Chicago Mayor (Rahm) Emanuel on Jussie Smollett: ‘Is There No Decency In This Man?’

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Ironic coming from bathouse tutu dancer boy.
But to answer him, no.
Juicy Smellit has no decency.

Tuesday at a press conference, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel strongly criticized “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett in connection to filing a false police report about an alleged hate crime.

On prosecutors the dropping charges, Emanuel said, “This is a whitewash of justice. A grand jury could not have been clearer — to the cost, $10,000 doesn’t come close financially, but all the other repercussions of this decision made to me, where is the accountability in the system?”

He continued, “Mr. Smollett is still saying that he is innocent, still running down the Chicago police department. How dare him? How dare him? After everybody saw––and I want to remind you, this is not the superintendent’s word against his. The grand jury, a sliver of the evidence, and they came to a conclusion as did the state attorney’s office. This is not the superintendent and the detectives’ department word against his. And even after this whitewash, there is still no sense of ownership of what he’s done. He says that, in fact, he is the wronged in this case. This is an unbelievable not just whitewash of justice. This is a person now who has not been let off scot-free with no sense of accountability of the moral and ethical wrong of his actions from top to bottom. I cannot stress enough that in a time when you have people bringing a moral equivalency in Virginia between bigots and those fighting bigotry, when you have a person using hate crime laws that are on the books to protect people who are minorities from violence, to then turn around and use those laws to advance your career and your financial reward, is there no decency in this man?”


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David Axelrod Unloads On Decision To Free Jussie Smollett After ‘Insidious’ Hoax
Deadfish was 100% correct in his assessment. Maybe he doesn’t care anymore because he’s not running for office anymore. In any case, good on him.
Maybe those Hollywood college scammers can use this as a template for getting their charges dropped.
Exactly. So paying to get your kids in a good college = prison. Paying to keep your fraudulent ass out of prison = ???
If there was not conclusive proof that there is clear negro privilege in this country, there sure is now. Of course THOSE FUCKING PEOPLE still believe that faggot negro.

What a joke of a race and the world knows it.
Ironic coming from bathouse tutu dancer boy.
But to answer him, no.
Juicy Smellit has no decency.

Tuesday at a press conference, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel strongly criticized “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett in connection to filing a false police report about an alleged hate crime.

On prosecutors the dropping charges, Emanuel said, “This is a whitewash of justice. A grand jury could not have been clearer — to the cost, $10,000 doesn’t come close financially, but all the other repercussions of this decision made to me, where is the accountability in the system?”

He continued, “Mr. Smollett is still saying that he is innocent, still running down the Chicago police department. How dare him? How dare him? After everybody saw––and I want to remind you, this is not the superintendent’s word against his. The grand jury, a sliver of the evidence, and they came to a conclusion as did the state attorney’s office. This is not the superintendent and the detectives’ department word against his. And even after this whitewash, there is still no sense of ownership of what he’s done. He says that, in fact, he is the wronged in this case. This is an unbelievable not just whitewash of justice. This is a person now who has not been let off scot-free with no sense of accountability of the moral and ethical wrong of his actions from top to bottom. I cannot stress enough that in a time when you have people bringing a moral equivalency in Virginia between bigots and those fighting bigotry, when you have a person using hate crime laws that are on the books to protect people who are minorities from violence, to then turn around and use those laws to advance your career and your financial reward, is there no decency in this man?”


(Excerpt) Read more at ...


David Axelrod Unloads On Decision To Free Jussie Smollett After ‘Insidious’ Hoax

The Chief of Police and Mayor are really looking bad. They got the wrong person.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

kim foxx, michelle obama.jpg

Frankly, I am MORE concerned about allegations that PRO BLACK minded American former First Lady Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama colluded with politician & prosecutor Kimberly M. Foxx to have all criminal charges dismissed in the Jussie Smollet debacle.

michelle obama, kendrick lamar.jpg

Kimberly M. Foxx, Dr Nadine Burke Harris, Dr Bruce Perry.jpg
American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* Public Health Crisis; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
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Smollett tried to take advantage of perhaps our worst socio-political condition for his own personal gain.

His supporters are fine with that, obviously, and are trying to downplay this whole thing. That's what they do.

This case is a symptom of a much larger issue, and those who push division are the winners here.
At the very least, the deal should have included Smollett admitting guilt.

This result is clearly a case of privilege.
If there was not conclusive proof that there is clear negro privilege in this country, there sure is now. Of course THOSE FUCKING PEOPLE still believe that faggot negro.

What a joke of a race and the world knows it.
they can't say white privilege anymore --hahahahahahaha
as we said before, that's bullshit
more proof of what we've been saying
Smollett tried to take advantage of perhaps our worst socio-political condition for his own personal gain.

His supporters are fine with that, obviously, and are trying to downplay this whole thing. That's what they do.

This case is a symptom of a much larger issue, and those who push division are the winners here.
he made race relations/etc worse
...we laughed and didn't care before whenever they screamed racism--this just makes us even more suspect/etc of the screaming
Smollett tried to take advantage of perhaps our worst socio-political condition for his own personal gain.
His supporters are fine with that, obviously, and are trying to downplay this whole thing. That's what they do.
This case is a symptom of a much larger issue, and those who push division are the winners here.
he made race relations/etc worse
...we laughed and didn't care before whenever they screamed racism--this just makes us even more suspect/etc of the screaming
Well, there are some who are just fine with that.
Smollett tried to take advantage of perhaps our worst socio-political condition for his own personal gain.
His supporters are fine with that, obviously, and are trying to downplay this whole thing. That's what they do.
This case is a symptom of a much larger issue, and those who push division are the winners here.
he made race relations/etc worse
...we laughed and didn't care before whenever they screamed racism--this just makes us even more suspect/etc of the screaming
Well, there are some who are just fine with that.
Yeah, like you.
SMOLLETT MAY NOT BE IN THE CLEAR YET: Despite the hate crime hoax charges against him being dropped Tuesday, “Empire” star Jussie Smollett still may face new legal trouble ... An investigation into a death-threat letter the actor supposedly received prior to an alleged Jan. 29 attack against him has been handed over to the FBI, Chicago Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told Fox News. Cook County, Ill. First Assistant State's Attorney Joseph Magats told reporters that prosecutors dropped the case because Smollett forfeited a $10,000 bond payment and did community service.

The decision to drop charges against Smollett stunned and outraged Chicago police and Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who called the series of events "not on the level" and a "whitewash of justice." Some critics have wondered whether Smollett's high-powered connections led to the dropping of charges. Messages exchanged between Tina Tchen, an attorney and former chief of staff to first lady Michelle Obama, and Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx are attracting increasing scrutiny.

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Ironic coming from bathouse tutu dancer boy.
But to answer him, no.
Juicy Smellit has no decency.

Tuesday at a press conference, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel strongly criticized “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett in connection to filing a false police report about an alleged hate crime.

On prosecutors the dropping charges, Emanuel said, “This is a whitewash of justice. A grand jury could not have been clearer — to the cost, $10,000 doesn’t come close financially, but all the other repercussions of this decision made to me, where is the accountability in the system?”

He continued, “Mr. Smollett is still saying that he is innocent, still running down the Chicago police department. How dare him? How dare him? After everybody saw––and I want to remind you, this is not the superintendent’s word against his. The grand jury, a sliver of the evidence, and they came to a conclusion as did the state attorney’s office. This is not the superintendent and the detectives’ department word against his. And even after this whitewash, there is still no sense of ownership of what he’s done. He says that, in fact, he is the wronged in this case. This is an unbelievable not just whitewash of justice. This is a person now who has not been let off scot-free with no sense of accountability of the moral and ethical wrong of his actions from top to bottom. I cannot stress enough that in a time when you have people bringing a moral equivalency in Virginia between bigots and those fighting bigotry, when you have a person using hate crime laws that are on the books to protect people who are minorities from violence, to then turn around and use those laws to advance your career and your financial reward, is there no decency in this man?”


(Excerpt) Read more at ...


David Axelrod Unloads On Decision To Free Jussie Smollett After ‘Insidious’ Hoax

The Chief of Police and Mayor are really looking bad. They got the wrong person.
People are purchasing more weapons and will hide weapons as the police state expands making them illegal.
Apparently the mayor and chief are outraged with the case being dropped.

Deadfish was 100% correct in his assessment. Maybe he doesn’t care anymore because he’s not running for office anymore. In any case, good on him.

Rahm is lying through his teeth. Good actor though. He was told by the Democrat power brokers to squash this, and he did. It didn't fit the hate Whitey, Media and Democrat narrative.
Ironic coming from bathouse tutu dancer boy.
But to answer him, no.
Juicy Smellit has no decency.

Tuesday at a press conference, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel strongly criticized “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett in connection to filing a false police report about an alleged hate crime.

On prosecutors the dropping charges, Emanuel said, “This is a whitewash of justice. A grand jury could not have been clearer — to the cost, $10,000 doesn’t come close financially, but all the other repercussions of this decision made to me, where is the accountability in the system?”

He continued, “Mr. Smollett is still saying that he is innocent, still running down the Chicago police department. How dare him? How dare him? After everybody saw––and I want to remind you, this is not the superintendent’s word against his. The grand jury, a sliver of the evidence, and they came to a conclusion as did the state attorney’s office. This is not the superintendent and the detectives’ department word against his. And even after this whitewash, there is still no sense of ownership of what he’s done. He says that, in fact, he is the wronged in this case. This is an unbelievable not just whitewash of justice. This is a person now who has not been let off scot-free with no sense of accountability of the moral and ethical wrong of his actions from top to bottom. I cannot stress enough that in a time when you have people bringing a moral equivalency in Virginia between bigots and those fighting bigotry, when you have a person using hate crime laws that are on the books to protect people who are minorities from violence, to then turn around and use those laws to advance your career and your financial reward, is there no decency in this man?”


(Excerpt) Read more at ...


David Axelrod Unloads On Decision To Free Jussie Smollett After ‘Insidious’ Hoax

The Chief of Police and Mayor are really looking bad. They got the wrong person.
Penelope's post goes to show you that there are no boundaries on ignorance.
A grand jury that had all the facts deemed there was enough evidence to take this to trial.

Then along comes penelope with her stupidity.....

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