Carson channels Homer Simpson


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
I dont like Carson but I cant fault him on that. If youve ever been involved in something like that you say and do some things in the instinct of self preservation that you later wonder why you did it. I walked in on a hold up because I was concentrating on the menu. When I finished I noticed everyone was staring at me and the people behind the counter looked scared. I looked at the two guys that were holding the place up and saw they both had guns. I asked them if they were going to order. They looked at each other and backed out of the place and took off running.
good story Ace , I like it !!:afro:
Its funny now but if you had of been there it wasnt funny at all. I thought they were going shoot me.

It worked because you didn't react according to the planned script in their heads and that threw them off their game. Had they been more experienced they might have handled it differently. Either way it was a lucky break for everyone in the place.
well , maybe they shoulda . You disrupted their business venture Ace . :afro:
Don't eat me! I have a family; eat them!

'I have had a gun held on me when I was in a Popeye's organization,' Carson said on Wednesday. 'Guy comes in, put the gun in my ribs. And I just said, "I believe that you want the guy behind the counter."'

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Let me help you here, asshole.

Anyone who has been in his position....being held I have, more than once.....knows that if you cooperate and give the gunman his're more likely to live through the encounter. If you give them a ration of're gonna get shot.

However, if some dickhead comes to a school to shoot people, he's not there to collect your best chance is to rush the SOB rather than standing still and pissing your pants while he offs you one at a time.

It seems to people don't want to use common-sense anymore. You just make up your reality as you go along. The point here is, Carson is one of the top 3 candidates in the GOP race, so you're really grasping at anything to tear him down. If you had anyone that was worth a damn running in the Democratic Party, you wouldn't have to do this.
Carson is correct in his tactical thinking . That being said I have no problem with him being torn down as that tearing down helps the TRUMP imo Mudwhistle !!
Don't eat me! I have a family; eat them!

'I have had a gun held on me when I was in a Popeye's organization,' Carson said on Wednesday. 'Guy comes in, put the gun in my ribs. And I just said, "I believe that you want the guy behind the counter."'

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DemoKKKrat Racist
Wasn't Dr. Carson chastising the dead Oregon shooting victims for not fighting back just the other day?

Next stupid question.

Ben Carson:
"Not only would I probably not cooperate with him, I would not just stand there and let him shoot me," Carson said. "I would say, 'Hey guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can't get us all.'"

Oregon shooting survivor offended by Ben Carson's remarks -

I guess that's sort of similar to telling the guy with the gun to point it at the Popeyes employee though. :rolleyes:
It's no use trying to discuss politics with you on the left.

You get more childish and come up with more stupid about a candidate everyday

now it's Homer off some television show. seriously
Wasn't Dr. Carson chastising the dead Oregon shooting victims for not fighting back just the other day?

Next stupid question.

Ben Carson:
"Not only would I probably not cooperate with him, I would not just stand there and let him shoot me," Carson said. "I would say, 'Hey guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can't get us all.'"

Oregon shooting survivor offended by Ben Carson's remarks -

I guess that's sort of similar to telling the guy with the gun to point it at the Popeyes employee though. :rolleyes:
Not even close.

You want to go through life with blinders on, go ahead.

The motives of the perps in these two cases are totally different. You're intentionally being dishonest so you can ignore the obvious differences.

This is what happens when when one feels they can use the media to trick people into believing a fabrication. Maybe they can convince enough people with their heads in the sand to make a difference during the nomination process.
The left can't find any affairs or dirt on Ben they're making shit up about him.....hoping that it will paint him as a nut-ball. They figger blacks who might vote for him will be discouraged if he comes off as a retard.

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