Carly Fiorina Foundation Gave $467,275 To Planned Parenthood Through Group That Runs It


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Oh man..

Carly Fiorina claims to be against Planned Parenthood. In fact, she has made it a staple of her campaign. She is currently on a mission, urging Republicans to defund the organization and hold the annual fiscal budget hostage. She cites, among other things, that taxpayers and the government shouldn’t have any role in abortions.

Well, that, we already knew. An investigative piece from The Daily Beast has unearthed new information that Carly Fiorina’s Foundation, run by The Ayco Charitable Foundation, has collectively donated $467,275 to various Planned Parenthood’s through 2011 through 2013.

Carly Fiorina Foundation Gave $467,275 To Planned Parenthood Through Group That Runs It
Oh man..

Carly Fiorina claims to be against Planned Parenthood. In fact, she has made it a staple of her campaign. She is currently on a mission, urging Republicans to defund the organization and hold the annual fiscal budget hostage. She cites, among other things, that taxpayers and the government shouldn’t have any role in abortions.

Well, that, we already knew. An investigative piece from The Daily Beast has unearthed new information that Carly Fiorina’s Foundation, run by The Ayco Charitable Foundation, has collectively donated $467,275 to various Planned Parenthood’s through 2011 through 2013.

Carly Fiorina Foundation Gave $467,275 To Planned Parenthood Through Group That Runs It

Lets see the things wrong here.

1. You can be against government funding of something, and still fund it.
2. SHE didn't directly donate to them, it was through one of those tax write off funds for the uber rich.
What has me opposed to he is the fact that she stiffed her senate campaign staff of their salary for 6 years.

That's unforgivable.

Oh man..

Carly Fiorina claims to be against Planned Parenthood. In fact, she has made it a staple of her campaign. She is currently on a mission, urging Republicans to defund the organization and hold the annual fiscal budget hostage. She cites, among other things, that taxpayers and the government shouldn’t have any role in abortions.

Well, that, we already knew. An investigative piece from The Daily Beast has unearthed new information that Carly Fiorina’s Foundation, run by The Ayco Charitable Foundation, has collectively donated $467,275 to various Planned Parenthood’s through 2011 through 2013.

Carly Fiorina Foundation Gave $467,275 To Planned Parenthood Through Group That Runs It

Lets see the things wrong here.

1. You can be against government funding of something, and still fund it.
2. SHE didn't directly donate to them, it was through one of those tax write off funds for the uber rich.

Let's see the things wrong here.

1. When you demonize an organization? You'd better not have ANY connection to it.
2. When you start on the road of personal integrity? You'd better have some.

Carly Fiorina: 'Hillary Clinton has lied'
Oh man..

Carly Fiorina claims to be against Planned Parenthood. In fact, she has made it a staple of her campaign. She is currently on a mission, urging Republicans to defund the organization and hold the annual fiscal budget hostage. She cites, among other things, that taxpayers and the government shouldn’t have any role in abortions.

Well, that, we already knew. An investigative piece from The Daily Beast has unearthed new information that Carly Fiorina’s Foundation, run by The Ayco Charitable Foundation, has collectively donated $467,275 to various Planned Parenthood’s through 2011 through 2013.

Carly Fiorina Foundation Gave $467,275 To Planned Parenthood Through Group That Runs It

Lets see the things wrong here.

1. You can be against government funding of something, and still fund it.
2. SHE didn't directly donate to them, it was through one of those tax write off funds for the uber rich.

Let's see the things wrong here.

1. When you demonize an organization? You'd better not have ANY connection to it.
2. When you start on the road of personal integrity? You'd better have some.

Carly Fiorina: 'Hillary Clinton has lied'

Good non-response.
Well then, that should mean all you who belongs in the party of death (democrat party who champions abortion) and who see's nothing wrong with the butchering of alive aborted babies should all be in line to vote for her. so go change to Republican straight away. she'll appreciate it
Oh man..

Carly Fiorina claims to be against Planned Parenthood. In fact, she has made it a staple of her campaign. She is currently on a mission, urging Republicans to defund the organization and hold the annual fiscal budget hostage. She cites, among other things, that taxpayers and the government shouldn’t have any role in abortions.

Well, that, we already knew. An investigative piece from The Daily Beast has unearthed new information that Carly Fiorina’s Foundation, run by The Ayco Charitable Foundation, has collectively donated $467,275 to various Planned Parenthood’s through 2011 through 2013.

Carly Fiorina Foundation Gave $467,275 To Planned Parenthood Through Group That Runs It

You and the Daily Beast. both who dishes nothing but worthless information.
I believe in government funding for helping people. We're a better country for doing so...
how has it helped us to have ABORTED 58MILLION potential American citizens/human beings since 1979?
She can't pay the people who are running her campaign, but she can take time out to contribute to something she says she is very much against.

Way to go Fiorina.
She can't pay the people who are running her campaign, but she can take time out to contribute to something she says she is very much against.

Way to go Fiorina.

My main issue with Ms. Fiorina is her callous and nasty stint with HP. I've worked in IT for quite some time and really cut my teeth on HPUX. Meaning I worked with a lot of HP folks in my time. Carly took over and bought Compaq, and in large part of the Tandem mainframes, which I couldn't stand. We had a few of them at my shop but they were looking to get rid of them. The HP merger meant they were staying. And then? She started firing HP folks..

Not only that? She was giddy about it.
She can't pay the people who are running her campaign, but she can take time out to contribute to something she says she is very much against.

Way to go Fiorina.

My main issue with Ms. Fiorina is her callous and nasty stint with HP. I've worked in IT for quite some time and really cut my teeth on HPUX. Meaning I worked with a lot of HP folks in my time. Carly took over and bought Compaq, and in large part of the Tandem mainframes, which I couldn't stand. We had a few of them at my shop but they were looking to get rid of them. The HP merger meant they were staying. And then? She started firing HP folks..

Not only that? She was giddy about it.

See how the far left is obsessed with the lies from MSNBC, but yet have no problem with Hilary being for women's rights and taking money from people and organizations that clearly abuse women.
She can't pay the people who are running her campaign, but she can take time out to contribute to something she says she is very much against.

Way to go Fiorina.

My main issue with Ms. Fiorina is her callous and nasty stint with HP. I've worked in IT for quite some time and really cut my teeth on HPUX. Meaning I worked with a lot of HP folks in my time. Carly took over and bought Compaq, and in large part of the Tandem mainframes, which I couldn't stand. We had a few of them at my shop but they were looking to get rid of them. The HP merger meant they were staying. And then? She started firing HP folks..

Not only that? She was giddy about it.

Then she got fired right? How is it that she her HP job is the biggest part of her qualification for prez?
She can't pay the people who are running her campaign, but she can take time out to contribute to something she says she is very much against.

Way to go Fiorina.

My main issue with Ms. Fiorina is her callous and nasty stint with HP. I've worked in IT for quite some time and really cut my teeth on HPUX. Meaning I worked with a lot of HP folks in my time. Carly took over and bought Compaq, and in large part of the Tandem mainframes, which I couldn't stand. We had a few of them at my shop but they were looking to get rid of them. The HP merger meant they were staying. And then? She started firing HP folks..

Not only that? She was giddy about it.

Then she got fired right? How is it that she her HP job is the biggest part of her qualification for prez?

Not only did she get fired, nobody would hire her for over a decade.

Which is why she got into politics.
The only thing that Carly has going for her is that she is a good strong speaker
with a poker face while she spins all of her lies.

The truth is coming out about her, so we will see her slide to the bottom very soon.

Well then, that should mean all you who belongs in the party of death (democrat party who champions abortion) and who see's nothing wrong with the butchering of alive aborted babies should all be in line to vote for her. so go change to Republican straight away. she'll appreciate it

Isn't Carly pro death penally like the rest of them .

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