Biden and Germany's Olaf Scholz vow to punish Russia for war in Ukraine


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Biden and Germany's Olaf Scholz vow to punish Russia for war in Ukraine​

  • U.S. President Joe Biden meets German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on Friday. | SIPA / VIA BLOOMBERGU.S. President Joe Biden meets German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on Friday. | SIPA / VIA BLOOMBERG


WASHINGTON – U.S. President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowed on Friday to keep imposing costs on Russia for its war in Ukraine, now in its second year, as an EU official said any arms provided by China to Russia would trigger sanctions.

Biden and Scholz met in private in the Oval Office for over an hour, a senior administration official said. Their discussion focused on the importance of continued “global solidarity” with the people of Ukraine, and ongoing efforts to provide security, humanitarian, economic, and political assistance to Ukraine.

Sitting next to Scholz in the Oval Office, Biden thanked the German leader for his “strong and steady leadership” and support for Ukraine. Scholz said it was important to demonstrate that the allies would back Kyiv “as long as it takes and as long as is necessary.”

Speaking before the meeting, U.S. officials said discussion points included the state of the war and how to respond if China provided military aid to Russia.

Scholz’s brief one-day trip — there were no other meetings on his agenda — was his second to the White House since taking office in December 2021. Biden’s national security adviser also met one-on-one with his German counterpart.

Washington has begun consulting with allies about imposing possible sanctions on China should Beijing provide military support to Russia for its war in Ukraine, U.S. officials and other sources said.

Washington has said in recent weeks that China was considering providing weapons to Russia, although U.S. officials have not provided evidence or said that such supplies have started. Beijing has denied any intention to arm Russia.

“We haven’t yet seen China do anything yet, as it relates to lethal weapons,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters before the meeting. “Every step China takes toward

Russia makes it harder for China with Europe and other countries around the world.”
A senior European Union official told a separate briefing that it would be an “absolute red line” if China provided weapons to Russia, and the EU would respond with sanctions.

Germany has typically taken a much less hawkish stance than the U.S. on China, its top trading partner, but Scholz also sent a strong warning to China on Thursday not to provide weapons to Moscow and appealed to Beijing to pressure Russia to pull back its forces, a speech noted and welcomed by U.S. officials.

Biden hailed Scholz’s decision to sharply increase Germany’s military spending and diversify energy sources away from Russia, and said the two leaders had worked in lockstep with other allies to support Ukraine. U.S. officials said Ukraine was bracing for a new Russian offensive in coming weeks.

“As NATO allies, we’re making the alliance stronger,” Biden said, as the United States announced a new military aid package for Ukraine worth $400 million that includes ammunition and tactical bridges to move tanks and armored vehicles.

The EU official said one major trade irritant — a dispute over U.S. subsidies for green technologies under the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that German and EU officials worry would disadvantage their companies — could soon be addressed.

The official said U.S. and European officials were working on a high-level agreement that would make European minerals eligible for U.S. tax credits, with an announcement possible as early as next Friday when European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen visits the White House.

Critics say the IRA was a slap in the face to Europe from its biggest ally at a time when Europe was already struggling with sharply higher energy prices due to the Ukraine war.
Biden must think he's fighting "some kinda KGB *animal*".
the British, the US, and now Germany too, have declared political war upon Russia.

i don't think this is in our best interest, as evidenced by my other posts on this forum : Search results
we are not making our alliance stronger by the selling of bombs that explode on the battlefield, we should do that by organizing military excercises between NATO members.

antagonizing your foes tends to make *them* stronger, and yourselves *weaker*.
but i'll let time tell if i'm right on this, i'm not 100% sure to be honest.

i'm willing to yield "control" over this Ukraine war to the political ranks of Humanity.
i myself am a peace activist, amateur diplomat, and a civilian businessman.
please don't mess with me, my many loved ones, or my business.
Democrats think that NATO is their own personal branch of the military. When there is a WW3, it will be because these Democrats used NATO to start it.
F Xiden
F democrats

Would really not care if Russia turned the NE into a glass factory
Democrats think that NATO is their own personal branch of the military. When there is a WW3, it will be because these Democrats used NATO to start it.
nah, sometimes (during some decade, now, in the past, or in the future), it'll be "on the Republicans' watch" that the "need for military spending" rises and then overflows into an actual war, and yes, at other times, during other decades, it'll be the Democrats.

both : "along with the rest of NATO and all of their allies".


i fail to properly understand you here.
'F Xiden' i certainly do fully understand, and i understand where you're coming from.

i prefer to watch Fox News rather than any other TV channel (or movies or TV shows even, these days - i'm 45 already)..
This country is as corrupt or more than the old USSR
Democrats think that NATO is their own personal branch of the military. When there is a WW3, it will be because these Democrats used NATO to start it.
Am with you in principle but you might find this pyramid labelling useful .imho

The top Khazarians set the aims and strategy . And the top commandments have remained the same for at least the last 1200 years .
But Schwab ( WEF ) , for example , is only a key boardroom mouth piece not a full board member . In simple terms, a modern equivalent of Hitler who also had the bankers behind him , most notably the Bank of England plus the Federal Reserve and top US banks .

Those who can be identified as Khazarian / Fourth Reich top management level are those top assets within shadow governments . See the WEF, Global leaders for Tomorrow, and the later, Young Global Leaders , as a more than useful members / partners list .
Not the Piss Pants and Scholz's of this world who are just obligated but useful short term puppets

Thereafter you look at NATO , UN etc as top level middle management with political parties, both left and right , plus other parts of the entertainment worlds , just as bit players comparatively .Enforcers or opinion formers . Some deliberate and complicit. Others not so bright .

The more important the individual , the less likely their identification, less the top few usual suspects ,
And naturally the Khazarians involve all shades of interest and activity because never losing always means backing both sides in Project Ongoing Chaos etc .
My opinion but far from just mine .
nah, sometimes (during some decade, now, in the past, or in the future), it'll be "on the Republicans' watch" that the "need for military spending" rises and then overflows into an actual war, and yes, at other times, during other decades, it'll be the Democrats.

both : "along with the rest of NATO and all of their allies".


Did Trump get us involved in any new wars?
I just read Germany military couldn't defend itself... wth are they going to do?
they're spending 100 billion on upgrading their army.
for the purposes of strengthening NATO strength in Poland and Lithuania.

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i wasn't trying to be funny at all.
in fact, i'm dead serious about my grievances towards the rich FOR ALWAYS USING THE POOR AS CANNONFODDER!

We just had a filthy rich President a couple years ago and in case you forgot. He was the same one who brokered a peace deal in the Middle East, set in motion our withdrawal from Afghanistan, oversaw no American soldiers being killed in Afghanistan the last 18 months of his term, walked across the Korean DMZ and had the remains of 200 American soldiers returned, and kept his promise of no new wars.
We just had a filthy rich President a couple years ago and in case you forgot. He was the same one who brokered a peace deal in the Middle East, set in motion our withdrawal from Afghanistan, oversaw no American soldiers being killed in Afghanistan the last 18 months of his term, walked across the Korean DMZ and had the remains of 200 American soldiers returned, and kept his promise of no new wars.
nice try.
but bullshit though : economic wars always precede physical wars.
the evidence is all over the news, if you look closely enough.
the journalists are our last line of defense, NOT our militaries or politicians or judges.
here's an idea for you all to consider :

how about the EU and US and their allies only elect leaders from the working classes that choose, themselves, to become a political leader as a job.
they'd make more money than in most jobs (i'm in social welfare, and my Prime Minister makes 25 times as much as me per year), and they are unlikely to forget their roots.

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