China, China, China!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Not to worry, the GOP is working 24/7 to expose every dirty detail of this scandal so they can sweep it all under the rug once and for all and ignore it. LOL

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, indicated Monday that significant headway has been made in the investigation into the Biden family's alleged international influence peddling.

In two separate interviews, Comer discussed both how former Hunter Biden business associates have begun to flip and how the committee has found patterns of suspicious cash flows to members of the Biden family from persons linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

Comer's suggestions signal that Congress may be closer to establishing compromising ties between the Biden family and a genocidal regime growing increasingly hostile to the United States. Additionally, the continued cooperation of whistleblowers is expected to bring investigators closer to an understanding of precisely what then-Vice President Biden might have been providing to foreign nationals at America's expense in exchange for the millions allegedly wired to his family members.

'Very troubling information'

Comer appeared on Fox News' "Hannity" Monday to provide an update on the House Oversight Committee's investigation into the Biden family's influence peddling.

"Two weeks ago ... I subpoenaed a bank for records for three different former Hunter Biden business associates. One of those associates in particular was Rob Walker," said Comer.

The New York Post reported that Comer issued a subpoena to Bank of America Feb. 27 demanding 14 years of bank records linked to persons reportedly involved in Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings.

"We got his account. We confirmed that that account around two months after Joe Biden left the office of vice president received a $3 million wire from two individuals directly associated with the Chinese Communist Party."

"The very next day after that wire was received, the Walker account started transferring money into three different Biden family members’ accounts, including a new Biden family member that’s never before been identified as someone being involved in the influence peddling scheme," Comer continued.

"So, this is very serious information that we’ve received. Very troubling information. It does show a pattern that the Biden family was receiving money directly from China, and the question I have, Sean, is what were they doing in return for that money? This is just one account; there are many more accounts and many more associates.”

On Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo," Comer said it looked as though the Bidens had attempted to hide the Chinese origins of some of the millions they received in the days following Joe Biden's tenure in the White House.

These efforts at secrecy likely prompted "so many suspicious activity reports. ... The banks would look at this, like, they must be laundering money or something," said Comer.

"We have in hand documents that show just exactly how the Biden family was getting money from the Chinese Communist Party. And I will tell you, it's as bad as we thought, Maria. It's very concerning," he added.

The congressman from Kentucky also told Fox News that whistleblowers have been approaching the committee and have already aided in identifying which accounts to investigate.

Kathy Chung, Joe Biden's former executive assistant, is among those now voluntarily cooperating with the committee.

Extra to whistleblowers coming clean and paper trails revealing dirt, Comer noted in a statement Tuesday that the Treasury Department, which previously worked to stonewall investigators, is now willing to comply with requests for access to the suspicious activity reports it has on file flagging the Biden family's finances.

"After two months of dragging their feet, the Treasury Department is finally providing us with access to the suspicious activity reports for the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions," wrote Comer. "We are going to continue to use bank documents and suspicious activity reports to follow the money trail to determine the extent of the Biden family’s business schemes, if Joe Biden is compromised by these deals, and if there is a national security threat. If Treasury tries to stonewall our investigation again, we will continue to use tools at our disposal to compel compliance."

The Post reported that while Hunter Biden is under investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Delaware for possible tax fraud, illegal foreign lobbying, and other crimes, House investigators are attempting to ascertain President Biden's role in his family's questionable activities.

In January 2019, Hunter Biden wrote to Naomi Biden, "I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. ... It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary."

That Joe Biden allegedly took a piece of Hunter Biden's earnings, including in his lucrative CEFC China Energy deal, may prove consequential for the president as the committee probes deeper into his family's finances.

Comer noted in January, "The American people must know the extent of Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s shady business deals and if these deals threaten national security and his decision-making as president. This investigation is a top priority for House Republicans during the 118th Congress."
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Cant be true. All transactions over $9999 are tracked by IRS, correct? Or is it $600 now?

Try giving relative $25K for a house. Probably Jail time for nit paying gift tax.
Cant be true. All transactions over $9999 are tracked by IRS, correct? Or is it $600 now?

Try giving relative $25K for a house. Probably Jail time for nit paying gift tax.
Yep, must be all fake news and lies cuz democrats are the bomb diggity.

Not to worry, the GOP is working 24/7 to expose every dirty detail of this scandal so they can sweep it all under the rug once and for all. LOL

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, indicated Monday that significant headway has been made in the investigation into the Biden family's alleged international influence peddling.

In two separate interviews, Comer discussed both how former Hunter Biden business associates have begun to flip and how the committee has found patterns of suspicious cash flows to members of the Biden family from persons linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

Comer's suggestions signal that Congress may be closer to establishing compromising ties between the Biden family and a genocidal regime growing increasingly hostile to the United States. Additionally, the continued cooperation of whistleblowers is expected to bring investigators closer to an understanding of precisely what then-Vice President Biden might have been providing to foreign nationals at America's expense in exchange for the millions allegedly wired to his family members.

'Very troubling information'

Comer appeared on Fox News' "Hannity" Monday to provide an update on the House Oversight Committee's investigation into the Biden family's influence peddling.

"Two weeks ago ... I subpoenaed a bank for records for three different former Hunter Biden business associates. One of those associates in particular was Rob Walker," said Comer.

The New York Post reported that Comer issued a subpoena to Bank of America Feb. 27 demanding 14 years of bank records linked to persons reportedly involved in Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings.

"We got his account. We confirmed that that account around two months after Joe Biden left the office of vice president received a $3 million wire from two individuals directly associated with the Chinese Communist Party."

"The very next day after that wire was received, the Walker account started transferring money into three different Biden family members’ accounts, including a new Biden family member that’s never before been identified as someone being involved in the influence peddling scheme," Comer continued.

"So, this is very serious information that we’ve received. Very troubling information. It does show a pattern that the Biden family was receiving money directly from China, and the question I have, Sean, is what were they doing in return for that money? This is just one account; there are many more accounts and many more associates.”

On Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo," Comer said it looked as though the Bidens had attempted to hide the Chinese origins of some of the millions they received in the days following Joe Biden's tenure in the White House.

These efforts at secrecy likely prompted "so many suspicious activity reports. ... The banks would look at this, like, they must be laundering money or something," said Comer.

"We have in hand documents that show just exactly how the Biden family was getting money from the Chinese Communist Party. And I will tell you, it's as bad as we thought, Maria. It's very concerning," he added.

The congressman from Kentucky also told Fox News that whistleblowers have been approaching the committee and have already aided in identifying which accounts to investigate.

Kathy Chung, Joe Biden's former executive assistant, is among those now voluntarily cooperating with the committee.

Extra to whistleblowers coming clean and paper trails revealing dirt, Comer noted in a statement Tuesday that the Treasury Department, which previously worked to stonewall investigators, is now willing to comply with requests for access to the suspicious activity reports it has on file flagging the Biden family's finances.

"After two months of dragging their feet, the Treasury Department is finally providing us with access to the suspicious activity reports for the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions," wrote Comer. "We are going to continue to use bank documents and suspicious activity reports to follow the money trail to determine the extent of the Biden family’s business schemes, if Joe Biden is compromised by these deals, and if there is a national security threat. If Treasury tries to stonewall our investigation again, we will continue to use tools at our disposal to compel compliance."

The Post reported that while Hunter Biden is under investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Delaware for possible tax fraud, illegal foreign lobbying, and other crimes, House investigators are attempting to ascertain President Biden's role in his family's questionable activities.

In January 2019, Hunter Biden wrote to Naomi Biden, "I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. ... It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary."

That Joe Biden allegedly took a piece of Hunter Biden's earnings, including in his lucrative CEFC China Energy deal, may prove consequential for the president as the committee probes deeper into his family's finances.

Comer noted in January, "The American people must know the extent of Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s shady business deals and if these deals threaten national security and his decision-making as president. This investigation is a top priority for House Republicans during the 118th Congress."
Yep. Getting close now! Any day.

Even Trey Gowdy is getting excited.

All you need is Durham to get some of Gym Jordan's fake whistleblowers and it's all over for Biden, Obama, Soros, Hillary, the CIA, FBI, IRS, Disney, gas stoves, green M&Ms, Xbox controllers that have a sleep power function, drag queens (uh oh George Santos), groomers (uh oh DeSantis), our global allies, Hollywood (except the ones who like Trump), blue states, Canada, hunter, the Clinton foundation, Hillary's emails, commies, socialists, liberals and social media.

Shit, the only things left after all these evils are eliminated will be Trump, anyone who supports Trump, North Korea, Putin and china's Ivanka patents.

Then we truly will be a global utopia.
I know I'm getting exited thinking about how the powers that be will sweep this scandal under the rug like they always do.

Crap. Good point. I forgot to add Comey to my list of people/entities that are going down.
Crap. Good point. I forgot to add Comey to my list of people/entities that are going down.
At least we won't pay Mueller $30 million of taxpayer money to tell us, "Nothing to see here", once again.
At least we won't pay Mueller $30 million of taxpayer money to tell us, "Nothing to see here", once again.
Yeah well, that was another failed Republican investigation but we are used to it by now.

In Republicans' defense; Manafort covered the bill for us.

Not to worry, the GOP is working 24/7 to expose every dirty detail of this scandal so they can sweep it all under the rug once and for all and ignore it. LOL

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, indicated Monday that significant headway has been made in the investigation into the Biden family's alleged international influence peddling.

In two separate interviews, Comer discussed both how former Hunter Biden business associates have begun to flip and how the committee has found patterns of suspicious cash flows to members of the Biden family from persons linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

Comer's suggestions signal that Congress may be closer to establishing compromising ties between the Biden family and a genocidal regime growing increasingly hostile to the United States. Additionally, the continued cooperation of whistleblowers is expected to bring investigators closer to an understanding of precisely what then-Vice President Biden might have been providing to foreign nationals at America's expense in exchange for the millions allegedly wired to his family members.

'Very troubling information'

Comer appeared on Fox News' "Hannity" Monday to provide an update on the House Oversight Committee's investigation into the Biden family's influence peddling.

"Two weeks ago ... I subpoenaed a bank for records for three different former Hunter Biden business associates. One of those associates in particular was Rob Walker," said Comer.

The New York Post reported that Comer issued a subpoena to Bank of America Feb. 27 demanding 14 years of bank records linked to persons reportedly involved in Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings.

"We got his account. We confirmed that that account around two months after Joe Biden left the office of vice president received a $3 million wire from two individuals directly associated with the Chinese Communist Party."

"The very next day after that wire was received, the Walker account started transferring money into three different Biden family members’ accounts, including a new Biden family member that’s never before been identified as someone being involved in the influence peddling scheme," Comer continued.

"So, this is very serious information that we’ve received. Very troubling information. It does show a pattern that the Biden family was receiving money directly from China, and the question I have, Sean, is what were they doing in return for that money? This is just one account; there are many more accounts and many more associates.”

On Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo," Comer said it looked as though the Bidens had attempted to hide the Chinese origins of some of the millions they received in the days following Joe Biden's tenure in the White House.

These efforts at secrecy likely prompted "so many suspicious activity reports. ... The banks would look at this, like, they must be laundering money or something," said Comer.

"We have in hand documents that show just exactly how the Biden family was getting money from the Chinese Communist Party. And I will tell you, it's as bad as we thought, Maria. It's very concerning," he added.

The congressman from Kentucky also told Fox News that whistleblowers have been approaching the committee and have already aided in identifying which accounts to investigate.

Kathy Chung, Joe Biden's former executive assistant, is among those now voluntarily cooperating with the committee.

Extra to whistleblowers coming clean and paper trails revealing dirt, Comer noted in a statement Tuesday that the Treasury Department, which previously worked to stonewall investigators, is now willing to comply with requests for access to the suspicious activity reports it has on file flagging the Biden family's finances.

"After two months of dragging their feet, the Treasury Department is finally providing us with access to the suspicious activity reports for the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions," wrote Comer. "We are going to continue to use bank documents and suspicious activity reports to follow the money trail to determine the extent of the Biden family’s business schemes, if Joe Biden is compromised by these deals, and if there is a national security threat. If Treasury tries to stonewall our investigation again, we will continue to use tools at our disposal to compel compliance."

The Post reported that while Hunter Biden is under investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Delaware for possible tax fraud, illegal foreign lobbying, and other crimes, House investigators are attempting to ascertain President Biden's role in his family's questionable activities.

In January 2019, Hunter Biden wrote to Naomi Biden, "I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. ... It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary."

That Joe Biden allegedly took a piece of Hunter Biden's earnings, including in his lucrative CEFC China Energy deal, may prove consequential for the president as the committee probes deeper into his family's finances.

Comer noted in January, "The American people must know the extent of Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s shady business deals and if these deals threaten national security and his decision-making as president. This investigation is a top priority for House Republicans during the 118th Congress."
All Comer has got is his suspicions and no evidence. He was asked if he had evidence and his answer was that he was investigating it. If he had actual evidence he would have said so.

But there is solid evidence that Jared received two billion big ones from the saudis and Ivanka millions from china but that he could give a crap about

And check it out Ivanka and Jared were senior staff members and Hunter is a private citizen.

But Republicans don't give a damn.
All Comer has got is his suspicions and no evidence. He was asked if he had evidence and his answer was that he was investigating it. If he had actual evidence he would have said so.

But there is solid evidence that Jared received two billion big ones from the saudis and Ivanka millions from china but that he could give a crap about

And check it out Ivanka and Jared were senior staff members and Hunter is a private citizen.

But Republicans don't give a damn.
Well that is just it. When they give a damn about corruption in one party, does the other party suck it up and not return fire?

Or will they feel obligated to seek justice for the other party in retaliation?

My guess is the GOP hates Trump about as much as the DNC, so it should be Ok for them to go after him I think.

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