Carter Page's Discovery


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Why hasn't Carter Page ever been charged with anything?
The FBI/DOJ have been busy sniffing his underwear for years trying to prove he farted in a Russian hotel bed.
I'll tell you why.
Because if CP is EVER charged with anything good old doofus Carter will get to see ALL the 'evidence' against him. That includes ALL the FISA warrants.
It's then 100% positive these warrants WILL find their way to the NYT.
It's known as 'discovery'. The law says Cater is entitled to see everything anyone claims to have on him.
The FISA warrants require that each time a warrant is renewed there must be substantial NEW evidence to get the warrant.
That has to mean every time the FBI/DOJ applied they would have had to prove they had a bunch of new evidence to justify the renewal.
IF there was so much ongoing criminal activity why hasn't Cater been charged with even jaywalking.
Cater is wandering around without a lawyer and he's happy as Larry.
For Muller CP is fucking Kryptonite. They don't want to have anything to do with him.
Now shit for brains Schiff is claiming Carter "lied" when he was being interviewed. The "lie" turns out to be Carter mistating the EXACT date he took a leak at Moscow airport.
This whole LIB wet dream is assuring REP wins in Nov. and 2020.
These LIBs always bring their own shit on themselves.
After the FBI/DOJ/some LIB MSM outlets 'settle' with Carter he'll be able to purchase his own tropical island while a few dozen corrupt LE officials are eating cat food sandwiches in federal prison.
Someone had better put McCabe on suicide watch. He knows he's too pretty to spend a dime in a federal prison. The legal/criminal shit-storm coming his way is going to be fun to watch.
After Mueller ends his witch hunt the person who will replace Sessions will appoint a SC to go after the real corruption in the FBI/DOJ/LIB MSM.
There is no evidence against Carter Page to see.

Those who have kept up with this Massive Seditious Conspiracy by the Obama Deep State, will know that Carter Page was an agent for the FBI for several years on one case...then after he became a volunteer for the Trump Campaign...the FBI decided to declare him an Agent for the Russians.

Just part of the Conspiracy for which a fair sum of Democrats and Obama operatives in Government will likely go to jail.

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