

Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Great quote...

MACKEY: Well, capitalism of course itself has been amazing. It’s been – our first chapter in our book is extraordinary success, or capitalism. The second chapter is why isn’t capitalism better loved? And we put forth the thesis that we need a new narrative for it. We need to think about business differently, that business has the possibility to have a higher purpose besides just making money. There’s nothing wrong with making money, but that’s not particularly inspiring. And every other profession in the world, from doctors, teachers, engineers, architects, lawyers, if you ask what their purpose is, and it refers back to some type of contribution they are making to other people. And business is the greatest value creator in the world. Business creates value for its customers, for its employees, for its suppliers, for its investors, for the larger communities it’s part of. They’re the value creators. We are the value creators. We’re the heroes. And yet that’s not the narrative that’s told about business. So we’re telling that narrative, and at the same time we’re challenging business to be more conscious and to take their value creation to a higher level and understanding that all of these stakeholders they’re creating value for are connected together and so you ought to strategically organize your business in such a way that you can optimize value for all of those stakeholders.

Whole Foods CEO: Capitalism is amazing – Glenn Beck
Corporate Charity Accounted for Only 5% of Giving in 2011

There's a commercial running on television for a data delivery company where a woman who was late to knowing about a neighbor's newborn child is the loudest when acknowledging a gift sent by other neighbors.

That's just about the way the for-profit sector treats its philanthropy. "Look at us. Look at us. Aren't we great?" There is a conga line of companies lining up for the new "benefit corporation" status in California, constructed for companies that want a do-gooder label. For-profits all want to scream about how much they do for their communities and for philanthropy.

When the new GivingUSA numbers were posted this week and compared to recent events it was incredible to see that one stock transaction -- Facebook's initial public offering -- raised more money than was given by all of corporate America during 2011.

Estimated donations by corporations and their foundations hit $14.55 billion, a 0.1 percent decline in current dollars, or a 3.1 percent decline as measured by inflation-adjusted dollars. Facebook netted $16 billion from its IPO.
Corporate Charity Accounted for Only 5% of Giving in 2011

There's a commercial running on television for a data delivery company where a woman who was late to knowing about a neighbor's newborn child is the loudest when acknowledging a gift sent by other neighbors.

That's just about the way the for-profit sector treats its philanthropy. "Look at us. Look at us. Aren't we great?" There is a conga line of companies lining up for the new "benefit corporation" status in California, constructed for companies that want a do-gooder label. For-profits all want to scream about how much they do for their communities and for philanthropy.

When the new GivingUSA numbers were posted this week and compared to recent events it was incredible to see that one stock transaction -- Facebook's initial public offering -- raised more money than was given by all of corporate America during 2011.

Estimated donations by corporations and their foundations hit $14.55 billion, a 0.1 percent decline in current dollars, or a 3.1 percent decline as measured by inflation-adjusted dollars. Facebook netted $16 billion from its IPO.

of course the more they donate, the higher their prices, the less business they do, and the more employees they lay off!

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow??
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
John Kenneth Galbraith

For example, who can forget his infamous 1984 quote that the communist system in the former Soviet Union was superior to capitalism because, according to Galbraith, the communists somehow made better and more efficient use of its "manpower" than did the West? Indeed, to the very end, Galbraith was a socialist impersonating an economist.

John Kenneth Galbraith, an intellectual icon of the Old Left and New Left, said of the Soviets’ overtaking of Poland after World War II: “Russia should be permitted to absorb Poland, the Balkans, and the whole of Eastern Europe in order to spread the benefits of Communism” (Emphasis added).
Corporate Charity Accounted for Only 5% of Giving in 2011

There's a commercial running on television for a data delivery company where a woman who was late to knowing about a neighbor's newborn child is the loudest when acknowledging a gift sent by other neighbors.

That's just about the way the for-profit sector treats its philanthropy. "Look at us. Look at us. Aren't we great?" There is a conga line of companies lining up for the new "benefit corporation" status in California, constructed for companies that want a do-gooder label. For-profits all want to scream about how much they do for their communities and for philanthropy.

When the new GivingUSA numbers were posted this week and compared to recent events it was incredible to see that one stock transaction -- Facebook's initial public offering -- raised more money than was given by all of corporate America during 2011.

Estimated donations by corporations and their foundations hit $14.55 billion, a 0.1 percent decline in current dollars, or a 3.1 percent decline as measured by inflation-adjusted dollars. Facebook netted $16 billion from its IPO.

of course the more they donate, the higher their prices, the less business they do, and the more employees they lay off!

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow??

WOW, that is called econ pea brain-ism if I ever heard it. How old are you son? Did anyone ever explain to you how the market works?

EVERY SINGLE corporation and business, right down to the street vendor would raise their prices TODAY, if they could. Do you know WHY they don't and can't pea brain???
Corporate Charity Accounted for Only 5% of Giving in 2011

There's a commercial running on television for a data delivery company where a woman who was late to knowing about a neighbor's newborn child is the loudest when acknowledging a gift sent by other neighbors.

That's just about the way the for-profit sector treats its philanthropy. "Look at us. Look at us. Aren't we great?" There is a conga line of companies lining up for the new "benefit corporation" status in California, constructed for companies that want a do-gooder label. For-profits all want to scream about how much they do for their communities and for philanthropy.

When the new GivingUSA numbers were posted this week and compared to recent events it was incredible to see that one stock transaction -- Facebook's initial public offering -- raised more money than was given by all of corporate America during 2011.

Estimated donations by corporations and their foundations hit $14.55 billion, a 0.1 percent decline in current dollars, or a 3.1 percent decline as measured by inflation-adjusted dollars. Facebook netted $16 billion from its IPO.

of course the more they donate, the higher their prices, the less business they do, and the more employees they lay off!

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow??

WOW, that is called econ pea brain-ism if I ever heard it. How old are you son? Did anyone ever explain to you how the market works?

EVERY SINGLE corporation and business, right down to the street vendor would raise their prices TODAY, if they could. Do you know WHY they don't and can't pea brain???

of course the more corporations donate, the higher their prices, the less business they do, and the more employees they lay off! Is this a good thing?????????????????

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