Carmen Segarra


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Her name should be known to all Americans, but it is not.

Thanks to a corrupt central government and media.
I said what I wanted to in the first post.

Did you miss it?
I already did that and more. The question is why you chose to not even give one bit of information about her. You do realize that there are minimum expectations for creating a thread in USMB, or are your fingers too lazy to click through and read the rules and regs?
I already did that and more. The question is why you chose to not even give one bit of information about her. You do realize that there are minimum expectations for creating a thread in USMB, or are your fingers too lazy to click through and read the rules and regs?

I am glad you took the time to research her. I posted what I thought important in the OP. It appears only you have shown any interest.

My point was and still is, every American should know her name. She clearly has exposed that our government, the Fed, and the big banks have been and continue to collude.
I interest myself for a lot of things - because that is part of thinking independently. Nor do I think that any one ideology or party gets it all right. In fact, all of them get a number of things wrong.

Realizing also that most Americans are too lazy to even realize that the Federal Reserve is not federal in any way, but rather, a private venture given a governmental sounding name, I am personally for crushing the Fed. It has done us far more harm than good. In a certain way the Fed is destroying real capitalism.

And Kudos to Segarra for her bravery. I just wish we could hear all of the secret recordings.

You know that she has the Fed by the balls when even Bloomberg is reporting favorably about her.

There, now you know some more about me.
Her assessment isn't surprising to anyone who has been after the proper auditing of the federal reserve and especially it's open market operations. She simply adds fuel to a long burning fire regarding the nefarious and most likely criminal activity run through the FOMC.

Is there any reason to believe anything will come of it? I think not.
It is not just the Fed that runs a criminal enterprise. The Federal government is just as complicit, along with many very wealthy Americans and our largest corporations.

Would it surprise anyone if Ms. Segarra committed "suicide?"
Funny how her name and story have disappeared from the media.

The kabuki theater that is our government and financial system keeps rolling on.

Our financial system, and political system which protects it, are utterly compromised.

It is all most disgusting and disheartening.

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