Candians must provide names, phone numbers, contact information of ANY visitor to their homes or face $5000 fine.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It is nuts like this that make people who have been resistant to getting the vaccine to become even MORE defiant. Just out of principle that "we don't like what you represent, nor trust you".

I hate fascist and abuses of human rights. If it's not the unaccountable creepy Canadian police, it's these "doctors". THIS is Canada. Remember this and trust what I have told those on this forum, or, those police agencies I have reached out to...

If you thought your home was the one place where you could relax without worrying about getting fined over pandemic rules, think again.

Durham Region’s top doctor has quietly passed new rules mandating that all residents must conduct contact tracing of anyone who comes to their house for a “social gathering.” This is regardless of how many people are in attendance, how well they know each other, and the purpose of the visit.

If someone is found to not be complying, they can be hit with a $5,000 fine.

Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham Region’s medical officer of health, issued this as a Sec. 22 class order under the Ontario Health and Protection and Promotion Act that came into effect on Sept. 10.

The new rule means that coffee dates with a best friend or a play date between toddlers must now be documented and handed over to the regional health department upon request.

An official fact sheet clarifies the rules for residents of the Greater Toronto Area neighbourhood:

Maintain a list of full names and contact information (including phone numbers) for all attendees at the social gathering, regardless of age, in a private dwelling and/or commercial premises and, upon request, shall provide Durham Region Health Department (DRHD) with this information within 24 hours of the request, or other time specified.
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The U.S. should drone strike Dr. Kyle to make an example out of him and send the message that we will not tolerate such insane and creepy authoritarianism on our border.

The USA should have annexed Canada while the UK was busy fighting the Germans.
It is nuts like this that make people who have been resistant to getting the vaccine to become even MORE defiant. Just out of principle that "we don't like what you represent, nor trust you".

I hate fascist and abuses of human rights. If it's not the unaccountable creepy Canadian police, it's these "doctors". THIS is Canada. Remember this and trust what I have told those on this forum, or, those police agencies I have reached out to...

If you thought your home was the one place where you could relax without worrying about getting fined over pandemic rules, think again.

Durham Region’s top doctor has quietly passed new rules mandating that all residents must conduct contact tracing of anyone who comes to their house for a “social gathering.” This is regardless of how many people are in attendance, how well they know each other, and the purpose of the visit.

If someone is found to not be complying, they can be hit with a $5,000 fine.

Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham Region’s medical officer of health, issued this as a Sec. 22 class order under the Ontario Health and Protection and Promotion Act that came into effect on Sept. 10.

The new rule means that coffee dates with a best friend or a play date between toddlers must now be documented and handed over to the regional health department upon request.

An official fact sheet clarifies the rules for residents of the Greater Toronto Area neighbourhood:

Maintain a list of full names and contact information (including phone numbers) for all attendees at the social gathering, regardless of age, in a private dwelling and/or commercial premises and, upon request, shall provide Durham Region Health Department (DRHD) with this information within 24 hours of the request, or other time specified.
Wow. Never knew Canada was like that, until started reading your posts. That would cause a really ugly revolt here, and it would deserve one.
Duh, 3 guys came to my house for donations, Harry, Bill & Joe. I asked for their phone numbers, they said to call information, and left with my money.
It is nuts like this that make people who have been resistant to getting the vaccine to become even MORE defiant. Just out of principle that "we don't like what you represent, nor trust you".

I hate fascist and abuses of human rights. If it's not the unaccountable creepy Canadian police, it's these "doctors". THIS is Canada. Remember this and trust what I have told those on this forum, or, those police agencies I have reached out to...

If you thought your home was the one place where you could relax without worrying about getting fined over pandemic rules, think again.

Durham Region’s top doctor has quietly passed new rules mandating that all residents must conduct contact tracing of anyone who comes to their house for a “social gathering.” This is regardless of how many people are in attendance, how well they know each other, and the purpose of the visit.

If someone is found to not be complying, they can be hit with a $5,000 fine.

Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham Region’s medical officer of health, issued this as a Sec. 22 class order under the Ontario Health and Protection and Promotion Act that came into effect on Sept. 10.

The new rule means that coffee dates with a best friend or a play date between toddlers must now be documented and handed over to the regional health department upon request.

An official fact sheet clarifies the rules for residents of the Greater Toronto Area neighbourhood:

Maintain a list of full names and contact information (including phone numbers) for all attendees at the social gathering, regardless of age, in a private dwelling and/or commercial premises and, upon request, shall provide Durham Region Health Department (DRHD) with this information within 24 hours of the request, or other time specified.

Pretty much all of our communist politicians, the lying Pravda Canadian media, and those so called lying health ministers or health officials are nothing more than a bunch of communist traitors to Canada and Canadians. They have committed crimes against Canadians and crimes against humanity. Any Canadian who is stupid enough to do want this communist doctor is asking them to do deserves communism. One has to wonder as to how much more communism are Canadians going to take.

The covid virus was the start of the communist takeover of Canada. It was never about any covid virus at all. It was all about pushing an experimental gene therapy vaccine by big pharma that was never really needed and wanted at all. We are hearing today that those that are fully vaccinated are still getting covid. WTH? These people who took those covid vaccine jabs are just as dangerous in the spreading of covid around still as they say the non vaccinated people supposedly can spread covid.

This was all part of a globalist plandemic/scamdemic. Go on the internet ans punch in "Event 201". There you will learn all you need to know as to why we are all stuck in this so called fraud plandemic today. :102:
Pretty much all of our communist politicians, the lying Pravda Canadian media, and those so called lying health ministers or health officials are nothing more than a bunch of communist traitors to Canada and Canadians. They have committed crimes against Canadians and crimes against humanity. Any Canadian who is stupid enough to do want this communist doctor is asking them to do deserves communism. One has to wonder as to how much more communism are Canadians going to take.

The covid virus was the start of the communist takeover of Canada. It was never about any covid virus at all. It was all about pushing an experimental gene therapy vaccine by big pharma that was never really needed and wanted at all. We are hearing today that those that are fully vaccinated are still getting covid. WTH? These people who took those covid vaccine jabs are just as dangerous in the spreading of covid around still as they say the non vaccinated people supposedly can spread covid.

This was all part of a globalist plandemic/scamdemic. Go on the internet ans punch in "Event 201". There you will learn all you need to know as to why we are all stuck in this so called fraud plandemic today. :102:

I find it cute when Canadians try to troll my postings.

None of Canadas failings have been due to communists, they have been due to the Security Industrial Complex. I am starting to understand just who is responsible for our inevitable collapse.

The creepy covert Toronto Police Service, Ontario Provincial Police and RCMP like to defend the domestic suppression of their citizens rights and pursuits, a centrally controlled system of the worst characters.. They will defend with vigor pedos as long as they are "goodfellas" like them. They will groom the young and poor for the careers of them and their low I.Q offspring.

I say let the chips fall where they may. America and other allies know what Canada is about now. Canada will continue to lose it's best talent while the rest of the world passes us by.
rules mandating that all residents must conduct contact tracing of anyone who comes to their house for a “social gathering.”
Do not be so shocked. I have visited residents of Canada previously, with no apparent difficulties at the time, but I was later subject to property confiscation and civil asset forfeiture of no less than two (2) of my personal vehicles after being refused entry and "allowed" to return to the United States without my passport by her Majesty's grace.

So Canadians who have unauthorized "contact" with U.S. citizens for any reason are considered foreign spies or double agents in their country.
Biden administration is likely drooling with jealousy. I'll bet he'd love to have that kind of power over the electorate.

What the heck is this world coming to anyway? It gets worse every day with this stuff.

Used to be that was just a casual phrase for remedial things but now it's a legit question.

The wrong people seem to have weaseled themselves into positions of power.
If someone is found to not be complying, they can be hit with a $5,000 fine.

Wow. I feel for you. I almost feel sorry having to tell you that today I went for a dental cleaning and check up and they had a sign at the door saying that everyone had to wear a mask inside. I went in and everyone was behind big shields wearing masks but no one said a thing to me. I went in, got my cleaning and check up, we talked a lot about masks and viruses, and the lady said she was thrilled having me as her last person of the day because I was a real tuned in dude about the whole situation!

After telling me my teeth looked remarkable, as I was walking out, there was someone new in the waiting room, I said goodbye to the girls behind the shield, the guy in the waiting room was wearing a full mask too, but no one said anything to me.

Then when I got out to the car parked right outside seeing my reflection, I realized that I was about the size of the alien in Predator and with my long hair, looked very much like the alien, too. :smoke: That is me in my good mood.


I don't know but hope that is why no one got smart mouthed in my face demanding to know where my mask was!

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