Children and teens are more likely to die by guns than anything else

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Guns are the leading cause of death for US children and teens, since surpassing car accidents in 2020.
Firearms accounted for nearly 19% of childhood deaths (ages 1-18) in 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wonder database. Nearly 3,600 children died in gun-related incidents that year. That’s about five children lost for every 100,000 children in the United States. In no other comparable country are firearms within the top four causes of mortality among children, according to a KFF analysis.

Wow. Sounds serious.
Catastrophic, even.

Guns are the leading cause of death for US children and teens, since surpassing car accidents in 2020.

THE leading cause!!!

According to the CDC, 2020-2021:
Ages 0-18
69,742 total deaths
4871 firearms - all intents: 6.9% of the total
4685 motor vehicle - all intents. 6.7% of the total

And so, while firearms - all intents "took over" for motor vehicle deaths, at 6.9% of the total, it is still a small portion of total deaths.
Put otherwise:
93.1% of children who died 2020-2021 did NOT die from a firearm-related injury.

That's --not-- the impression you get from the story - eh?

Why would CNN, et al, present this in such a misleading way?

I know:
Because the (D)ishonest know they can prey upon the emotions of the ignorant.
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I learned about gun safety and how important it is to make sure the gun isn't loaded from popular culture when I was a kid.

GOP Platform: Guns over Children.

Democrat Platform: Authoritarianism and chaos over children

The bottom line is you have no interest in addressing the issue either. Screaming to ban "assault weapons" which will do nothing to stop the problem is the intellectually lazy solution, akin to throwing darts at a board and hope you hit a bullseye.

Biden fails fact-check on claim that more children died from guns

Biden made the statement in an address to the nation on Thursday in the wake of the horrific elementary school massacre in Uvalde, Texas.

"According to new data just released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, guns are the number-one killer of children in the United States of America," Biden claimed.

"The number-one killer. More than car accidents! More than cancer!" he continued.

"For God's sake. How much more carnage are we willing to accept?" he asked.

However, a review of the statistics shows that Biden is bending the truth at best.

According to an analysis of data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from NBC News, the factoid is only true if gun deaths of people ages 18 and 19 years are included. And that skews the results by a large margin. According to that analysis, the deaths of people ages 18-19 account for as many deaths as those from ages 1 to 17 added together.

And when the White House was asked to justify the president's claims, officials cited a study that included gun deaths of Americans ages 1 to 24 years old.

Wow. Sounds serious.
Catastrophic, even.

Guns are the leading cause of death for US children and teens, since surpassing car accidents in 2020.

THE leading cause!!!

According to the CDC, 2020-2021:
Ages 0-18
69,742 total deaths
4871 firearms - all intents: 6.9% of the total
4685 motor vehicle - all intents. 6.7% of the total

And so, while firearms - all intents "took over" for motor vehicle deaths, at 6.9% of the total, it is still a small portion of total deaths.
Put otherwise:
93.1% of children who died 2020-2021 did NOT die from a firearm-related injury.

That's --not-- the impression you get from the story - eh?

Why would CNN, et al, present this in such a misleading way?

I know:
Because the (D)ishonest know they can prey upon the emotions of the ignorant.
No, they are more likely to die at the hands of an abortion provider.

Wow. Sounds serious.
Catastrophic, even.

Guns are the leading cause of death for US children and teens, since surpassing car accidents in 2020.

THE leading cause!!!

According to the CDC, 2020-2021:
Ages 0-18
69,742 total deaths
4871 firearms - all intents: 6.9% of the total
4685 motor vehicle - all intents. 6.7% of the total

And so, while firearms - all intents "took over" for motor vehicle deaths, at 6.9% of the total, it is still a small portion of total deaths.
Put otherwise:
93.1% of children who died 2020-2021 did NOT die from a firearm-related injury.

That's --not-- the impression you get from the story - eh?

Why would CNN, et al, present this in such a misleading way?

I know:
Because the (D)ishonest know they can prey upon the emotions of the ignorant.
Guns do not cause death.
The cause of death of murder victims is the fucking piece of shit who did the murdering.

Children and teens are more likely to die by guns than anything else​

Guns are the leading cause of death of all children? Good one.

ABORTION kills far more kids than guns ever will, and progressivism and far left liberalism drives kids to guns.
Guns do not cause death.
The cause of death of murder victims is the fucking piece of shit who did the murdering.
Not true, I had a gun once hold me up at gun point to force me to go shoot someone.

I ran for an exit as it shot at me and escaped, however.

Then the gun accosted some trans person in Colorado.

Not sure what happened after that.

Wow. Sounds serious.
Catastrophic, even.

Guns are the leading cause of death for US children and teens, since surpassing car accidents in 2020.

THE leading cause!!!

According to the CDC, 2020-2021:
Ages 0-18
69,742 total deaths
4871 firearms - all intents: 6.9% of the total
4685 motor vehicle - all intents. 6.7% of the total

And so, while firearms - all intents "took over" for motor vehicle deaths, at 6.9% of the total, it is still a small portion of total deaths.
Put otherwise:
93.1% of children who died 2020-2021 did NOT die from a firearm-related injury.

That's --not-- the impression you get from the story - eh?

Why would CNN, et al, present this in such a misleading way?

I know:
Because the (D)ishonest know they can prey upon the emotions of the ignorant.

Don't worry. Fentanyl will overtake guns in due course.
Too bad their parents were such pussies they didn't teach their kids about gun safety.
Sadly, things can still take place even when the parents do their part and not just where guns are concerned. My only question is how often do the kids turn the gun on themselves compared to turning the weapon on anyone else instead?

God bless you always!!!


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