China imprison Uighur Muslims...supposedly over nothing!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Giving cash to mosques, failing to chat to to neighbours, and walking in public without authorisation have been revealed as the seemingly mundane reasons for police investigations of Muslims in west China’s Xinjiang region.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) made changes to a police app to reveal the scores of seemingly lawful acts that officers record on phones then link to a mass surveillance database.

The United Nations believes at least a million Muslims in the vast region have been detained by Chinese authorities in “re-education” centres.

Not chatting with your neighbours? Rights group discovers harmless activities that are enough to imprison Uighur Muslims

It is not right...but you never or almost never hear of any mudlim terrorist bombings....I wonder why China Is spared ...I WONDER WHY?

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