The Aftermath of the Trial


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
George Zimmerman was found not guilty. Not guilty, at all. However, being presumed not guilty doesn't make one innocent. Just consider O.J. Simpson. But again, not being guilty could also mean being innocent. So, in the wake of this verdict we're left with quite a bit of anger, emotion, and questions. Instead of arguing one side or another, I feel there are quite a few assertions from both sides that deserve to be refuted. It is my goal in this thread to speak to various points of this tragedy in order to stoke the healing process. We need to absorb the evidence, reflect, and embrace all of our brothers and sisters---no matter the skin color---for the sake of peace and prosperity. This post is a bit long, so I've broken it down into easily-digested segments. Please enjoy! :razz:

But, George Zimmerman is a racist! he? To those out there who believe this, I would tell you you've made an assumption. You do not know George Zimmerman. Nor have you ever interacted with him. How can you know what is in his heart, if you consider this? Furthermore, both the grieving parents of Trayvon Martin and (somewhat belatedly) the prosecuting attornies, have said that this was never about race. Also, the FBI in their ongoing investigation even checked GZ's history (and 40 witnesses) to see if he was a racist... they found nothing. Or, that would be the case in a vacuum. Some things did come to light. It was learned that George Zimmerman mentored two young African-American children even though their program had been disbanded. He also dated a black woman and took her to the prom. He even went after Sanford PD when they didn't do enough to help Sherman Ware, a homeless black man who had been beaten up by the son of a white police lieutenant. If a black man was called a racist against white people even though nothing proved it and the contrary showed that he helped them... what could that mean? Furthermore, nothing in the trial ever proved that George was a racist. That could mean he's not a racist. Deep down he may very well be. Or, someone's profiting from racial tensions. It could be true that people have been manipulated into viewing GZ as a racist. Lastly, in an interview of one of GZ's neighbors during the FBI's civil rights investigation: "(Omitted) who is a black female, did not see any racial bias in Zimmerman. He was always very respectful to her."

George Zimmerman is innocent. Well, no, you don't know that for sure. Being presumed not guilty by a jury doesn't mean you're actually innocent. Just as some innocent people have been found guilty of murder, so to have some truly guilty people gotten away with it. If you think being found not guilty means that you're innocent, would you say the same thing about O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony? "Not guilty" and "innocent" are two completely different worlds, and the space between them is vast. Like those who erroneously assume George Zimmerman is a murderous racist, those who proclaim to the heavens that he's as pure and innocent as the new-fallen snow are wrong as well. We ought to qualify our statements. He could be a racist murderer who walked. He could be an innocent man who got put through the media's meat grinder. Thing is, we don't know for sure, so to make baseless assertions like this helps no one and hurts many. There is the notion that one is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. While that sounds nice, that completely overlooks the fact that, sometimes, wicked people slip through the cracks in the system. Our system has failed in some instances by throwing the book at the innocent and letting the wicked escape justice. Even though our system isn't perfect it's one of the better systems out there. We have no completely accurate way of discerning the liars from the honest. Maybe if a god does exist out there it'll address both the wrongly freed and condemned in due time. What we can't do as responsible human beings is make reckless assumptions.

It's open season on black boys and men. If making stupidly unfair and dishonest comments was a criminal offense, a lot of people would be in prison. What you may not know is that it's been "open season" on black men and boys for quite some time, if you consider that 93% of black murder victims are killed by other black people. That's according to the Bureau of Justice's statistics. So, yeah, black people are killing black people. I blame it on some of the culture, the lack of good parents, and rap music that foments hatred, rivalry, and violence. Why do some liberals ignore this? It's as if people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson willfully ignore the cold reality that the worst murderous enemy of black people in America is, well, black people. And that doesn't mean that there are many awesome, kind, and good African-Americans out there. It's just irksome for instigators to say it's open season on black males when a Hispanic man shoots a young black man in self-defense... while ignoring that 93% of all black murder victims have been killed by black people. All of this hyperbole and a half by these racemongers is dishonest, malicious, and wrong. They keep picking, tearing, and slashing at the scab of a wound that's ready and willing to heal if just given the chance. Instead of stirring up hate and tension, we need to love and respect one another, cultures loving, respecting, and working with other cultures for the peace and prosperity of all. I don't say I want equality and peace while seeing racism in everything and making constant accusations. We need to heal this wound, so we need to let it heal.

Why all of the gloating and jubilation? Personally I find it disgusting. This was a tragedy. A young man lost his life, and another man's life will never be the same. There were no heroes or monsters here. And yet there are those who are content to treat this case like a game. Those who do so really don't have the respect or the common sense to be a part of this discussion. And, now that one side has "won," these sore winners are spreading forth their vile in a sort of crude, guttural celebration. To be honest it is and always will be a despicable thing. That's not to say there are sore and whiny "losers," either. Sore winners are even worse than sore losers, because even though they've "won" they can't help but make themselves look grotesque and stupid. I'd say you guys who are doing this should be ashamed of yourselves, because you're fanning the flames just as vigorously as the racemongers. This isn't some game to send a thrill up your leg. It's sad, gloomy, and unfortunate. Have some class, respect, and common human decency, please. By jubilating like cretins, you end up seeming more and more worthy of being called white trash. And, well, that's not a good thing. I expect more from responsible adults.

The true villains in this story. People have been poisoning the waters for quite some time. Men like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, as has been said by so many from the Right to the Left, instigate racial animosity. What happens to men like them when we finally have racial peace and equality? One might think they'd have little to no importance then. A point made by some this week is that these guys need to fan the flames to stay relevant. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.... did he race-bait or stir the pot? I don't believe so. No, he did what he could to bring about peace and equality, while fighting against real racism and racial injustice. As they say, never let a crisis go to waste... and a tragedy has indeed been turned into one. Dwelling on it more, it really is something how these people keep picking at this scab. They won't leave it the hell alone. Let it heal! Please, back off and stop stirring it up. People are going to hurt and may even die as a result of these foolish actions. Some say a race war won't happen in America, but it may very well happen in part by these racebaiters/racemongers who---in spite of what they say---end up inciting racial hatred and bitterness. Those African American racemongers who stir up this animosity... they don't take responsibility for their own behavior. Young people are impressionable, and are willing to lap up ideas and notions, even if they haven't reconciled the facts. If they don't acknowledge the evidence, while gulping down lies and hyperbole from those who want violence and hatred, you end up with angry and ignorant young folk like those who riot or protest in the street and rage and gnash their teeth online. People, knowledge is power. The more you know, the more informed you become. And the more informed you are the less likely you are to be manipulated and deceived by people who truly don't have your personal interest at heart.

George Zimmerman made no mistakes. Well, no. He may very well have made some mistakes. Even one of the jurors said that he made mistakes. He probably would have been better off if he listened to the 911 caller and didn't follow Martin. However, none of that is illegal. George did have some part in how this tragedy unfolded, so to pretend that he not just innocent, but made no mistakes whatsoever is, in my opinion, dishonest.

Trayvon Martin was just an unarmed black kid with Skittles. Really? Just because I'm not armed and have candy in my possession doesn't mean I can't commit illegal and dangerous acts. You can choke people to death unarmed and break faces in with your fists. I don't care if you're wearing a pink leotard and carrying a satchel full of Snickers---you can still hurt or kill people. Though GZ did follow TM a bit, GZ was then retreating to his car, and TM had four minutes to get away. Instead, somehow he came back and attacked George. Martin punched George in the nose, and straddled him while beating/slamming George's head into the concrete. I don't care who you are, what you look like, or what's on you when you're doing this. If you're trying to murder me I'm going to shoot you off. What was George supposed to do? Perhaps he was supposed to wait patiently for another minute or two until he loses consciousness and dies. It may sound sharp, but maybe some liberals and Martin supporters would have rather he died. I say this because as of yet they have said very little about what else George was supposed to do when he was getting assaulted. Concrete is a weapon. If I grab your head and bash you against the hard concrete, could that kill you after a few blows? Martin wasn't unarmed because he had his strong hands and a hard surface to use to snuff out a life. Those who practice martial arts aren't unarmed, either, because bare hand combat can be lethal. So the notion that because this young man had Skittles and didn't carry a weapon then he must be unable to do wrong... is absurd.

He was just a punk. The same impartiality that doesn't rush to condemn GZ also doesn't rush to condemn TM. You don't know this young man---he's not a child but a young man. I don't know Trayvon. Because I don't know him I can't demonize him, because that would be just as wrong and dishonest as those who went way beyond their means to malign George's character. Yes, there are some pictures of his where negative inferences on his nature could be made. Well, so? How many of us didn't do silly or foolish things, or broke the laws and did mischievous things? When I was very young, 15 years old, I had done dumb, reckless and bad things. However, that doesn't make you a bad person. Smoking marijuana doesn't make you a bad person, either. Listening to rap music, knowing how to fight, and taking pictures of yourself doesn't make you horrible, either. Young folk are known to do stupid things. We've all gone through phases, and some of us have grown out of them. Whatever the case is, until you've known Trayvon Martin as deeply as his loving parents, you don't get to demonize him. Same goes for George. None of you even know them; all you know is what's been said or shown on TV. There are no monsters here, or heroes. Neither Trayvon nor George are bad people, and I suspect this tragedy was tragedy that's been blown out of freaking proportion thanks to yours truly---the media and the racemongers. If we want our nation to heal we need to stop getting emotional, stirring the pot, and using hyperbole and deceit to turn people into monsters. Those who truly have peace and harmony on their agenda will try to look at this tragedy with impartiality and objectivity. I feel so badly for both families, and my heart goes out to them.

The jury was racist. Absolutely not. This is just another half-digested chunk of food in the vomit of deliberate racebaiting. We have a system in which a man's guilt or non-guilt is determined by a jury of his peers. This held true for Jodi Arias, Casey Anthony, and O.J. Simpson. Speaking of O.J., was the jury racist as well when they found him not guilty? Both the prosecution and the defense agreed to these six women, so to stand up and say that their choice was racist is truly galling. Who the hell are you to say this? You weren't there, you didn't reconcile all of the evidence, and you certainly didn't sit in and view all of the happenings in the trial in rapt attention. Either we have a system or we don't. To cry like little children and have selective outrage when a jury frees one non-black man but stay quiet and content when a black man is freed by the same jury system... that shows just how discredited these people are. You didn't see white people protesting the verdict in the O.J. trial. They didn't act like caged animals out to break stuff and hurt people. There weren't any chants of "justice for Nicole and Ron" after the verdict was reached. No one called that jury racist, either. This is just whiny crying for having the ending of their fantasy ripped out of their book. We need to respect the jury, unless we risk obliterating our credibility by being so bold as to then go on a moral crusade against six random jurors who simply followed through on the task the were given by our system. We punish people based on the concreteness of evidence and law, not emotions and anger. Emotion... can cause us to do and say terrible things, and I know this from personal experience. Please, we need to cool our heads and take a break. People don't deserve to be hurt as a result of this verdict, nor property. I wonder what true civil rights leaders like Dr. MLK Jr. would do. I don't know what it would have been like to walk in his shoes, but I imagine he'd pray for peace and tranquility. He was so much more of an honorable man than Al Sharpton.

Who doesn't like mocking this thug? Seriously, knock it off. Like those who mock GZ, I'm asking that people stop mocking this dead young man, too. Just stop it. While you can speak ill of the dead, it's at the risk of hurting your image. Some people get off on viciously mocking Trayvon. It's sickening to hear it. Yeah, TM wasn't 100% faultless, but neither was GZ. All of this vitreol does nothing but spread bitterness, hatred, and ill will. Just stop it, grow up, and show some sort of respect and self-control. If people get hurt or die in part from this mocking and anger, some of that blood is on your hands.

George Zimmerman did nothing but tell the truth. That's doubtful. 90%, probably, but 100%? Unlikely. I read once that one tell of a liar is to move your eyes to your left/upper left when responding. Supposedly doing so is because the part of the brain responsible for creativity (fabrication and deceit as well) is on the left side of your brain. When your eyes move to the right/upper right, that signifies remembrance... recall. Apparently the part of your brain involved in remembering is on your right side as well as, I think, the hypothalamus. That said, there were times when, during his interview with Sean Hannity, his eyes darted to his left when responding to Sean's questions. While I don't know if this is an accurate science, it does carry some weight. I'm sure there are personal experiences in your life as well when you've noticed liars who moved their eyes to their left. So, I'm doubtful Zimmerman was 100% honest. It's possible he lied about some of the things he said, and the tells he gave adds some weight to that notion.

We have to get rid of the Stand Your Ground law. While it's A-OK to want to get rid of laws you disagree with, it makes no sense to want to get rid of SYG as a result of this trial. This case had absolutely nothing to do with Stand Your Ground. It's self defense. If you want some sort of relevant repercussion as a result of this trial, get rid of self defense. I mean, that's what GZ was tried on... not SYG. Wanting to get rid of SYG because of the verdict is like wanting to get rid of border security as a result of Roe v Wade. It makes no sense. And if you were to fight against self defense, as GZ used, good luck. You'll unite the Right and the Left extremely quickly if you do. So, please spare us this nonsensical pining to get rid of something that had absolutely nothing to do with what caused your anger in the first place. I guess it really is true you can't let a crisis go to waste.

Black people are just violent and stupid. In spite of some of the riots, protests, and violence in the aftermath, this is absolutely untrue. There are many good, kind, decent African American people out there. Some on the deep end of the political Right will spit up their racial hatred towards black people, using TM to say that all black people are stupid ghetto thugs. I hate it, because it's neither fair nor honest. People who act this way are beyond hope, so it's best to simply ignore them as they should be.

Retaliation. All of this violence and destruction by those thugs who can't accept a verdict needs to be stopped. This violence is unacceptable, and those who keep fanning the flames need to be held responsible for it as well. If you want to retaliate non-violently, which can be perceived as having a tantrum, that's OK. It doesn't seem to matter to some of these people that there's a mountain of evidence that supports George, so it doesn't really matter what they do so long as people or property isn't harmed. Some of this outrage is whining so palpable you can cut it with a butterknife, and frankly it's getting tiresome. Just now as of 7/18/2013 a congressman named Bobby Rush was on Sean Hannity... and he's the poster boy of butthurt ignorance regarding the verdict. If some of these angry people are as seemingly obtuse and stupid as him, then all of these acts and vows for retaliation maes a bit more sense. Nothing is more dangerous to society than stupid and ignorant people who will not look at the evidence. I bet if dishonesty and unfairness was outlawed, most of them would be locked up. It's so incredibly amusing to see some of these guys twist, distort, and outright ignore the facts and the testimonies. Hopefully they'll burn themselves out and crawl back into their abodes. These ignorant thugs think they can break people and property over a self-defense case they disagree with, regardless of our system. And they wonder why we arm ourselves.

A call for peace. We need to not hurt people or property over this verdict. Racebaiting, gloating, and hatred needs to cease. Seeing everything through the lens of race helps no one. Those who rush to judgment need to stop and let our system work. Despicable people like Al Sharpton fan the flames of animosity for their own personal gain; it needs to stop. MLK Jr would be rolling in his grave if he knew how much these new "civil leaders" have been making a mockery out of black Americans. Because of ignorant people like Al who keep raking at the healing scab of race relations, they give normal and decent African Americans a bad name. A jury of his peers rendered a verdict if not guilty. We need to respect our legal process. We need to love our fellow human beings as we love ourselves, and stop insulting the dead and those we don't even know. People need to STOP SAYING THINGS THAT HAVE NO EVIDENCE ATTACHED TO THEM. It's so sickening to have to deal with people like this, because it's so disingenuous and unfair it's like arguing with radical Islamists who deny the Halocaust. We will never have peace if we don't look deep within ourselves and reconcile reality... instead of being blinded with one's emotions, anger, assumptions, and hatred. There is a reason why our legal system is not founded on emotions, but on objective evidence. If having true racial harmony means that civil rights leaders become unnecessary, it is better for society. Now you see civil rights leaders doing as much as they can to stir it all up... I pray for the day that we don't need them any more. Though I never knew MLK Jr. in person, strangely, I miss him. We need men like him who will speak the blind, unbiased truth, and will not speak falsities to placate/incite one group or another. No matter your race, I would ask you to start up social conversations with members of a different race/culture. Make friends. Help one another, and lean on one another. Whether you're black, white, hispanic, Asian, whatever... please, I ask you to try to spark up meaningful and genuine friendships amongst yourselves for the sake of peace and prosperity.

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It's hard to just sit down and respond to all of these opinions in one extra long response post. I will address just a few.

This case was not a case that turned on the guilt or innocence of anyone. We know George Zimmerman fired the fatal shot. He admitted it. This case was one that decided whether or not firing that fatal shot was justified. The jury's verdict was that the act was justified.

The reason why this case can't be compared to the OJ case is because the OJ case did involve questions of guilt or innocence. OJ denied being the killer. He said he didn't do it, someone else did it. The prosecution could never prove that he committed the acts that led to death beyond a reasonable doubt and there was no issue of whether or not the acts were justified. The doubt was that it was as reasonable to conclude that someone else killed Goldman and Brown, as it was reasonable to conclude that OJ did it. With that kind of evidence, the jury has no choice but to acquit. Just like in the Zimmerman case, once they concluded that Zimmerman was being beaten and felt that he would be beaten to death, the jury had no choice but to acquit.

Trayvon Martin was a thug in training. This is not important except in one respect. Was being a young thug, just trying his wings, the kind of person who would have a propensity to attack others? The jury, upon the testimony of Rachel Jeantel that Martin probably threw the first punch, concluded that he was.

There is a sickness in the black community that encourages the belief that there is some sort of right to commit crimes. The attacks and vandalism now being played out did not start with Trayvon Martin. It has been going on for years. Long, long before the names Martin or Zimmerman were ever heard. It's an excuse now. "Bash for Trayvon". It justifies what they wanted to do and were going to do anyway.

If the sensible black people do not take charge and get a handle on the kind of violence coming from this part of the nation, there is no hope for them. None at all. The brush of violence is so broad that it will absolutely paint each and every black person that walks the streets.
In this case, Zimmerman is innocent. The reason is that the jury ruled self-defense, which is not a crime. The initial police report showed that his wounds were consistent with what Zimmerman told police after the fact, which showed that he was not the aggressor.

Also, the state's prime witness reversed her lying court testimony of "Trayvon cried for help and the other guy was on top" to "Trayvon whooped cracka's ass." during her first post trial interview. This female lying is not uncommon in cases in which Al Sharpton inures witnesses repeatedly into the process of decimating a white person for living. He has come to the conclusion that if one is black, one is right, to hell with what the law says. And he somehow surrounds himself with the meconium of purile black persons who are urged to commit perjury against white people. He's full of rancor and hate.

Cases in which Sharpton involved himself: (1) Twanna Brawley lies about unknown white assailants (2) Chrystal Magnum lie about rape (Duke Lacrosse Team)

Black citizens have maggots like Sharpton fooling them, and that's why they get loser syndrome every time Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton step up to the plate. These men have made themselves disreputable over and over and over. When they take over with their smear campaigns and make everyone indignant, they take a lot of money home with them and live like kings. The nation needs to reconsider perjury laws and enforce them, and quit falling for blackmail threats of incitation of pandemic mob violence. It's time to call bluff and duke it out.

The black community will not heal itself if it gets a constant supply of federal support for bad behaviors.
I didn't read the whole thing because you were saying my view of the case.

I don't know if Zimmerman is guilty or not, but it was clear there wasn't enough evidence to convict him.

Blacks should be outraged at the liberals and the liberal media. When you ring the doorbell, a dog will bark over and over and over. Liberals are disrespecting them by trying to turn every case into a race case by ringing the doorbell when no one's at the door. That race pimps who are black, like Jesse and Weird Al Sharpton do it to themselves is worse. It'll continue until enough blacks stop barking every time they do that.
It's hard to just sit down and respond to all of these opinions in one extra long response post. I will address just a few.

This case was not a case that turned on the guilt or innocence of anyone. We know George Zimmerman fired the fatal shot. He admitted it. This case was one that decided whether or not firing that fatal shot was justified. The jury's verdict was that the act was justified.

The reason why this case can't be compared to the OJ case is because the OJ case did involve questions of guilt or innocence. OJ denied being the killer. He said he didn't do it, someone else did it. The prosecution could never prove that he committed the acts that led to death beyond a reasonable doubt and there was no issue of whether or not the acts were justified. The doubt was that it was as reasonable to conclude that someone else killed Goldman and Brown, as it was reasonable to conclude that OJ did it. With that kind of evidence, the jury has no choice but to acquit. Just like in the Zimmerman case, once they concluded that Zimmerman was being beaten and felt that he would be beaten to death, the jury had no choice but to acquit.

Trayvon Martin was a thug in training. This is not important except in one respect. Was being a young thug, just trying his wings, the kind of person who would have a propensity to attack others? The jury, upon the testimony of Rachel Jeantel that Martin probably threw the first punch, concluded that he was.

There is a sickness in the black community that encourages the belief that there is some sort of right to commit crimes. The attacks and vandalism now being played out did not start with Trayvon Martin. It has been going on for years. Long, long before the names Martin or Zimmerman were ever heard. It's an excuse now. "Bash for Trayvon". It justifies what they wanted to do and were going to do anyway.

If the sensible black people do not take charge and get a handle on the kind of violence coming from this part of the nation, there is no hope for them. None at all. The brush of violence is so broad that it will absolutely paint each and every black person that walks the streets.

It is against the law to shoot people for being thugs. No crime was being committed when GZ was following him. So for all intents and purposes TM was just a guy being followed by another guy. Its as cowardly and lazy to go on about TM being a " thug in training" as it is to constantly inject race. And the Zimmerman groupies are so happy, and never consider that CCW rights as well as stand your ground laws are in danger and those who want them repealed have their poster boy in GZ.
You can have all the Pointy Headed Intellectual Discussions you want but the whole point of this Trial was to start a Race War so that Martial Law can be implemented. I don't know why Whites haven't fought back, I guess they're even wimpier and more beat down than I had thought.
Here's my major problem with the direction this case has taken from the start...

There's very little question that Trayvon Martin gave George Zimmerman a beating before Zimmerman pulled a gun and shot him. It was about as clear cut a case of self defense as I've ever seen yet Martin's actions have been excused because he was "followed". I'm sorry but since when did following someone at a distance after calling the Police to report suspicious activity become an excuse for assault & battery?

The other thing that has bothered me from the start was the out of control bias that the main stream media showed during the reporting of this case. From MSNBC's editing of the 9/11 call to make Zimmerman's statements appear to be racially the continued use of old photos of both Zimmerman and Martin to make Zimmerman look more dangerous and Martin look more the reluctance of the media to explore who it was that Trayvon Martin really was and who George Zimmerman really was. They had a "narrative" that they felt comfortable with and they ignored anything that didn't support that narrative. That's not what journalists are supposed to do.
The Aftermath of the Trial

George Zimmerman was found to have acted in self defense. Accordingly, the jury decided there was no crime to be guilty of, period. He is therefore, innocent.

But, George Zimmerman is a racist!

All evidence points to the contrary, but Al Sharpton, Jessi Jackson and all the
other race pimps have to make him out to be racist to retain their relevance.

George Zimmerman is innocent. Well, no,...

Well yes. See above. There was no crime. Mr. Zimmerman laid on his back, taking
a beating from a young black man and screamed for help for the longest 40
seconds of his life. He scooted along the ground to get his head away from the
sidewalk, but could not escape Martin. Then, and only then, did he unholster
his weapon and fire. Had John Good stepped up and pulled Martin off of Mr.
Zimmerman, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Mr. Good, instead opted to
call 911. Prudent? Perhaps, but THIS as much as anything contributed to
Martin's death.

It's open season on black boys and men.

You hit the nail on the head there!

Why all of the gloating and jubilation?

While I'll admit to gloating a bit, what
some are taking for that is dispelling of lies and distortions. I make no
apologies for that.

The true villains in this story.

You forgot to mention Angela Corey who withheld exculpatory evidence and barack
obama who had no business getting involved and further stirring the pot.

George Zimmerman made no mistakes.

Of course he did. Had he stayed in his car, none of this would have happened,
but in order to find out where Martin was, in response to a police question, he
followed. He stopped when told that that was unnecessary.
Zimmerman was armed. Had he not been, Trayvon Martin would be alive, but there
is a distinct possibility that George Zimmerman would be dead.
Zimmerman had a valid CWP issued by the state of Florida so carrying a weapon
was not illegal or imprudent at all.

Trayvon Martin was just an unarmed black kid with Skittles.

Again, spot on!

He was just a punk.

Nude pictures of underage girls, pictures of guns, deleted texts about trying
to procure a gun, about fights he had been in, jewelry taken in a residential
burglary, all information withheld by the prosecution, point to the fact that
young Mr. Martin was in fact a punk.

Yes. We've all gone through phases, but most of us don't assault an armed man.
It's hardly Mr. Zimmerman's fault that Trayvon Martin was "going through a

The jury was racist.

Bullshit! The jury consisted of 5 white women and one black Hispanic. The jury
was 16.7% black. Blacks were over represented.
As to MLK and what he would do? First thing he would do is slap Al Sharpton and
Jessi Jackson silly.

Who doesn't like mocking this thug?

Few are mocking Martin. Many are disputing him being characterized as a cute 12
year old kid.

George Zimmerman did nothing but tell the truth.

90%? Sounds about right.

We have to get rid of the Stand Your Ground law.

I agree with your assessment.

Black people are just violent and stupid.

Many are. The only ones who can dispel the stereotype are black parents.


Spot on!

A call for peace.

"Though I never knew MLK Jr. in person, strangely, I miss him."

King would hate what has become of his dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the
true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
men are created equal.'

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former
slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at
the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering
with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be
transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where
they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its
governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and
nullification - one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls
will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and
Good post, Wake. My thoughts are that, Zimmerman was checking out Trayvon, because there had been alot of burglaries involving a young black man in the area, and even tho, it is the consensus now, that color can not be used as a criteria to be suspicious or arrest anyone by their color, it would be useless to be stopping white people instead. The watch program had been started due to the burglaries. Earlier Trayvon's backpack had been found with 14 pieces of diamond jewelry, including wedding rings, which certainly looks suspicious.

The Stand Your Ground law was not used in this case, so it really doesn't pertain.

The prosecutor should be sued for witholding evidence from the defense. There was obvious bias shown during the trial, and I felt Zimmerman was being railroaded. He was to be found guilty, no matter what had to be done to make that happen. Even after the trial, Pot Holder is still trying to go after Zimmerman. The FBI have files showing there was no racism on Zimmermans part, so looks like a waste of time and money on the part of the DOJ. Too bad there isn't as much effort put forth to solve our loss of employment or debt crises.

The media, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are firing up the people about this verdict, and if they cause a death because of it, they should be arrested too for inciting violence.
George Zimmerman did not take his beating like a good little white guy. Instead he went all cholo and tapped Martin's ass.
The Zimmerman verdict represents a devolution of the justice system and a return to the notion that "lynching" is okay. This might even become the lynchpin of a second civil rights movement
my quick thoughts:

1. case was stirred up by lying media to anger the black electorate so they will vote in November, becasue they were becoming too indifferent.
2. main cause - to aim at guns used in self-defence - never let a crisis to waste.
3. a dreamer cause - provoke riots either way to implement stricter control over populace and take the gun rights away altogether.


on the case:

1. Evidence suggests it was a self-defence situation.
2. Jury and everybody else felt sorry for the loss of the teens life but could not possibly justify sending GZ to prison for 30 years for self-defense - blame stupid mandatory sentencing laws - and REPEAL them!
3. Broader discussion should ensue - that the real life situations and the law are BOTH extremely far from the entertainment world and the movies and that street logic - "I'll teach you a lesson, mothhafakka" may encounter heated self-defense.
No, I do not think TM was a thug in a making. I think he was a teenager disoriented in this world by lack of reasonable parenting and street and gang culture instead of them and therefore his aspirations to act like badd-ass gangsta ( from the entertainment industry glamorized image) caused him to make stupid decisions which lead to death.
4. No, I do not think anybody is going to address #3 and more teens are going to die. Unfortunately.
George Zimmerman did not take his beating like a good little white guy. Instead he went all cholo and tapped Martin's ass.

He's okay when he's when he beat his fiancee. Not sure what happened when Zimmerman went thug on a cop.

But it seems he picked a fight with the wrong kid and had to pussy out and pull a gun.

That might be heroic for some conservatives.
I have lots of qualms on this case. Zimmerman made lots of mistakes :

The most serious one : play the vigilante on a suspect, based on no evidence.

It all went wrong when he left the vehicle. They fought , Martin had the upper hand and Gorge answered firing his weapon ( hell , why didn't he carry a tasser for god's sake ).

At the end it was self defense. But if he hadn't taken the vigilante attitude and waited for the police both of them would be alive and well. So it's a real tragedy.

Life inprisionment is too harsh for his imprudence . But walking away with no punisment at all seems wrong too.

Since Zimmerman seems to be a law abidding citizen therefore a sentence of social work seems appropiate for me .
King would hate what has become of his dream

I agree. Blacks using the color of their skin to be whipped into hyper sensitive overreaction to any and all situations which advance the cause of a political party certainly doesn't expand their "freedom."

Blacks today are not free to think on their own or be conservative or libertarian or anything else but liberal Democrat. They are not free to speak out for or protest anything against liberal causes.

What freedom is greater than intellectual freedom? Democrats are right about one thing, The cause of freedom for blacks is not nearly advance far enough. And they are the oppressors doing it. And they do it because they read polls and if 90% of blacks don't continue voting for them, then they are toast. So they make sure, very sure, that any black who decides he is free to think is destroyed. Herman Cain, Condie, Thomas, the list goes on. Colin Powell got it and caved.

It's not going to change anytime soon. This case was a farce.
Given that GZ didn't commit any crime leading up to the killing, I would have to argue that he was completely innocent. Should he not have followed Martin? Maybe not. But to say he "isn't innocent" is disingenuous. I sat through three weeks of watching the trial via stream, I saw all of the evidence, just as the jury did.

You know what I came away with? George Zimmerman is not without his flaws, but he was a noble man. He served his community, served as the go to guy for kids needing role models in life. The last thing he wanted to do was kill someone. He may have been a bit overzealous in his actions on that night, but as I can tell he still went by the book. He was headed back to his vehicle.

Trayvon Martin on the other hand, was portrayed by the media as some angel, a treasure of humanity. Well what I saw in that trial was a (pardon my language) thug. There was evidence that did not get submitted which showed him holding a gun. I can't dismiss the pot usage either. I grew up thinking doing drugs were wrong. His propensity for getting into fights was strong. He was almost a grown man, Wake. He was taught the differences between right and wrong, but still in spite of that made his deadly choice.

In situations like these, there is no gray area. There is right and wrong, life and death, guilt and innocence, justice and injustice. An exception may be race, since we are all human. We are all caught making assumptions. But as I sat through that trial with "rapt" attention, I put the puzzle together. There is no place in this for emotion, since Sabryna and Tracy will never get their son back. Zimmerman will never be able to return any semblance of normalcy back to his life.

I concur that this is not a game. But I leapt for joy when the proper verdict was read. I thought to myself, "is it wrong to celebrate the exoneration of an oft and erroneously vilified figure?" No, I don't believe so. I wanted the media to eat crow. And so they did. I wanted justice to be done, and so it was. For those in America who seek to exact vengeance on innocent people all for the verdict, they should indeed be ashamed of themselves.

This "No Justice, No Peace" rationale is disturbing. Dr. King would be absolutely appalled by what this nation has become. His dream has been turned into a nightmare by the likes of the media and of Al Sharpton. The shame in all of this, is that even now if King were still alive, his brand, his ideology, his pragmatism... would not fit into the agenda of those on the left or on the right. It would not meld with the race baiting tactics some use to label others.
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I did not follow this trial at all, I read a little bit about it after the verdict.

Race is not the issue, Media is. There are cases similar to this that never get media coverage regardless of race, gender or sexual preference.

The Jury did it's job.

Stereotyping a behavior based on race is simplistic when you have other factors that contribute to behavior such as Media manipulation and class differences.

People of all races behave differently depending on socio-economic class of the environment they live in.
The defense was not allowed to show evidence implicating Trayvon Martin as a thug, a thief and a drug dealer. Even with a stacked deck, the prosecution lost the case. They were trying a case that should not have gone to trial.

The arrest and trial came about because of the efforts of our present President to interject himself (and racism) into the legal process, the expected comments of Jesse Jackson and his like minded brother Al Sharpton, the efforts of the media to increase their market share and the resulting demands of the duped crowd of convenient idiots that believed them. Despite being tainted by prosecution's illegal actions, the trial ended correctly with acquittal of George Zimmerman who is anything but a racist.

After listening to the words of senile Bobby Rush yesterday, it is apparent to me that the misconceptions and lies about Zimmerman, Trayvon and the trial itself will go on ad infinitum...thanks to Obama, Jesse, Al and other died-in-the-wool race pimps.
It's a long opinion. Probably longer than the prosecution's initial allegations. Why did the prosecution avoid the Grand Jury? They didn't want to jeopardize the case they thought they had by going through normal channels in the justice system? Isn't it a violation of ethics to claim the defendant is guilty after he was found not guilty by a jury? The dirty little secret is that the prosecution took shortcuts in the justice system because the media said Zimmerman was guilty of murder. When you factor the overt and behind the scenes meddling of the federal government any jerkwater lawyer would assume he had a conviction.
George Zimmerman did not take his beating like a good little white guy. Instead he went all cholo and tapped Martin's ass.

He's okay when he's when he beat his fiancee. Not sure what happened when Zimmerman went thug on a cop.

But it seems he picked a fight with the wrong kid and had to pussy out and pull a gun.

That might be heroic for some conservatives.

Sallow's comment shows EXACTLY what's been done to George Zimmerman from the onset of this case! There is ZERO proof that George Zimmerman ever "beat" his fiancee. NONE! Yet, Sallow continues to make the charge. Same thing with the charge that Zimmerman went "thug" on a cop. The truth is that George Zimmerman pushed away the arm of an undercover officer...that's the extent of his going thug! Such a minor thing that the charge was changed to a misdemeanor.

That's what's been done to George Zimmerman from the start of this case.

He didn't "pick a fight" with Trayvon Martin. Trayvon Martin picked a fight with him. George Zimmerman isn't an aggressive person. He just isn't. He's the guy that takes a boxing class for over a year at his gym but is so bad at it that the instructor still has him punching a heavy bag and won't let him in the ring because he's concerned Zimmerman will get hurt.

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