Celebrity Underground: Terrorism Disease(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Imagine that a Hollywood celebrity (e.g., Charlize Theron, star of Snow White and Mad Max) starts scrolling through USMB and finds a strange pedestrian democracy-blogger and self-proclaimed 'crusader.' Charlize finds this eccentric blogger (a guy named Ajay who dresses up like the Scarecrow) very interesting and wants to meet him and introduce him to her friends at her secret Halloween party in Los Angeles. Ajay attends of course and discovers there's a whole 'underground network' of pedestrians, princes, and paparazzi-magnetic celebrities like Charlize Theron and Tom Cruise who gather once a month to celebrate the social networking made possible by modern media 'conveniences/consciousness.'

Of course, we've seen such media-window 'imagination' in programs such as The Real World, Celebrity Apprentice, Entourage, and Basketball Wives.

It wouldn't be far-fetched to suppose that an Internet-hacker realizes these underground networks are real and decides to stalk individuals/celebrities connected to these networks. This hacker may be a 'professional terrorist' (e.g., ISIS) or maybe just a rogue/casual/amateur 'fan/fanatic.'

Is this sort of conspiracy theory representative of new age intrigue or new age nonsense?

You decide




Ajay/Scarecrow discovers that Theron is part of an intriguing and creative underground 'club' which gathers in places like the Playboy Mansion, a fancy isolated hotel in Switzerland, and a private water-park in New Zealand (the home of a celebrity!). Scarecrow quickly becomes popular as the official 'storyteller/DJ' of these gatherings and starts dating Theron. Scarecrow discovers that these 'lairs' are quite lavish...and inviting.


One Christmas, a fun party hosted by Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman at a rented castle decked out with decorations and multi-colored lights finds hundreds of cool guests including Scarecrow who is the DJ as well as the head chef. Scarecrow, a graduate of Yale University, uses his alumni-contacts to obtain high-quality marijuana from his yuppie friends in Manhattan. Cruise and Kidman's party is a huge success, and Theron keeps a photo album of the event (and later shares the album with Scarecrow --- though they don't upload anything on Facebook or anything).


However, one drunk guest at one of these 'gatherings' decides to take a photo of a lingerie party (hosted by Victoria's Secret in a L.A. nightclub) and posts it to Facebook. The photo gets over 20,000 hits and becomes a sudden new 'rumor' among the Facebook community. Theron is outraged and demands Scarecrow try to root out the identity of this poster (who is obviously using a funny/veiled pseudonym for his Facebook profile-page). Scarecrow discovers that this indiscreet Facebook-poster is the American actor Bruce Willis. Unfortunately, it's too late, and a fanatical psycho finds Bruce's photo and decides to infiltrate this 'underground celebrity-network.'


The psycho's name is Vince and he wants in, so he follows 'suspects' around until he finds a special Thanksgiving gathering at the Playboy Mansion and gains entrance by claiming he's a perfume salesman. Vince finds gorgeous Victoria's Secret models preparing turkey and serving it to celebrity-guests including Theron, Tom Hanks, James Franco, Amy Adams, and Jason Lee. Scarecrow is also there (helping the models cook the turkey) and realizes Vince is the psycho who found Bruce's indiscreet Facebook-post and has tracked the gatherings to this Playboy Thanksgiving dinner and has smuggled himself in, so Scarecrow drugs Vince's drink with a sedative and transports him to the police station in his van!


Vince is furious and decides the next day (since no one filed any formal charges against him) that he'll start posting photos of fake/toy jewels/gems on Facebook, claiming he obtained these 'toy artifacts' from these 'secret celebrity underground gatherings.' Fortunately, Scarecrow has predicted such a move and comments on these photos. Scarecrow writes things like, "These parties are daydreams of media groupies professing an ancient belief in Shangri-La" and soon, no one takes Vince seriously. Scarecrow tells Theron the whole story who is delighted her new 'Internet-blogging buddy' has effectively resolved what could have escalated into a real 'terrorism-situation.' Tom Hanks buys Scarecrow a Saab as a gift...


Vince is not through, however. He suspects that Scarecrow, Theron, and others will be attending Super Bowl 52, cheering on the Underdog Team of the New Millennium (the Philadelphia Eagles!). Vince's plan is to streak the field during the Halftime Show with a camera and megaphone and announce to the crowd that he is in fact a 'spy' trying to gain entrance into these underground celebrity gatherings and also believes that the Philadelphia Eagles are a secret 'team-rally' cheer-call for members of this 'club.' Theron panics and demands Scarecrow (Ajay) do something, so Scarecrow follows Vince into the parking lot after he runs away, evading cops and trying to disappear after delivering his 'megaphone address.' Scarecrow then tells Vince that if he continues to track these 'celebrity-gatherings,' bodyguards will be forced to dump him in some river in Mexico (and Vince promises to cease his 'investigation').


Fortunately, the outcome of the Super Bowl is not affected, and the underdog Eagles pull off the upset of the millennium by avenging their loss to their competitors (the New England Patriots) in Super Bowl 39 (2004). Theron and Scarecrow go to one of their celebrity-gathering Eagles after-parties and celebrate that Vince is finally gone. Scarecrow tells Theron, "I doubt anyone else like Vince will try to stalk us in the manner he did." Theron quietly (but worriedly) agrees. Vince is in his prison-cell watching the reflective film 15 Minutes (starring Robert De Niro).



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