Cementing Power: Left-wing Rioters Are Released While Conservatives Are Persecuted

The Rump allies and supporters and minions who staged an Insurrection against the lawful authority on January 6, 2021, should be hung out to dry.

As few granted bail as possible... the maximum number of supportable criminal felony charges... the maximum number of convictions... maximum sentences.

Such an insurrection against the United States and such an assault on the Congress of the United States must never happen again.

Metaphorically crucifying them in the criminal courts will set a fearful example of the United States punishing insurrectionists with the power and majesty of The Law.

Phukk 'em... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... and throw away the friggin; key.

Politically motivated prosecutions, designed to instill fear in your political enemies, means that those convicted are political prisoners.

Your support of this, it happening, is America not being a free country anymore.
Oh, dearie-me... all those years of "Lock her up... lock her up... lock her up..." finally catch up with your Orange Baboon-God and minions? :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, and by the way, prosecutions against Insurrectionists... not political opponents but actual Insurrectionists... are absolutely necessary.

They brought it on themselves... and your thinly-veiled attempt to forego such prosecutions belies your sympathy for them.

Sympathy for rioters caught on-camera invading the US Capitol and assaulting Congress while formally certifying an election? Now THAT's un-American.

The point is the difference in treatment of rioters based on their political affiliation.

I support equal treatment before the law.

You want to put them all away? I'm fine with that.

You want to give them a break because you respect their "feelings" about their motives? Well, I'm not ok with that, but if you do it equally, whatever.

You want to let your brownshirts go, while landing like a ton of bricks on people doing pretty much the same, or less?

That is tyranny. Those convicted will be political prisoners.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.
In short, they're conditioned to (1) deny everything and (2) play the victim.

Look at the man they adore. That's his MO, 24/7/365.

YOur defense of unequal treatment before the law, makes you a supporter of tyranny.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.
In short, they're conditioned to (1) deny everything and (2) play the victim.

Look at the man they adore. That's his MO, 24/7/365.

YOur defense of unequal treatment before the law, makes you a supporter of tyranny.

Mac found this funny. Wonder if he will find it funny during the next cycle of violence when more people die.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.
In short, they're conditioned to (1) deny everything and (2) play the victim.

Look at the man they adore. That's his MO, 24/7/365.

YOur defense of unequal treatment before the law, makes you a supporter of tyranny.

Mac found this funny. Wonder if he will find it funny during the next cycle of violence when more people die.
I find YOU funny, in a sad and somewhat disturbing way.
...A nation of laws would punish rioters equally whether they were right or left. That you pick and choose is tyranny, not laws.
There was a Leftist insurrection against the US Capitol, assaulting Congress while they were certifying an election, egged-on by an incumbent Democrat?

I must have missed the memo. :auiqs.jpg:
The Rump allies and supporters and minions who staged an Insurrection against the lawful authority on January 6, 2021, should be hung out to dry.

As few granted bail as possible... the maximum number of supportable criminal felony charges... the maximum number of convictions... maximum sentences.

Such an insurrection against the United States and such an assault on the Congress of the United States must never happen again.

Metaphorically crucifying them in the criminal courts will set a fearful example of the United States punishing insurrectionists with the power and majesty of The Law.

Phukk 'em... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... and throw away the friggin; key.

Politically motivated prosecutions, designed to instill fear in your political enemies, means that those convicted are political prisoners.

Your support of this, it happening, is America not being a free country anymore.
Oh, dearie-me... all those years of "Lock her up... lock her up... lock her up..." finally catch up with your Orange Baboon-God and minions? :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, and by the way, prosecutions against Insurrectionists... not political opponents but actual Insurrectionists... are absolutely necessary.

They brought it on themselves... and your thinly-veiled attempt to forego such prosecutions belies your sympathy for them.

Sympathy for rioters caught on-camera invading the US Capitol and assaulting Congress while formally certifying an election? Now THAT's un-American.

The point is the difference in treatment of rioters based on their political affiliation.

I support equal treatment before the law.

You want to put them all away? I'm fine with that.

You want to give them a break because you respect their "feelings" about their motives? Well, I'm not ok with that, but if you do it equally, whatever.

You want to let your brownshirts go, while landing like a ton of bricks on people doing pretty much the same, or less?

That is tyranny. Those convicted will be political prisoners.
So the Republican appointed judges over the cases of the two insurrectionists that were held without bail, are holding them, because of politics? :lol: okee dokee
YOur defense of unequal treatment before the law, makes you a supporter of tyranny.
Yes, I'm a tyranny-supporting Hitler Deep State Chinese Benghazi Swamp Commie who wants to destroy America and turn it into Venezuela.





Dem officials are letting leftist riots off the hook or treating them lightly, while being very harsh with right leaning rioters.

That is an injustice.

During a period of escalating violence you are supporting the injustice of unequal treatment before the law.

Your attempt at ridiculing me, might be an effective debating technique, though dishonest.

But in real life, people are going to be badly hurt by these acts and that will lead to them being angry or radicalized.

How many sons will be seeing their fathers go to prison while watching liberals rioters being released?

Why are you supporting the sowing of these seeds?
YOur defense of unequal treatment before the law, makes you a supporter of tyranny.
Yes, I'm a tyranny-supporting Hitler Deep State Chinese Benghazi Swamp Commie who wants to destroy America and turn it into Venezuela.





Dem officials are letting leftist riots off the hook or treating them lightly, while being very harsh with right leaning rioters.

That is an injustice.

During a period of escalating violence you are supporting the injustice of unequal treatment before the law.

Your attempt at ridiculing me, might be an effective debating technique, though dishonest.

But in real life, people are going to be badly hurt by these acts and that will lead to them being angry or radicalized.

How many sons will be seeing their fathers go to prison while watching liberals rioters being released?

Why are you supporting the sowing of these seeds?

You guys get one or two sentences to make some kind of point. That's it.
It's almost as they're trying to foment an actual shooting war.

Correction: it's almost as if you're inventing excuses for a shooting war (because you lost an election).

Politically targeted prosecutions and imprisonment, is a reason, not an excuse.

If you don't like that, the answer is not to defend it or attack those who are targeted for oppression.

When it's a false claim, it's an excuse.
It's a true claim.

Brennan, Wray and Clapper deliberately lie to congress, not even a slap on the wrist.

Flynn doesn't lie to FBI when he's not even under investigation, he gets his life ruined.

You people are pure lawless scum.

This must be another example of your "alternative facts".

Lying to us, is not going to make us not notice our people you tyrants are jailing, while your thugs are still rioting.

It might make you feel better about it, as you lie to yourself.

It will just piss us off more.

DO you want to support healing this country, or support increasing division and violence?

I don't need to lie to you.

Your inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions speaks volumes.

If you want to support healing...it is by acknowledging the truth, acknowledging the seriousness of your actions instead defending them. I don't see anyone defending the leftist rioters - but I constantly see you defending your rightwing extremists - whether they were agitators in the riots or insurrectionists in the capital - you defend them.

If you want to support healing...then why don't you admit Trump lost the election? Why don't you support the PEACEFUL protestors (like I support the peaceful BLM protestors who did not engage in rioting) - who chose NOT to mass on the capital, but instead stopped short? Instead, you keep defending the people who actually broke in, assaulted police and ransacked the Capitol.
In short, they're conditioned to (1) deny everything and (2) play the victim.

Look at the man they adore. That's his MO, 24/7/365.

YOur defense of unequal treatment before the law, makes you a supporter of tyranny.

Mac found this funny. Wonder if he will find it funny during the next cycle of violence when more people die.
I find YOU funny, in a sad and somewhat disturbing way.

People are going to die because of this shit. You do realize that, right?

Is that just a price you are willing to pay, so you can pat yourself on the back on how progressive you are?
...A nation of laws would punish rioters equally whether they were right or left. That you pick and choose is tyranny, not laws.
There was a Leftist insurrection against the US Capitol, assaulting Congress while they were certifying an election, egged-on by an incumbent Democrat?

I must have missed the memo. :auiqs.jpg:

Your excuses for the difference in the prosecutions, does not change the injustice or the fact that your sides' actions are tyranny.
The Rump allies and supporters and minions who staged an Insurrection against the lawful authority on January 6, 2021, should be hung out to dry.

As few granted bail as possible... the maximum number of supportable criminal felony charges... the maximum number of convictions... maximum sentences.

Such an insurrection against the United States and such an assault on the Congress of the United States must never happen again.

Metaphorically crucifying them in the criminal courts will set a fearful example of the United States punishing insurrectionists with the power and majesty of The Law.

Phukk 'em... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... lock 'em up... and throw away the friggin; key.

Politically motivated prosecutions, designed to instill fear in your political enemies, means that those convicted are political prisoners.

Your support of this, it happening, is America not being a free country anymore.
Oh, dearie-me... all those years of "Lock her up... lock her up... lock her up..." finally catch up with your Orange Baboon-God and minions? :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, and by the way, prosecutions against Insurrectionists... not political opponents but actual Insurrectionists... are absolutely necessary.

They brought it on themselves... and your thinly-veiled attempt to forego such prosecutions belies your sympathy for them.

Sympathy for rioters caught on-camera invading the US Capitol and assaulting Congress while formally certifying an election? Now THAT's un-American.

The point is the difference in treatment of rioters based on their political affiliation.

I support equal treatment before the law.

You want to put them all away? I'm fine with that.

You want to give them a break because you respect their "feelings" about their motives? Well, I'm not ok with that, but if you do it equally, whatever.

You want to let your brownshirts go, while landing like a ton of bricks on people doing pretty much the same, or less?

That is tyranny. Those convicted will be political prisoners.
So the Republican appointed judges over the cases of the two insurrectionists that were held without bail, are holding them, because of politics? :lol: okee dokee

A lot of republicans don't look at the bigger picture. THey see an issue and they do their job without worrying about context.

That does not change the fact that the right leaning rioters are being held while so many from the left are not.

You can play rhetorical games with that statement, but the fact remains.
YOur defense of unequal treatment before the law, makes you a supporter of tyranny.
Yes, I'm a tyranny-supporting Hitler Deep State Chinese Benghazi Swamp Commie who wants to destroy America and turn it into Venezuela.





Dem officials are letting leftist riots off the hook or treating them lightly, while being very harsh with right leaning rioters.

That is an injustice.

During a period of escalating violence you are supporting the injustice of unequal treatment before the law.

Your attempt at ridiculing me, might be an effective debating technique, though dishonest.

But in real life, people are going to be badly hurt by these acts and that will lead to them being angry or radicalized.

How many sons will be seeing their fathers go to prison while watching liberals rioters being released?

Why are you supporting the sowing of these seeds?

You guys get one or two sentences to make some kind of point. That's it.

My point stands. You know what you are doing and the consequences are on you.
...Dem officials are letting leftist riots off the hook or treating them lightly, while being very harsh with right leaning rioters...
That, too, is wrong.

...That is an injustice...
You are quite correct. So why did the Rumpian Justice Department not prosecute while it held power and while the trail of evidence was still warm?

...During a period of escalating violence you are supporting the injustice of unequal treatment before the law...
Then stop committing violent acts.

Oh, by the way, the "The other guys did it too" defense stopped working for you by 2nd grade... or did you not notice?

But in real life, people are going to be badly hurt by these acts and that will lead to them being angry or radicalized...
The law will see to it that the Insurrectionists of January 6 2021 are punished sufficiently to serve as a warning for other miscreants.

...How many sons will be seeing their fathers go to prison while watching liberals rioters being released?...
Doesn't matter. Burning down a neighborhood in Portland is a far cry from actual Insurrection to overthrow the government of the United States.

Maybe their fathers (and mothers) should have thought twice before invading the US Capitol for the first time since the Redcoats did it in 1812?

...Why are you supporting the sowing of these seeds?
Then stop sowing the seeds.
...A nation of laws would punish rioters equally whether they were right or left. That you pick and choose is tyranny, not laws.
There was a Leftist insurrection against the US Capitol, assaulting Congress while they were certifying an election, egged-on by an incumbent Democrat?

I must have missed the memo. :auiqs.jpg:

Your excuses for the difference in the prosecutions, does not change the injustice or the fact that your sides' actions are tyranny.
Incorrect. The pu$$ie$ running the show in the last administration failed to prosecute such rioters. The present administration will do its duty.
...Dem officials are letting leftist riots off the hook or treating them lightly, while being very harsh with right leaning rioters...
That, too, is wrong.

...That is an injustice...
You are quite correct. So why did the Rumpian Justice Department not prosecute while it held power and while the trail of evidence was still warm?

...During a period of escalating violence you are supporting the injustice of unequal treatment before the law...
Then stop committing violent acts.

Oh, by the way, the "The other guys did it too" defense stopped working for you by 2nd grade... or did you not notice?

But in real life, people are going to be badly hurt by these acts and that will lead to them being angry or radicalized...
The law will see to it that the Insurrectionists of January 6 2021 are punished sufficiently to serve as a warning for other miscreants.

...How many sons will be seeing their fathers go to prison while watching liberals rioters being released?...
Doesn't matter. Burning down a neighborhood in Portland is a far cry from actual Insurrection to overthrow the government of the United States.

Maybe their fathers (and mothers) should have thought twice before invading the US Capitol for the first time since the Redcoats did it in 1812?

...Why are you supporting the sowing of these seeds?
Then stop sowing the seeds.

Your excuses for violating the rights of the conservative accused are noted.

The fact remains. You are supporting the creation of a class of political prisoners in this country.

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