Car jacking and the news actually said they were black? That's surprising.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021

Must admit I was surprised the news actually said the car jackers were specifically black. Everytime I see a story on blacks committing a crime they omit their skin color, but will readily mention skin color when a criminal is white.

From what I saw it's a nice area that's safe but a couple of nword kids crossed the state line to go to a nice area to try and steal someone's car by pointing a gun at an old woman. Hate to see decent areas get harrased by criminal thugs, but that trend seems to be on the rise.

Must admit I was surprised the news actually said the car jackers were specifically black. Everytime I see a story on blacks committing a crime they omit their skin color, but will readily mention skin color when a criminal is white.

From what I saw it's a nice area that's safe but a couple of nword kids crossed the state line to go to a nice area to try and steal someone's car by pointing a gun at an old woman. Hate to see decent areas get harrased by criminal thugs, but that trend seems to be on the rise.
Good parents. Sometimes they can do their best and still the kid turns out, not worth a shit. It is a mark of good parental responsibility, to turn in, their gunman son.

Car jacking and the news actually said they were black? That's surprising.​

Must admit I was surprised the news actually said the car jackers were specifically black. Everytime I see a story on blacks committing a crime they omit their skin color, but will readily mention skin color when a criminal is white.

I just caught a TV show last night called Most Daring. Pretty much about strange stuff caught on video: store robberies, car-jackings, robberies gone afoul, police car chases and other mayhem. Unsurprising, and there is no racial component to this old TV series, it turns out that the great majority of the time, it is black people involved.

I want to be fair and say these people are driven by poverty and lack of opportunity, but have they tried getting an education and going out stumping for a good job like I did? So, I must conclude that it isn't for lack of opportunity, but for lack of brains. Or a lack of willingness to conform and do what it takes to get along.

Must admit I was surprised the news actually said the car jackers were specifically black. Everytime I see a story on blacks committing a crime they omit their skin color, but will readily mention skin color when a criminal is white.

From what I saw it's a nice area that's safe but a couple of nword kids crossed the state line to go to a nice area to try and steal someone's car by pointing a gun at an old woman. Hate to see decent areas get harrased by criminal thugs, but that trend seems to be on the rise.

Just WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly, carjacking is happening all over the USA. In the DC/MD/VA area, it's very common for the media to report on the perpetrators race and physical description, along with video of the crime. It isn't only blacks committing the crimes, just FYI.
Sadly, carjacking is happening all over the USA. In the DC/MD/VA area, it's very common for the media to report on the perpetrators race and physical description, along with video of the crime. It isn't only blacks committing the crimes, just FYI.

I'm sure its not. But do black men commit more than 7% of the crime? If so they are committing a disproportional amount of violent crime based on their race.
I'm sure its not. But do black men commit more than 7% of the crime? If so they are committing a disproportional amount of violent crime based on their race.
I don't recall the opening post mentioning crime statistics. If you want to discuss that, I suggest you reply in one of the many threads already started on this forum about it.
I don't recall the opening post mentioning crime statistics. If you want to discuss that, I suggest you reply in one of the many threads already started on this forum about it.

And I suggest you read the fucking thread before making such a stupid accusation.

I wasn't responding to the OP. I was responding to post number 6. Why the fuck don't you tell that fucking negro that if he wants to discuss crime stats to take it elsewhere rather than attack someone who is replying to such a post? I didn't bring up the god damned stats, HE DID.
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And I suggest you read the fucking thread before making such a stupid accusation.

I wasn't responding to the OP. I was responding to post number 6. Why the fuck don't you tell that fucking negro that if he wants to discuss crime stats to take it elsewhere rather than attack someone who is replying to such a post? I didn't bring up the god damned stats, HE DID.
All true!
Take a look at motor vehicle theft.

I gotta give ya credit, man. For a black man, you did pretty good.

You managed to find an actual crime statistic, albeit from 5 years ago. You actually managed to interpret a chart, again, I'm proud of you. Da hood would be too.

What you failed to do was do anything but prove us right. You pointed out a statistic showing that 57,278 total vehicle thefts occurred in 2019. Of those, 16409 were committed by black males, 7% of the population. So using some of dat ghetto math, we can do 16409/57278 we get .29, which means 29% of all vehicle thefts are committed by 7% of the US population, black males. So you successfully proved us right, that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime than their population would indicate. We won't look at the other stats which make blacks look even worse.

But I commend you, you managed to make a little bit of a cohesive argument even if all it did was prove us right. But that's ok, you tried.
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I gotta give ya credit, man. For a black man, you did pretty good.

You managed to find an actual crime statistic, albeit from 5 years ago. You actually managed to interpret a chart, again, I'm proud of you. Da hood would be too.

What you failed to do was do anything but prove us right. You pointed out a statistic showing that 57,278 total vehicle thefts occurred in 2019. Of those, 16409 were committed by black males, 7% of the population. So using some of dat ghetto math, we can do 16409/57278 we get .29, which means 29% of all vehicle thefts are committed by 7% of the US population, black males. So you successfully proved us right, that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime than their population would indicate. We won't look at the other stats which make blacks look even worse.

But I commend you, you managed to make a little bit of a cohesive argument even if all it did was prove us right. But that's ok, you tried.


That's not a black man.

I gotta give ya credit, man. For a black man, you did pretty good.

You managed to find an actual crime statistic, albeit from 5 years ago. You actually managed to interpret a chart, again, I'm proud of you. Da hood would be too.

What you failed to do was do anything but prove us right. You pointed out a statistic showing that 57,278 total vehicle thefts occurred in 2019. Of those, 16409 were committed by black males, 7% of the population. So using some of dat ghetto math, we can do 16409/57278 we get .29, which means 29% of all vehicle thefts are committed by 7% of the US population, black males. So you successfully proved us right, that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime than their population would indicate. We won't look at the other stats which make blacks look even worse.

But I commend you, you managed to make a little bit of a cohesive argument even if all it did was prove us right. But that's ok, you tried.
Maff be raciss!
I gotta give ya credit, man. For a black man, you did pretty good.

You managed to find an actual crime statistic, albeit from 5 years ago. You actually managed to interpret a chart, again, I'm proud of you. Da hood would be too.

What you failed to do was do anything but prove us right. You pointed out a statistic showing that 57,278 total vehicle thefts occurred in 2019. Of those, 16409 were committed by black males, 7% of the population. So using some of dat ghetto math, we can do 16409/57278 we get .29, which means 29% of all vehicle thefts are committed by 7% of the US population, black males. So you successfully proved us right, that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime than their population would indicate. We won't look at the other stats which make blacks look even worse.

But I commend you, you managed to make a little bit of a cohesive argument even if all it did was prove us right. But that's ok, you tried.
Well dumbass your logic is fucked up for the simple fact what % of black males do you think actually steal cars? Again, if 1500 cars are stolen and 1000 of them are stolen by someone white, 1000 is greater than 500, which would mean whites steal more.
Well dumbass your logic is fucked up for the simple fact what % of black males do you think actually steal cars? Again, if 1500 cars are stolen and 1000 of them are stolen by someone white, 1000 is greater than 500, which would mean whites steal more.

I don't expect you to understand stats, and you obviously don't.

What percent of whites do you think steal cars? We got 30% of all cars being stolen by negros. Yet negros make up 7% of the population. Why are you negros so apt to steal so many cars? You steal 4 times as many as the same number of whites.

And negros wonder why cops profile them. Because a damn third of the damn negros already have a felony record. I would profile their damn criminal violent asses, too.
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