Child arrested for sharing photo of toy gun on social media that he got for his birthday

Good. He shouldnt threaten people with the image of being shot by a gun. What kind of shitty parent allows their child to do such a thing after all these school shootings?

This post is another example of what happens when you watch to much Rachael Maddow.

Major paranoid.
So really your kind want to do less than nothing to stop mass shootings.

If we don’t call in someone who’s suspicious you blame us for not doing anything.

You blame the cops for not doing anything but really you have to break a law before you’ll let them do anything to an unstable citizens

Basically your solution to mass shooters is shoot them.

That’s how we stop suicide bombs. We put bombs on ourselves

Your left wing masters would be proud of your ability to pull such stupid statements out of your ass.

I don't recall blaming anyone for anything.

Your last statement says "one to many hits on the bong".

What do you guys want to do to prevent the next mass shooting? I'll tell you what you want to do. NOTHING. You want to forget about the last one until the next one happens. Then repeat the process over and over again.

Bullshit, the opposite is true.

A MONSTER was created from years and years of bullying. And morons like you think that removing a tool from someone who want revenge from years and years of bullying will stop a Murderer from doing what a Murderer does, will stop him?


Are you nuts?

Murderers Murder, it's what they do. The focus needs to be ending the cause. You end nothing until you DO THAT.

And before you repeat the bullshit that bullying has been around forever, and these shootings have been in the past twenty years, think about what you are saying..........

Something changed:

5 Reasons Bullying Is Worse Than Ever

read and learn:

"In a 2009 national survey, some 20 percent of high school students reported being bullied on school property in the year prior. But thanks to the rise of social media and the Internet, bullying is no longer confined to just school property or hours. These days, it can happen anywhere and at anytime - including at home after school, when kids are texting more or using Facebook and Twitter. In 2007, about 4 percent of 12- to 18-year-olds reported having been cyber bullied during the school year. And given the increasing popularity of social media, plus the number of recent suicides in the news, it seems that population may be growing."
Good. He shouldnt threaten people with the image of being shot by a gun. What kind of shitty parent allows their child to do such a thing after all these school shootings?

This post is another example of what happens when you watch to much Rachael Maddow.

Major paranoid.
So really your kind want to do less than nothing to stop mass shootings.

If we don’t call in someone who’s suspicious you blame us for not doing anything.

You blame the cops for not doing anything but really you have to break a law before you’ll let them do anything to an unstable citizens

Basically your solution to mass shooters is shoot them.

That’s how we stop suicide bombs. We put bombs on ourselves

Your left wing masters would be proud of your ability to pull such stupid statements out of your ass.

I don't recall blaming anyone for anything.

Your last statement says "one to many hits on the bong".

What do you guys want to do to prevent the next mass shooting? I'll tell you what you want to do. NOTHING. You want to forget about the last one until the next one happens. Then repeat the process over and over again.

Bullshit, the opposite is true.

A MONSTER was created from years and years of bullying. And morons like you think that removing a tool from someone who want revenge from years and years of bullying will stop a Murderer from doing what a Murderer does, will stop him?


Are you nuts?

Murderers Murder, it's what they do. The focus needs to be ending the cause. You end nothing until you DO THAT.

And before you repeat the bullshit that bullying has been around forever, and these shootings have been in the past twenty years, think about what you are saying..........

Something changed:

5 Reasons Bullying Is Worse Than Ever

read and learn:

"In a 2009 national survey, some 20 percent of high school students reported being bullied on school property in the year prior. But thanks to the rise of social media and the Internet, bullying is no longer confined to just school property or hours. These days, it can happen anywhere and at anytime - including at home after school, when kids are texting more or using Facebook and Twitter. In 2007, about 4 percent of 12- to 18-year-olds reported having been cyber bullied during the school year. And given the increasing popularity of social media, plus the number of recent suicides in the news, it seems that population may be growing."

Actually, it isn't people who were bullied that snap and go on rampages. The Vegas shooter, the Florida Shooter, the Pulse shooter, the white guy who shot up the black church. None of these people were bullied.

Are you suggesting these shooters are people who were bullied as children?

Think school shooters are usually bullied and unpopular? You're wrong.
Good. He shouldnt threaten people with the image of being shot by a gun. What kind of shitty parent allows their child to do such a thing after all these school shootings?

This post is another example of what happens when you watch to much Rachael Maddow.

Major paranoid.
So really your kind want to do less than nothing to stop mass shootings.

If we don’t call in someone who’s suspicious you blame us for not doing anything.

You blame the cops for not doing anything but really you have to break a law before you’ll let them do anything to an unstable citizens

Basically your solution to mass shooters is shoot them.

That’s how we stop suicide bombs. We put bombs on ourselves

Your left wing masters would be proud of your ability to pull such stupid statements out of your ass.

I don't recall blaming anyone for anything.

Your last statement says "one to many hits on the bong".

What do you guys want to do to prevent the next mass shooting? I'll tell you what you want to do. NOTHING. You want to forget about the last one until the next one happens. Then repeat the process over and over again.

Bullshit, the opposite is true.

A MONSTER was created from years and years of bullying. And morons like you think that removing a tool from someone who want revenge from years and years of bullying will stop a Murderer from doing what a Murderer does, will stop him?


Are you nuts?

Murderers Murder, it's what they do. The focus needs to be ending the cause. You end nothing until you DO THAT.

And before you repeat the bullshit that bullying has been around forever, and these shootings have been in the past twenty years, think about what you are saying..........

Something changed:

5 Reasons Bullying Is Worse Than Ever

read and learn:

"In a 2009 national survey, some 20 percent of high school students reported being bullied on school property in the year prior. But thanks to the rise of social media and the Internet, bullying is no longer confined to just school property or hours. These days, it can happen anywhere and at anytime - including at home after school, when kids are texting more or using Facebook and Twitter. In 2007, about 4 percent of 12- to 18-year-olds reported having been cyber bullied during the school year. And given the increasing popularity of social media, plus the number of recent suicides in the news, it seems that population may be growing."

perpetrated by failed business owners, wayward veterans, troubled teenagers, jihadist dabblers, disgruntled employees, antiabortionists, estranged spouses
Little bitch Bo Bo. Lol. Surprised that I don't find his crude and disgusting behavior "charming." :D

While their personalities may unsettle family members or acquaintances, mass shooters rarely meet the federal criteria for being deemed mentally unfit to purchase a weapon. A diagnosis or even an inpatient stay at a psychiatric hospital is insufficient. The background-check system blocks people from buying guns only if a court, board, commission or other lawful authority deems them mentally ill.
This post is another example of what happens when you watch to much Rachael Maddow.

Major paranoid.
So really your kind want to do less than nothing to stop mass shootings.

If we don’t call in someone who’s suspicious you blame us for not doing anything.

You blame the cops for not doing anything but really you have to break a law before you’ll let them do anything to an unstable citizens

Basically your solution to mass shooters is shoot them.

That’s how we stop suicide bombs. We put bombs on ourselves

Your left wing masters would be proud of your ability to pull such stupid statements out of your ass.

I don't recall blaming anyone for anything.

Your last statement says "one to many hits on the bong".

What do you guys want to do to prevent the next mass shooting? I'll tell you what you want to do. NOTHING. You want to forget about the last one until the next one happens. Then repeat the process over and over again.

Bullshit, the opposite is true.

A MONSTER was created from years and years of bullying. And morons like you think that removing a tool from someone who want revenge from years and years of bullying will stop a Murderer from doing what a Murderer does, will stop him?


Are you nuts?

Murderers Murder, it's what they do. The focus needs to be ending the cause. You end nothing until you DO THAT.

And before you repeat the bullshit that bullying has been around forever, and these shootings have been in the past twenty years, think about what you are saying..........

Something changed:

5 Reasons Bullying Is Worse Than Ever

read and learn:

"In a 2009 national survey, some 20 percent of high school students reported being bullied on school property in the year prior. But thanks to the rise of social media and the Internet, bullying is no longer confined to just school property or hours. These days, it can happen anywhere and at anytime - including at home after school, when kids are texting more or using Facebook and Twitter. In 2007, about 4 percent of 12- to 18-year-olds reported having been cyber bullied during the school year. And given the increasing popularity of social media, plus the number of recent suicides in the news, it seems that population may be growing."

Actually, it isn't people who were bullied that snap and go on rampages. The Vegas shooter, the Florida Shooter, the Pulse shooter, the white guy who shot up the black church. None of these people were bullied.

Are you suggesting these shooters are people who were bullied as children?

Think school shooters are usually bullied and unpopular? You're wrong.

Since the OP is about children, I'll stick with the OP (all though many mass shooters were also on antideppresants, which combined with bullying is a recipe for disaster).

It has been widely reported that the Florida shooter was relentlessly bullied:

To longtime friend, school shooter Nikolas Cruz was lonely, volatile, ostracized

Then there's this. She confirms it went on SINCE MIDDLE SCHOOL

Good. He shouldnt threaten people with the image of being shot by a gun. What kind of shitty parent allows their child to do such a thing after all these school shootings?

This post is another example of what happens when you watch to much Rachael Maddow.

Major paranoid.
So really your kind want to do less than nothing to stop mass shootings.

If we don’t call in someone who’s suspicious you blame us for not doing anything.

You blame the cops for not doing anything but really you have to break a law before you’ll let them do anything to an unstable citizens

Basically your solution to mass shooters is shoot them.

That’s how we stop suicide bombs. We put bombs on ourselves

Your left wing masters would be proud of your ability to pull such stupid statements out of your ass.

I don't recall blaming anyone for anything.

Your last statement says "one to many hits on the bong".

What do you guys want to do to prevent the next mass shooting? I'll tell you what you want to do. NOTHING. You want to forget about the last one until the next one happens. Then repeat the process over and over again.

Bullshit, the opposite is true.

A MONSTER was created from years and years of bullying. And morons like you think that removing a tool from someone who want revenge from years and years of bullying will stop a Murderer from doing what a Murderer does, will stop him?


Are you nuts?

Murderers Murder, it's what they do. The focus needs to be ending the cause. You end nothing until you DO THAT.

And before you repeat the bullshit that bullying has been around forever, and these shootings have been in the past twenty years, think about what you are saying..........

Something changed:

5 Reasons Bullying Is Worse Than Ever

read and learn:

"In a 2009 national survey, some 20 percent of high school students reported being bullied on school property in the year prior. But thanks to the rise of social media and the Internet, bullying is no longer confined to just school property or hours. These days, it can happen anywhere and at anytime - including at home after school, when kids are texting more or using Facebook and Twitter. In 2007, about 4 percent of 12- to 18-year-olds reported having been cyber bullied during the school year. And given the increasing popularity of social media, plus the number of recent suicides in the news, it seems that population may be growing."

What do most of America's mass shootings have in common? White, male culprits

First, in most of the shootings, the culprits used or owned AR15 assault weapons that shouldn’t be in the hands of anyone except military troops abroad.

Second, most of the culprits of the worst mass shootings since the massacre at Columbine High School in 1999 have been white males.

And for all of you who just set your hair on fire or ran to pick up your phone to call and scream at me that I’m a racist: I do not contend that these boys and men shot up schools or a movie theater or a church because they are white.

I contend that America continues to allow it because they are white …

… because you can be damn sure that if these shootings had been done by black males, there would be calls to round all up the young black men across the country until we could determine what was wrong with them — or until we, the collective we, which means the white we, felt safe. There would be some change in gun laws. There would be action.

And it would be a major, continuing news story rather than one forgotten by Sunday.

Little bitch Bo Bo. Lol. Surprised that I don't find his crude and disgusting behavior "charming." :D
First, we must take these shootings seriously and not continue to ignore them because they’re being done by depraved, young white men. We must be up in arms. If they weren’t white, we’d be up in arms. That is not racist. That is based on historical fact. Changing how people get guns, keeping guns from the mentally ill and weapons of war off American streets are not impossible dreams.
I'm sure some people aren't responsible enough to vote, drive, drink, be alone with children, have children, stay off drugs, not rob and steal, not murder either, yet I don't hear anyone complaining about that! It's all about the guns for you people while you ignore the REAL problems.

Donald Trump was not wrong in his tweet after the shooting which said:

So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior. Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!

There were signs that the shooter was dangerous, signs that were ignored again and again.
You dont [sic] have to commit a crime in order to be arrested. The courts determine whether or not you actually committed a crime, not the cops.

However, the cops have to have a very good reason that you may have committed a crime before they can arrest you. To arrest someone in the absence of just cause to believe that the arrestee may have committed a crime is, itself a criminal act.
This post is another example of what happens when you watch to much Rachael Maddow.

Major paranoid.
So really your kind want to do less than nothing to stop mass shootings.

If we don’t call in someone who’s suspicious you blame us for not doing anything.

You blame the cops for not doing anything but really you have to break a law before you’ll let them do anything to an unstable citizens

Basically your solution to mass shooters is shoot them.

That’s how we stop suicide bombs. We put bombs on ourselves

Your left wing masters would be proud of your ability to pull such stupid statements out of your ass.

I don't recall blaming anyone for anything.

Your last statement says "one to many hits on the bong".

What do you guys want to do to prevent the next mass shooting? I'll tell you what you want to do. NOTHING. You want to forget about the last one until the next one happens. Then repeat the process over and over again.

Bullshit, the opposite is true.

A MONSTER was created from years and years of bullying. And morons like you think that removing a tool from someone who want revenge from years and years of bullying will stop a Murderer from doing what a Murderer does, will stop him?


Are you nuts?

Murderers Murder, it's what they do. The focus needs to be ending the cause. You end nothing until you DO THAT.

And before you repeat the bullshit that bullying has been around forever, and these shootings have been in the past twenty years, think about what you are saying..........

Something changed:

5 Reasons Bullying Is Worse Than Ever

read and learn:

"In a 2009 national survey, some 20 percent of high school students reported being bullied on school property in the year prior. But thanks to the rise of social media and the Internet, bullying is no longer confined to just school property or hours. These days, it can happen anywhere and at anytime - including at home after school, when kids are texting more or using Facebook and Twitter. In 2007, about 4 percent of 12- to 18-year-olds reported having been cyber bullied during the school year. And given the increasing popularity of social media, plus the number of recent suicides in the news, it seems that population may be growing."

What do most of America's mass shootings have in common? White, male culprits

First, in most of the shootings, the culprits used or owned AR15 assault weapons that shouldn’t be in the hands of anyone except military troops abroad.

Second, most of the culprits of the worst mass shootings since the massacre at Columbine High School in 1999 have been white males.

And for all of you who just set your hair on fire or ran to pick up your phone to call and scream at me that I’m a racist: I do not contend that these boys and men shot up schools or a movie theater or a church because they are white.

I contend that America continues to allow it because they are white …

… because you can be damn sure that if these shootings had been done by black males, there would be calls to round all up the young black men across the country until we could determine what was wrong with them — or until we, the collective we, which means the white we, felt safe. There would be some change in gun laws. There would be action.

And it would be a major, continuing news story rather than one forgotten by Sunday.


First, in most of the shootings, the culprits used or owned AR15 assault weapons that shouldn’t be in the hands of anyone except military troops abroad.

They could still use a pistol, a pipe bomb or a car. Murderers Murder, its what they do. Simply taking one tool simply makes them use the next. You ARE NOT stopping the killings, just making them use a different tool.

Second, most of the culprits of the worst mass shootings since the massacre at Columbine High School in 1999 have been white males.

Not at all surprising if you use common sense. Males are, by nature, more violent than women. Look at how each gender commits suicide. Females tend to use pills or hang themselves. When they want to take others with them, it's gas or driving over a cliff. When males commit suicide, it's often by far more violent means.

But since we are talking about the school shootings, do a bit of research on the violent behavior exhibited by male youth put on SSRI's and ADHD drugs.

But looking into those doesn't work for your political agenda, it just stops the murderers.

The rest is simply blather. I tend to argue based on facts, not emotion.

Then again, I search to cure the problem, you? Not so much
Good. He shouldnt threaten people with the image of being shot by a gun. What kind of shitty parent allows their child to do such a thing after all these school shootings?

This post is another example of what happens when you watch to much Rachael Maddow.

Major paranoid.
So really your kind want to do less than nothing to stop mass shootings.

If we don’t call in someone who’s suspicious you blame us for not doing anything.

You blame the cops for not doing anything but really you have to break a law before you’ll let them do anything to an unstable citizens

Basically your solution to mass shooters is shoot them.

That’s how we stop suicide bombs. We put bombs on ourselves

Your left wing masters would be proud of your ability to pull such stupid statements out of your ass.

I don't recall blaming anyone for anything.

Your last statement says "one to many hits on the bong".

What do you guys want to do to prevent the next mass shooting? I'll tell you what you want to do. NOTHING. You want to forget about the last one until the next one happens. Then repeat the process over and over again.

Bullshit, the opposite is true.

A MONSTER was created from years and years of bullying. And morons like you think that removing a tool from someone who want revenge from years and years of bullying will stop a Murderer from doing what a Murderer does, will stop him?


Are you nuts?

Murderers Murder, it's what they do. The focus needs to be ending the cause. You end nothing until you DO THAT.

And before you repeat the bullshit that bullying has been around forever, and these shootings have been in the past twenty years, think about what you are saying..........

Something changed:

5 Reasons Bullying Is Worse Than Ever

read and learn:

"In a 2009 national survey, some 20 percent of high school students reported being bullied on school property in the year prior. But thanks to the rise of social media and the Internet, bullying is no longer confined to just school property or hours. These days, it can happen anywhere and at anytime - including at home after school, when kids are texting more or using Facebook and Twitter. In 2007, about 4 percent of 12- to 18-year-olds reported having been cyber bullied during the school year. And given the increasing popularity of social media, plus the number of recent suicides in the news, it seems that population may be growing."

I have a major problem with cyber-bullying! If you don't want to see it, there are ways to prevent that from happening. It's called an "off" switch!
This post is another example of what happens when you watch to much Rachael Maddow.

Major paranoid.
So really your kind want to do less than nothing to stop mass shootings.

If we don’t call in someone who’s suspicious you blame us for not doing anything.

You blame the cops for not doing anything but really you have to break a law before you’ll let them do anything to an unstable citizens

Basically your solution to mass shooters is shoot them.

That’s how we stop suicide bombs. We put bombs on ourselves

Your left wing masters would be proud of your ability to pull such stupid statements out of your ass.

I don't recall blaming anyone for anything.

Your last statement says "one to many hits on the bong".

What do you guys want to do to prevent the next mass shooting? I'll tell you what you want to do. NOTHING. You want to forget about the last one until the next one happens. Then repeat the process over and over again.

Bullshit, the opposite is true.

A MONSTER was created from years and years of bullying. And morons like you think that removing a tool from someone who want revenge from years and years of bullying will stop a Murderer from doing what a Murderer does, will stop him?


Are you nuts?

Murderers Murder, it's what they do. The focus needs to be ending the cause. You end nothing until you DO THAT.

And before you repeat the bullshit that bullying has been around forever, and these shootings have been in the past twenty years, think about what you are saying..........

Something changed:

5 Reasons Bullying Is Worse Than Ever

read and learn:

"In a 2009 national survey, some 20 percent of high school students reported being bullied on school property in the year prior. But thanks to the rise of social media and the Internet, bullying is no longer confined to just school property or hours. These days, it can happen anywhere and at anytime - including at home after school, when kids are texting more or using Facebook and Twitter. In 2007, about 4 percent of 12- to 18-year-olds reported having been cyber bullied during the school year. And given the increasing popularity of social media, plus the number of recent suicides in the news, it seems that population may be growing."

I have a major problem with cyber-bullying! If you don't want to see it, there are ways to prevent that from happening. It's called an "off" switch!

Fully agree, but that doesn't stop the bullies from setting up the bully for the next day. And of course, then you let the bullies limit your freedoms, and by doing so, the bullies win.
So really your kind want to do less than nothing to stop mass shootings.

If we don’t call in someone who’s suspicious you blame us for not doing anything.

You blame the cops for not doing anything but really you have to break a law before you’ll let them do anything to an unstable citizens

Basically your solution to mass shooters is shoot them.

That’s how we stop suicide bombs. We put bombs on ourselves

Your left wing masters would be proud of your ability to pull such stupid statements out of your ass.

I don't recall blaming anyone for anything.

Your last statement says "one to many hits on the bong".

What do you guys want to do to prevent the next mass shooting? I'll tell you what you want to do. NOTHING. You want to forget about the last one until the next one happens. Then repeat the process over and over again.

Bullshit, the opposite is true.

A MONSTER was created from years and years of bullying. And morons like you think that removing a tool from someone who want revenge from years and years of bullying will stop a Murderer from doing what a Murderer does, will stop him?


Are you nuts?

Murderers Murder, it's what they do. The focus needs to be ending the cause. You end nothing until you DO THAT.

And before you repeat the bullshit that bullying has been around forever, and these shootings have been in the past twenty years, think about what you are saying..........

Something changed:

5 Reasons Bullying Is Worse Than Ever

read and learn:

"In a 2009 national survey, some 20 percent of high school students reported being bullied on school property in the year prior. But thanks to the rise of social media and the Internet, bullying is no longer confined to just school property or hours. These days, it can happen anywhere and at anytime - including at home after school, when kids are texting more or using Facebook and Twitter. In 2007, about 4 percent of 12- to 18-year-olds reported having been cyber bullied during the school year. And given the increasing popularity of social media, plus the number of recent suicides in the news, it seems that population may be growing."

I have a major problem with cyber-bullying! If you don't want to see it, there are ways to prevent that from happening. It's called an "off" switch!

Fully agree, but that doesn't stop the bullies from setting up the bully for the next day. And of course, then you let the bullies limit your freedoms, and by doing so, the bullies win.

The next day? I'm not sure what that means.

Blocking someone on Facebook doesn't limit your freedom.

You should see the number of morons I have on ignore on this site for stupid beyond the call of duty.
Your left wing masters would be proud of your ability to pull such stupid statements out of your ass.

I don't recall blaming anyone for anything.

Your last statement says "one to many hits on the bong".

What do you guys want to do to prevent the next mass shooting? I'll tell you what you want to do. NOTHING. You want to forget about the last one until the next one happens. Then repeat the process over and over again.

Bullshit, the opposite is true.

A MONSTER was created from years and years of bullying. And morons like you think that removing a tool from someone who want revenge from years and years of bullying will stop a Murderer from doing what a Murderer does, will stop him?


Are you nuts?

Murderers Murder, it's what they do. The focus needs to be ending the cause. You end nothing until you DO THAT.

And before you repeat the bullshit that bullying has been around forever, and these shootings have been in the past twenty years, think about what you are saying..........

Something changed:

5 Reasons Bullying Is Worse Than Ever

read and learn:

"In a 2009 national survey, some 20 percent of high school students reported being bullied on school property in the year prior. But thanks to the rise of social media and the Internet, bullying is no longer confined to just school property or hours. These days, it can happen anywhere and at anytime - including at home after school, when kids are texting more or using Facebook and Twitter. In 2007, about 4 percent of 12- to 18-year-olds reported having been cyber bullied during the school year. And given the increasing popularity of social media, plus the number of recent suicides in the news, it seems that population may be growing."

I have a major problem with cyber-bullying! If you don't want to see it, there are ways to prevent that from happening. It's called an "off" switch!

Fully agree, but that doesn't stop the bullies from setting up the bully for the next day. And of course, then you let the bullies limit your freedoms, and by doing so, the bullies win.

The next day? I'm not sure what that means.

Blocking someone on Facebook doesn't limit your freedom.

You should see the number of morons I have on ignore on this site for stupid beyond the call of duty.

I would agree, but then again, if you are being plotted against, I want to know what the plotters are plotting.
I remember in school we used to make paper guns, some kids even knew how to make holsters. We'd go through the whole school day in 3rd grade with a paper gun in a holster on our hip. At lunch, we had war.

And no, teachers didn't care. They were just happy we weren't harassing and chasing the girls.
Do you like how he worded it? He says he was arrested for sharing a photo. Was he threatening people online?
Someone took it to be threatening. Why do you think he was arrested?
I know but the guy who started this thread made the title "child arrested for sharing photo of toy gun." trying to suggest authorities over reacted. Bullshit. This is the kind of person that people need to call the cops and warn them that he's a potential threat.

I have a neighbor I guess he came out of his home and shot a squirrel with a 22. He shot towards the lake. If I would have saw that i would have called the cops and hopefully he would have got a felony and never been able to own a gun ever again. God knows who was swimming in his line of fire. Not everyone is responsible enough to own a car or a gun or have a baby but we seem to let anyone who wants a baby or a gun have one.

Range a 22 bullet can travel? 1-1.5 miles.

And who decides who is "responsible enough" to practice a constitutional right? You? Some guy in Washington? Do you feel the same way about child rearing too?

If the people who live around you are in fear of you, I would say the law decides. The neighbor I gave an example of broke the law. The judge would decide. The prosecutor would decide. The jury would decide. And I don't think most people like the idea of someone shooting a gun towards a lake that has people on it.

Here is the lake I live on

You tell me if it should be legal to shoot a squirrel or bird off your porch if you live on this lake.

And I wish people had to get approval to have children. As of right now they'll let anyone have one. Hell have 3.

Detroit freezer mom in jailhouse interview: 'I would kill them again'

If you break a law, then you DO already lose some of your constitutional rights. Are you not aware of that? Do you think prisoners have constitutional rights?

Absolutely. Being convicted of a crime does not absolve you of your rights under the law. The only one that they lose is the right to bear arms.
Have you read where this may not have happened at all ?

Who has trouble with reality ?
Until its proven this hasnt happened my opinion remains the same. If it is proven this didnt happen then good. You have trouble with reality to answer your question.

And you are to drunk to make sense.

Your opinion belongs in Cuba....have a good time.
Thats twice now you confused "to" with "too".

Any idiot that condones what this fool did deserves to be harassed by the cops. The parent should have her ass kicked for stupidity.

Our cops kinda like what the kid did.
Lots of cops are idiots too. Obviously you live somewhere the cops are all idiots.

And where you live they're all rocket scientists?
Thats patently false. Your opinion doesnt determine what is threatening to someone else.

If that's true then by the same token, your opinion that someone is threatening does not determine that they are, in fact, threatening. See how that works?
Too bad its not the same token. Whats threatening to one person has no bearing on whats threatening to another. See how that works?

You just destroyed your own argument. Read your post and cogitate on it for a while. With any hope, you'll get it.
I only destroyed your comment. Read your comment and explain to me how someone is not threatening merely because you dont feel it is.

I was afraid you wouldn't get it.

What you're saying in that comment is that the way we perceive a threat is subjective. That means that if two people are looking at the same thing (in this case, a toy gun posted on social media) and you perceive it to be a threat but I don't, either of us could be wrong and either of us could be right. By making it subjective, you destroyed your entire argument.

What you're just not getting is that simply feeling threatened doesn't mean there's a legitimate reason to feel so.
I was pretty much expecting you couldnt answer the question. Thanks for verifying that.
You dont [sic] have to commit a crime in order to be arrested. The courts determine whether or not you actually committed a crime, not the cops.

However, the cops have to have a very good reason that you may have committed a crime before they can arrest you. To arrest someone in the absence of just cause to believe that the arrestee may have committed a crime is, itself a criminal act.
Again more bullshit. Cops can arrest you whenever they feel good and goddamn ready. I've seen it too many times to count. You must have lived a pretty sheltered life if you dont know this. You dont seem to understand that "you fit the description" is a very common reason cops use all the time to harass and arrest people.
Someone took it to be threatening. Why do you think he was arrested?
I know but the guy who started this thread made the title "child arrested for sharing photo of toy gun." trying to suggest authorities over reacted. Bullshit. This is the kind of person that people need to call the cops and warn them that he's a potential threat.

I have a neighbor I guess he came out of his home and shot a squirrel with a 22. He shot towards the lake. If I would have saw that i would have called the cops and hopefully he would have got a felony and never been able to own a gun ever again. God knows who was swimming in his line of fire. Not everyone is responsible enough to own a car or a gun or have a baby but we seem to let anyone who wants a baby or a gun have one.

Range a 22 bullet can travel? 1-1.5 miles.

And who decides who is "responsible enough" to practice a constitutional right? You? Some guy in Washington? Do you feel the same way about child rearing too?

If the people who live around you are in fear of you, I would say the law decides. The neighbor I gave an example of broke the law. The judge would decide. The prosecutor would decide. The jury would decide. And I don't think most people like the idea of someone shooting a gun towards a lake that has people on it.

Here is the lake I live on

You tell me if it should be legal to shoot a squirrel or bird off your porch if you live on this lake.

And I wish people had to get approval to have children. As of right now they'll let anyone have one. Hell have 3.

Detroit freezer mom in jailhouse interview: 'I would kill them again'

If you break a law, then you DO already lose some of your constitutional rights. Are you not aware of that? Do you think prisoners have constitutional rights?

Absolutely. Being convicted of a crime does not absolve you of your rights under the law. The only one that they lose is the right to bear arms.
Then being convicted of a crime does absolve you of your right to bear arms.

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