Zone1 Catholics declare Bergoglio not validly ordained, Benedict was pope.. Conclave!


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022

If you don't want to read all the stuff that Catholics should already know (and Protestants reflexively, robotically desagree w/), you can go to the paragraph that begins with

We declare that it is of the divine and catholic Faith that the Church of Rome has a perpetual right to elect her own Bishop, Successor of Saint Peter, Vicar of Christ,
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The Catholics of Rome get it wrong about Benedict being a valid pope, though he was more pope-like than the one we have now (understatement). However, what they say here is very important because some day their words may have an impact on the REAL Church once again exercising its rightful power to provide God's people with a REAL pope.

From the site:

Now, having seen with our own eyes, that Pope Benedict XVI never did renounce in life the Petrine Munus which he was elected to receive in April of 2005, in accord with the Papal Law, Universi Dominici Gregis, n. 53, as is juridically proven in the Latin text of the Declaratio he gave on February 11, 2013, when compared to the Latin text of canon 332 §2 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, promulgated by John Paul II, Successor of St. Peter, and as demonstrated also to be his intention, by many authors and studies, We recognize as an objective fact of history, that His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI was the unique, sole, single and only legitimate successor of Saint Peter from the day of his canonical election to the date of his death on Dec. 31, 2022 A. D..
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Their king in the pointy hat what sits on his throne in Rome.
Non-Catholics are ALWAYS wrong on Catholicism

And I don't feel like banging my head against a wall trying to explain it. They have to "seek and..find" on their own
The issue should have been brought BEFORE Frank was elected. Now it is just pissing in the wind.

Benedict himself called for the election of his successor. And he was deemed the top Catholic theologian of his time. Was he full of beans?

Let's wait for the tell-all book coming from Benedict's #1, Archbishop Georg Gänswein. Was Benny forced out of office with threats of scandal over pedophile matters in Germany?????
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The issue should have been brought BEFORE Frank was elected. Now it is just pissing in the wind.

Benedict himself called for the election of his successor. And he was deemed the top Catholic theologian of his time. Was he full of beans?

Let's wait for the tell-all book coming from Benedict's #1, Archbishop Georg Gänswein. Was Benny forced out of office with threats of scandal over pedophile matters in Germany?????
who is this Ganswein that his word is gospel truth?

Sorry... but I don't trust any human being at this point... And like i said, the Catholics in Rome calling for a Conclave are wrong about Benedict being the pope because the Vatican was stolen in 1963(ish) and we haven't had a valid pope since... actually since Pius XII--1958

But they are waking up to Truth...
I remain unaffiliated religion-wise but Catholicism just rubs me the wrong way on general principle.
maybe that's because it rubs the people around you the wrong way and you don't want to be all by yourself..
I'm not one to really speak to right or wrong (other than them buggering young boys) but it just seems to me that there sure are a lot of whistles, bells, and gold trim to the whole Catholic thing that's very off-putting to me.
well, who knows? Maybe Jesus wanted to attract rich people to the Church also?

just a thought.. not speaking for the True Catholic Church here.... also, a lot of the "trim" was donated by wealthy people
well, who knows? Maybe Jesus wanted to attract rich people to the Church also?

just a thought.. not speaking for the True Catholic Church here.... also, a lot of the "trim" was donated by wealthy people
Yeah, given their long history of oppression/murder in the name of their "faith" I think I'll pass on that bunch....Enjoy your new guy in the pointy hat.
Yeah, given their long history of oppression/murder in the name of their "faith" I think I'll pass on that bunch....Enjoy your new guy in the pointy hat.
You obviously don't know Protestant history... For starters there was the time when Protestantism was just getting started in the 1500s and the rulers were persecuting Catholic priests, not allowing them to say Mass. Worse, they were murdered

Oh you didn't hear about that? Maybe it's because you just want to hate Catholics and not the hypocrite Protestants?

And also maybe you should take a good look at your own sins. Maybe you watch porn. That is a deadly sin that will drag you into hell.. I don't know what your sins are but I do know one thing: you have them. All are sinners. "He who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him"

I'm tired of hearing about the sins of people who cannot defend themselves... people who just MAY have repented b4 they died..
You obviously don't know Protestant history... For starters there was the time when Protestantism was just getting started in the 1500s and the rulers were persecuting Catholic priests, not allowing them to say Mass. Worse, they were murdered

Oh you didn't hear about that? Maybe it's because you just want to hate Catholics and not the hypocrite Protestants?

And also maybe you should take a good look at your own sins. Maybe you watch porn. That is a deadly sin that will drag you into hell.. I don't know what your sins are but I do know one thing: you have them. All are sinners. "He who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him"

I'm tired of hearing about the sins of people who cannot defend themselves... people who just MAY have repented b4 they died..
Thanks, but hard pass.
The Catholics of Rome get it wrong about Benedict being a valid pope, though he was more pope-like than the one we have now (understatement). However, what they say here is very important because some day their words may have an impact on the REAL Church once again exercising its rightful power to provide God's people with a REAL pope.

From the site:

Now, having seen with our own eyes, that Pope Benedict XVI never did renounce in life the Petrine Munus which he was elected to receive in April of 2005, in accord with the Papal Law, Universi Dominici Gregis, n. 53, as is juridically proven in the Latin text of the Declaratio he gave on February 11, 2013, when compared to the Latin text of canon 332 §2 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, promulgated by John Paul II, Successor of St. Peter, and as demonstrated also to be his intention, by many authors and studies, We recognize as an objective fact of history, that His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI was the unique, sole, single and only legitimate successor of Saint Peter from the day of his canonical election to the date of his death on Dec. 31, 2022 A. D..
i dont understand

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