Carlos Danger


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

One would think being a sleazy politician would be a liability, but it seems that sleaze is a resume enhancer these.

Anthony Weiner aka "Carlos Danger" was caught sending tweets and dirty emails to a 22 year old woman up until April of this year. He's been leading in the polls in New York and probably will win. I think this says something about Democrat voters and about the political climate we are currently in.

Thanks to a fawning press Democrat candidates have an advantage over their opposition. I think this is a very dangerous situation because any politician who has secrets can also be blackmailed or coerced into voting a certain way on bills that effect their constituents. Never mind what all of the lying and sneaking around leads to.

Everyone has weaknesses and made mistakes. What is important is that someday you just might realize you made a mistake and that you aren't going to continue those mistakes. 30 years ago the press wouldn't accept this kind of behavior. Now, the press covers it up and minimizes it all for a progressive agenda. Take Anthony Weiner for example. There are rumors he is simply a mustache for his wife who is Hillary Clinton's executive secretary. Their marriage is arranged as a cover for his wife so there is no stigma of impropriety.

For those who are unfamiliar with the term "Mustache", some Gays marry heteros as a cover for their alternative sexual lifestyles. Taking this into consideration one can understand why AW continues to screw around and it also might explain why his wife doesn't mind.

The Dems took back Congress with scandals like this using them to show how GOP representatives weren't so squeaky clean. It turned off rightwing voters and gave the left plenty to crow about.

I think it's just a matter of what kind of media coverage you get. Obama is a perfect example of this. Nothing seems to touch him, yet he's been using the IRS and the NSA to spy on private citizens. Just the other day Christine O'Donnell found out that the IRS used her personal data to ruin her run for the Senate. A story surfaced in the press that was obviously made up but she couldn't convince enough people that it was bogus. There is no way to find out who did it because the records have been deleted. I'm afraid that the guilty parties will never be punished as long as the press continues to provide cover for Democrats, and crooked politicians like Anthony Weiner will continue to screw up government and screw all of us in the process.

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Carlos Danger seems a step up to Mayor Doomberg, don't you think?

Washington Post

Yes. Carlos Danger has a hobby, so he'll have less time to worry about people drinking super sized sodas.
Carlos Danger is married to Huma who is daughter to 2 Muslim Brotherhood members.

I can't think of any better city than New York for someone who has terrorist ties. They can rest assured Carlos will always have NYC's best interests in mind when he's not sending out pictures of his tally-wacker.
Carlos Danger seems a step up to Mayor Doomberg, don't you think?

Washington Post

Yes. Carlos Danger has a hobby, so he'll have less time to worry about people drinking super sized sodas.
Carlos Danger is married to Huma who is daughter to 2 Muslim Brotherhood members.

I can't think of any better city than New York for someone who has terrorist ties. They can rest assured Carlos will always have NYC's best interests in mind when he's not sending out pictures of his tally-wacker.

Huma's parents are seriously involved in the MusBros?
Yes. Carlos Danger has a hobby, so he'll have less time to worry about people drinking super sized sodas.
Carlos Danger is married to Huma who is daughter to 2 Muslim Brotherhood members.

I can't think of any better city than New York for someone who has terrorist ties. They can rest assured Carlos will always have NYC's best interests in mind when he's not sending out pictures of his tally-wacker.

Huma's parents are seriously involved in the MusBros?

1. Carlos Danger? :lmao: could he pick a more corny name?

2. Why do men always think women want to see thier junk? Unless you're hung like Ron Jeremy please keep it in your pants.

3. He obviously married up as he is not a looker and his wife seems to be very pretty,so why does he feel a need to show his schlong to every woman that will look?

4.If NY votes him in, they deserve every bit of the embarassment he will undoubtedly shower his office with.
Carlos Danger aka Tony Weenie is beyond being a pervert. I bet Ted Bundy would have had the same adventures if the internet was around when he was murdering scores of young girls. Somebody in law enforcement should take Carlos Danger seriously.
1. Carlos Danger? :lmao: could he pick a more corny name?

2. Why do men always think women want to see thier junk? Unless you're hung like Ron Jeremy please keep it in your pants.

3. He obviously married up as he is not a looker and his wife seems to be very pretty,so why does he feel a need to show his schlong to every woman that will look?

4.If NY votes him in, they deserve every bit of the embarassment he will undoubtedly shower his office with.

If New York elects him they deserve the shaft.

I hear they don't have many choices. Nobody knows who the GOP candidate is so it's kind of hard for the press to make up shit about him. And the other Democrat is supposedly a Lesbian.

NYC is going to get screwed any way you slice it.
If ya got it, flaunt it. :cool:

with women reporting him it sounds like he doesn't have it. lol Even if he did have it, it's creepy to send a woman you are not in a relationship with pics of your Johnson. Weenie thinks the women are going oowww ahhh but actually they are sitting there with thier GF's passing it around, saying ewww,laughing and making jokes about his manhood.

Now as for his wife. The woman needs to diviorce him ASAP and get her half on behalf of her and her child before one of these women files a sexual harassment lawsuit and takes it all. Stand by your man, yes. Stand by an obvious perv who has also done God knows what else;get out of there. Run,run like the wind and don't look back.
Weenie's wife needs a good sense of Huma (pun intended). Carlos's wife Huma is a young version of Hillary Clinton. They are both willing to sell their souls and trade embarrassment and humiliation for political power. As a matter of fact Huma Weiner was Hillary's right hand woman throughout her campaign for senator and later in the state dept. It seems they are both 1st class enablers for their husbands' perversions.

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