Cementing Power: Left-wing Rioters Are Released While Conservatives Are Persecuted

It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

:auiqs.jpg: Okay, batshit. :cuckoo:
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
If you watch people riot and burn shit down, attack federal buildings and police stations, shove, fight, and throw things at cops, including incendiary devices, and the big media companies refer to it all as "mostly peaceful", and the rioters get released on bail and the charges dropped, over and over again, then you might get an understandably skewed view of what behavior is and is not allowed at a protest in this country.

See, the thing is, most normal Americans believe in and value things like fairness. So they are always unprepared for the dishonest and deceitful way certain hypocritical power-tripping shitbags behave. A comment I read on the net (I think it was from Ace of Spades HQ but I'm not sure) was something along the lines of; "We show up with our pocket copies of The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and they show up with a brick and a Molotov Cocktail. How do you think that's going to go?"

But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any, and then a lot of people are going to get dead, really fast...... and those who are left will reinstate a set of rules that they decide on. If we're all really really lucky, they will be the basic Constitutional rules our founders agreed on.
Well if you are planning another attack on the capital, let us know where they send you and I'll send you a carton of smokes and a soap on a rope, just for familiarity. Of course the soap on a rope is so you might not have to get too familiar to your new roomies unless that's your thing. I don't actually know anybody in prison, but I'll keep reading your posts if they let you log in from the slammer. You could skip the whole thing if you chose and not overthrow the government or try to get freeshit rioting in other American cities. Personally, I think you ought to move to a free man state, buy a good bong and mellow out, before you get you butt in trouble.

Why the need to attack the Capitol? All you have to do is follow what Antifa/BLM do. In fact protesting within the cities already destroyed by Antifa is better. They've already burned down those cities, turning the survivors against them and protesting with the survivors will only unify those Deplorable Neanderthal's
What city was destroyed? None. The cities (all of them) are still there with damage confined to a few blocks (written off by the mayors and governors) in the few cities where there was any rioting. If you don't believe me, check google earth. I don't approve, but then I don't vote in those states and I guess they can run them anyway they like. Here, we're like the vast majority of states and didn't have an rioting.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.
That's it....Let the struggle sessions begin!

Fucking Maoist scum.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.

1. I acknowledge the seriousness of the 1/6 riot all the time.

2. Everytime you libs mention your rioters, you have to either mention that they were motivated by "wacial justice" or "mostly peaceful". That is you defending them.

3. Politically motivated prosecutions means that the result will be political prisoners. If you support taht you are supporting the end of this as a Free Country and more strife and violence. Lying to yourself can help hide from that fact, but won't fool us.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.

1. I acknowledge the seriousness of the 1/6 riot all the time.

2. Everytime you libs mention your rioters, you have to either mention that they were motivated by "wacial justice" or "mostly peaceful". That is you defending them.

3. Politically motivated prosecutions means that the result will be political prisoners. If you support taht you are supporting the end of this as a Free Country and more strife and violence. Lying to yourself can help hide from that fact, but won't fool us.
They've sped past mere lying....They're actually gaslighting themselves.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
If you watch people riot and burn shit down, attack federal buildings and police stations, shove, fight, and throw things at cops, including incendiary devices, and the big media companies refer to it all as "mostly peaceful", and the rioters get released on bail and the charges dropped, over and over again, then you might get an understandably skewed view of what behavior is and is not allowed at a protest in this country.

See, the thing is, most normal Americans believe in and value things like fairness. So they are always unprepared for the dishonest and deceitful way certain hypocritical power-tripping shitbags behave. A comment I read on the net (I think it was from Ace of Spades HQ but I'm not sure) was something along the lines of; "We show up with our pocket copies of The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and they show up with a brick and a Molotov Cocktail. How do you think that's going to go?"

But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any, and then a lot of people are going to get dead, really fast...... and those who are left will reinstate a set of rules that they decide on. If we're all really really lucky, they will be the basic Constitutional rules our founders agreed on.
Well if you are planning another attack on the capital, let us know where they send you and I'll send you a carton of smokes and a soap on a rope, just for familiarity. Of course the soap on a rope is so you might not have to get too familiar to your new roomies unless that's your thing. I don't actually know anybody in prison, but I'll keep reading your posts if they let you log in from the slammer. You could skip the whole thing if you chose and not overthrow the government or try to get freeshit rioting in other American cities. Personally, I think you ought to move to a free man state, buy a good bong and mellow out, before you get you butt in trouble.

Why the need to attack the Capitol? All you have to do is follow what Antifa/BLM do. In fact protesting within the cities already destroyed by Antifa is better. They've already burned down those cities, turning the survivors against them and protesting with the survivors will only unify those Deplorable Neanderthal's
What city was destroyed? None. The cities (all of them) are still there with damage confined to a few blocks (written off by the mayors and governors) in the few cities where there was any rioting. If you don't believe me, check google earth. I don't approve, but then I don't vote in those states and I guess they can run them anyway they like. Here, we're like the vast majority of states and didn't have an rioting.

It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.

1. I acknowledge the seriousness of the 1/6 riot all the time.

2. Everytime you libs mention your rioters, you have to either mention that they were motivated by "wacial justice" or "mostly peaceful". That is you defending them.

3. Politically motivated prosecutions means that the result will be political prisoners. If you support taht you are supporting the end of this as a Free Country and more strife and violence. Lying to yourself can help hide from that fact, but won't fool us.
They've sped past mere lying....They're actually gaslighting themselves.

We do seem to have reached the limits of the English language to describe the levels of dishonesty and hypocrisy that liberals have reached.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
If you watch people riot and burn shit down, attack federal buildings and police stations, shove, fight, and throw things at cops, including incendiary devices, and the big media companies refer to it all as "mostly peaceful", and the rioters get released on bail and the charges dropped, over and over again, then you might get an understandably skewed view of what behavior is and is not allowed at a protest in this country.

See, the thing is, most normal Americans believe in and value things like fairness. So they are always unprepared for the dishonest and deceitful way certain hypocritical power-tripping shitbags behave. A comment I read on the net (I think it was from Ace of Spades HQ but I'm not sure) was something along the lines of; "We show up with our pocket copies of The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and they show up with a brick and a Molotov Cocktail. How do you think that's going to go?"

But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any, and then a lot of people are going to get dead, really fast...... and those who are left will reinstate a set of rules that they decide on. If we're all really really lucky, they will be the basic Constitutional rules our founders agreed on.
Well if you are planning another attack on the capital, let us know where they send you and I'll send you a carton of smokes and a soap on a rope, just for familiarity. Of course the soap on a rope is so you might not have to get too familiar to your new roomies unless that's your thing. I don't actually know anybody in prison, but I'll keep reading your posts if they let you log in from the slammer. You could skip the whole thing if you chose and not overthrow the government or try to get freeshit rioting in other American cities. Personally, I think you ought to move to a free man state, buy a good bong and mellow out, before you get you butt in trouble.
In other words, "Oh fuck......"
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.
That's it....Let the struggle sessions begin!

Fucking Maoist scum.
Here's an idea. You struggle. I'll go on another vacation, do some more kayaking, or whatever, as the retirement checks keep rolling in.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.
That's it....Let the struggle sessions begin!

Fucking Maoist scum.
Here's an idea. You struggle. I'll go on another vacation, do some more kayaking, or whatever, as the retirement checks keep rolling in.
You don't even know what a struggle session is....Dullard.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
If you watch people riot and burn shit down, attack federal buildings and police stations, shove, fight, and throw things at cops, including incendiary devices, and the big media companies refer to it all as "mostly peaceful", and the rioters get released on bail and the charges dropped, over and over again, then you might get an understandably skewed view of what behavior is and is not allowed at a protest in this country.

See, the thing is, most normal Americans believe in and value things like fairness. So they are always unprepared for the dishonest and deceitful way certain hypocritical power-tripping shitbags behave. A comment I read on the net (I think it was from Ace of Spades HQ but I'm not sure) was something along the lines of; "We show up with our pocket copies of The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and they show up with a brick and a Molotov Cocktail. How do you think that's going to go?"

But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any, and then a lot of people are going to get dead, really fast...... and those who are left will reinstate a set of rules that they decide on. If we're all really really lucky, they will be the basic Constitutional rules our founders agreed on.

Sure. That's going to happen. :itsok:

If you read history, that's what does happen, in every society since...... ever.

But don't take my word for it, you could always go look it up.:rolleyes:
Hasn't happened here but once and they failed also, if you remember. Really bad idea. Better forget it.
When me and my company landed in Iraq after just returning from a long trip to Afghanistan, we lost 3 guys in the first 10 days. We adapted and made adjustments to the new environment and didn't lose any others the entire remainder of the deployment.
In fact, we adapted so well, that when the insurgency kicked off with a vengeance, with a tet offensive style assault on all coalition forces, the one element they left completely alone..... was us.

I have great faith in Americans to be able to do the same.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.
And that's why they will never quit. Because if the rules are ever applied equally, most of them will go to prison for life and quite a few will be executed for treason.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.
You're a liar.
And that's why they will never quit. Because if the rules are ever applied equally, most of them will go to prison for life and quite a few will be executed for treason.

Like I said; trying to foment a revolt, which they foolishly think that they'll be able to control.

You and I both know that none of this is happenstance.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.
You're a liar.
Worse...She's a liar that insists that others participate in the lies through a Maoist struggle session.

She's the lowest form of scum on the earth.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.
=peaceful protests" I got a great laugh out of that hogwash
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
If you watch people riot and burn shit down, attack federal buildings and police stations, shove, fight, and throw things at cops, including incendiary devices, and the big media companies refer to it all as "mostly peaceful", and the rioters get released on bail and the charges dropped, over and over again, then you might get an understandably skewed view of what behavior is and is not allowed at a protest in this country.

See, the thing is, most normal Americans believe in and value things like fairness. So they are always unprepared for the dishonest and deceitful way certain hypocritical power-tripping shitbags behave. A comment I read on the net (I think it was from Ace of Spades HQ but I'm not sure) was something along the lines of; "We show up with our pocket copies of The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and they show up with a brick and a Molotov Cocktail. How do you think that's going to go?"

But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any, and then a lot of people are going to get dead, really fast...... and those who are left will reinstate a set of rules that they decide on. If we're all really really lucky, they will be the basic Constitutional rules our founders agreed on.

Sure. That's going to happen. :itsok:

If you read history, that's what does happen, in every society since...... ever.

But don't take my word for it, you could always go look it up.:rolleyes:
Hasn't happened here but once and they failed also, if you remember. Really bad idea. Better forget it.
When me and my company landed in Iraq after just returning from a long trip to Afghanistan, we lost 3 guys in the first 10 days. We adapted and made adjustments to the new environment and didn't lose any others the entire remainder of the deployment.
In fact, we adapted so well, that when the insurgency kicked off with a vengeance, with a tet offensive style assault on all coalition forces, the one element they left completely alone..... was us.

I have great faith in Americans to be able to do the same.
Congrats on making the correct modifications to your environment. Try to remember, this ain't Iraq or Afghanistan and not going to be.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
If you watch people riot and burn shit down, attack federal buildings and police stations, shove, fight, and throw things at cops, including incendiary devices, and the big media companies refer to it all as "mostly peaceful", and the rioters get released on bail and the charges dropped, over and over again, then you might get an understandably skewed view of what behavior is and is not allowed at a protest in this country.

See, the thing is, most normal Americans believe in and value things like fairness. So they are always unprepared for the dishonest and deceitful way certain hypocritical power-tripping shitbags behave. A comment I read on the net (I think it was from Ace of Spades HQ but I'm not sure) was something along the lines of; "We show up with our pocket copies of The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and they show up with a brick and a Molotov Cocktail. How do you think that's going to go?"

But sooner or later, these regular Americans are going to quit trying to figure out the new rules, and just realize that there aren't any, and then a lot of people are going to get dead, really fast...... and those who are left will reinstate a set of rules that they decide on. If we're all really really lucky, they will be the basic Constitutional rules our founders agreed on.

Sure. That's going to happen. :itsok:

If you read history, that's what does happen, in every society since...... ever.

But don't take my word for it, you could always go look it up.:rolleyes:
Hasn't happened here but once and they failed also, if you remember. Really bad idea. Better forget it.
When me and my company landed in Iraq after just returning from a long trip to Afghanistan, we lost 3 guys in the first 10 days. We adapted and made adjustments to the new environment and didn't lose any others the entire remainder of the deployment.
In fact, we adapted so well, that when the insurgency kicked off with a vengeance, with a tet offensive style assault on all coalition forces, the one element they left completely alone..... was us.

I have great faith in Americans to be able to do the same.
Congrats on making the correct modifications to your environment. Try to remember, this ain't Iraq or Afghanistan and not going to be.
That's what you all seem to be trying to make it through.

And we're not going to let you.

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