Check this out

Because every other definition is similar to the one blacksand posted. :rolleyes:
Dont be a dipshit. You never go full dipshit!

Hey, don't whine to me because you're a failure at providing the original definition.

You said it was changed, but you've not been able to show how.

I guess the question which need to be asked is why would anyone reach the conclusion that it has?
Its my OP.
The source was Oxford. IDK what is was before, but you know it wasnt that.

Meriam Webster indicates the original traditional definition listed first and supported by ... New Scientist

Then they add two definitions referring to what they call "current use" supported by two people and by name only ...
Not even a title identifying what their name may mean.


I added variations from multiple sources in an Edit to that post.
Note the difference when it comes the approach in regard to the Government funded National Institute.


The OP included a definition which, he claims, had been changed.

He has not been able to say how it's been changed, however.

Honestly, I'm not real interested in the definitions you've found. I'm interested to know how the definition posted by the OP was altered...
The OP included a definition which, he claims, had been changed.

He has not been able to say how it's been changed, however.

Honestly, I'm not real interested in the definitions you've found. I'm interested to know how the definition posted by the OP was altered...
jesus fucking christ :lol:
They changed the definition of vaccine too. But i cant post it BECAUSE IT GOT CHANGED :lol:


Here's the Oxford definition of "vaccine":

a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

Now, here's the Merriam-Webster definition:

a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease

Those are two very different definitions, yet they're defining the same exact thing. As for not being able to find the old definition because it's been changed, I call bullshit. It's the internet. It's out there...
The OP included a definition which, he claims, had been changed.

He has not been able to say how it's been changed, however.

Honestly, I'm not real interested in the definitions you've found. I'm interested to know how the definition posted by the OP was altered...

If you are not interested in discussing the OP ...
When I have provided an identical definition in premise from our National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ...
And in comparison, to three other current sources ... Then you don't want to identify what is plain to see.

Ignore it some more ... But that's not ever going to an adequate rebuttal.


If you are not interested in discussing the OP ...​

Don't be a moron. I never said I didn't want to discuss the OP. In fact, the OP is pretty much the only thing I have been talking about...

When I have provided an identical definition in premise from our National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ...
And in comparison, to three other current sources ... Then you don't want to identify what is plain to see.


Unless you're prepared to state that the definition quoted by the OP is from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, it's not pertinent to this conversation.

I'm not arguing, at all, what the definition of the word is. I'm asking how that definition has been changed, as claimed by the OP. Thus far, he's proven to be a failure at demonstrating that...
Don't be a moron. I never said I didn't want to discuss the OP. In fact, the OP is pretty much the only thing I have been talking about...

Unless you're prepared to state that the definition quoted by the OP is from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, it's not pertinent to this conversation.

I'm not arguing, at all, what the definition of the word is. I'm asking how that definition has been changed, as claimed by the OP. Thus far, he's proven to be a failure at demonstrating that...

I didn't say that and don't attempt to crawfish your way around me ....
I specifically stated ... "When I have provided an identical definition in premise" ... I meant what I posted.

Don't be a coward if you think you have a point worth making that isn't just passive aggressive bullshit ... :auiqs.jpg:


I didn't say that and don't attempt to crawfish your way around me ....
I specifically stated ... "When I have provided an identical definition in premise" ... I meant what I posted.

Don't be a coward if you think you have a point worth making that isn't just passive aggressive bullshit ... :auiqs.jpg:


Fuck you, simp.

The OP stated that the definition had changed. He has yet to show how it's been changed.

You've failed to show how it's been changed.

I don't give a flying fuck what you say, as you weren't the one I was addressing. Now, perhaps you have some odd need to feel important and inject your opinion into a conversation and then whine when someone dismisses you, but that's your problem, not mine.

So, until you're able to provide the same fucking definition that the OP claims has been changed, nothing you belch up in in any way will be meaningful...
It's uncommon to see a thread veer from the nonsensical to the factual, but like a comet passing near earth, it does happen every 5 to 10 years.

Here's the Oxford definition of "vaccine":

a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

Now, here's the Merriam-Webster definition:

a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease

Those are two very different definitions, yet they're defining the same exact thing. As for not being able to find the old definition because it's been changed, I call bullshit. It's the internet. It's out there...
merriam websters old definition of "vaccine"
substances that provides 'immunity' to a specific disease
They changed it because people were saying the covid jab wasnt actually a vaccine. Which, of course, was justified as it didnt meet the criteria of a vaccine.
Hey, it's not like you're the first person to ever fail at supporting a point you hoped to make...
You are a moron.
The universally accepted def of climate change has been posted. Now, people are including AGW bullshit into it.
Thats the reality. Continue being a jackass if you want.
It's uncommon to see a thread veer from the nonsensical to the factual, but like a comet passing near earth, it does happen every 5 to 10 years.
Whats nonsensical about the OP?
Fuck you, simp.

The OP stated that the definition had changed. He has yet to show how it's been changed.

You've failed to show how it's been changed.

I don't give a flying fuck what you say, as you weren't the one I was addressing. Now, perhaps you have some odd need to feel important and inject your opinion into a conversation and then whine when someone dismisses you, but that's your problem, not mine.

So, until you're able to provide the same fucking definition that the OP claims has been changed, nothing you belch up in in any way will be meaningful...

If you were interested in discussing the premise in the OP,
you would also find that the definition there is identical in premise to that stated by the United Nations Section 5.3 - Climate Change

"Climate change is a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition
of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods."

That goes further towards expressing the difference when it comes to how governments define it according to their desired agenda ...
Versus the definitions I also provided from scientific sources.

If you have something you think is worth saying other than simply more bullshit in attempts to ignore the premise, then say it.
If you want to fight with me about it ... I will just continue to bury you.

merriam websters old definition of "vaccine"
substances that provides 'immunity' to a specific disease
They changed it because people were saying the covid jab wasnt actually a vaccine. Which, of course, was justified as it didnt meet the criteria of a vaccine.

If you can't show HOW the definition has been changed, there's no reason to believe that it has.

This is real simple stuff, so you should be able to handle it. If the definition has been changed, simply provide the old one so we can compare and see how it's been changed...
You are a moron.
The universally accepted def of climate change has been posted. Now, people are including AGW bullshit into it.
Thats the reality. Continue being a jackass if you want.

I would far prefer being a jackass than being a failure.

But, hey, it sure fits you well...

If you were interested in discussing the premise in the OP,​

Don't be stupid.

The OP is actually the ONLY thing I've been trying to discuss...

If you have something you think is worth saying other than simply more bullshit in attempts to ignore the premise, then say it.​

What I'm saying is that a claim has been made that the definition has been changed, and that claim is, thus far, completely unsupported...

If you want to fight with me about it ... I will just continue to bury you.


Beat feet. You're a little girl. You're not burying anyone...
If you can't show HOW the definition has been changed, there's no reason to believe that it has.

This is real simple stuff, so you should be able to handle it. If the definition has been changed, simply provide the old one so we can compare and see how it's been changed...
Ask your "smokin hot puerto rican girlfriend" to explain it to you, derpy :lol:

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