Cheney's daughter pregnant

I'll be more specific fuzzy. You're parents were heterosexual, and even though not married, you were conceived by natural means.

Mary Cheney was inseminated by a damn turkey baster, and to top it off, she's a flaming, degenerate lesbian. I have a problem with that. I think turkey baster babies born to lesbians should be illegal. I don't even think lesbians should be allowed to adopt. The insemination is immoral, and being a lesbian is sick. What an albatross to be born into.
if she wanted a baby, there is a process that has been around for millenia...horror or horrors ms. cheney, it involves a MAN.....
They are not publically condoning their daughter's life style or the way the baby came about. They are trying, yes trying to make something good and special out of this whole scenario.

Eagle.......An old Christian friend of mine told me on more than one occassion....."Put Jesus in the situation." In other words, let's put Jesus at this celebratory occassion that the Cheney's are doing. Would Jesus attend if invited? Would He snub the occassion, and go into a "Thus sayeth the Lord God Almighty!", diatribe of condemnation, and then walk out of the place or what?

Well, the Jesus that I have read about in the New Testament through and through, chose Zacheus's house to dine, and not the "perfect" "moral" "religious" folks home's. Wonder why? Cause He came to restore and save this messed up human race. Now, the Cheney's as parents are expected, even commanded by God in the bible to extend or model to their children God's, "grace", "unconditional love" etc.. Yes, I think the Cheney daughter is in a state of rebellion, not unlike the Prodigal son.........Yet, after the son had squandered-away his entire inheritance on women, wine, and debauchery, his Dad still loved him and welcomed this contrite-of-heart son home.

Sin leaves scars, even though it's forgiven. What we sow, we reap. The Cheney's lives are on public display regardless of what they do.

I still want you to think about how Jesus would handle an "invitation" based on how the New Testament has revealed the Incarnate Creator/God's 33 years on planet earth.

I think He would have accepted the invitation, He/Jesus would come shake hands with everyone, would give the Cheney's embraces as well as their wayward daughter too. He wouldn't condone the daughter's lifestyle, but He wouldn't shun her because of it either. As Paul said over and over.....Love covers all things........If your a Christian, and you want to be His must allow God's love to undergird any and all things you do in His name. That means that you still are allowed to see things as wrong, and judge them so, but it also means that you must let love bridge the gap........between the sinner and God. How else did any of us who our Christians come to God? By being goodie two shoes? Far from it, as Romans 3:23 says, "For All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.".

Remember, dining at Zacheus's house was dining at one of the worst, notorious sinners in Israel. He was a cheating tax collector. He cheated poor and rich alike. He was excommunicated from the Jewish culture because he was considered both a criminal, low-life, and an Roman conspirator. Who does Jesus desire to dine with?

What was the outcome of Zacheus's encounter with Jesus's unconditional love.......The man repented, and became a believer.

I get what you're saying Eightball and I believe you to be right. However,

He wouldn't condone the daughter's lifestyle, but He wouldn't shun her because of it either.

this is where I see Cheney falling short in his leadership. Where is his statement that he does NOT condone his daughter's actions?
I get what you're saying Eightball and I believe you to be right. However,

this is where I see Cheney falling short in his leadership. Where is his statement that he does NOT condone his daughter's actions?

It's not his responsibility to placate your sensibilities at the expense of his family. Nor is or should a politician be a religious role model because you want him to be.
It's not his responsibility to placate your sensibilities at the expense of his family. Nor is or should a politician be a religious role model because you want him to be.

Excuse me, but the last time I checked Republicans were against gay "marriage" and so forth. Considering he's the VP of the U.S. there are a lot of people looking to him for leadership. The conservative wing is getting nothing much that is in line with their beliefs. However the gays are gleefully making hay out of it. That sends out the wrong message. That's why it's his responsibility.
Excuse me, but the last time I checked Republicans were against gay "marriage" and so forth. Considering he's the VP of the U.S. there are a lot of people looking to him for leadership. The conservative wing is getting nothing much that is in line with their beliefs. However the gays are gleefully making hay out of it. That sends out the wrong message. That's why it's his responsibility.

Hasn't dawned on you yet, even with all the gay republican congressmen, that the holier than thou stuff is just pr designed to get out the radical religious right, huh?
Hasn't dawned on you yet, even with all the gay republican congressmen, that the holier than thou stuff is just pr designed to get out the radical religious right, huh?

All the gay republican many do you count actually? Are you saying that a majority of them are pro-gay? Or is that just your great liberal hope? :rainbow:
All the gay republican many do you count actually? Are you saying that a majority of them are pro-gay? Or is that just your great liberal hope? :rainbow:

Do you know how many republican congressmen are gay? Do you know who they are? Did you know that in D.C. and in person, they're very tolerant?

Nah... guess you wouldn't. And, no... not a "great liberal hope", but from the mouths of people in Congress.

Did you know that Denny Hastert lives with his chief of staff, Scott Palmer, and has for years? And did you know good ole Denny's wife doesn't stay with him on the rare occasion she shows up in D.C.?

They're zoomin' ya, dude.

I have a novel idea. Leave morals to the church, politics to politicians and private lives to those involved. Works for me. :BIG SMILE FACE

As if politics is not intertwined with morality....? How would that work exactly?
Do you know how many republican congressmen are gay? Do you know who they are? Did you know that in D.C. and in person, they're very tolerant?

Nah... guess you wouldn't. And, no... not a "great liberal hope", but from the mouths of people in Congress.

Did you know that Denny Hastert lives with his chief of staff, Scott Palmer, and has for years? And did you know good ole Denny's wife doesn't stay with him on the rare occasion she shows up in D.C.?

They're zoomin' ya, dude.


You mean like Nancy Pelosi is zoomin'? Devout Catholic grandmother indeed.

PS: No zoomin' here....that's why I'm calling Cheney on the carpet in the first place.
Wouldn't know... I don't need my politicians to teach morality. Apparently, you do.

So it's ok with you that they're lying to you?

So you think politicians have no effect on the morality of our country....?

Of course it isn't.

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