Charles Rangel does the censor tango


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Hey, it could happen to anybody, and it does, because this crap goes on all the time. They picked him because he is black.

WASHINGTON — The House ethics committee on Thursday recommended censure for longtime Rep. Charles Rangel, suggesting that the New York Democrat suffer the embarrassment of standing before his colleagues while receiving an oral rebuke by the speaker for financial and fundraising misconduct.

Censure is the most serious congressional discipline short of expulsion. The House could change the recommended discipline of Democratic Rep. Charles Rangel, and make it more serious or less serious.

House ethics panel recommends censure for Rangel - Politics - More politics -
Actually, he should go to jail like any other non-Congressman in America would do if they pulled the same shit as Rangel did. I think it's so ironic that he was such an asshole about it all before the hearing but now he has humbled himself enough to almost cry. This is pure bullshit and he could care less what they say as long as they don't take his retirement away or the whole deal cost him any money.
And that's happened, when?

Newt went further then Rangel. He didn't face expulsion. Heck..President Bush committed a bonafide crime when he sold Harken oil stocks..and didn't disclose for three months. Martha Stewart was in the pokey for much less.
I heard him speak at the commission. He said nothing like that. And he admitted to wrong doing.

Nope.... he was guilty of being a Congressman while black. Get it right! :cuckoo:

Really Shintao? Come on man.... thats just silly.

He knew what he was doing... he did it for 16 or more yrs. A half million a year??? How do you forget that on his salary???? You dont.... he thought he could pull it off, and he fucked up.

The whole race thing is getting tired. :doubt:
And that's happened, when?

Newt went further then Rangel. He didn't face expulsion. Heck..President Bush committed a bonafide crime when he sold Harken oil stocks..and didn't disclose for three months. Martha Stewart was in the pokey for much less.

Ohh I agree, it is like having DR's oversee Dr's and lawyers oversee lawyers, etc.
However that does not diminish what should be done.
And that's happened, when?

Newt went further then Rangel. He didn't face expulsion. Heck..President Bush committed a bonafide crime when he sold Harken oil stocks..and didn't disclose for three months. Martha Stewart was in the pokey for much less.

Ohh I agree, it is like having DR's oversee Dr's and lawyers oversee lawyers, etc.
However that does not diminish what should be done.

I agree as well. He should be fined and pay back taxes. And Congress should punish him as well.

But I will go along with the sloppy book keeping. Damn..Taxes confuse the heck out of me and I always go to an accountant.
We should have ZERO tolerance for corruption in our government.
to hell with partisanship and the good ol boy network in government.
. terms of corruption, the United States fares pretty well when you compare it to nations around the world. :lol: terms of corruption, the United States fares pretty well when you compare it to nations around the world. :lol:

are you friggin kidding? I would say the exact opposite. Our government is a criminal enterprise at the representative level, and the biggest criminals in history are bailed out when they fraudulently crash the world's economy.

I would say that valued in dollars half the corruption in the the world is in the US.
We should have ZERO tolerance for corruption in our government.
to hell with partisanship and the good ol boy network in government.
. terms of corruption, the United States fares pretty well when you compare it to nations around the world. :lol:

Perhaps but NO corruption should be tolerated.
The old but they are worse than we are is just stair steps to the bottom. terms of corruption, the United States fares pretty well when you compare it to nations around the world. :lol:

are you friggin kidding? I would say the exact opposite. Our government is a criminal enterprise at the representative level, and the biggest criminals in history are bailed out when they fraudulently crash the world's economy.

I would say that valued in dollars half the corruption in the the world is in the US.

You don't get much done without bribes in the rest of the world. Seriously.

You might have a case with Western Europe (which I still think is more corrupt)..but in the rest of the world..corruption is business as usual.
We should have ZERO tolerance for corruption in our government.
to hell with partisanship and the good ol boy network in government.
. terms of corruption, the United States fares pretty well when you compare it to nations around the world. :lol:

Perhaps but NO corruption should be tolerated.
The old but they are worse than we are is just stair steps to the bottom.

Agreed..but that is going to take time. Heck..we went from Robber barons and Boss Tweed to what we have now in less then a century.

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