this up and makes life much more difficult for China.

North Korea has violated their own promises not to pursue nukes. They have been given far too much room to grow and exploit, all while being given funds from America in the past to appease, and now China in the form of trade. They are the ultimate closed society with little to lose. They simply cannot have nukes.

I say, China better stop chirping and start taking serious action. Find a replacement government and work with the world to replace this nut. For a man concerned only with his own survival, he has recklessly pursued a great deal of power. Certainly this would have been encouraged by China in the past as a means to extract concessions from America, especially in regards to trade as they are stealing jobs from America like noone else. Now it has backfired tremendously. The cost of playing this political game of deception.

China warns North Korea: You’re on your own if you go after the United States

BEIJING — China won’t come to North Korea’s help if it launches missiles threatening U.S. soil and there is retaliation, a state-owned newspaper warned on Friday, but it would intervene if Washington strikes first.

The Global Times newspaper is not an official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, but in this case its editorial probably does reflect government policy and can be considered “semiofficial,” experts said.

China has repeatedly warned both Washington and Pyongyang not to do anything that raises tensions or causes instability on the Korean Peninsula, and strongly reiterated that suggestion Friday.

“The current situation on the Korean Peninsula is complicated and sensitive,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said in a statement.

“China hopes that all relevant parties will be cautious on their words and actions, and do things that help to alleviate tensions and enhance mutual trust, rather than walk on the old pathway of taking turns in shows of strength, and upgrading the tensions.”

Well of course, they have a defense pact, not an attack pact. China doesn't want this war.

They don't want the war, but they sure want to destroy America, All of their actions and massive support for North Korea well orchestrated with an agenda. Now that America is considering action against North Korea, the Chinese call for calm.

Their actions run quite contrary to their verbal assertions.
China basically suggesting if America attacks first they will come to N Koreas defence (they have a treaty with N Korea since 1961), but if N Korea sends a missile near Guam and the like, they are on their own.

The irony of all of this is of course, China has been expanding into the Southern China Sea and been doing so with little attention paid to them. There is now a president and administration that sees what is going on in Asia and is far more overt and confrontational about these abuses than former administrations. Now, N Korea starts this up and makes life much more difficult for China.

North Korea has violated their own promises not to pursue nukes. They have been given far too much room to grow and exploit, all while being given funds from America in the past to appease, and now China in the form of trade. They are the ultimate closed society with little to lose. They simply cannot have nukes.

I say, China better stop chirping and start taking serious action. Find a replacement government and work with the world to replace this nut. For a man concerned only with his own survival, he has recklessly pursued a great deal of power. Certainly this would have been encouraged by China in the past as a means to extract concessions from America, especially in regards to trade as they are stealing jobs from America like noone else. Now it has backfired tremendously. The cost of playing this political game of deception.

China warns North Korea: You’re on your own if you go after the United States

BEIJING — China won’t come to North Korea’s help if it launches missiles threatening U.S. soil and there is retaliation, a state-owned newspaper warned on Friday, but it would intervene if Washington strikes first.

The Global Times newspaper is not an official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, but in this case its editorial probably does reflect government policy and can be considered “semiofficial,” experts said.

China has repeatedly warned both Washington and Pyongyang not to do anything that raises tensions or causes instability on the Korean Peninsula, and strongly reiterated that suggestion Friday.

“The current situation on the Korean Peninsula is complicated and sensitive,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said in a statement.

“China hopes that all relevant parties will be cautious on their words and actions, and do things that help to alleviate tensions and enhance mutual trust, rather than walk on the old pathway of taking turns in shows of strength, and upgrading the tensions.”

Well of course, they have a defense pact, not an attack pact. China doesn't want this war.

They don't want the war, but they sure want to destroy America, All of their actions and massive support for North Korea well orchestrated with an agenda. Now that America is considering action against North Korea, the Chinese call for calm.

Their actions run quite contrary to their verbal assertions.

No, I don't think China want to destroy America, they don't need to destroy America, America is doing that job perfectly well on its own right now.

They support North Korea for other reasons, namely they don't want the biggest threat to global security, the biggest invader and biggest interferer in other people's affairs on their border. It's not really that hard to understand.

The Chinese call for calm because it is THEIR BORDER that will be swamped with refugees, and after seeing Europe being swamped, who can blame them?

It's not the US that's going to get these problems, is it?
China basically suggesting if America attacks first they will come to N Koreas defence (they have a treaty with N Korea since 1961), but if N Korea sends a missile near Guam and the like, they are on their own.

The irony of all of this is of course, China has been expanding into the Southern China Sea and been doing so with little attention paid to them. There is now a president and administration that sees what is going on in Asia and is far more overt and confrontational about these abuses than former administrations. Now, N Korea starts this up and makes life much more difficult for China.

North Korea has violated their own promises not to pursue nukes. They have been given far too much room to grow and exploit, all while being given funds from America in the past to appease, and now China in the form of trade. They are the ultimate closed society with little to lose. They simply cannot have nukes.

I say, China better stop chirping and start taking serious action. Find a replacement government and work with the world to replace this nut. For a man concerned only with his own survival, he has recklessly pursued a great deal of power. Certainly this would have been encouraged by China in the past as a means to extract concessions from America, especially in regards to trade as they are stealing jobs from America like noone else. Now it has backfired tremendously. The cost of playing this political game of deception.

China warns North Korea: You’re on your own if you go after the United States

BEIJING — China won’t come to North Korea’s help if it launches missiles threatening U.S. soil and there is retaliation, a state-owned newspaper warned on Friday, but it would intervene if Washington strikes first.

The Global Times newspaper is not an official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, but in this case its editorial probably does reflect government policy and can be considered “semiofficial,” experts said.

China has repeatedly warned both Washington and Pyongyang not to do anything that raises tensions or causes instability on the Korean Peninsula, and strongly reiterated that suggestion Friday.

“The current situation on the Korean Peninsula is complicated and sensitive,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said in a statement.

“China hopes that all relevant parties will be cautious on their words and actions, and do things that help to alleviate tensions and enhance mutual trust, rather than walk on the old pathway of taking turns in shows of strength, and upgrading the tensions.”

Well of course, they have a defense pact, not an attack pact. China doesn't want this war.

They don't want the war, but they sure want to destroy America, All of their actions and massive support for North Korea well orchestrated with an agenda. Now that America is considering action against North Korea, the Chinese call for calm.

Their actions run quite contrary to their verbal assertions.

How do you know that China does not want war? I think they would love it if North Korea lobbed a few nukes at the US to cut them down to size.

Then, just sit back and pretend you are horrified at their actions.
China basically suggesting if America attacks first they will come to N Koreas defence (they have a treaty with N Korea since 1961), but if N Korea sends a missile near Guam and the like, they are on their own.

The irony of all of this is of course, China has been expanding into the Southern China Sea and been doing so with little attention paid to them. There is now a president and administration that sees what is going on in Asia and is far more overt and confrontational about these abuses than former administrations. Now, N Korea starts this up and makes life much more difficult for China.

North Korea has violated their own promises not to pursue nukes. They have been given far too much room to grow and exploit, all while being given funds from America in the past to appease, and now China in the form of trade. They are the ultimate closed society with little to lose. They simply cannot have nukes.

I say, China better stop chirping and start taking serious action. Find a replacement government and work with the world to replace this nut. For a man concerned only with his own survival, he has recklessly pursued a great deal of power. Certainly this would have been encouraged by China in the past as a means to extract concessions from America, especially in regards to trade as they are stealing jobs from America like noone else. Now it has backfired tremendously. The cost of playing this political game of deception.

China warns North Korea: You’re on your own if you go after the United States

BEIJING — China won’t come to North Korea’s help if it launches missiles threatening U.S. soil and there is retaliation, a state-owned newspaper warned on Friday, but it would intervene if Washington strikes first.

The Global Times newspaper is not an official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, but in this case its editorial probably does reflect government policy and can be considered “semiofficial,” experts said.

China has repeatedly warned both Washington and Pyongyang not to do anything that raises tensions or causes instability on the Korean Peninsula, and strongly reiterated that suggestion Friday.

“The current situation on the Korean Peninsula is complicated and sensitive,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said in a statement.

“China hopes that all relevant parties will be cautious on their words and actions, and do things that help to alleviate tensions and enhance mutual trust, rather than walk on the old pathway of taking turns in shows of strength, and upgrading the tensions.”

Well of course, they have a defense pact, not an attack pact. China doesn't want this war.

They don't want the war, but they sure want to destroy America, All of their actions and massive support for North Korea well orchestrated with an agenda. Now that America is considering action against North Korea, the Chinese call for calm.

Their actions run quite contrary to their verbal assertions.

How do you know that China does not want war? I think they would love it if North Korea lobbed a few nukes at the US to cut them down to size.

Then, just sit back and pretend you are horrified at their actions.

Because I'm not one of these people who has never left their state and thinks that everyone thinks exactly the same as the US thinks.

China is fearful of instability that would be created by war on their border. It's that simple.
I agree with Frigid on this point. China certainly doesn't want instability, like Russia I doubt they want a bunch of refugees (especially the, likely hostile, "sheeple" of NK who are woefully mislead by their government.) I imagine war so close would be bad for shipping, which means it'd be bad for China's economy.

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