China: Could Be One Of The Most Racist Countries On The Planet


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Democrats have accused America of being racist.....but we don't hold a candle to countries like China And Russia.

Currently Russia has been labeled by the Democrat controlled media as extremely racist..probably because they're still trying to tarnish Russia's image. China however has been putting "undesirables" into work camps and has been abusing them. Who knows what they've been doing to them. Blacks, Muslims, anyone who isn't Chinese is treated like a second-class citizen.

Jim Crow type laws are in full effect in China. Restaurants can refuse service to blacks and other undesirables. They post signs refusing service to blacks and never bat an eye about it:

“Notice: We’ve been informed that from now on black people are not allowed to enter the restaurant. For the sake of your health consciously notify the local police for medical isolation, please understand the inconvenience caused. Police, Tel: 110”
"Many Africans (Blacks) have had their own experiences with racism in China.
Anecdotes abound. An elevator in the five-star Kempinski Hotel in Beijing, full of guests including a tall black man, stops on a floor on its way down to the lobby. The doors open and a Chinese woman waiting to get on takes one look at the African man, opens her mouth in shock, and shoos the lift to carry on without her.
The African could only laugh."
If it seems eerily like some Karen screaming at an unmasked Trump Supporter shopping in would be correct. China has turned their population against the few blacks that live in that country. Many of which are working there for Chinese manufacturing companies that work with American and European companies, countries that had to outsource production thanks to taxes and regulations imposed by their leftist governments.

China seems to be doing exactly what the Democrats are trying to do in this country with COVID. That is why we question the reports coming out of the CDC. When China appears to be running our institutions....any American would question it.
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Democrats have accused America of being racist.....but we don't hold a candle to countries like China And Russia.

Currently Russia has been labeled by the Democrat controlled media as extremely racist..probably because they're still trying to tarnish Russia's image. China however has been putting "undesirables" into work camps and has been abusing them. Who knows what they've been doing to them. Blacks, Muslims, anyone who isn't Chinese is treated like a second-class citizen.

Jim Crow type laws are in full effect in China. Restaurants can refuse service to blacks and other undesirables. They post signs refusing service to blacks and never bat an eye about it:

“Notice: We’ve been informed that from now on black people are not allowed to enter the restaurant. For the sake of your health consciously notify the local police for medical isolation, please understand the inconvenience caused. Police, Tel: 110”
"Many Africans (Blacks) have had their own experiences with racism in China.
Anecdotes abound. An elevator in the five-star Kempinski Hotel in Beijing, full of guests including a tall black man, stops on a floor on its way down to the lobby. The doors open and a Chinese woman waiting to get on takes one look at the African man, opens her mouth in shock, and shoos the lift to carry on without her.
The African could only laugh."
If it seems eerily like some Karen screaming at an unmasked Trump Supporter shopping in would be correct. China has turned their population against the few blacks that live in that country. Many of which are working there for Chinese manufacturing companies that work with American and European companies, countries that had to outsource production thanks to taxes and regulations imposed by their leftist governments.

China seems to be doing exactly what the Democrats are trying to do in this country with COVID. That is why we question the reports coming out of the CDC. When China appears to be running our institutions....any American would question it.
And? Are you trying to imply that makes what's going on here OK somehow? We already knew china and Russia had racial issues, so what's your point?
Communism always evolves to Fascism and that always in time will become Nazism. It is something we all need to be aware of and prepare for.
Nothing wrong with preferring to be with your own kind.
Race mixing by the offspring of Adam was why they were destroyed in the flood that Noah prepared for.
All human beings are NOT the same.
Multiple races were created, even before Adam. And the Aryan lineage of Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Yacob to now is destined to bless the families of the earth, if they survive the current Edomite drive to exterminate them.
We already knew china and Russia had racial issues, so what's your point?
In russia, "racial" problems only against Central Asians, especially Tajiks. There are no problems with Jews and Caucasians. There are isolated clashes, but mostly the Nazis are either loyal to them or are afraid to get involved. Recently, the Caucasus has become more active, many cases of attacks by crowds on Russian citizens have been recorded. There are insults to famous athletes and the like.
This is clearly not what Americans call "racism"
In fact, the Kremlin is now pursuing the same policy of supporting "minorities" as the American administration, they for the most part turn a blind eye to the crimes that the Caucasians are organizing and they quite openly support this region, including financially. This is for them the same support as the black states for the left of New England.
All human beings are NOT the same.
Multiple races were created, even before Adam. And the Aryan lineage of Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Yacob to now is destined to bless the families of the earth, if they survive the current Edomite drive to exterminate them.
My guess your attitude is what passes as normal in Russia.
In my country that attitude will get you fired...or maybe arrested.....depending on whether your police chief is a Republican or a Democrat. Usually Democrat police chiefs/mayors don't believe in following the law....and tend to be Lesbians, black, or both.
And? Are you trying to imply that makes what's going on here OK somehow? We already knew china and Russia had racial issues, so what's your point?
The point is China and Russia are still light years behind us on race equality, but you and the left don’t want equality but instead want race shaming to where Whites have to wear a Gold Star and have permission to be out in society…

Multiculturalism is a beautiful concept, but it does not work in the long run.


Because populations are not static.

Eventually one group overtakes the others and becomes top dog.

The Chinese love doing business with Africa, but -- it is a hurtful fact -- many ordinary Chinese simply do not wish to interact with Africans in a social setting. The differences in their cultures are too big to bridge.

There are no devils or angels. Africans are Africans, and Chinese are Chinese. Both are happier if they live apart from each other but continue to have harmonious business relations.
The point is China and Russia are still light years behind us on race equality, but you and the left don’t want equality but instead want race shaming to where Whites have to wear a Gold Star and have permission to be out in society…
LOL, don't believe everything you hear on Faux niwz.
All human beings are NOT the same.
Multiple races were created, even before Adam. And the Aryan lineage of Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Yacob to now is destined to bless the families of the earth, if they survive the current Edomite drive to exterminate them.
All human beings are human beings. 'Race' is a bullshit notion used to justify bullshit.

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