
Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as 'controlled explosion' drill by Boston bomb squad
Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as 'controlled explosion' drill by Boston bomb squad

The question is: Who are the terrorists? It's far too early to take an informed guess on all this. However, it is indisputable that the FBI is actively engaged in carrying out bomb plots in the United States, then halting them at the last minute to "catch the terrorists." This fact has been covered by the New York Times, among other publications.

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That doesn't mean he is denying they didn't drop the backpacks, he is just speaking the truth of the situation.

How come they aren't releasing the footage of these two dropping the bombs? What do they have to hide?

Listen, you fuckwit.

They are not answerable to you.

They do not have to meet your irrational and irrelevant "demands" as to a time frame for answering, either.

Go suck a bag of dicks.

Seeing video they admit exists about these suspects dropping the bombs isn't irrational by any stretch. This is the damning piece of evidence. Your blind hate for those who want answers for an attack that killed 2 people and injured hundreds borders on insanity.

What is irrational is you thinking YOU have some fucking claim or right to demand that evidence.

Fuck you. You aren't shit.

That which is "evidence" will get disclosed in an orderly fashion subject to the rules of law and established procedures. It need not be disclosed to useless clumps of crap like you.

Bear in mind. You are nothing.

It will almost certainly get disclosed to the attorney(s) representing the accused defendant.

Nobody gives a rat's twat what YOU think you might like to look at. Go suck a bag of dicks, you useless twat.
And you ignore terrorism perpetrated by the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet?

"Ten years after the 2003 U.S. invasion in Iraq, medical professionals are witnessing an abnormally high number of cases of cancer and birth defects. Scientists suspect the rise is tied to the use of depleted uranium and white phosphorus in military assaults."

Birth Defect Rates In Fallujah 'Surpass Hiroshima And Nagasaki' | Occupy America

What does that have to do with Chechnya asshole?:evil:
In the last twenty years the US government has murdered, maimed, incarcerated, and displaced millions of innocent Muslim civilians not unlike the much smaller number of innocent US civilians murdered and maimed in Boston last Monday.

Muslims from Chechnya to Iraq know why the US continues killing Muslim children with drone strike$ from Paki$tan to Yemen. Do you expect all one billion of them to respond nonviolently?

BTW, did you notice the bombing news out of Iraq on the same day as the Marathon?
Bombs timed to disrupt elections.
Dozens killed.
Hundreds wounded.
Think that might BLOWBACK over "The Land of the Free" someday.
In the last twenty years the US government has murdered, maimed, incarcerated, and displaced millions of innocent Muslim civilians not unlike the much smaller number of innocent US civilians murdered and maimed in Boston last Monday.

Muslims from Chechnya to Iraq know why the US continues killing Muslim children with drone strike$ from Paki$tan to Yemen. Do you expect all one billion of them to respond nonviolently?

BTW, did you notice the bombing news out of Iraq on the same day as the Marathon?
Bombs timed to disrupt elections.
Dozens killed.
Hundreds wounded.
Think that might BLOWBACK over "The Land of the Free" someday.

That made me shed a tear for you poor terrorists..
There's a lot that can be done to prevent radicalization among American Muslims.

Muslim-American communities should widely disseminate their condemnation of terrorism and violence, and those statements should be publicized. Law enforcement has a role to play as well, by making efforts to increase the level of trust and communication with such communities. This could include the cultivation of Muslim-American informants, a policy that could be developed and openly discussed with community leaders.

Policymakers should include Muslim-Americans in their outreach efforts, and public officials should attend events at mosques, as they do churches and synagogues. A study of Islamic terrorism in the US and Europe reveal one of the major causes of the radicalization is the lack of integration into the community. This is typified by statements of one of the Boston bombers in which he discussed his lack of understand Americans.

What you suggest would make sense if we were dealing with people who were sophisticated in the ways of Western culture. What we are dealing with are tribal, third world, ignorant, barbarians who have no idea what democracy is about, and they are pushing the dogma of "Johnny Jihad" in this country. Foreign Muslims are the enemy sworn to kill us all. Get your head out of the sand. This is a religious war, America did not ask for.

The Russians learned years ago that the only way you control these animals is with force, and treating them like the cattle they are.

Again, if the the Boston Marathon Bombers had never been allowed into this country, there never would have been a Boston Marathon Bombing. This is not rocket science.

How many Muslim civilians has the US maimed, murdered, incarcerated, or displaced since 1991?
Since the answer numbers in the millions, the overwhelming majority of the world's one billion Muslims should be applauded for their restraint. Unless you believe in American Exceptionalism?

The big declarative statement, but not a fact link or detail to support a word of it!


I think this guy is some kind of Johnny Jihad.
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We have Chechen terrorists here now which means we have a whole different breed of nasty. The kind of people who would strip an entire school of children naked chase them out the door to their parents and shoot them in the back as they ran. Chechens kill for pleasure. It was not an accident that one of those bombs was put next to an eight year old boy. He was targeted.

Anyone who excuses this kinds of acts is actually worse than the terrorists themselves. They provide the fertilizer so this kind of terrorism can grow.
What you suggest would make sense if we were dealing with people who were sophisticated in the ways of Western culture. What we are dealing with are tribal, third world, ignorant, barbarians who have no idea what democracy is about, and they are pushing the dogma of "Johnny Jihad" in this country. Foreign Muslims are the enemy sworn to kill us all. Get your head out of the sand. This is a religious war, America did not ask for.

The Russians learned years ago that the only way you control these animals is with force, and treating them like the cattle they are.

Again, if the the Boston Marathon Bombers had never been allowed into this country, there never would have been a Boston Marathon Bombing. This is not rocket science.

How many Muslim civilians has the US maimed, murdered, incarcerated, or displaced since 1991?
Since the answer numbers in the millions, the overwhelming majority of the world's one billion Muslims should be applauded for their restraint. Unless you believe in American Exceptionalism?

The big declarative statement, but not a fact link or detail to support a word of it!


I think this guy is some kind of Johnny Jihad.
"Iraq War (2003-today)
The current Iraq war has generated millions of refugees and internally displaced persons. As of 2007 more Iraqis have lost their homes and become refugees than the population of any other country. Over 4,700,000 people, more than 16% of the Iraqi population, have become uprooted.[169]

"Of these, about 2 million have fled Iraq and flooded other countries, and 2.7 million are estimated to be refugees inside Iraq, with nearly 100,000 Iraqis fleeing to Syria and Jordan each month.[170][171][172] Only 1% of the total Iraqi displaced population was estimated to be in the Western countries.[173]"

Spend less time at the beach, boy.

Refugee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We have Chechen terrorists here now which means we have a whole different breed of nasty. The kind of people who would strip an entire school of children naked chase them out the door to their parents and shoot them in the back as they ran. Chechens kill for pleasure. It was not an accident that one of those bombs was put next to an eight year old boy. He was targeted.

Anyone who excuses this kinds of acts is actually worse than the terrorists themselves. They provide the fertilizer so this kind of terrorism can grow.
Those who support drone US strikes on naked Muslim children praying over their mangled parents deserve a Pat Tillman time in Chechnya. When are you signing up?
Those defending moderate Muslims, of which I am convinced there are none go to
here is a so-called moderate making some interesting statements.
Judge for yourself.
Perception is not reality. The data simply does not support your conclusion. On the FBI’s official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%).
Of the 2.6 Muslims in the US less that .003% have been involve in terrorist acts.

All Terrorists are Muslims...Except the 94% that Aren't |

Apparently you misunderstand the conclusion. It is not whether most terrorists are Muslim, but whether they have the support of those calling themselves moderate. There is no available data on that, so the pie charts on your fringe site mean nothing to me.
Oh, and I asked others to judge for themselves, that means they can come to their own conclusions if that's okay with you.
True, there is no data as to the number of Muslims that support the terrorists. Also, "support" can imply anything from helping to build a bomb to an opinion that those being accused of terrorism are innocent. Therefore, your statement that there are no moderate Muslims, is not supported by any facts but rather is pure conjecture.
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There is little moderation in the Islamic world. Moderation, being a relative term, might mean someone who supports suicide bombers in Israel but not elsewhere, or condones the attacks on military targets but not civilian.

There are some moderate Muslims found primarily in SE Asia but they are more than offset by a relative radicalism that permeates so much of the religion.
There is little moderation in the Islamic world. Moderation, being a relative term, might mean someone who supports suicide bombers in Israel but not elsewhere, or condones the attacks on military targets but not civilian.

There are some moderate Muslims found primarily in SE Asia but they are more than offset by a relative radicalism that permeates so much of the religion.

Nonsense, absolutely nonsense.

Research repeatedly shows that more that th overwhelming majorty of Muslims do not support violence against any civilian target. It varies massively from country to country, of course, but in general there can be no question at all that support for terror against civilian targets is minor.

For instance:

- 79% of Moroccans feel violence against civlians is NEVER justified, and 5% say it is rarely justified.
- 66% of Indonesians feel violence against civilians is never justified, and 18% rarely justified.
- 66% of Turks feel violence against civilians is never justified, and 6% rarely justified.

How does that tally with their being "little" moderation?
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There is little moderation in the Islamic world. Moderation, being a relative term, might mean someone who supports suicide bombers in Israel but not elsewhere, or condones the attacks on military targets but not civilian.

There are some moderate Muslims found primarily in SE Asia but they are more than offset by a relative radicalism that permeates so much of the religion.
There are plenty of moderate Muslims in the US, that have no tolerance for terrorist. I know because because one of my family has been married to a Muslim for over 20 years. Yes, there are Muslim in the US that hate Americans and there are Americans that hate Muslims, but most of us don't hate others because of their religion or the color of their skin. We judge people as individuals.
How was a hand cuffed and naked Tamerlan killed?
Dzhokhar climbed out of the boat unaided with no visible wounds . Where were the guns , grenades etc and how did he get that amazing wound which appeared later .
Those naughty Seals and members of The Craft .
There is little moderation in the Islamic world. Moderation, being a relative term, might mean someone who supports suicide bombers in Israel but not elsewhere, or condones the attacks on military targets but not civilian.

There are some moderate Muslims found primarily in SE Asia but they are more than offset by a relative radicalism that permeates so much of the religion.
There are plenty of moderate Muslims in the US, that have no tolerance for terrorist. I know because because one of my family has been married to a Muslim for over 20 years. Yes, there are Muslim in the US that hate Americans and there are Americans that hate Muslims, but most of us don't hate others because of their religion or the color of their skin. We judge people as individuals.

Yeah..............we've got such "moderate" Christians.

Wanna talk about the shootings of doctors and the bombings of abortion clinics in the name of Christianity?

Radicals are everywhere..................wanna talk about the Westboro Baptist Church?
There is little moderation in the Islamic world. Moderation, being a relative term, might mean someone who supports suicide bombers in Israel but not elsewhere, or condones the attacks on military targets but not civilian.

There are some moderate Muslims found primarily in SE Asia but they are more than offset by a relative radicalism that permeates so much of the religion.

Nonsense, absolutely nonsense.

Research repeatedly shows that more that th overwhelming majorty of Muslims do not support violence against any civilian target. It varies massively from country to country, of course, but in general there can be no question at all that support for terror against civilian targets is minor.

For instance:

- 79% of Moroccans feel violence against civlians is NEVER justified, and 5% say it is rarely justified.
- 66% of Indonesians feel violence against civilians is never justified, and 18% rarely justified.
- 66% of Turks feel violence against civilians is never justified, and 6% rarely justified.

How does that tally with their being "little" moderation?
I suggest look at your own stats from moderate Muslim countries contrast them with world opinion. Imagine those totals in places like Yeman, Palestine and Somalia. You have a problem grasping the obvious because your dogmatic self- righteousness is incapable of accommodating it. I am skirting the issue of outright stupidity you'll notice.
Meathead -

I think you forgot to admit that your basic claim is wrong.

You claimed there was "little" moderacy - I just proved that there are literally tens of millions of Muslims who are Moderate.

Please try and post honestly - it does mK for better debate.
Meathead -

I think you forgot to admit that your basic claim is wrong.

You claimed there was "little" moderacy - I just proved that there are literally tens of millions of Muslims who are Moderate.

Please try and post honestly - it does mK for better debate.
You need to ask yourself questions like where else in the world would surveys like that be necessary. An occasional look beyond the superficial would help your predictably dogmatic arguments. You need to hold yourself to a higher standard to teeny bopper publicly-educated and self-righteous Americans. Man up ffs!
There is little moderation in the Islamic world. Moderation, being a relative term, might mean someone who supports suicide bombers in Israel but not elsewhere, or condones the attacks on military targets but not civilian.

There are some moderate Muslims found primarily in SE Asia but they are more than offset by a relative radicalism that permeates so much of the religion.

You just contradicted yourself in one post. Grats.

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world and is pretty peaceful.

It's also working with other countries to kill and capture members of Al Qaeda.

The Indonesian Government has worked with other countries to apprehend and prosecute perpetrators of major bombings linked to militant Islamism and Al-Qaeda.[72] The deadliest bombing killed 202 people (including 164 international tourists) in the Bali resort town of Kuta in 2002.[73] The attacks, and subsequent travel warnings issued by other countries, severely damaged Indonesia's tourism industry and foreign investment prospects.[74]
Indonesia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Meathead -

I think you forgot to admit that your basic claim is wrong.

You claimed there was "little" moderacy - I just proved that there are literally tens of millions of Muslims who are Moderate.

Please try and post honestly - it does mK for better debate.

It's a bit more than that..

Try Billions.

Islamic radicalism is actually pretty small.

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