Chelsea Has A Baby.....


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
I DESPISE the Clintons....Willy is a treacherous bastard who should have been hanged for treason. His wife is just as bad, maybe worse. But their daughter Chelsea has done us no wrong, other than being a tad homely, and so I send she and her husband my sincere CONGRATULATIONS for having their new daughter.

I was curious if I could care about Chelsea on some fundamental level, and I can’t. That isn’t the metric of success that I want in my life.
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I was curious if I could care about Chelsea on some fundamental level, and I can’t. That isn’t the metric of success that I want in my life.

I'm almost proud of her.....she got away from her dirtbag parents, found herself a husband, and now has a new baby. Of course I also wanted to show the Rats the difference between what's said about the new Clinton child and what was said about Sarah Palin's a couple years ago.
Leave it to RWs to attack a baby. They did the same thing to Chelsea when her father was POTUS. Nasty nasty people who will tell you they care about children and babies. They lie.

Congrats to the entire family.
I was curious if I could care about Chelsea on some fundamental level, and I can’t. That isn’t the metric of success that I want in my life.

I'm almost proud of her.....she got away from her dirtbag parents, found herself a husband, and now has a new baby. Of course I also wanted to show the Rats the difference between what's said about the new Clinton child and what was said about Sarah Palin's a couple years ago.

So how's that "difference" working out for you?
First, you know that baby will only see her parents and grandparents in photo-op situations. Otherwise, she will be in the care of nannies virtually 24/7. Sure, Chelsea will look in from time to time, and may even hold the kids once every day or two. But she will not be a mother to her. Chelsea did not have a mother figure to learn from, except maybe her nannies.

Second, Chelsea is nothing to be proud of. She had done nothing with her life except obtain an education. She gladly leeches off her family name to obtain ridiculous speaking fees and weird media jobs. It is kind of a form of paying "tribute" (in the mafia sense) to Bill and Hillary. If Chelsea really wanted to be independent, then she would have moved away and started her own career outside of DC. She could have gone to law school (assuming she is smart enough, and I am not yet convinced that she is) then moved to LA and become an entertainment lawyer. What the fuck ever. But no, she is just riding those coat tails.

Third, does nobody feel sorry for that dork that married Chelsea? He is surely a second class citizen in his own house. And you know his wishes are vetoed each time they conflict with Chelsea, Bill, or HILLARY. My advice to him, assuming he has not yet been neutered, is to kick Bill's ass at the next family gathering. Just beat the ever living shit out of him. At least that way there will be boundaries and respect. Of course, this will not happen, as I am sure that this poor bastard was hand-picked based upon his submissiveness.

Finally, is it really all that far-fetched to think that this whole Chelsea marriage thing with the ensuing spawn was orchestrated by Clinton PR people? I mean, Chelsea is going to spawn with someone eventually, right? Why not hand pick someone who is good for everybody? It makes perfect sense in "Clinton World".

One more thing...Chelsea looks a hell of a lot better now than when she was a teen. However, keep in mind that she is probably having a lot of work done on her. Just her physical image department alone probably employs 3-4 people full time (make up, hair, clothing, trainer). The point is that Chelsea is still an ugly bitch. Everything about her is fake: fake marriage, fake family (see my statement about nannies above), fake job, fake talent, fake depth, and so forth.

If anything, you may feel sorry for this shallow, dumb, ugly existential failure known as Chelsea Clinton, for any hope of self-actualization for her has been eliminated by the world created for her by her parents and the conditioning administered to her by the same.

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