CEO Crushes The Minimum Wage Lie: "It's Cheaper To Buy A Robot Than Hire At $15/Hour"

gas is much cheaper today by the mile

then in 1974

In 1974, I paid about 30 cents a gallon
Today, about $2.25​
still the cost per mile is less today
In 1974 my car got around 18 mpg today I get 30 today
I would need to get over 100 mpg to be cheaper per mile

--LOL sure buddy

the average was 11 and that was according to the manufacturer

sometimes you are just so ridiculous that it is beyond stupid

OK...let's give you 11 mpg
You still would need 77 mpg today to get lower cost per mile

why do you make up numbers

.55gal/11 .05 per mile

2.19gal/40 .05 mile

and lots of gas is less then 2.19

if you are in a real mileage miser that gets 77 mpg

puts it down around 2 cents a mile


you are not helping your cause

In 1974, I paid about 30 cents a gallon
Today, about $2.25​
still the cost per mile is less today
In 1974 my car got around 18 mpg today I get 30 today
I would need to get over 100 mpg to be cheaper per mile

--LOL sure buddy

the average was 11 and that was according to the manufacturer

sometimes you are just so ridiculous that it is beyond stupid

OK...let's give you 11 mpg
You still would need 77 mpg today to get lower cost per mile

why do you make up numbers

.55gal/11 .05 per mile

2.19gal/40 .05 mile

and lots of gas is less then 2.19

if you are in a real mileage miser that gets 77 mpg

puts it down around 2 cents a mile


you are not helping your cause

You were never that good at math were you?

55 cents a mile at even ten miles a gallon in 5.5 cents a mile
still the cost per mile is less today
In 1974 my car got around 18 mpg today I get 30 today
I would need to get over 100 mpg to be cheaper per mile

--LOL sure buddy

the average was 11 and that was according to the manufacturer

sometimes you are just so ridiculous that it is beyond stupid

OK...let's give you 11 mpg
You still would need 77 mpg today to get lower cost per mile

why do you make up numbers

.55gal/11 .05 per mile

2.19gal/40 .05 mile

and lots of gas is less then 2.19

if you are in a real mileage miser that gets 77 mpg

puts it down around 2 cents a mile


you are not helping your cause

You were never that good at math were you?

55 cents a mile at even ten miles a gallon in 5.5 cents a mile

55 cents a mile at even ten miles a gallon in 5.5 cents a mile

you really do not have a clue what you are talking about do you

.05 x 11= .55 cents every time


fifty five cents divided by 11 miles equals five cents per mile


corrected your quote

55 cents a gallon at even ten miles a gallon in 5.5 cents a mile

which still makes my point not yours that fuel cost more per mile in 1974 then it does now

your math added a 1/2 cent to the cost per mile

I was routinely asked to proof read reports by college graduates in spite of the fact that English is not my native tongue.

Asshole is a language?

I earned my company's World Wide Spirit Award which is given to the employee who best embodies high quality job performance and outstanding community service.

All thru those years I NEVER envied a college graduate colleague of mine. Envy is for socialists and non-productive losers. Envy is the driving force behind Bernie Sanders and JoeB131.

Guy, it isn't about envy, it's about self-preservation. You see, I went to college so I would't have to do the floor sweeping jobs. And I served in the military because unlike a lot of you malignant narcissists, I believe in a greater good.

But I recognize that if they 1% can cheat the kid sweeping the floor, they can and will cheat the college graduate. They will cheat the guy who worked for the company loyally for six years when they have medical issues.
JoeB131 wants to pass a law saying the CEO of McDonald's can't make more than $85 per hour, which is ten times minimum wage of McDonald's workers. His opinion on this subject is obviously tainted by the destructive politics of class envy. Also, he wants the government to be powerful enough to force American corporations to follow arbitrary and capricious rules that help no one but do massive damage to the free enterprise system. In other words, JoeB131 is a Stalinist.

It's not a capririous rule, guy, it's a rule with a purpose.

our economy runs well when it has a healthy working class.

Countries were you have just the very poor and the very rich never end well.

You see, here's the thing. German and Japanese CEO's only make 20-40 times what a line worker makes. You don't have them making 8 figure salaries. And it works just fine.
JoeB131 wants to pass a law saying the CEO of McDonald's can't make more than $85 per hour, which is ten times minimum wage of McDonald's workers. His opinion on this subject is obviously tainted by the destructive politics of class envy. Also, he wants the government to be powerful enough to force American corporations to follow arbitrary and capricious rules that help no one but do massive damage to the free enterprise system. In other words, JoeB131 is a Stalinist.

It's not a capririous rule, guy, it's a rule with a purpose.

our economy runs well when it has a healthy working class.

Countries were you have just the very poor and the very rich never end well.

You see, here's the thing. German and Japanese CEO's only make 20-40 times what a line worker makes. You don't have them making 8 figure salaries. And it works just fine.
But you have no problem with actors pulling down millions per movie, plus a percentage of the gross sales tickets. You have no problem with sports figures making astronomical sums on compensation and astronomical sums more on product endorsements. You have no problem with authors making millions on books. The only people you don't want making money are people who run companies. Typical liberal nonsense.
But you have no problem with actors pulling down millions per movie, plus a percentage of the gross sales tickets. You have no problem with sports figures making astronomical sums on compensation and astronomical sums more on product endorsements. You have no problem with authors making millions on books. The only people you don't want making money are people who run companies. Typical liberal nonsense.

There's a difference that elludes you... but here goes.

When the CEO makes the decision to cut 20,000 jobs or move a factory to China, or use a recession to rotate out those higher paid employees and replace them with desperate waifs willing to work for less, he's part of the problem.

the Actor who gets paid 8 figures to make a crap film isn't ripping off everyone else who worked on that film. The supporting actors, the crew, the screenwriters are all members of unions and pull down a good scale for working on said film.

Similarly, the Athlete who pulls down millions is part of an organization where the other players are unionized, as are the supporting staff.

So, no, I don't have a problem with Tom Cruise getting 10 million a picture as long as Bob the Key Grip makes enough money to feed his family. I have the option of not seeing that film if it isn't something I'm interested in.

I have a HUGE problem when the CEO of WalMart pulls down 19 million while the stocker and cashiers are making minimum wage and have to apply for food stamps and section 8 housing that I pay for whether I shop at WalMart or not.
But you have no problem with actors pulling down millions per movie, plus a percentage of the gross sales tickets. You have no problem with sports figures making astronomical sums on compensation and astronomical sums more on product endorsements. You have no problem with authors making millions on books. The only people you don't want making money are people who run companies. Typical liberal nonsense.

There's a difference that elludes you... but here goes.

When the CEO makes the decision to cut 20,000 jobs or move a factory to China, or use a recession to rotate out those higher paid employees and replace them with desperate waifs willing to work for less, he's part of the problem.

the Actor who gets paid 8 figures to make a crap film isn't ripping off everyone else who worked on that film. The supporting actors, the crew, the screenwriters are all members of unions and pull down a good scale for working on said film.

Similarly, the Athlete who pulls down millions is part of an organization where the other players are unionized, as are the supporting staff.

So, no, I don't have a problem with Tom Cruise getting 10 million a picture as long as Bob the Key Grip makes enough money to feed his family. I have the option of not seeing that film if it isn't something I'm interested in.

I have a HUGE problem when the CEO of WalMart pulls down 19 million while the stocker and cashiers are making minimum wage and have to apply for food stamps and section 8 housing that I pay for whether I shop at WalMart or not.
Just admit you're a liberal and your ideas don't make any goddamn sense. That would be easier on you than trying to come up with nonsense explanations like this one.
Just admit you're a liberal and your ideas don't make any goddamn sense. That would be easier on you than trying to come up with nonsense explanations like this one.

Duly noted you couldn't refute my point. It's okay, I knew you couldn't.
The refutation is that it's a bad idea, and wrong, and immoral, to ever have the government put a cap on how much money a person is allowed to earn. If you don't understand that, then you are a Communist.
The refutation is that it's a bad idea, and wrong, and immoral, to ever have the government put a cap on how much money a person is allowed to earn. If you don't understand that, then you are a Communist.

But that isn't the argument you made, guy. You made the argument that it was unfair to limit the salaries of CEO's but not Movie Stars.

Now, why should we have the government regulate CEO Salaries? How about, because their decisions have far reaching implications for all of us, even those of us who don't work for their companies.

When the CEO of WalMart underpays his employees to the point where they have to go on assistance, that affects even people like me who absolutely refuse to shop at WalMart because it is fucking evil.
The refutation is that it's a bad idea, and wrong, and immoral, to ever have the government put a cap on how much money a person is allowed to earn. If you don't understand that, then you are a Communist.

But that isn't the argument you made, guy. You made the argument that it was unfair to limit the salaries of CEO's but not Movie Stars.

Now, why should we have the government regulate CEO Salaries? How about, because their decisions have far reaching implications for all of us, even those of us who don't work for their companies.

When the CEO of WalMart underpays his employees to the point where they have to go on assistance, that affects even people like me who absolutely refuse to shop at WalMart because it is fucking evil.
I shop at WalMart and save tons of money, which I then use to pay my mortgage, health insurance, car insurance, gas, utilities, etc. I see noting "evil" about paying less for groceries than the other supermarkets, which overcharge for everything because union workers overcharge for their unskilled labor.
I shop at WalMart and save tons of money, which I then use to pay my mortgage, health insurance, car insurance, gas, utilities, etc. I see noting "evil" about paying less for groceries than the other supermarkets, which overcharge for everything because union workers overcharge for their unskilled labor.

So how many people does WalMart have to fuck over for it to be wrong in your eyes?

Rhetorical question, Idon't think you have the self-awareness to answer.
I shop at WalMart and save tons of money, which I then use to pay my mortgage, health insurance, car insurance, gas, utilities, etc. I see noting "evil" about paying less for groceries than the other supermarkets, which overcharge for everything because union workers overcharge for their unskilled labor.

So how many people does WalMart have to fuck over for it to be wrong in your eyes?

Rhetorical question, Idon't think you have the self-awareness to answer.
You are liberal, and therefore you hate Walmart because LIBERAL HQ has ordered you to hate Walmart. If Walmart paid the bribe demanded, LIBERAL HQ would call off the dogs and then you would love Walmart. You are not your own person, you are under strict orders to say what you say and think what you think.
I love this whole concept of anyone "fucking over employees"

As if Wal-Mart forces anyone to work for them lol Free choice dumbasses, if one doesn't like their pay or feels they are being "fucked over" then they should quit and get the fuck out. If said person chooses to stay then they are agreeing to it, basically according to the dipshit theory they are fucking themselves. They deserve it.

By the theory anyone who gets a job is technically fucking someone else out of a job lol
A college kid is what 18 years old? When I as 18 I had no trouble getting jobs that paid well over MW and I worked full time all through college. It can be done if you want to do it

What year was that in? If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be $15.00 an hour now.

Read carefully

I said I didn't make anywhere near MW while I was in college. But I also worked a full time job all through college. I didn't expect to work part time for MW and be able to pay for anything

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