Cheney's daughter pregnant

There was an earlier mention of V.P. Cheney's future political desires being in jeapardy over his and his wife's alleged celebratory attention of the future coming of their grandchild.

This is really where the dividing line in the sand is at in life. Nurturing, of my family comes foremost to me over any aspirations of wealth, public leadership, job positions, etc...

Here I go, getting biblical.....but even in the N.T., Paul says that a man has to take care of his own house first or at least make a good, honorable work of it. This is in reference to those who had aspired to be church leaders such as; elders, pastors... etc.. In other words, if you're in the public "eye", you must set some good modeling examples in the rest of your life too(consistency). I believe the Cheney's again, are modeling parenting as best as anyone could. If Mr. Cheney were to worry about and act on the impulse that he is somehow losing his chances of being elected or chosen to leadership positions in the political arena, then I would really "question" what the Cheney's are really made-of. It would seem rather superficial, and self-serving to be worried about public scrutiny over expressing your unconditional love of your progeny.

Many a preacher has stepped down from the pulpit, because their own families were not in "order". The Ministry creates some pretty wayward kids at times, as these Pastors are so absorbed with leading their "flocks", their own God-given families(wife, and children) get the last "pickens" of their attention/love. The kids of these preachers used to be called "P.K.'s", or preacher's kids. Many have heard the stories of the P.K.'s of the churches being the most irascible little buggers compared to the other church member's kids. In most cases, thats because they are put in the "limelight". They are forced to walk this moral, careful line as kids, because the congregation is watching the preacher's family with a fine tooth comb. Not unlike a public, political position.

Well, the Cheney's as well as the Bush's, the Clinton's, Gore's, all have kids that can't sneeze without the Star or the Inquirerer reports it.

The very respected, and venerated Billy Graham had a very wayward son named Franklin Graham........Now Franklin has for the most part taken over his father's ministry(Crusades). Franklin was such a rebellious kid in his younger years.........yet apparently his mom and dad hung in their and loved him through it. Maybe dear old Billy should have taken a hiatus from Crusades during the time of Franklin's out and out rebellious period. Maybe Franklin was so under pressure to be the good kid of Billy Graham that it just caused him to go the other way. Who knows?

I hoped to show some parallels to the Cheney situation. Sure Franklin Graham wasn't going the homosexual rout, yet Graham, if you read his autobiography was no angel. He was one tough, upset kid too. Another excellent read is about Michael Reagan's life growing up. He was mollested as a young boy by a Catholic Youth Counselor and kept that a secret for a good portion of his life. He went through terrible mental torment as a kid and young adult, wondering if he was in some was "gay", or just unfit as a human being. He didn't want to tell his adoptive parents, Jane Wyman or Ronald Reagan. He just kept it inside himself. During the time that he kept this secret, he internally hated himself, and was one real hard to get-along-with young man. He hated himself, he never felt that he could please his parents, as he held this alleged, "dark, dirty, little secret" of his life. When he was able to receive some unconditional love and understanding from a friend who was a biblical Christian(Jesus-like modeling), he literally unloaded years of false guilt, and real guilt too. To see Michael Reagan on T.V. or hear him on radio nowadays, you'd never know that he had endured such a painful past.

Where does this connect with the Cheney's or on that topic? Michael Reagan was adopted by Jane Wyman and Ronald Reagan. Both of Michael's parents were very busy folks, enhancing their acting careers at the expense of quality time with young Michael. Michael spent years in high-end hollywood boarding schools, where it was the norm to not see your parents except on weekends for visits. Many of these kids from rich or famous parents sometimes went months not seeing their parents as Mom and Dad were out in different parts of the world on movie sets, making pictures, or following their careers.

I commend the Cheney's for ignoring any and all the inuendos, that they are failed parents, or that they are harming their future political aspirations by what they are doing with their daughter at this time.

If your heterosexual daughter or son is marrying someone that you as parents can't you not attend the wedding anyway? I think we as parents have to do a lot of grinning and bearing it, for the sake of showing or modeling to our kids that we still love them yet may not agree with our children's choices... We still must hope and pray that things can and will work out for some sort of good in the end. There's an old bible verse from Romans 8:28 that says, "God causes all things to work for good for those that are called according to His purposes."..... I trully believe that if parents are faithful to their God given faith, and do their darndest to model/show biblical, unconditional love as Jesus showed the world in his 33 year life on planet earth, you would see a much different world now. I think a lot of wayward sons and daughters would no longer be wayward in their 30's, 40's, 50's... and beyond. "Teach them up in the way they should go....." and then you have to let them go....literally! You must trust the almighty that He knows better than you.......and just go in to the mode of "dependence"...i.e... prayer for them. You have no more control, and actually you really never did. You just fooled yourself. You made a kid.......but you didn't make their mind, will, and emotions. That's their's.

I would hesitate to be in the place of the Cheney's, yet I respect and admire the way they are conducting themselves......Even old Pop, has had to undergo his hunting foray that nearly killed a fellow hunter. He's also fought and endured some pretty serious heart problems, too. I think that God gives the measure of "grace" that's needed for any particular situation to his people, so that they can endure, and work-through these seemingly impossible situations.

Screaming Eagle:
My first child was adopted, my last two are mine biologically. All are from the same Mom, and still my beloved wife of 30+ years. As a Christian dad, who has spent many years on my knees asking for God's help and intervention while raising my kids, and His mediating in my marriage, He's yet to let me down. Some prayers were answered within very short times, and others were answered many years down the road of life. Bottom-line, many of my prayers for things to change around me, actually worked just the opposite. The answered prayer came in the form of good old "me" being changed to see things from God's angle, not my own myopic, narrow, focus.

Us humans have a way of losing sight of the big picture and focusing too much on the small picture, and thinking it is the "big" picture.

The big picture in the Cheney's lives is the future outcome of what they are doing now in respect to their daughter and grandchild. Will what the Cheney's do now, allow for them to have unlimited access to their future grandchild? Will their daughter love her parents for accepting her as a person, though I'm sure she(daughter) realizes Mom and Dad don't agree with her lifestyle? That's what Jesus did with every individual He met. He looked past the sin and looked at the person. He knew that His love and acceptance of them as a "person" was the barrier breaker. The sins of their lives would fall to the wayside as these wayward sinners accepted this unconditional love from their incarnate Creator. As Jesus was the one designated to make and do provision for their sins, He didn't initiate His relationship with them via guilt, but via potential for a relationship. To approach Jesus, was to "dump" all things at His feet. To dump all things at His feet was to initially trust Him, and receive His love, and ensuing forgiveness.

Restore, restore, restoration............that's what our poor, weak, race needs.........Jesus's visit 2000 years ago was to come and "save" not to "judge". Judgement is for another time that only our Creator has book-marked. For now, we have received the message, and the messenger. It is our's to do with it what we choose; as parents, daughters, sons, wives, husbands, and singles.

We who have found restoration(Christians), must never forget where we came from! We must never forget that we must stay in a position of surrender, and dependence at every moment of our lives. We along with every human being have not one meritorious work in our lives that have earned us better standing than another human being. We all have fallen miserably short and lacking, at the feet of Jesus's totally blameless, and Holy life.

May we all just pray for the Cheney's, and look forward to a healthy birth of their grandchild, and if any reconciliation is needed between daughter and parents, may it happen in spades.
Eightball: That's all well and good but I'm still standing my ground on this one. I agree Cheney can certainly love his 38 year old daughter and, of course, his grandchild, but as a leader he should have made it clear to the public that he does not condone his daughter's choices. By not doing so he is enabling others to follow Mary Cheney's poor example.

If his daughter was a thief, he would still love her, but would he not deplore her thievery? In a way, Mary Cheney is stealing her child's heritage on the fathers side, not to mention stealing the child's ability to live with and have a father.
Eightball: That's all well and good but I'm still standing my ground on this one. I agree Cheney can certainly love his 38 year old daughter and, of course, his grandchild, but as a leader he should have made it clear to the public that he does not condone his daughter's choices. By not doing so he is enabling others to follow Mary Cheney's poor example.

If his daughter was a thief, he would still love her, but would he not deplore her thievery?Agreed. In a way, Mary Cheney is stealing her child's heritage on the fathers side, not to mention stealing the child's ability to live with and have a father.

What would their, public pronouncement or denouncement have done for the rest of the nation, and especially for the fragile relationship between them and their daughter?

Ok, now the nation thinks......"The Cheneys don't condone their daughter's lifestyle, and means of having a baby, etc..." This almost sounds like a political manuever in some ways. We don't want to alienate those Christian, and conservative votes/support. Is it up to the Cheney's to convince the American people that they deplore homosexuality as a life style? I think the majority of reasonable thinking Americans don't need the pronouncement to know where the Cheney's stand on the issue. I think the American people are watching more closely, how the Cheney's deal with this very difficult situation as a family. I.E. How do they conduct themselves as parents. Is it taking a "village" to restore a family, or just strong, ethical, loving, parents, that are willing to endure ill infromed judgemental opinions, and just forging ahead prioritizing their kids that makes the difference?

Out of three sons.....and all have been raised in a biblical, Christian home/family atmosphere.......two of my beloved sons went on to very rebellious started very young, and one waited till his high school years. My Christian and non Chrisitan friends know full well how me and my wife have raised these boys. We have nothing to explain to those that look at our family from the outside. We indeed as parents have made mistakes in how we disciplined or didn't discipline....we haven't been perfect models to them, but have tried hard to be.

Oldest, adopted, son has experienced 2 kidney transplants in his life. The first transplant happened at age 14, the next one was during his marital years, with a very devoted wife who has hung in their with his many medical problems. This son was my adopted one. I spent endless hours in hospitals with him throughout his growing up years. Did he respond with most cases, no. He was a kid, and he felt pretty sorry for himself.....and also still carried some ill feelings about being adopted. As years ensued, I helped him find his biological father with the hope that this might help him find some unaswered needs in his life. I only did this as he was desiring this pilgrimage himself. Well, I found where his bio-father lived, and he did get a chance to visit him. He/my son decided to stay back in the Midwest and live with this man and get to know him. During that time, he changed his last name from mine. It hurt me, but I didn't let it stop me from loving him, yet it tried my love towards him. I felt very rejected by him. I had raised him, but now I was being told via the name change that I was insignificant. Well this son found his sweetheart out there, married, and had a child of his own. Through numerous more surgeries related to Kidney problems, he couldn't father children anymore. Recently he desired to adopt a son via the foster system. Well, he and his wife are soon to be new adoptive parents of a beautiful 2 year old toddler.

During these many years of this wayward son living far away, marrying, meeting, his bio dad.....he learned some things. I started getting emails and calls from my son....there was a gradual change happening in him, but in a nut shell, as of Dec 06 this son has told me that in one of the most beautiful letters a father could ever be blessed with. He wants to change his name back to my last name as I had adopted him. He expressed all kinds of things about his life as a very rebellious fellow towards me and his mom. All I can say, is that, I and his mom were helpless to change him......He had to follow his own ways, or search of the meanings of life........the, "Whys?", of life on his own. He's such s different man now. My love for him is so strong, I can't differentiate it from my love for my two sons from my marriage with his mother. As a family, we are even closer than ever before. If I had told my friends or people, that this son was a loser, and that I was totally appalled at his life style, I would have basically written-off any possibility of restoration between he and me. I have grown past the desire to have to convince people of my integrity or non-integrity as a person. I don't care anymore. My ego, and significance in life is no longer dependent on peoples opinions.....That's a shallow, strenuous, and up and down existence for living out a life.

Son number 2 rebelled in his teen years.....He knew Jesus, but chose Meta Amphetamines, booze, and you name it. Two DWI's arrests. Both this son and the older adopted one, received a heavy dose of tough love in the form of getting their "walking papers" and were told to leave home, and not come back until they would live in a respectable relationhip with their parents, and abide by ethical moral rules in our home. Son #2 is happily married, and is becoming one great Dad and husband. This is after so much testing of his parents.......My wife and I often went to bed at night crying ourselves to sleep......yet always remembering to pray in these helpless situations. We never knew when we'd get a call that son #2 was dead or dieing from some folly he'd engaged in.

My close friends all know how these sons were.......they didn't need a pronouncement of my stand on the issues of their life choices........these folks know me and my wife.

They have also observed the restoration and healing of relationships within our family, and that's the most important testimony to me.

People on the outside will and can think all they want about me my wife and our sons and family. The testimony of our lives is in our actions......not our publicly announced stances.......
You're one to talk. You're a morally-bankrupt, judgemental busybody who needs to get a personality.

I have values and morals. They are simply not the same as your morals.

I wouldn't expect you to give a shit about your daughter's relationships because that's just about what I expect of you.

LOL. I caught you. Of course I would be concerned about my daughter’s welfare if I had a daughter. Call me selfish but I am not that concerned about how other people raise their own children. Each person should care about his child and raise his own child as he thinks best. What I find amusing is how complete strangers act as if they know what is best for each other’s children. This thread reminds me of the character Marie on the show “Everybody Loves Raymond”. Anyway, I am confident that Mr. Cheney raised his daughter as he saw fit. When his daughter became an adult, it was up to her to make decisions and live with the consequences.
Dr Grump: It's an analogy using two different immoral behaviors, legal or not. Something does not have to be esconsed in the law to make it immoral just as some laws may allow for immoral behaviors (abortion comes to mind).

Eightball: The prodigal son (like your son) is loved and celebrated and forgiven. But remember that the prodigal son came back home and was repentent of his waywardness. Cheney's daughter is not. She's right in her family's face with her immoral choices, and in the face of the nation because her father is the Vice President. In fact, I'm sure if her state allowed gay marriage, she'd get "married" and if her state allowed gay adoption, her partner would adopt her child.
Dr Grump: It's an analogy using two different immoral behaviors, legal or not. Something does not have to be esconsed in the law to make it immoral just as some laws may allow for immoral behaviors (abortion comes to mind).

Eightball: The prodigal son (like your son) is loved and celebrated and forgiven. But remember that the prodigal son came back home and was repentent of his waywardness. Cheney's daughter is not. She's right in her family's face with her immoral choices, and in the face of the nation because her father is the Vice President. In fact, I'm sure if her state allowed gay marriage, she'd get "married" and if her state allowed gay adoption, her partner would adopt her child.

Oh, cool your jets. She is not in the nation’s face. You choose to put her in your face. In all probability, over half of the nation’s population does not know or does not care that Dick Cheney has a pregnant homosexual daughter.
Oh, cool your jets. She is not in the nation’s face. You choose to put her in your face. In all probability, over half of the nation’s population does not know or does not care that Dick Cheney has a pregnant homosexual daughter.

You're probably right. Only 150 million or so know about it. That makes it almost a private affair.

Seriously, though. Just like Patty Davis and her Dad, there were some rebellion issues there, due to Patty's immaturity. Then Ron Jr. This is basically the same thing. Patty grew up. This one is unlikey to, as she has too much invested in her chosen lifestyle.
I don't see Cheney's daughter as immoral...

But he thinks everyone has to live by his interpretation of the bible (not giving a care that a good number of us don't believe in his bible in the first place) .... so he thinks he gets to impose his morality on everyone else... whether that morality is generally accepted or not.
No... you could if you were gay. That's the point. You don't choose who you respond to... it's what you are or aren't.
You are basically arguing that if a male has a sexual encounter at any point in his life than he is gay, and that is obviously not true. People make choices. This is a basic concept that liberals can not fathom.
You are basically arguing that if a male has a sexual encounter at any point in his life than he is gay, and that is obviously not true. People make choices. This is a basic concept that liberals can not fathom.

No. Homosexuals generally have little sexual attraction for people of the opposite sex. The gay men I've known tried very hard to be hetero before they came out. It just wasn't in the cards for them.

And then there was my friend's kid who at 3 told his mother he was never marrying a woman and he was going to marry a man. At the same time, my son asked if we could live in South Beach because he liked the girls in dental floss bikinis. You think that's about choice or is it who he is? Is a 3 year old a "liberal" purposely making these decisions? Or is it what they're born with?

No one chooses to have a harder life. It's much easier to be hetero...

And mostly, it has no effect in the world on your life, so why do you give a flying?

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