Canada steps into a more intelligent era.

Today, Canada has decriminalized a natural substance that never should have been repressed legally. Thousands have suffered from illogical, hypocritical laws. It is time for other civilized nations to follow suit.
Congratulations to our great northern neighbor.
Blowing pot smoke into the bodies of children and infants is not intelligent.
The way America is being run is not intelligent.
So you’re OK with harming children as long as you disagree with the way this country is being run.
Today, Canada has decriminalized a natural substance that never should have been repressed legally. Thousands have suffered from illogical, hypocritical laws. It is time for other civilized nations to follow suit.
Congratulations to our great northern neighbor.
Blowing pot smoke into the bodies of children and infants is not intelligent.
The way America is being run is not intelligent.
So you’re OK with harming children as long as you disagree with the way this country is being run.
Your dog is ugly.
I've never used anything but tobacco and alcohol in my life. Up until now, I was ready to declare using anything else would be over my dead body.

But, with all the gnashing bones and agony from just walking, I just might try a non-smoking form of cannabis. Might be better than using opioids.

You know, smoking marijuana provides almost as much pain relief (depending on the strain) as most prescription pills.

The good thing about marijuana? It's not physically addictive in any way shape or form, and, the side effects are minimal. That is one reason players in the NFL are pushing to be able to use marijuana over prescription drugs. Less side effects and better pain relief.

As far as motivation being sucked out of a person? Again.............depends on the strain ingested. If you get a high grade Indica, yes, you will be "In Da Couch", because the effects of Indica are that of a sedative.

If you smoke a high grade Sativa? The effects are much different, as it provides a tingling body buzz and head buzz that is energizing and makes you want to go do stuff like walk the dog or mow the lawn.

And, depending on the hybrid, you can get effects somewhere between the two.
And the same is true of liquor – as long as alcohol remains legal, opposing the decriminalization of marijuana is ridiculous, inconsistent hypocrisy.
no sense of analogy at all...Assuming you really do believe liquor and marijuana are both equally bad for you this is what liberalism teaches learn from ones mistake is ridiculous, inconsistent hypocrisy...
I think they both should be legal [along with many other substances] but I do not see any hypocrisy in keeping them off the shelf if someone feels they pose a danger that may not even be as bad as alcohol or pot.
Besides, with the infinitesimal number of brain cells that are about to meet their doom down the road, there is a reasonable chance no one is going notice the carnage anyway.

Alcohol is *way* more dangerous than weed. Which is why criminalizing weed while alcohol is legal makes no sense. Once you've established a legal, acceptable level of harm....anything less harmful should also be legal.

You're right. Alcohol is one of those things that you can become addicted to it in a very short time if you over use it. Matter of fact, stopping drinking suddenly after long time heavy use is dangerous, a person can die from the DT's.

If you smoke marijuana during all you waking hours for a month and then suddenly quit? You notice you are no longer stoned, but nothing else. Try that same thing with alcohol, and when you quit, there will be shaking, possible seizures, sweating, vomiting and the possibility of having a heart attack.
Degradation of humanity!

Legalization and wide spreading of gen-modified food;
Legalization of same-gender relations and even marriages;
Legalization of marijuana;
What is the next?
Legalization of pedophilia, hard narcotics...

Western society is becoming a biomass...stupid alive substance willing just to eat, fuck and get pleasure.
Today, Canada has decriminalized a natural substance that never should have been repressed legally. Thousands have suffered from illogical, hypocritical laws. It is time for other civilized nations to follow suit.
Congratulations to our great northern neighbor.

2 tokes and they're baked? :eek:
This is nice. Now Canada should brace itself for the cartel-backlash for destroying their market. Look for heroin overdoses to increase and heroin addiction in general to take an exponential curve upward.

Or you may want to watch fewer episodes of NCIS.

Until we understand the link between these economies and the cartels, the same mistake will be made over and over. From my point of view, I'd much rather see kids sneaking off to the corner dealer to buy a baggie of herb than a baggie of black tar. But then again, I'm old fashioned that way. I've just seen and known of too many bodies at the morgue from the latter. Canada should expand their morgues.

If you think Canada has a heroin addiction problem already...bbbbuubbbaby you just ain't seen nnn-nothin' yet..

The only one saying that weed use and black tar heroin use are intrinically you.

Citing yourself.
Says who, It's been used for thousands of years.
Alcohol is *way* more dangerous than weed. Which is why criminalizing weed while alcohol is legal makes no sense. Once you've established a legal, acceptable level of harm....anything less harmful should also be legal.
You're correct on which is more harmful, but like I said, if that is the reason for legalizing pot then liberal thinking is incapable of learning from its mistakes...I believe everyone should be allowed to choose what harmful substance they put in their bodies. I am not for advocating "do not thinking first" education.
Yeah, because pot makes people more intelligent.

-Said No One Ever!

Then again, what if our galaxy is just an atom in a grain of sand on a beach?
There are only two freedoms Progressives care about.

1. The right to kill their unborn.

2. The right to get high on any drug they desire.

Once you give them these two rights they will care about nothing else.............ever. They will be too stoned out of their minds even to think about it.
Our galaxy is so infinite it is hard for the human mind to comprehend. Carl Sagan smoked pot.

~he was an idiot no one said ever!
It is easy to see why you think canada became intelligent over night...
Our galaxy is the milkyway galaxy and it most certainly is not infinite, the universe is whats infinite [and no they are not the same thing] so the only one calling sagan an idiot is you.
And as for Sagan being a pot smoker I have my doubts, but if sagan really said that about the galaxy then I will not dispute your claim that he smoked pot, lots of it I would guess.
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It is easy to see why you think canada became intelligent over night...
Our galaxy is the milkyway galaxy and it most certainly is not infinite, the universe is whats infinite [and no they are not the same thing] so the only one calling sagan an idiot is you.
And as for Sagan being a pot smoker I have my doubts, but if sagan really said that then I will not dispute your claim that he smoked pot, lots of it I would guess.[/QUOTE]
You are right. I meant universe, not galaxy.

Sagan is a Cornell graduate, of course he smoked.
I'm looking forward to Al Gore chasing me while I wheelie away on my 1986 Honda CR125.
Hey, me too:RockOn::rock:
How about and old school sled I have too(I'm not posting anything personal on this crazy forum so you will have to take my word for it). I have some "leftist" viewpoints but I'm really pretty much a centrist. Everyone has their issues they care about most.
I'm looking forward to Al Gore chasing me while I wheelie away on my 1986 Honda CR125.
Hey, me too:RockOn::rock:
How about and old school sled I have too(I'm not posting anything personal on this crazy forum so you will have to take my word for it). I have some "leftist" viewpoints but I'm really pretty much a centrist. Everyone has their issues they care about most.

I hear ya, you looked like a poster I could have some fun with and it worked out...I may have more left wing views than you do, I am just so miffed at the left since it hand picked hillary that I do not ever think I can forgive them...They learned nothing from the Al Gore fiasco and so far all signs point to them making it party policy to never learn from their mistakes.
The idiotic hypocrisy of a culture that allows alcohol sales while prohibiting marijuana is of a monumental scale.
One addiction is enough. Besides marijuana is a gateway drug. Anybody smoking crack most definately started with pot. Hope our Customs agents hang any Canadians bringing their reefers with them on trips to the US - even if they are just entering Washington where that State thinks it's legal and safe.

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