China Preparing for War - Americans confused, focused on transsexuals

Amazing how trannies are always on yer mind, obsess much!?
You mistake obsession with investigation. It figures. You're not good at doing the latter. You're also in the correct state to feel the coming toe-jam footballs of political absurdity when paid Ozark shrinks may be asked to deal with pathological fate-betraying narcissism for 27 months (and [italics]) verify something genetically in the same patient.
America has lost it's way...and in the process lost it's means. it was inevitable. "A Fool and his Gold are soon parted"
You didn't enforce human rits anong alies as Reaan demanded. Your "allies" continually stabbed you in the back, were two-faced and taking advantage of you while spitting in the face of civil liberties (to this day in Ontario). The rest of the world knpws this even if the U.S looked the other way and even sometimes "partners" with some of the diddlers. It isn't a left or right issue, it's an issue of character.
87% of the world's chips come out of Taiwan .
Control Taiwan and you run the global economy .

Will laugh non stop as Bejing and Moscow wrap up the operation and a fast disappearing US sinks beneath the waves .

Later the US starts planting Banana trees .
You mistake obsession with investigation. It figures. You're not good at doing the latter. You're also in the correct state to feel the coming toe-jam footballs of political absurdity when paid Ozark shrinks may be asked to deal with pathological fate-betraying narcissism for 27 months (and [italics]) verify something genetically in the same patient.
Nothing a good dose of Doritos won't cure.
87% of the world's chips come out of Taiwan .
Control Taiwan and you run the global economy .

Will laugh non stop as Bejing and Moscow wrap up the operation and a fast disappearing US sinks beneath the waves .

Later the US starts planting Banana trees .
You do understand what a scorched Earth policy is?
I think its FAR more complicated than that.
But the point of the thread is that the USA is not ready for war with China by a long shot.
we are collecting chins....Donald Trump has several, not to mention his wongs of tongs available. You could say that he has the largest tong in China.
I't important to at least understand that China is preparing it's defenses for war.

The facts that spill the beans on US aggression in Taiwan are that China has always intended to take in Taiwan by friendly persuasion.

And now the the biggest part of the world is choosing peaceful alignment with China, over America's wars, the fear is that Taiwan will soon do so too.

And that would be the end of America's plans for war between Taiwan and China.

And so that's how we can now include the issue of the stolen documents. America's agencies are not secure due to the division of the country on domestic politics. Trump is not in favour of the war!
Which includes as traitors the entertainment/media shills. They push this crazy stuff and make it sound normal.
You didn't enforce human rits anong alies as Reaan demanded. Your "allies" continually stabbed you in the back, were two-faced and taking advantage of you while spitting in the face of civil liberties (to this day in Ontario). The rest of the world knpws this even if the U.S looked the other way and even sometimes "partners" with some of the diddlers. It isn't a left or right issue, it's an issue of character.

Human "Rits" ?
Who is Reaan ?

But yeah I agree. America has been pretty damned stupid for a long time.
Which includes as traitors the entertainment/media shills. They push this crazy stuff and make it sound normal.

Meanwhile the collective Right has sat on it's ass for decades and ALLOWED all this to transpire.
Since WW2 When America was still a dominantly conservative nation with ALL the power...they were just as sorry then as they are today.
It's why America is sinking fast today.
Ok whatever its no longer our problem.

You think Taiwan detonating 200 nukes in the Pacific theater isn't a problem for us? After us giving them to them?

If China goes to war with Taiwan, I see two possible outcomes:
  1. We stay out of it and China blows through the island like a Kleenex and the USA looks pathetic and weak.
  2. We go to war with China defending Taiwan and China defeats us with EMPs and other military secrets gleaned from their spy balloon and decades of military secrets sold them by our treasonous politicians like the Clintons, Bidens and McConnells making Biden and Milley's military look pathetic and weak, then China takes Taiwan anyway.

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