CASE FALLS APART: Capitol Hill Investigators Ask for 60-Day Delay to Build a Case Against Jan. 6 Protesters After FBI-Media Conspiracies Crumble


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Who saw that coming? Answer: everyone who isn't a brainwashed prog.

CASE FALLS APART: Capitol Hill Investigators Ask for 60-Day Delay to Build a Case Against Jan. 6 Protesters After FBI-Media Conspiracies Implode

The liberal fake new media oversold the January 6th protest and “riot” at the US Capitol was a terrorist attack, an armed insurgency, a pre-planned plot to take over the US Capitol.
It was all a lie.
** The protesters were not armed. ** There were NO GUNS confiscated from protesters in the US Capitol. ** The only shooting was by a Capitol Hill Police Lieutenant. ** There was NO PLOT to take over the US Capitol by Trump supporters. ** President Trump called for a peaceful protest. ** The Oath Keepers did not plan an armed insurgency. ** Total damages of possibly $100,000 to $1,000,000 dwarf the $2 BILLION in damages from the 2020 BLM-Antifa riots. ** Hundreds of protesters were waved into the US Capitol by police.
Now federal prosecutors are in a bind. The case they promised is collapsing.
On Friday prosecutors asked for 60 more days to invent a case against the protesters. They got nothing.

Federal prosecutors submitted a filing Friday morning requesting a 60-day delay in a series of cases related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, describing the massive undertaking as “likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

The big picture: More than 300 suspects have been charged in connection with the attack, which FBI Director Christopher Wray has described as “domestic terrorism.”

In addition to individual crimes like assault, trespassing and destruction of government property, federal prosecutors are investigating “conspiratorial activity” that began before Jan. 6. The Justice Department expects that at least 100 more individuals will be charged, according to the filing.
They need to prosecute all those people who have been burning down our cities. If they don't, the justice system is a sham.
So... why didn't your Orange Baboon-God do just that while he was still in power?
Your ignorance of our federal system of justice is the reason you ask this foolish question.
They need to prosecute all those people who have been burning down our cities. If they don't, the justice system is a sham.
So... why didn't your Orange Baboon-God do just that while he was still in power?
Your ignorance of our federal system of justice is the reason you ask this foolish question.
Attacks on Federal facilities (like courthouses) can be prosecuted in the Federal court system, fool.

Ditto for assaults on the Federal officers and contract law-enforcement agents who were guarding such facilities.
Doesn't sound like it's "falling apart"....but then, that's the Gateway Pundit for you.

Federal prosecutors have begun seeking 60-day delays across a series of Capitol riot cases, calling the probe “likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

In a nine-page filing lodged in multiple cases Friday morning, U.S. attorneys handling cases stemming from the Jan. 6 insurrection cited the rapidly growing roster of defendants and the enormous cache of evidence they must sift through to get a complete picture of the crimes committed that day.

“The investigation and prosecution of the Capitol Attack will likely be one of the largest in American history,” prosecutors said, “both in terms of the number of defendants prosecuted and the nature and volume of the evidence.”

That evidence, they said, includes findings of more than 900 search warrants executed in nearly every state. It also includes more than 15,000 hours of surveillance and body-worn camera footage supplied by some of the 14 federal and local law enforcement agencies that participated in the Capitol response — from the FBI to the Secret Service to the Arlington, Va., police department.
Authorities are also combing through 1,600 electronic devices, conducting hundreds of searches of text messages from multiple providers, and reviewing 210,000 tips and 80,000 witness interviews.....
They need to prosecute all those people who have been burning down our cities. If they don't, the justice system is a sham.
So... why didn't your Orange Baboon-God do just that while he was still in power?
Your ignorance of our federal system of justice is the reason you ask this foolish question.
Attacks on Federal facilities (like courthouses) can be prosecuted in the Federal court system, fool.

Ditto for assaults on the Federal officers and contract law-enforcement agents who were guarding such facilities.
Are you saying the federal government isn't prosecuting?

Let's see your cite.
** The protesters were not armed. ** There were NO GUNS confiscated from protesters in the US Capitol. **

You and the Gateway Repugnant are dumb as dirt, you know that? Of course you do. How are you gonna say "the protestors (rioters) were not armed", and in the next sentence preface there were no guns? Armed doesn't necessarily mean firearms, you dumb slugs.

Thus, this whole thread is fake news written in bad faith. Horrible writing, horrible editing fact free flotsam being quoted by horrible partisan tribal idiots.

In other words, it's more Qult45 bullshit.

What else you got, dickhead?
Who saw that coming? Answer: everyone who isn't a brainwashed prog.

CASE FALLS APART: Capitol Hill Investigators Ask for 60-Day Delay to Build a Case Against Jan. 6 Protesters After FBI-Media Conspiracies Implode

The liberal fake new media oversold the January 6th protest and “riot” at the US Capitol was a terrorist attack, an armed insurgency, a pre-planned plot to take over the US Capitol.
It was all a lie.
** The protesters were not armed. ** There were NO GUNS confiscated from protesters in the US Capitol. ** The only shooting was by a Capitol Hill Police Lieutenant. ** There was NO PLOT to take over the US Capitol by Trump supporters. ** President Trump called for a peaceful protest. ** The Oath Keepers did not plan an armed insurgency. ** Total damages of possibly $100,000 to $1,000,000 dwarf the $2 BILLION in damages from the 2020 BLM-Antifa riots. ** Hundreds of protesters were waved into the US Capitol by police.
Now federal prosecutors are in a bind. The case they promised is collapsing.
On Friday prosecutors asked for 60 more days to invent a case against the protesters. They got nothing.

Federal prosecutors submitted a filing Friday morning requesting a 60-day delay in a series of cases related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, describing the massive undertaking as “likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

The big picture: More than 300 suspects have been charged in connection with the attack, which FBI Director Christopher Wray has described as “domestic terrorism.”

In addition to individual crimes like assault, trespassing and destruction of government property, federal prosecutors are investigating “conspiratorial activity” that began before Jan. 6. The Justice Department expects that at least 100 more individuals will be charged, according to the filing.
They're asking for 60 days because they are prosecuting over 400 cases at once.

But let's go with your fantasy for now if it makes you feel better.
Who saw that coming? Answer: everyone who isn't a brainwashed prog.

CASE FALLS APART: Capitol Hill Investigators Ask for 60-Day Delay to Build a Case Against Jan. 6 Protesters After FBI-Media Conspiracies Implode

The liberal fake new media oversold the January 6th protest and “riot” at the US Capitol was a terrorist attack, an armed insurgency, a pre-planned plot to take over the US Capitol.
It was all a lie.
** The protesters were not armed. ** There were NO GUNS confiscated from protesters in the US Capitol. ** The only shooting was by a Capitol Hill Police Lieutenant. ** There was NO PLOT to take over the US Capitol by Trump supporters. ** President Trump called for a peaceful protest. ** The Oath Keepers did not plan an armed insurgency. ** Total damages of possibly $100,000 to $1,000,000 dwarf the $2 BILLION in damages from the 2020 BLM-Antifa riots. ** Hundreds of protesters were waved into the US Capitol by police.
Now federal prosecutors are in a bind. The case they promised is collapsing.
On Friday prosecutors asked for 60 more days to invent a case against the protesters. They got nothing.

Federal prosecutors submitted a filing Friday morning requesting a 60-day delay in a series of cases related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, describing the massive undertaking as “likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

The big picture: More than 300 suspects have been charged in connection with the attack, which FBI Director Christopher Wray has described as “domestic terrorism.”

In addition to individual crimes like assault, trespassing and destruction of government property, federal prosecutors are investigating “conspiratorial activity” that began before Jan. 6. The Justice Department expects that at least 100 more individuals will be charged, according to the filing.

A RWNJ Pay by the word new site catering RWNJ.
Who saw that coming? Answer: everyone who isn't a brainwashed prog.

CASE FALLS APART: Capitol Hill Investigators Ask for 60-Day Delay to Build a Case Against Jan. 6 Protesters After FBI-Media Conspiracies Implode

The liberal fake new media oversold the January 6th protest and “riot” at the US Capitol was a terrorist attack, an armed insurgency, a pre-planned plot to take over the US Capitol.
It was all a lie.
** The protesters were not armed. ** There were NO GUNS confiscated from protesters in the US Capitol. ** The only shooting was by a Capitol Hill Police Lieutenant. ** There was NO PLOT to take over the US Capitol by Trump supporters. ** President Trump called for a peaceful protest. ** The Oath Keepers did not plan an armed insurgency. ** Total damages of possibly $100,000 to $1,000,000 dwarf the $2 BILLION in damages from the 2020 BLM-Antifa riots. ** Hundreds of protesters were waved into the US Capitol by police.
Now federal prosecutors are in a bind. The case they promised is collapsing.
On Friday prosecutors asked for 60 more days to invent a case against the protesters. They got nothing.

Federal prosecutors submitted a filing Friday morning requesting a 60-day delay in a series of cases related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, describing the massive undertaking as “likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

The big picture: More than 300 suspects have been charged in connection with the attack, which FBI Director Christopher Wray has described as “domestic terrorism.”

In addition to individual crimes like assault, trespassing and destruction of government property, federal prosecutors are investigating “conspiratorial activity” that began before Jan. 6. The Justice Department expects that at least 100 more individuals will be charged, according to the filing.
They're asking for 60 days because they are prosecuting over 400 cases at once.

But let's go with your fantasy for now if it makes you feel better.

Why 400 at once? Isnt every situation different? Only 400? I thouht it was an insurrection. 400 unarmed trespassers is an insurrection?

Did they take over the pentagon? Was the USA in danger of falling to these insurrectionists?

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