Canada’s Liberal party considers decriminalization of all illicit drugs


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
Canada's Liberal party considers decriminalization of all illicit drugs


Singh Pushes Trudeau To Decriminalize All Drugs

Thanks Jag....not!
You know, they did that in Portugal, and guess what? Drug use actually went DOWN.

6 incredible things that happened when Portugal decriminalized all drugs

Here's what the data says about Portugal's decriminalization:

  1. Drug-related HIV infections have plummeted by over 90% since 2001, according to the drug-policy think tank Transform.
  2. Drug-related deaths in Portugal are the second-lowest in the European Union. Just three in a million people die of overdoses there, compared with the EU average of 17.3 per million.
  3. The number of adults who have done drugs in the past year has decreased steadily since 2001.
  4. Compared to rest of the EU, young people in Portugal now use the least amount of "legal high" drugs like synthetic marijuana, which are especially dangerous.
  5. The percentage of drug-related offenders in Portuguese prisons fell from 44% in 1999 to 21% in 2012.
  6. The number of people in drug-treatment increased 60% from 1998 to 2011 from 23,600 to 38,000.
Portugal's decriminalization came about because the country was in crisis.
Well, the number of offenders would have fallen since it became legal.
You know, they did that in Portugal, and guess what? Drug use actually went DOWN.

6 incredible things that happened when Portugal decriminalized all drugs

Here's what the data says about Portugal's decriminalization:

  1. Drug-related HIV infections have plummeted by over 90% since 2001, according to the drug-policy think tank Transform.
  2. Drug-related deaths in Portugal are the second-lowest in the European Union. Just three in a million people die of overdoses there, compared with the EU average of 17.3 per million.
  3. The number of adults who have done drugs in the past year has decreased steadily since 2001.
  4. Compared to rest of the EU, young people in Portugal now use the least amount of "legal high" drugs like synthetic marijuana, which are especially dangerous.
  5. The percentage of drug-related offenders in Portuguese prisons fell from 44% in 1999 to 21% in 2012.
  6. The number of people in drug-treatment increased 60% from 1998 to 2011 from 23,600 to 38,000.
Portugal's decriminalization came about because the country was in crisis.
You know, they did that in Portugal, and guess what? Drug use actually went DOWN.

6 incredible things that happened when Portugal decriminalized all drugs

Here's what the data says about Portugal's decriminalization:

  1. Drug-related HIV infections have plummeted by over 90% since 2001, according to the drug-policy think tank Transform.
  2. Drug-related deaths in Portugal are the second-lowest in the European Union. Just three in a million people die of overdoses there, compared with the EU average of 17.3 per million.
  3. The number of adults who have done drugs in the past year has decreased steadily since 2001.
  4. Compared to rest of the EU, young people in Portugal now use the least amount of "legal high" drugs like synthetic marijuana, which are especially dangerous.
  5. The percentage of drug-related offenders in Portuguese prisons fell from 44% in 1999 to 21% in 2012.
  6. The number of people in drug-treatment increased 60% from 1998 to 2011 from 23,600 to 38,000.
Portugal's decriminalization came about because the country was in crisis.

Thank you, a post ^^^ well worth bumping.
Well, the number of offenders would have fallen since it became legal.
You know, they did that in Portugal, and guess what? Drug use actually went DOWN.

6 incredible things that happened when Portugal decriminalized all drugs

Here's what the data says about Portugal's decriminalization:

  1. Drug-related HIV infections have plummeted by over 90% since 2001, according to the drug-policy think tank Transform.
  2. Drug-related deaths in Portugal are the second-lowest in the European Union. Just three in a million people die of overdoses there, compared with the EU average of 17.3 per million.
  3. The number of adults who have done drugs in the past year has decreased steadily since 2001.
  4. Compared to rest of the EU, young people in Portugal now use the least amount of "legal high" drugs like synthetic marijuana, which are especially dangerous.
  5. The percentage of drug-related offenders in Portuguese prisons fell from 44% in 1999 to 21% in 2012.
  6. The number of people in drug-treatment increased 60% from 1998 to 2011 from 23,600 to 38,000.
Portugal's decriminalization came about because the country was in crisis.

It's not likely such a common sense outcome will come anytime soon to the US. Our country, under the current AG is all about punishment, and considers rehabilitation as a liberal scheme.
At a minimum, legalize marijuana.

It was tacitly legal in CA years ago. Why arrest someone for possession of a small amount? 1000 PC, passed in CA in the early 70's, allowed anyone with an ounce of less of pot to be diverted, take six classes, and never set a foot in a jail.

Before that, when an arrest was made of a white, college student, who more and more plead Not Guilty and demanded a jury trial, the legislature saw the economic advantage to pass 1000 PC. Before that, both minorities and whites - college students or not - ended up being booked, printed, and the record sent to the State and the FBI. Well to do parents had a fit, and the rest is history.
At a minimum, legalize marijuana.

It was tacitly legal in CA years ago. Why arrest someone for possession of a small amount? 1000 PC, passed in CA in the early 70's, allowed anyone with an ounce of less of pot to be diverted, take six classes, and never set a foot in a jail.

Before that, when an arrest was made of a white, college student, who more and more plead Not Guilty and demanded a jury trial, the legislature saw the economic advantage to pass 1000 PC. Before that, both minorities and whites - college students or not - ended up being booked, printed, and the record sent to the State and the FBI. Well to do parents had a fit, and the rest is history.

I'm not just talking about certain states, I'm talking about legalizing it across the country. the very least, move it to Schedule III, and then doctors would be able to research and prescribe it.

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