China approving 40 nuclear reactor construction starts from 2016 to 2020 for an average of eight per


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
China approving 40 nuclear reactor construction starts from 2016 to 2020 for an average of eight per year


Chinese nuclear power generators rose in Hong Kong and Shanghai after the State Council approved the construction of four additional reactors on Wednesday China has approved construction of eight reactors this year, including yesterday’s approval. China plans to build as many as eight nuclear power plants each year from 2016 to 2020 and...

China is serious about being the next super power. Look at the tea party in America and you will find that they don't want to do shit. Hell, they want to cut and China welcomes that!!! China is acting the part.
It isn't just the Tea Party holding back nuclear energy in the US. Every time anyone even starts thinking about a new plant the environmental wackos come out of the woodwork to protest. It isn't even just nukes either. Ted Kennedy killed a wind farm because he would have been able to see it from Cape Cod and didn't want his view obstructed by an eyesore.
We used to smoke cigarettes en masse too. And the whole world copied it.
Then we figured out it's not a good idea, and cut back. The "developing" world is still catching up on that.

Same thing.
China approving 40 nuclear reactor construction starts from 2016 to 2020 for an average of eight per year


Chinese nuclear power generators rose in Hong Kong and Shanghai after the State Council approved the construction of four additional reactors on Wednesday China has approved construction of eight reactors this year, including yesterday’s approval. China plans to build as many as eight nuclear power plants each year from 2016 to 2020 and...

China is serious about being the next super power. Look at the tea party in America and you will find that they don't want to do shit. Hell, they want to cut and China welcomes that!!! China is acting the part.
uhm, moron, cons want nuclear, it's your fellow leftist that fear it.

and the fear is based on fear, not facts.
I do think China ramping up their nukes is a cause for concern, but from a safety perspective. China has a bad track record of rushing through civil engineering projects that fail spectacularly. It's one thing when it's just a building or bridge that falls apart, but it will be something else if it's nuke plants. How can we be assured that China isn't building 40 Chernobyls or Fukishimas?
I do think China ramping up their nukes is a cause for concern, but from a safety perspective. China has a bad track record of rushing through civil engineering projects that fail spectacularly. It's one thing when it's just a building or bridge that falls apart, but it will be something else if it's nuke plants. How can we be assured that China isn't building 40 Chernobyls or Fukishimas?
Fuk was an earth quake, a long shot that it even occurred
Chern was a time bomb, the ussr didn't have the same safety rules that our guys put in place, that's why nothing happened at 3 mile

but Chern could very well happen again. All these countries want to be as awesome as us while we want to copy the wussified eu.

so look at it this way, if china blows itself up, there's one less commie country to worry about.

meh, that's kinda cold, but there's a chance that the people finally get tired of their government and do something
We have some time bombs right here in the USA. Spent rod pools with five times the number of rods that they were designed for. One of the scariest problems at Fukashima was a pool with spent rods in it.
I do think China ramping up their nukes is a cause for concern, but from a safety perspective. China has a bad track record of rushing through civil engineering projects that fail spectacularly. It's one thing when it's just a building or bridge that falls apart, but it will be something else if it's nuke plants. How can we be assured that China isn't building 40 Chernobyls or Fukishimas?
Fuk was an earth quake, a long shot that it even occurred
Chern was a time bomb, the ussr didn't have the same safety rules that our guys put in place, that's why nothing happened at 3 mile

but Chern could very well happen again. All these countries want to be as awesome as us while we want to copy the wussified eu.

so look at it this way, if china blows itself up, there's one less commie country to worry about.

meh, that's kinda cold, but there's a chance that the people finally get tired of their government and do something
While the accident at Three Mile Island was contained, it was a closer thing than most people realize.

Three Mile Island | TMI 2 |Three Mile Island Accident.

Cold Shutdown and investigation
After an anxious month, on 27 April operators established natural convection circulation of coolant. The reactor core was being cooled by the natural movement of water rather than by mechanical pumping. The plant was in "cold shutdown", ie with the water at less than 100°C at atmospheric pressure.

The head of the reactor pressure vessel was removed in July 1984 allowing access to the remains of the core. Subsequent investigation revealed that at lest 45% of the core - 62 tonnes - had melted and 19 tonnes of this had ended up in the lower plenum, mostly in the lower head of the reactor pressure vessel, but without seriously damaging the vessel. Most of the melted core material (corium) had remained in the core region. In 1988 a multinational OECD Vessel Investigation Project (VIP) took samples to evaluate the situation in detail and confirmed that there was much less damage than anticipated.
I do think China ramping up their nukes is a cause for concern, but from a safety perspective. China has a bad track record of rushing through civil engineering projects that fail spectacularly. It's one thing when it's just a building or bridge that falls apart, but it will be something else if it's nuke plants. How can we be assured that China isn't building 40 Chernobyls or Fukishimas?
I agree. Much prefer to see China doing wind and solar. An engineering failure in either has very few affects, other than on the career of the engineer.
We have some time bombs right here in the USA. Spent rod pools with five times the number of rods that they were designed for. One of the scariest problems at Fukashima was a pool with spent rods in it.

So long as people who don't really know what they are protesting and why keep getting in the way of things like Yucca Mountain, we'll have nowhere to send those rods. The desire of groups to keep a nuclear accident from happening will lead to a nuclear accident occurring when a lack of containment facilities finally bites us in the butt.
So you'll be mailing your electric bills to China where'll there will be light by which to read them when all the lights in America have gone out....which won't stop the bills from coming.

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